Comments by mark94 (page 62)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dump Biden movement
    Arizona has just implemented school vouchers for every child. That has the potential to crush the power of the teacher’s Union. If Republican politicians are smart ( which they haven’t been ), they will use their 2022 and 2024 wins to wipe out the Democrats institutional base. Make government labor unions illegal. Clean house at the DOJ, FBI, State Department. Shrink the size of the Federal Bureaucracy. Use Federal education support exclusively for STEM. not sociology or diversity administrators. Stop subsidizing blue state budgets. Break up Facebook, Google, and Twitter. Make it easier to sue mainstream media for false statements.
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    2 years ago
    Dump Biden movement
    The Democrat bench has been wiped out. Their best hope of winning is to field a left-of-center candidate but all of these have been defeated, driven out, or quit, under recent far-left policies. Someone like Newsome or Buttigieg has zero chance of winning a national election.
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    2 years ago
    Dump Biden movement
    At this point, how do Democrats cobble together 51% of the electorate ? They need the 30% of voters who are working class to win a national election. Over the last decade, they ignored this 30% and turned the party over to left wing college students and their liberal college professors. Wasn’t anyone doing the math while they turned the party over to Bernie Bros ?
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    2 years ago
    Dozens of coal power plants have been closed across the US in the last decade, including a half dozen in Texas. Windmills were supposed to replace this lost capacity in Texas. It worked out poorly. Same story in California and elsewhere.
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    2 years ago
    The South Africa electrical grid has collapsed. It’s the same story as everywhere else. They closed the evil coal plants and discovered they don’t have enough electricity.
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    2 years ago
    Cargo is being steered away from the Port of Los Angeles, Port of Long Beach and Port of Oakland as the labor union contracts expired at 5:00pm yesterday. Massive wage increases, the result of inflation, are demanded by the unions and the White House is likely to get involved (if they are not already). Supply chain issues are about to go into overdrive.
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    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Fit Girls!!
    There’s a pretty wide range of body types included in that link. Some match my idea of fit. Some don’t.
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    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    Seattle conditions, desert scrub, and strip clubs?
    Expensive west coast cities, like Seattle, tend to require people to spend much of their pay on housing cost. Now that mortgage rates have doubled, very few people would qualify for a mortgage for a nice home. Short term, that means very few homes will sell in Seattle. Longer term, it means many homes will drop 30% in value. That will eat up a large chunk of people’s net worth. That will affect clubs, not to mention every other aspect of life.
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    2 years ago
    On Topic vs. Off Topic
    I realize I post mostly non-strip club stuff. I’ve been going to strip clubs enough decades that I’ve learned all the basic stuff. I still enjoy reading reviews because that tells me something new. I post reviews to contribute ( though less than I used to in reaction to the “not enough detail” judges who want every review to include drink prices, club layout, etc ). So, at this point, it’s the reviews that have me sign on. This is the only forum I belong to, so I’ll chime in on other topics when someone starts a thread. And, I’ll sometimes start a thread in the political forum. My interests extend beyond just strip clubs. I’ve always assumed that if someone isn’t interested, they won’t read it. And, if some find me annoying, they can put me on ignore. I skip over a lot of threads that don’t interest me. No big deal. Isn’t that way it’s supposed to work ? Everyone has different interests and the right to read, or skip, whatever they want. It just seems odd for someone to decide what others should be interested in and what topics are verboten. But, if Founder ever decides to limit discussion to strip club topics, I’ll stop posting.
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    2 years ago
    Update. SC ruled against EPA. They can’t make major decisions without legislative support. The EPA decided to kill the coal industry by regulating carbon dioxide without any legislative guidance. No can do.
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    2 years ago
    The Supreme Court is expected to release their opinion today on a lawsuit against the EPA. If successful, it would reduce the power of the administrative state in the federal government. For 50 years, government bureaucrats have used regulations to write new laws. If the EPA is limited by the SC, it would be a huge first step in reigning in the deep state.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Still trying to figure this place out...
