
Why we go Gentleman's Clubs or Are Strip Clubs another form of just looking?

Saturday, November 7, 2009 1:49 PM
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Its certainly not for the intellectual stimulation, but surprisingly you can find an intelligent girl with a smoking hot body and having a decent conversation&nbsp;for me is an nice precursor to a hot lap dance. I always ask these girls, typically over a drink&nbsp;(only the ones <br /> Im considering dishing out a few hundred bucks to) how they became an &quot;entertainer&quot;,( they dont like the term stripper). Amost all are either working there way through some sort of medical occupational school, (the details of which are always a bit hazy), or are taking time off to focus on their&nbsp;&quot;dancing&quot; occupation,&nbsp;(professionals&nbsp;in other words without having to admit it) &nbsp;or they are single parents and its a way&nbsp;to earn extra income. I dont pursue any questions that would evoke any drama, Im there to have fun not play&nbsp;psychologist&nbsp;.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; But getting back to the point, &nbsp;at any rate in my opinion we go for several superficial reasons, female contact, attention we dont get from our wives or girl friends, good time night out with the guys, re-capture our youth.... but the real underlying reason we go is<b> </b>for <b>sex</b>, or at least the hint or whiff of promising hot sex.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Some guys that I know say it gets them charged up to bang their partner later that night after a little &quot;strange&quot; ass and titty has been rubbed on them. Its pathetic but I understand that completely. I love a nice steak and potatoes, but I dont want it all the timet! We&nbsp;Men are genetically programed&nbsp;to look at hot women and most people, yes even wives and girl friends &nbsp;would accept that that is just being&nbsp;a man. Strippers know this, certainly the smart ones do and know how to cash in on it. Are strip clubs just another form of looking,? after all we are not fucking them, (in most cases). I dont tell&nbsp;my wife I go to strip clubs.<br /> <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wives and girlfriends see strippers as a potential threat to their current life stlye and comfort, after all they worked hard to get us to commit. They are not going to take a second position to a sweet hot bodied girl who just wants to have fun. Too many shots of tequila, too many blow jobs in the car, too many all nighters of &quot;fun&quot; to let some stripper take her game away. She acted her ass off&nbsp; to get where she is and shes not giving&nbsp;that up without a fight.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; How many of us didnt listen to friends who said dont move in with her or better yet dont get married or that will be the end of the great sex. I knew better, <b>my girl friend was different</b>, <b>she wasnt like their girl friends and wives! </b>she loved me and was into sex.<b> She liked to have fun, she liked what I liked&nbsp;and sex was a big part of the fun. My girl friend knew sex was the ticket before we got married,&nbsp;it was awesome and she made it so.<br /> </b><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The standing joke at my wedding was telling me dont eat the wedding cake. What ever makes your wife <b>tired</b>, have a <b>headache</b>, <b>cant concentrate</b>, <b>sleepy</b>,&nbsp;<b>feeling bloated</b>, <b>have to wash her hair</b>, <b>get ready for work</b>, what ever the reason to not have sex was <b>...its in the fucking cake,</b> thats all the married men in the wedding party&nbsp;could figure&nbsp;out and were trying to wise me up. Well I ate the fucking cake like an iddiot,&nbsp;washed it down&nbsp;with champagne.&nbsp;So now I have a pretty wife, good job, nice family, family time, family relative time, quality family time with the kid, family out the ass, and sex&nbsp;at least often enough&nbsp;so I&nbsp;dont feel like a complete&nbsp;tool. With a show of generosity on her part my wife will spread her legs,(thats as far as&nbsp;she is going unless I can get her drunk or stoned(read never since we had a kid)&nbsp;and even act real nice to me.&nbsp;Everybody thinks we have the perfect relationship in every way. <br /> <br /> My life is boring, steak and potatos. &nbsp;Im fighting for my life here,&nbsp;will I settle and become my father, just accept the hand dealt to me and go with the flow&nbsp;?Think I will go the strip club tonight, im feeling like tuna for a fucking change.


  • neoguy
    15 years ago
    Ditto.&nbsp; I agree with most of this, except I get steak and instant potatoes...&nbsp; Now do I go on Wednesday or Thursday?
  • slickpeter
    15 years ago
    The thing I have noticed is that most of the dancers at strip clubc do not smell like tuna ----maybe anchovies!&nbsp; Just kidding! :) <br /> Pete
  • sanitago
    15 years ago
    your observation about the women who work at strip/&quot;gentlemen's&quot; clubs is a good one. Not a few of them have the IQ of a house plant, but I have met (with pleasure) several who actually <i>are</i> intelligent people. Guess it just goes to show you that a person isn't their job, they're themselves.<br type="_moz" />
  • feelmore
    15 years ago
    Good article.&nbsp; The reasons we go to strip clubs vary depending on the situation.&nbsp; I agree with you that in many cases the wife is great in many, many way, but she's just not into sex.&nbsp; Rather than divorce an otherwise wonderful woman, it's easier and cheaper to get a little &quot;strange&quot; at the strip club.<br /> <br /> I wonder how many men are open and honest with their wives about their adventures at the SC.&nbsp; My guess is that few men admit to going to SC.&nbsp; I read about men who take their wives with them to the club, but my bet is that is a rare marriage indeed.<br /> <br />
  • skibum609
    15 years ago
    I am one of those pathetic guys who likes to get charged up by another female.&nbsp; I even go on days that start out with morning sex before work with my wife.&nbsp; She's been to every club I have been to with me except the ones in rougher neighborhoods, or with a tough clientele.&nbsp; Our 20 th wedding anniversary is next April and sex is better than ever.&nbsp; We even get to swing.&nbsp; I go to clubs because I like fondling naked young girls.&nbsp; I like variety.&nbsp; I like foreplay.&nbsp;&nbsp; The idea that I'd leave my wife for a stripper is ludicrous.&nbsp; Never met one who skis, golfs, hikes, has a fully clothed job, or a college degree.&nbsp; Why settle for just sex when you can have sex with your best friend 5 or 6 timesa week and stil get to live like a single guy?
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