Comments by mark94 (page 73)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This shit right here? Is why the young war with the old. This is why we complain
    Man, that’s a shitload of buzzwords. Does everyone you know talk like that ? That might explain why your life is so miserable.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This shit right here? Is why the young war with the old. This is why we complain
    Capitalism: if you provide value to others, you are rewarded. Socialism: if you create something of value, the government steals it from you.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This shit right here? Is why the young war with the old. This is why we complain
    “eventually replace this system with has to be focused on people's needs rather than the greed of the rich.” Or, you could move to Venezuala. They’ve already implemented this miraculous utopia.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This shit right here? Is why the young war with the old. This is why we complain
    The good news, for those looking to buy their first house, is that a significant correction is coming, especially in the markets that have seen prices skyrocket. The data is identical to the early warning signs from the last crash in 2006-2008. We are seeing price drops and more homes on market. It will get much more pronounced over the next3-6 months.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This shit right here? Is why the young war with the old. This is why we complain
    Go watch the House Hunters show on HGTV. Lots of 28 year olds who wouldn’t consider anything less than a 4 bedroom house with granite counters in the best neighborhood.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This shit right here? Is why the young war with the old. This is why we complain
    I could list 20 jobs that are high in demand, require a year or two of technical training, and pay $60,000 and up. In most of the country, that’s enough money to live a comfortable life. Not in LA or NY of course. I have a relative who is working his way through college working as a barista at $30/hour ( with tips ). The self-destructive fantasy that it’s impossible to get a good job because of Boomers ( or, any other excuse ) is laughable.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This shit right here? Is why the young war with the old. This is why we complain
    Social media is comprised of people lying about how wonderful their lives are. More than anything else, that’s the source of the angst and discontentment from the younger generation.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This shit right here? Is why the young war with the old. This is why we complain
    Life is a struggle. It’s hard. It’s often unfair. That was true for your parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. It will be true for your children and grandchildren. You are not special. You are not the first person who had it rough. Get over it. Decide what you want from life and what you are willing to do to reach your goal. No one is going to hand you a perfect life. It’s entirely up to you.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
    Serious Question
    This entire discussion is just plain silly. All these labels, Boomer, Millenials, and so forth, were created by some magazine/website to stir people up and give so-called journalists something to write about. Not everyone of a specific age is identical. There are not virtuous generations or despicable generations. There are simply individuals of infinite diversity and characteristics. The very definition of a bigoted statement is one which states “ All ( insert group description ) are ( insert value judgement) “
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This shit right here? Is why the young war with the old. This is why we complain
    People graduating from college with degrees in the STEM field or business are getting good paying jobs. People working in the trades or nursing have dozens of job offers. Pay starts at $60,000 and goes up quickly. People sitting on their asses, or studying post-modern Lithuanian literature or gender studies, don’t have a lot of options. Fortunately, they can make $20 an hour ( with tips ) as Baristas. Obviously, the latter group is failing because of Boomers.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This shit right here? Is why the young war with the old. This is why we complain
    I’m a victim. There’s no point in trying. It’s everyone else’s fault. They’re all out to get me. I’m special. The world owes me a living. Why won’t somebody take care of me ? It’s just not fair. Boomers had it so easy. Everything was handed to them. They never had to struggle like poor, poor me.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Real Estate Today
    If your only goal is to build wealth, then rent the cheapest, tiniest apartment, eat rice and beans, and invest your paycheck in the stock market. Over the long run, houses appreciate at 3% ( ignoring the cost of maintaining the house ) while stock appreciate at 10%. But, sure, in ten years, your house will be worth more than it is now. You can brag about what a smart investment you made. Owning a house has all sorts of psychic and social benefits. For most people, it makes sense. That’s the reason to buy a home, not because it’s the smartest investment decision.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Real Estate Today
    When it comes to investing, the past does not predict the future. Smart Money magazine ( does that still exist ?) used to run an annual report on what funds to buy. They would look at the best performing funds from the prior year and recommend buying into those. Hilarious. But, less experienced investors believe this. Until they get burned a couple times. We’ve now had a couple years of insane price rises. The lesson a lot of people learn is “ I better get on board this gravy train”. Those of us who owned houses in Texas and Arizona in the 80s and 2006 know better. Nothing in life is linear. It tends to bounce around from overreaction to overreaction.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Real Estate Today
    The cure for high prices is high prices. When something gets insanely expensive, supply goes up and demand goes down. Usually, this happens gradually, then suddenly. Right now, in housing, it’s happening gradually.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Real Estate Today
    “But don't look for those prices to ever go DOWN.“ From 2006 to 2008, the price of homes in Phoenix dropped 50%. It can happen, typically in the regions that have seen prices skyrocket recently.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Real Estate Today
    Buying a house is not a simple economic decision. From an economic standpoint, the stock market is nearly always a better return in the long run. And, maintaining a house is expensive and a lot of work. The average price of homes must be correlated to the average income. But, over the short term, we get rapid price increases in desirable markets followed by the inevitable correction. It’s pretty clear we are on the cusp of that correction in the hottest markets, just like 2006. But, there are lots of non-economic reasons that home ownership is a good decision. A sense of pride, stability, control, forced saving, and rootedness.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Meh. Just ok
    Get off my lawn !!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    Strip Club Budget
    In my younger days, when I was building my nest egg, I visited clubs only a few times a year. Now, because I saved my money, and invested well, I go whenever I have the itch and spend whatever is warranted by the talent. Delaying gratification is not something everyone chooses to do. But, it has its rewards.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Most scenic state in the contiguous U.S.?
    Pretty subjective topic. Here’s one objective set of data: number of National Parks California 9 Alaska 8 Utah 5 Colorado 4
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Meh. Just ok
    Two things you shouldn’t do when drunk 1. Drive 2. Remember details for a review
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Blow me. 😙 Pronouns: hoe/heaux
    r/stripper Post About TUSCL
    As with any profession, strippers who provide good service for a fair price are the most successful. ROBs don’t last very long unless they frequently change clubs. Similarly, customers who pay a fair price and are respectful, get the best consistent service. Strippers who bitch about customers, and customers who bitch about strippers, seem to lead dysfunctional lives.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Good visit, finally!
    Here’s a condensed version I only saw one girl, named Tiffany, who interested me. She told me her floor dances were no contact. She was so hot, I took her to VIP anyway. I spent $50 for two limited contact dances. That was all I could afford but it made me happy.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Nuclear War > WW3
    Speaking of nukes, the cruiser that was sunk recently is thought to have been carrying two warheads. Now, at the bottom of the Black Sea. If nuclear war ever starts, it will begin with some unknown mid-level officer fucking something up.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Good Article As To How Competitive The Housing Market Still Is
    In a lot of markets, the median price of a home is now $500,000. A few months ago, when mortgages were 3%, that was affordable for a regular worker. Monthly mortgage of $1,500- $2,000. Now that mortgages are 5%, soon to be 6%, only high income workers can afford that home. Mortgages of $3,000-$4,000. We are fast approaching a point where, instead of multiple offers, home sellers will get no offers.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Good Article As To How Competitive The Housing Market Still Is
    Every 15 or 20 years, there is a correction in an overblown housing market. And, this always shocks a generation of younger people who thought such things were impossible. In the long run, the price of homes is linked to income levels. When prices accelerate faster than income, there must be an adjustment at some point. We are now entering such a correction. It will happen gradually, then all at once as speculators stop buying. The markets that have seen the biggest appreciation will drop the most. Other markets will see little change.