
Dump Biden movement

avatar for mark94

The Democrat Party leadership has begun its “dump Biden” strategy, in an attempt to clear the way for a competitive candidate in 2024. This has echos of the attempt to dump Jimmy Carter in 1980. Expect the mainstream Media, party leaders, and polls to have a coordinated attack on Joe from now on.



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avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

Just read this elsewhere. Dems have a bigger problem than Reps of codgers taking up high leadership positions.

Question is who are they going to put forward? They don't have an Obama in waiting. Harris was chosen for race and gender, she sucks. Buttigieg is showing himself not to be up to the job. Newsom almost got recalled in his own state. Polis not particularly noteworthy. Abrams hasn't won anything and doesn't look likely to.

On top of that, they're facing likely two big Republican years (they have a good Senate map in 24) and some of their top talent are going to take lumps.

Dems lack credible solutions to the big issues facing everyday Americans. No one gives a fuck about J6 when they can't put food on the table.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

@Thatxguy, what's funny is a very good friend of mine grew up well connected in Mass politics and said one on one, Warren is everything she isn't on camera, personable, hilarious, magnetic, engaging.

Dems too focused on the person of Trump right now. Get Trump, indict Trump, prosecute Trump. As a conservative who never liked Trump I'd love to see Democrats make a martyr of him, removing him from the race and forcing him to campaign wholeheartedly for someone else.

I've noticed Dems win when they talk kitchen table stuff. They don't win angry like Reps do.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

Only one person that's out there, that will never, under any circumstances, get my vote, I will listen to what any, and all, of the hopefuls have to say, when it comes right down to it, if Trump gets the nomination I will vote for the other guy even if it's, Jimmy the Chimp.


I fully expect Trump to be indicted at some point, he's a criminal, a real con man.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

I think this is a real challenge for the Democrats as 2024 approaches.

The folks Tetradon mentioned are not likely to be viewed as popular candidates in the next presidential election. I think there will be some perennial runners like Bernie and Pocahontas Warren. But, Butt-a-jig has lost support after his inept handling of his position. I don’t think Schumer or Pelosi have a chance. The far left types like AOC and her squat lack broad bipartisan appeal - due to their super green agendas. If Newsom runs, I think he will have as much national support as DeBlasio (which is very little).

The November midterms could be very interesting, and they could provide an idea of what the country wants going forward.

Does all this party uncertainty give Hillary a foot in the door?

avatar for crazyjoe
2 yrs ago

Let's use Biden for a shitter. Just hold him down for me

avatar for crazyjoe
2 yrs ago

Politicians and diapers. They both need changed often and for the same reason.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

That’s the other Biden - Hunter - who pays hookers to use him as a urinal!

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

I also believe there needs to be an age limit, another thing I can tell you if all things being equal, if one candidate is over 67 years old, and both are good I will vote for the younger one, I'm sick and tired of our Politics being controlled by old fucks that are stuck in the last century, we absolutely need younger people, these old folks just aren't up to the job any more.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

Twentyfive - I agree. There is already a minimum age to be president, so a maximum age seems appropriate as well.

In terms of age limits on representatives and senators - it’s difficult to get that passed - with so many fossils already in those offices.

I agree that there should be age limits.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ These old fossils are the main enablers of both the woke super liberal Progressives, and the authoritarian enabling, phony conservatives, I believe this country is a centrist leaning republic, with some extreme pendulum swings enabled by the worst instincts of small minorities of folks with agendas, not suited to the best interests of our citizens, the majority, don't really pay attention until it's too late to correct our course leading to violent swings in both the elections and in our public interactions.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

A primary challenge to a sitting President is an extreme act of desperation. For starters, no primary challenger has ever won against a sitting President. Even worse, no sitting President who ever had a primary challenger has ever survived the general election.

It has happened 5 times in modern history and the result was always the same, the President won his primary challenge but lost the Oval Office. For the Dem Party to even seriously consider would be a sign of just how desperate they've become.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ I don't think a primary challenger is part of the Democrats strategy, it's more likely some more extreme right wing nonsense, just more noise being put out there by the phony conservatives to excite their base.

