Some members come here are strictly on topic, they don't talk about anything else. Like Lapdanceking82. Some other members come here rarely talk about anything on topic at all, almost strictly off topic like mark94. Me I've always thought of this as just an online version of hanging at a strip club. Would you talk about something to do with strip clubs/strippers/mongering yeah of course but would you only talk about that, probably not, sports, politics, news, business all that shit would come up. I view this as sort of the same thing but I do make a conscious effort to try not to be only off topic and mix it up. I see some out there don't like the all the OT stuff. What your thoughts on this?
What was the topic again? Most of the people that participate in discussions have been going to strip clubs for years and have their own way of making a visit to the local club work for them. They don't come here for advice on how to do it. On the other hand, there are tons of lurkers out there that may not be at the same level and get suggestions from on topic threads. I guess there is something for everyone.
There's: On Topic - What kind of pants should I wear? I think she's really into me. etc Off Topic - Sports, Politics, Booze etc Ridiculously Off Topic - Texas Instrument calculators, Gnosticism, Physics books I checked out at the library. ad nauseam
most topics here should just include 'and off-topic trolling' to the title. first judge the op and assign the worst motives (off-topic). then forget the dislike button, and derail the thread by name-calling/hurling keyboard insults at a screen (trolling). just one of the charming unmoderated aspects of tuscl.
I’ve been going to strip clubs enough decades that I’ve learned all the basic stuff. I still enjoy reading reviews because that tells me something new. I post reviews to contribute ( though less than I used to in reaction to the “not enough detail” judges who want every review to include drink prices, club layout, etc ). So, at this point, it’s the reviews that have me sign on.
This is the only forum I belong to, so I’ll chime in on other topics when someone starts a thread. And, I’ll sometimes start a thread in the political forum. My interests extend beyond just strip clubs. I’ve always assumed that if someone isn’t interested, they won’t read it. And, if some find me annoying, they can put me on ignore.
I skip over a lot of threads that don’t interest me. No big deal. Isn’t that way it’s supposed to work ? Everyone has different interests and the right to read, or skip, whatever they want.
It just seems odd for someone to decide what others should be interested in and what topics are verboten.
But, if Founder ever decides to limit discussion to strip club topics, I’ll stop posting.
I’ve always enjoyed off-topic threads – as I’ve posted in the past, when I first joined TUSCL I had zero-interest in the Discussion board b/c I assumed it’d be filled with only deplorables – but I gotta say I may have learned almost as much from OT posts as I have w.r.t the art-of-SCing – and with time I guess I can argue I’ve learned more from OT posts than I have w.r.t. SCing since after a few years on TUSCL there’s very little new to learn w.r.t. SCing although it’s not zero – as I’ve posted in the past, TUSCL has a diverse population of contributors with different backgrounds, expertise, and different life experiences, not to mention a fair # of the PLs on here have been successful in various aspects of their professional-lives and IMO have good info/advice to share and for others/me to learn from or at least consider - and as @Mark94; TUSCL is the only social-media I participate in.
The reality is that TUSCL is a small community; and the Discussion board even smaller with generally a smaller percentage of TUSCLers contributing a higher percentage of the content – there’s only so much new interesting-SC-stuff one can come up with w/o it being something one has repeated 10 or 20 times in the past – of course there will always be newbies for whom SC-stuff we vets know like the back of our PL-hands will be new and informative for newbies; and why often times the vets chime-in on these threads even if it’s repeating what they’ve posted a dozen+ times b/f.
Obviously, political discussions are off-putting for most and a pretty-much guaranteed source of contention – but it’s a sign of the times in that politics is taking more center-stage in our society today than it has maybe since the 60s – so politics have creeped into TUSCL similar to other things happening in society creep in whether it’s the bad-economy; or when there’s a major sporting event going on like the NBA playoffs; or some major news-event.
