Why do men love strip clubs so much?

avatar for steviemayne
Men go to strip clubs to see boobies, and in some cases, hoo-ha. They go to hear the classics, like C&amp;C Music Factory and Crazy Town. They go to spend their money on expensive, watered down drinks and lap dances that are never really a dry hump, but just a giant, never-ending tease. Men&rsquo;s faces during lap dances are portraits of pathetic, impotent want, not dissimilar to a dog&rsquo;s desperate pant and furrowed brow as it waits for table scraps that never come. Mainly, the enduring appeal of strip clubs is this: It&rsquo;s a place where regular men can reject beautiful women.<br />
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You got that? In a strip club, the physics of seduction are flipped. The real money for a stripper isn&rsquo;t dancing for dollars; that&rsquo;s a preview of the main course. The real money comes when that stripper hits the bar and tries to get them to buy lap dances. In these instances, men have the power to turn down hotties. It&rsquo;s the only place where short, fat, balding guys can turn down statuesque, exotic beauties. That kind of sexual power is a profound kick, one denied men at normal watering holes, and it&rsquo;s a novelty worth the money.<br />
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To the strippers, all men look the same. We look like Lincoln, Hamilton, Jackson, Franklin. Once we&rsquo;ve picked a stripper, it&rsquo;s her job to get the man to believe that he&rsquo;s the only man in the universe. It&rsquo;s all fun and games, ideally. In the end, the man is a little poorer, but he enjoyed an alternate reality where he was Brad Pitt. The stripper is a little richer, and maybe enjoyed the ability to turn another man into a glob of Silly Putty. More often than not, the man is a lot poorer, and the stripper is a lot richer.<br />
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I&rsquo;ve gone to strip clubs to be titillated, to enjoy the Big Lie, to drink and smoke and debauch. I love the fantasy of it, and happily tip the ladies with the bouncing ta-tas. On some occasions, I&rsquo;ve taken the bait, and believed that Amethyst, Sparkles, or Candy Kane actually liked me, wanted me, and so I handed over twenty after twenty. In the past, when I frequented strip clubs often, I have to admit those were unhappy times in my life. I don&rsquo;t seek them out so much anymore, but it&rsquo;s always fun during the odd bender, while celebrating an old friend in town or a brief career victory or just &ldquo;Tuesday,&rdquo; to slip dollar bills into the thong of a stripper and sip a whiskey neat.</p>


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avatar for Rod84
13 years ago
Are strip clubs really different than any other service establishment that creates an alternative reality for a period of time to justify more cash than could otherwise be extracted?

Restaurants do it all the time. You wanna chow down, you hit up a basic eatery - cheap, but no ambiance. You want to enjoy the experience and feel special for an hour or so? Then you shell out more $ for the brass and mahogany fixtures, the little combo playing nearby, and the waiter who pretends to care whether you really liked your flambe or not.

Hell, even my upscale dentist lured me away from the basic drill and a chair by offering noise canceling headphones, comfy dental chairs, and a stack-stone waterfall in the men's room.

Dancers conversing who make customers feel special in a strip club is nothing more than commerce with a value-added service, something that's common in every industry. I personally don't find it abhorrent, unnecessarily fake, or off-putting. Of course the dancer wouldn't strip for me without money, but neither would any service provider pony up without commensurate remuneration. It's what makes the world go 'round.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
Great article.

"To the strippers, all men look the same. We look like Lincoln, Hamilton, Jackson, Franklin."

I especially liked this part. It's funny and very true at the same time.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Why do men love strip clubs so much?"

For me at this point in a 20+ career of Clubbing, it is the easily obtainable Sex. I suppose in the "Real World" sex MIGHT not be so easily obtained & certainly NOT with the male in a position of dictating. But there are still $$$$$$$ costs, just different ones.

20 years ago I loved to go to Clubs to see gyrating, unclothed, beautiful, & SEXY women and I HOPED to obtain Sex from them. Usually without success in those days.
avatar for pop
13 years ago
"..men have the power to turn down hotties. It’s the only place where short, fat, balding guys can turn down statuesque, exotic beauties. That kind of sexual power is a profound kick, one denied men at normal watering holes, and it’s a novelty worth the money"

Very insightful. We customers have all the power until we say yes. Then, we're lost or broke.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
13 years ago

Liked your comment. You expressed the idea of Scing in simple but yet very clear way. Nice comment!
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
The first paragraph reminds me of my favorite line from "Married with Children:"

Peg Bundy: "Al, exactly what IS a strip club?"

Al Bundy: "Peg, it's a place where horny men congregate to watch surgically altered hooters sway to bad music."
avatar for 3LeggedMan
13 years ago
The physical contact is definitely part of the reason I go to the club, but the time spent getting dances is only a small fraction of the total time I'm there. I enjoy the casual encounter at stageside, and the follow-up conversation at my table. Middle-aged men like me just don't get that much attention from hot young girls outside the club environment. And conversations with the SO are frequently about problems. Chatting in the club is usually about what makes the guy (or the girl) happy.
avatar for feelmore
13 years ago
Strip clubs are efficient. Most men can get an attractive woman to get naked with them given enough time and effort. But look at what one has to go through in order to seduce an attractive woman; dates, drinks, dinner, shows, etc. Normally, you have to lay out a whole lot of time and money before she's naked. And if you are married, it gets even more complicated and expensive. The SC provides the environment and the women at a time that is convenient for you. A few bucks later and you've got a hot, naked, young thing grinding in your lap. When you've had enough, it's back to the real world. Who could ask for more than that.
avatar for mjmassi
13 years ago
avatar for brad123xyzzz
12 years ago
Depends which strip clubs. In the US they mostly suck. In Tijuana they are paradise. In the US it is expensive with watered down drinks. In Tijuana it is smoking hot nice young girls that will fuck you senseless for 60 bucks
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