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

You see voters, we’re just not progressive enough! That’s the problem, that’s what it is.

avatar for JamesSD
2 yrs ago

The Dems are in a tough spot because Biden is the oldest president ever. The bench isn't super deep. Ignore the failed Newsome recall, our laws are stupid and basically let any special interest group buy a Recall even when it's doomed. He's reasonably popular in California but likely too liberal for the general populace.

The fact is if he wasn't gay it would be Buttigieg. Smart, boring white guy from middle America. Unfortunately him being gay would cost too many votes with independents.

Too many old balls Democrats have clung to their Senate seats rather than stepping aside and letting the next generation bloom.

The Republican side is a mess too and 2024 will likely be who can get the least protest votes cast against them. Abortion also may motivate young voters more than they often are, and if young voters show up, Republicans lose. Also don't forget the covid deaths were something like 3:1 Republicans and mostly old people. 2022 elections will tell us how much that matters, but any election within 1-2k votes that goes Dem can likely be awarded to Covid.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

^ James, yes the Republican side is a mess too because of the Trump factor, but if we can move past him I suspect that DeSantis would be tough to beat. He comes across as bright and capable without being pompous or pretentious. He also supports education policies that are highly popular with parents, especially after how bad Dem states fucked education up during the pandemic, and I can just imagine a national school choice program being one of his platform issues. He can also field tough questions with direct language and competence without seeming angry or defensive.

DeSantis' simple common sense approach to governance is winning over Independents and Hispanics here in Florida. He barely squeaked by in his first election, probably because he had Trump's endorsement plastered on him, but is widely expected to win re-election by a much larger margin. I have no doubt that he'd play well nationally too.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ I'm not so sure DeSantis is really untouchable, he has been a populist taking on a few meme issues, but he's been largely untouched as of yet, let's wait until after the midterm elections to see how DeSantis handles a few sucker punches, right now the big boys are laying low, let's see what he does when they start aiming their fire directly at him.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

^ 25, I'm going to split the difference with you. I agree that he hasn't had to debate policies in rough and tumble debate formats like those sound in the primaries. But he's hardly been untouched. Indeed ever since his [then] controversial stands during the COVID hysteria, he's been a near constant target of negative national news reporting.

I've watched every press conference the guy has ever done since COVID started and what I like about him is that he's composed and doesn't duck the hard questions. Indeed a couple of Miami papers, one in Tampa and a couple of national news outlets always seem ready to pounce, yet he calls on them and is always ready with a common sense answer. So far he doesn't seem to rattle easily.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"The fact is if he wasn't gay it would be Buttigieg. Smart, boring white guy from middle America."

I don't think Buttigieg would be where he is if Biden didn't need to check the LGBTQ box. He's accomplished nothing at any job, other than finding the next job. Doesn't have noteworthy charisma. Undistinguished mayor of the 4th largest city in Indiana to Secretary of Transportation doesn't happen on merit.

Unfortunately Dems are saying a married white Christian gay man isn't gay enough for them these days.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

I disagree that Buttigeg would not get the votes because he is gay. I think he’s shown, during his time in a cabinet position, to be overwhelmed and inept. That’s why I wouldn’t vote for him.

He’s in a cabinet role - and a vital role to our economy - and he takes paternity leave for the full amount of time allowed? Wtf?

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

The biggest mistake of the Democrats was to allow the super woke left wing progressives push Harris as the VP. She has shown herself to be utterly incompetent and not up for the job and now the party doesn’t have a viable person to step up to the plate.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

At this point, how do Democrats cobble together 51% of the electorate ? They need the 30% of voters who are working class to win a national election. Over the last decade, they ignored this 30% and turned the party over to left wing college students and their liberal college professors. Wasn’t anyone doing the math while they turned the party over to Bernie Bros ?