IMO TUSCL offers a decent balance of being able to segregate threads into different groups w/o having to ban certain posts altogether - using OT in the title gives a heads-up it may not be a SC-related-thread; having separate discussion groups also helps; as well as the Hide and Ignore features – it’s not perfect but at least there is an effort to separate the OT threads w/o a total ban or censorship of particular topics – IMO @Founder has done a good job in trying to accommodate the broad PL-community; but there are probably some tweaks that can be implemented for further accommodation such as:
+ being able to select what forums one wants to look at – as of now I believe one either has to choose a specific forum, or view all of them – would be nice if one could enable/disable each forum so one had the choice of seeing multiple forums at the same time or not seeing certain forums
+ it’d be helpful if there was a way to Hide or Ignore within a thread – i.e. sometimes threads get derailed by two or three TUSCLers involved in a flame-war or just a difference of opinions – IMO it’d be helpful to be able to not view those comments *within* a thread w/o having to Ignore the TUSCLers altogether or Hide the thread altogether
last commentOn Topic - What kind of pants should I wear? I think she's really into me. etc
Off Topic - Sports, Politics, Booze etc
Ridiculously Off Topic - Texas Instrument calculators, Gnosticism, Physics books I checked out at the library. ad nauseam
first judge the op and assign the worst motives (off-topic). then forget the dislike button, and derail the thread by name-calling/hurling keyboard insults at a screen (trolling).
just one of the charming unmoderated aspects of tuscl.
I’ve been going to strip clubs enough decades that I’ve learned all the basic stuff. I still enjoy reading reviews because that tells me something new. I post reviews to contribute ( though less than I used to in reaction to the “not enough detail” judges who want every review to include drink prices, club layout, etc ). So, at this point, it’s the reviews that have me sign on.
This is the only forum I belong to, so I’ll chime in on other topics when someone starts a thread. And, I’ll sometimes start a thread in the political forum. My interests extend beyond just strip clubs. I’ve always assumed that if someone isn’t interested, they won’t read it. And, if some find me annoying, they can put me on ignore.
I skip over a lot of threads that don’t interest me. No big deal. Isn’t that way it’s supposed to work ? Everyone has different interests and the right to read, or skip, whatever they want.
It just seems odd for someone to decide what others should be interested in and what topics are verboten.
But, if Founder ever decides to limit discussion to strip club topics, I’ll stop posting.
My sentiments mirror @mark94’s.
I’ve always enjoyed off-topic threads – as I’ve posted in the past, when I first joined TUSCL I had zero-interest in the Discussion board b/c I assumed it’d be filled with only deplorables – but I gotta say I may have learned almost as much from OT posts as I have w.r.t the art-of-SCing – and with time I guess I can argue I’ve learned more from OT posts than I have w.r.t. SCing since after a few years on TUSCL there’s very little new to learn w.r.t. SCing although it’s not zero – as I’ve posted in the past, TUSCL has a diverse population of contributors with different backgrounds, expertise, and different life experiences, not to mention a fair # of the PLs on here have been successful in various aspects of their professional-lives and IMO have good info/advice to share and for others/me to learn from or at least consider - and as @Mark94; TUSCL is the only social-media I participate in.
The reality is that TUSCL is a small community; and the Discussion board even smaller with generally a smaller percentage of TUSCLers contributing a higher percentage of the content – there’s only so much new interesting-SC-stuff one can come up with w/o it being something one has repeated 10 or 20 times in the past – of course there will always be newbies for whom SC-stuff we vets know like the back of our PL-hands will be new and informative for newbies; and why often times the vets chime-in on these threads even if it’s repeating what they’ve posted a dozen+ times b/f.
Obviously, political discussions are off-putting for most and a pretty-much guaranteed source of contention – but it’s a sign of the times in that politics is taking more center-stage in our society today than it has maybe since the 60s – so politics have creeped into TUSCL similar to other things happening in society creep in whether it’s the bad-economy; or when there’s a major sporting event going on like the NBA playoffs; or some major news-event.
IMO TUSCL offers a decent balance of being able to segregate threads into different groups w/o having to ban certain posts altogether - using OT in the title gives a heads-up it may not be a SC-related-thread; having separate discussion groups also helps; as well as the Hide and Ignore features – it’s not perfect but at least there is an effort to separate the OT threads w/o a total ban or censorship of particular topics – IMO @Founder has done a good job in trying to accommodate the broad PL-community; but there are probably some tweaks that can be implemented for further accommodation such as:
+ being able to select what forums one wants to look at – as of now I believe one either has to choose a specific forum, or view all of them – would be nice if one could enable/disable each forum so one had the choice of seeing multiple forums at the same time or not seeing certain forums
+ it’d be helpful if there was a way to Hide or Ignore within a thread – i.e. sometimes threads get derailed by two or three TUSCLers involved in a flame-war or just a difference of opinions – IMO it’d be helpful to be able to not view those comments *within* a thread w/o having to Ignore the TUSCLers altogether or Hide the thread altogether