    It’s a neighborhood place. Everyone knows everyone. More drinking and talking with dancers than typical. Many dancers seem to enjoy the social aspect of their work as much as the money. Pretty laid back atmosphere. Depending on the dancer, dances on the floor and VIP can be very enjoyable. Especially if they recognize you. There is a second VIP area, behind a curtain and near the front door, where I’ve had some of my better sessions. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason why a dancer picks one VIP area over another. Some days, the talent is pretty average. Other days, there will be 2 or 3 gems, though they have regulars lined up. The last time I visited, there was a very hot blonde, at least an 8. I tipped her on stage but she spent all her time at the bar drinking with another dancer.. Sugar44 is a different atmosphere than other clubs in town. If you are in the right mood, it’s a nice change from BSC and HL.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Let’s compare housing, food, and energy. By the end of the year, housing cost, including rent and home value, will drop. That’s because, as prices have increased, so has supply. The high cost is forcing consolidation of households ( taking roommates, moving in with parents, selling vacation homes, selling AirBnB ). More supply means lower prices. On the other hand, food will be more expensive. As the old saying goes, you can’t build more farmland. Plus, supply chain problems with fertilizer, and high energy cost, means the food supply will go down, causing shortages and higher prices. As far as energy, higher prices have historically meant more drilling, bringing prices down. Not this time, with Biden’s war of fossil fuel. To bring prices down, we need to drill more, build refineries and pipelines, and reopen coal generation plants. Biden is blocking all of that. So, by year end, rent and home prices will plunge, gas will still be around $6, and groceries will see shortages and high prices. Unemployment will be much higher than current levels, the price for non-essentials ( like furniture and appliances ) will drop, and a great deal of wealth will disappear for the average person in their home equity and 401k.
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    2 years ago
    A disturbing report by Reuters, featuring interviews with more than a dozen chemical dealers, manufacturers, farmers, and weed specialists, indicates chemical shortages have disrupted U.S. growers’ production strategies and points to reduced harvests this season. The level of shortages of farm-essential chemicals (e.g., fertilizer, weed-killer) is being described as “off the charts.”
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Looking back, the most enjoyable job I had was my summer job during college. Manual labor working outdoors. No stress. Paid pretty well. Lots of joking around with the work crew. I was proud to have that job and my family and peers thought it was a great job. Now, among a lot of twenty somethings, they look down their nose at that kind of work. I blame social media.
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    2 years ago
    I saw video of someone from the DOL explaining our labor shortage. It’s workers around age 60 who retired during CoVid. And, it’s workers age 20-24 who aren’t seeking jobs. She understood the 60 year olds but could not explain what the 20 somethings were doing.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Inflation is caused by a combination of 1. Too much money in circulation 2. Too few goods to meet demand The Fed and Biden, by crashing home prices, raising interest rates, causing layoffs, destroying 401ks, have done their bit to cause demand destruction. But, there are still too few goods, especially energy and ( soon ) food. The good news is rents are coming down fast. Still, demand exceeds supply for a lot of essentials. And, the government printing press is still working overtime. Too much money in circulation. Inflation will continue to be a problem.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    In response to inflation, recession, and the invasion at the southern border, a group of House Democrats on Tuesday announced they would move to codify federal protections for transgender people. The proposal, dubbed the “Transgender Bill of Rights,” would codify the Supreme Court’s 2020 Bostock v. Clayton County decision that protects employees against discrimination for being gay or transgender.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    California has a $100 Billion surplus as a result of unspent CoVid relief money from the federal government. Governor Newsome has decided to shower this on the California people shortly before the November election. Individuals making up to $75,000 will get $350 each, plus another $350 per dependent, for a maximum of $1,050 per family,” the Journal reports. “Checks shrink to $250 for individuals making up to $125,000 and $200 for those with incomes up to $250,000. Families earning up to $500,000 will not get a payoff. That, people, is how you keep inflation at record highs.
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    2 years ago
    Just read that the witness changed lawyers 2 days before she was suddenly called as a witness. My guess is the previous lawyer didn’t want her to give false testimony. The new lawyer didn’t have a problem with her fantasies under oath.
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    2 years ago
    One of the reasons I now prefer DeSantis over Trump in 2024 is because Trump is a bad judge of character. His Whitehouse was filled with backstabbers like this lying witness. It was a snake pit. Yes, there were some strong staff members like Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon, but they were outnumbered by snakes like Pence.
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    2 years ago
    The Dems trotted out their super witness today who would finally deliver the knockout punch to Trump. She testified that on Jan 6, Trump was so excited to be part of the insurrection, he choked his Secret Service limo driver and grabbed the wheel of the vehicle. Then, it came out - The witness didn’t see this happen. Someone told her about it. - Trump wasn’t in the limo that day. He used the SUV. - The SUV and limo have a permanent barrier between the front and back seat. Trump couldn’t have reached the front - The Secret Service was interviewed on video about this incident. None of the video was played and no agent was called as a witness. Well, that was a waste of time.
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    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Is Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg Liberal or Conservative
    He met with Trump and said positive things while spending $400 to elect Biden. Not only is he a leftie, he’s a lying weasel.
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    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    Will Roe V. Wade being overturned impact mngering?
    One thing that could change is returning the decision on drinking age to the States. That could affect clubs.
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    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    Will Roe V. Wade being overturned impact mngering?
    Short term, it will have no effect. Longer term, it might have a small impact. This is the beginning of a pendulum swing bringing power back to the states. If your state is a classic liberal ( I.e, libertarian ) state, it may feel like it can liberalize various sin industries. Or, if it’s a Bible Belt state, it might tighten some rules.