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

"They need the 30% of voters who are working class to win a national election."

The Democrats turned themselves into the party of wealthy white elites at the top and crime prone ghetto blacks at the bottom. Black crime and social dysfunction don't hurt wealthy whites because they have the money to insulate themselves from it by living in expensive suburban enclaves or in the city in buildings with expensive private security. Middle- and working-class whites, Asians (as seen in their support for ousting Chesa Boudin), Hispanics and blacks want escalating crime to be dealt with.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

The Democrat bench has been wiped out. Their best hope of winning is to field a left-of-center candidate but all of these have been defeated, driven out, or quit, under recent far-left policies. Someone like Newsome or Buttigieg has zero chance of winning a national election.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

Arizona has just implemented school vouchers for every child. That has the potential to crush the power of the teacher’s Union.

If Republican politicians are smart ( which they haven’t been ), they will use their 2022 and 2024 wins to wipe out the Democrats institutional base. Make government labor unions illegal. Clean house at the DOJ, FBI, State Department. Shrink the size of the Federal Bureaucracy. Use Federal education support exclusively for STEM. not sociology or diversity administrators. Stop subsidizing blue state budgets. Break up Facebook, Google, and Twitter. Make it easier to sue mainstream media for false statements.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

The Republican danger is Trump. He could splinter the party, and with a country that is somewhat evenly divided, it could cost them the election.

The Democrats see the Trump influence, and they can paint him as an idiot, or the worst President in history. I’m thinking Trump has such a huge ego, it will be difficult for him to stay away from 2024. Desantis would be a very useful candidate, as long as he appears to be a common sense candidate, and one who isn’t controlled by Trump.

However, to bring the Trump contingent with him, he will need to find a way to gain their support. We all remember the way Chris Christie imploded politically after he became involved with Trump.

In my view, it is the republicans who should have the momentum. If the mid terms move right, then there could be a wave rolling into 2024.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ So I’m guessing that you’re in favor of the madrassa system, good to know, we get it buddy, you’re in favor of more government regulations, but the kind that keep government in our business

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ That was for Mark

Sorry cash

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

As usual, suburban Moms will be a big factor. They rejected Trump last time. This time, inflation, crime, and school disfunction make them inclined to reject the Dems. And, yes, I agree Desantis has a better chance of getting their support than Trump.

More extremist conspiracy bs.

Biden will run so long as his health permits.

The Republikkkan strategy of dumping Trump will backfire though. They want a candidate more wacko than him so they're rallying around DeSantis. And he can't win on a national level.

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago



iceydougee you're just like your boy brandn, on the wrong side of everything, always wrong! Lulz

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago


How am I wrong? Biden will get his party's nomination. Republicans are actively trying to dump Trump.

Fuck off troll

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"Biden will run so long as his health permits."

Hardly a given for an 82 year old man.

But the one thing the left and right on this thread agree on is there's no clear candidate to replace him.

Hell, the mainstream media is talking about Hillary_Fucking_Clinton as the Dems' savior.

If she's their hope, they're fucking done.

DeSantis js more wacko than Trump and isn't electable on a national level. Democrats will nominate the most conservative pro establishment candidate. Which if Biden doesn't run will be Harris. There's no savior out there.

Personally I really like Newsom. If he ran the country like he does California I would love it. Newsom and Sisolak would be a good ticket.

For the Republicans. Greene and Giuliani would be the ultimate ticket 😭😭😂😂😂😂

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"DeSantis js more wacko than Trump and isn't electable on a national level."

Despite being an asshole and people being sick of his style, Trump would have been re-elected if a respiratory virus hadn't leaked out of a laboratory in central China. DeSantis' policies are similar, but he's disciplined. If Trump were convicted of something and ineligible to run, and forced to campaign for DeSantis, he would be formidable.

Newsom nearly got recalled in his own state. Not sure he's what the Dems are looking for. People are fleeing California--I know lifelong Californians that say the combination of prices (housing, gas, food) and crime have made the state unlivable.

If Dems wanted to look for a governor, they should look to someone like Ned Lamont of Connecticut (who managed to clean up a broken pension and civil service) or Roy Cooper of North Carolina.

If progressives want one of their own, they need to build a broad base of support around their agenda that doesn't exist right now. Like a three-star dinner, their policies are popular until you have to pay for them.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

There’s something funny about Icee referring to DeSantis, or any serous person, as wacko.

Newsom won the recall with a large majority. California has a budget surplus and tye problem is people keep moving in and the real estate lobbys power over conservative politicians in the state. But its still a great place to live. Sisolak has done tremendous things for Nevada.

DeSantis resonates with his core not with the country.

And democrats don't want democrats in name only

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

California is a deep blue state where the fact that it even came to a recall vote should be alarming. The fact that he won a recall against a talk radio host doesn't speak to viability in a national campaign.

Florida is a purple state that DeSantis will win by an even larger margin. Elections are more about base turnout, which he'll get, than swing voters.

Progressives just don't have the votes for their agenda, no matter who's in charge. You just don't pass sweeping changes on 51 votes. Eliminate the filibuster and it'll get overturned the next time the other party has 51.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

It’s helpful to understand the liberal mind.

They consider themselves to be much smarter than the knuckle draggers who support Trump. They are so smart, they don’t feel they need to know the issues or defend their position.

Their shibboleth is a vision of the future where there are no police, no fossil fuels, and the government provides basic income to everyone. Anyone who doubts this vision lacks enlightenment.

If fact, liberals view themselves not only as smarter but as morally superior beings. In fact, they are so superior, that it is a moral imperative for them to stay in power. If they need to cheat to stay in power, so be it. The world would suffer without liberals at the helm.

Liberals are morally superior to bigots who support Trump.

DeSantis is out if touch with mainstream America

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

DeSantis is up at least 9 percent over his Democratic challengers in an average of polls in a purple state.


avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

Here is one more reason that Democrats will be wiped out in November. This is what moral arrogance looks like:

“A Virginia school district is prohibiting teachers from consulting parents when students as young as kindergarten-age switch genders at school”

Florida isn't representative of the nation by far. An incumbent almost always leads early polls though.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ It's gone for the winner 6 of the last 7 times (exception in 2020 for Trump).

The leading Dem challenger, Charlie Crist, is a former governor and very known quantity.

You're assuming DeSantis can win the gubernatorial primary and general elections. I'm not into psychic predictions

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ This isn't "psychic predictions," it's hard data.

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago

Earlier iceydougee said..

'Biden will run so long as his health permits.

The Republikkkan strategy of dumping Trump will backfire though. They want a candidate more wacko than him so they're rallying around DeSantis. And he can't win on a national level.'

Then a few minutes later he says..

' I'm not into psychic predictions'

So what was that earlier prediction, non psychic? Yeah probably more psycho than psychic lulz.

And what are you into other than trolling and posting on a board where everyone hates you?

Tetradon ita not hard data that he'll be president

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ Probabilities beat unsubstantiated claims

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

===> "Florida isn't representative of the nation by far."

You couldn't be more wrong. Only 36% of registered voters in Florida identify as Republicans. Of the rest, 35% are registered Democrats, 2% are affiliated with minor parties and the remaining 27% are Independents. Florida is a true "purple state." Perhaps not a precise microcosm of the country as aa whole, but pretty damned diverse.

It's an unsubstantiated claim that DeSantis will be president.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ A claim I never made. Just saying he's got a good shot.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

Nobody wanted Biden – he was just a means to an end – even at his “peak” in previous elections, he never got close to smelling the nomination and was often a joke known/caught for lying; exaggerating; plegerazing; and just being a fake-swamp-creature – I don’t even think he (nor Hillary) likely won the primary; the-powers-to-be likely felt they could drag Biden across the finish-line where they could not drag Sanders.

Biden was basically of little-use and seemingly totally controlled since day-1 in office – from what I recall being reported he had said as a young-man that he would be president some day (quite the ego on him and likely explains why he ran so many times even after he was way past his due-date) - I would not be surprised that Biden agreed to w/e terms with the powers-to-be that he’d do w/e they told him if they crowned him president and made his long-life dream come true.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

“… Buttigieg …”

Politics is a people-job and often it’s about selling yourself – I’ve often heard back in ’62 that Nixon was considered by many to be a much more capable politician when it came to knowledge about running the government etc – but JFK was young, handsome, suave, beautiful wife and beautiful young family; etc; whereas Nixon looked like your ball-busting angry boss at work.

Similarly; in 2008; Golden Boy Obama came out of nowhere with little experience where he’d had been a community organizer just a few years prior – bur he also was young, handsome (million-dollar-smile); superb at public-speaking; a very-nice-looking young-family; etc – and you had the beast Hillary pretty-much the opposite of all that but yet she was the front-runner by a country-mile and when she ran in 2008 it seemed as a mere formality that she’d get the nomination given her long track-record in politics; wife of a former president; and of course the ole “she’d be the first woman so you gotta vote for her” card – but she rudely learned that being the first-black trumped (no pun intended) being the first woman.

Thus I see a lot of Obama in Buttigieg – he’s young; seemingly has a great personality (and also a great smile); good-looking; and has the “first openly gay president” power-card going for him where many would vote for him as a virtue-signal to announce to the world “how open minded they are” and what a great person they are voting for a gay person.

Some of what I’ve heard w.r.t. Buttigieg is that he may supposedly have a hard-time with the black-vote b/c of his sexual-orientation (I assume particularly black-men) but IDK too-much about those details.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

“… Arizona has just implemented school vouchers for every child. That has the potential to crush the power of the teacher’s Union. …”

At the end of the day; Trump:

  • narrowly “lost” an election and got more votes than anyone in history “except” for Brandon – this was against the forces of the CIA, FBI, almost the entire media; a good portion of RINOs; banned from social media; big-business mostly against him; fake-impeachments and fake-investigations; and w/e else I’m forgetting – will this this he got more votes than almost anyone in history and still won on election night b/f the counts were stopped in key democratically controlled cities

  • whereas w/ Biden as sitting-president; no candidate one him near them to help them campaign – yet Trump, supposedly the devil incarnate; has everyone that wants to win their primary wanting his endorsement and most that get in end-up-winning sometimes when they were behind or even far behind

  • he still draws large crowds when he makes an appearance

  • he’s almost as relevant today out-of-office as he was in office; to where they are still trying a 3rd-sham-impeachment to keep him from running – this speaks volumes w.r.t. his ability to pull off 2024

  • almost every poll I’ve seen Trump is far-ahead even w.r.t. DeSantis; although DeSantis is def looking better every day given he’s in office and thus much more in the public-eye – a recent poll had DeSantis in the lead, but on closer inspection the poll had the caveat of “if Trump didn’t run”

I’m also not sure if DeSantis would want to go head-to-head w/ Trump; supposedly they get along but who knows; and politics is politics - but DeSantis def has time on his side; he could:

  • do another term as FL governor and further cement his credentials and avoid going head-to-head against Trump in a bloody primary

  • he could perhaps run as Trump’s running-mate and it could be an easier inside-track for him in 2028 – but it doesn’t look like DeSantis needs Trump and Trump could actually hurt DeSantis’ brand if DeSantis was his running-mate

Trump nearly won in 2020 with all the forces against him - the Biden administration has demonstrated to many that the "cure" is worse than the disease (given the state of the country in almost every aspect) - I can understand Trump-fatigue being a factor but he still seems to be the power in the party by far especially given what he's done w/ the primaries.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

^ my response above was meant in response to a previous post stating:

"... The Republican danger is Trump. He could splinter the party, and with a country that is somewhat evenly divided, it could cost them the election ..."

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

“… Arizona has just implemented school vouchers for every child. That has the potential to crush the power of the teacher’s Union …”

Some republicans are finally getting off their ass – I assume many didn’t in 2016 – 2020 b/c they were part of the never-Trumper-crew:

““One Of The Strongest Election Laws In The Country”: Missouri Gov. Reforms Election Laws Banning Mail-In Ballots, Requiring Voter ID”

Missouri Governor Mike Parson reformed state election laws on Wednesday by banning mail-in ballots and requiring all registered voters to show a photo ID in order to cast a ballot.

In a push to “strengthen election processes and voter confidence,” Parson signed House Bill 1878 into law, saying although Missouri has conducted “free, fair, and secure elections” in 2020 and prior elections, state officials want to remain that way in the face of “changing technologies and new emerging threats.

“[The bill] strengthens our election processes and gives Missourians confidence that their voices are being accurately and securely recorded at the ballot box,” Parson said in a statement

Voter ID requirements, a measure Missouri Republicans have pined for nearly two decades only to have the courts strike down their efforts ruling them unconstitutional, finally made their way through the system. The law now requires government-issued photo IDs to cast ballots. However, those without one can cast a provisional vote only if the voter returns later that day with a proper ID for signature verification by election officials.

Missouri’s new law also modified several other rules on how the state conducts its elections, like opening a two-week window for voters to cast absentee ballots without citing an excuse why they can’t vote on Election Day. In addition, it prohibits local election authorities from accepting private donations — except for personal protective equipment, food, and water.

After the state’s upcoming primary next month, election officials must “air-gap” or disconnect all voting machines from the Internet. Following the 2022 Midterms, hand-marked paper ballots will stand as the official ballot beginning in 2023 — unless the voter chooses to use a ballot marking device. The law also banned the use of electronic voting counting machines starting in 2024.

Missouri’s latest election law gives the Secretary of State authority to audit voter rolls at any given point to ensure accuracy.

Republican Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft backed the measure calling it “one of the strongest election laws in the country,” The Associated Press reported.

“It makes sure that it’s easy to vote, it’s harder to cheat, and the people can have trust in the results,” Ashcroft said.

Democrat lawmakers pushed back on the photo ID requirement, according to The Associated Press, calling it “egregious” and “shameful” believing it could affect minority voters.

“What you’re trying to do is take us back to Jim Crow,” Democratic Rep. LaKeySha Bosley said during debate last month, The Associated Press reported.

Ashcroft clapped back on the Democrat talking point.

“It seems pretty racist to me to say that the color of skin determines whether or not someone knows how to get an ID,” Ashcroft told The Associated Press.

Missouri Representative John Simmons and Senator Sandy Crawford joined Gov. Parson during the ceremony signing calling it a common-sense measure and a safeguard to prevent voter fraud.

Missouri joins 17 other states in the union that has enacted voter identification laws that took effect this year, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.


avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

“… As usual, suburban Moms will be a big factor. They rejected Trump last time. This time, inflation, crime, and school disfunction make them inclined to reject the Dems …”

“More than 1 million voters switch to GOP, raising alarm for Democrats”

A political shift is beginning to take hold across the U.S. as tens of thousands of suburban swing voters who helped fuel the Democratic Party’s gains in recent years are becoming Republicans …


Seems along the lines of the shift that occurred in the VA Governor’s race although Youngkin seemed much better adept at winning over independents and seemingly a fair # of Dems.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

“… If progressives want one of their own, they need to build a broad base of support around their agenda that doesn't exist right now …”

“Ilhan Omar Posts Video From Event Where She Was Booed By Somali Crowd. There’s Just One Problem”

Far-left Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) posted a video Sunday to her Twitter account from an event over the weekend where she was jeered by many attendees, but the clip was only a few seconds long and cut out the widespread boos that lasted for more than a minute.

Omar was booed as she stepped on stage at a Suldaan Seeraar concert at the Target Center in Minneapolis on Saturday night. It was the musician’s first time performing in North America. Some in the audience told her to “go home” and “get the f*** out of here.”

As Omar was introduced on stage with her husband, the crowd began to boo loudly.


I didn’t know Somalis were such “white supremacists” – given the response she got from the people from her district that “supposedly” got her elected; makes you wonder about those vote-harvesting allegations.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

2024 Democrat front-runner:


avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

Papi, Trump is a widely despised cunt. If there is anyone who can get suburban Moms to forget about inflation and "woke" school policies that sexualize 6 year olds and have boys competing against girls in athletics, it is Trump. Trump is indeed running neck and neck with DeSantis in polls of Republicans, but in the general election, winning over independents and suburban house Moms is an entirely different ballgame. If that narcistic egomaniac got hit by a bus tomorrow it would perhaps be the best thing that happened for the Republican Party and maybe the nation.

avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

It's a shame that some people can't look past Trump's brash personality and/or that he seems unwilling to tone down his rhetoric. A compromise in the middle would be good, but probably won't happen.

The question is this: What did Trump ever do or say that was even a fraction as outrageous as what Democrats do every day? People get all worked up because Trump said some shit about McCain, and something about grabbing pussy. If someone thinks that's more abhorrent than releasing violent felons, non-existent borders, abortion up to the day of birth, sexualization of 3rd graders, and celebrating arsonists as heroes, there's something very wrong with them. I mean the stuff Democrats consider "normal" these days is some really sick fucking shit.

I agree with rickdugan (to an extent) that Trump's attitude/reputation could be a hinderance going forward. But supposed political "experts" like Schumer, Pelosi, our President, VP, and pretty much every Democrat and RINO in Congress seem to disagree, or they wouldn't be pushing this bullshit Jan 6 garbage. It's obvious they are terrified of him running again.

You all must love Sesta fosta.

I think the most abhorrent thing is far right extremists talking about morality while preying on desperate hookers. While bragging about being family men and moral people.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

In the business world, when a company gets bloated, and management gets entrenched and arrogant, it requires a turnaround team to get things back on track. Someone will buy the company when the stock hits a new low, then go through it like Attila the Hun. They sell off divisions, lay-off people, outsource whole departments. These are not nice people but, when they’re done, what’s left is a lean, profitable organization.

No one admires them. No one names their child after them. No one ever invites them to a social function.

That’s what this country needs in the Whitehouse. If not Trump, then someone else.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

Monmouth just did a poll of what the most important issues are for Americans. At the top were inflation ( 33%), gas prices (15%), the economy ( 9%), and food prices (6%). Abortion ( 5%} and Guns ( 3%) were next. The January 6 insurrection, transgender rights, using the right pronouns, were not on the list.


avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

The democrat party is sunk. They are overrun with wackos and radicals at all levels. They're legacy -municipal, state,and federal- is one of consistent mismanagement and failure. They're base consists of fractured and contentious special interests and bottom feeders. If you took everyone seeking the nomination in 2020 (except Biden) and all likely 2024

dem nom candidates, the most radical would win. That leftist radical will go on to be destroyed in the national election.

The leftist democrat party has run this country into the ground. They're only platform is "hate white peopke and punish Trump". You guys are gonna be CRYING after the midterms, and I'm gonna laaaaauuuuuugh. The real pain for you will come after the GOP congress is sworn in and starts taking apart this failed admin and their cronies in congress.

You're delusional. Biden will run if he can and has party backing. Republicans are tge ones scrambling to dump Trump and DeSantis

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

When I voted for Trump the first time, I had to hold my nose a little. I knew a bit about his business background, including his rep for screwing over investors. There are many financial institutions and investment pool operators who for many years have refused to give a nickel to any entity with any affiliation to Trump, not because of what happened recently, but because of what he did in the past. But since I liked his policies and my only other choice was Hillary, I voted for him.

I voted for him again a second time, but I needed a gas mask to ward off the stench. By that point I really couldn't stand him, but with Biden as my only other choice and in light of Trump's willingness to do what he said he would, I pulled the lever. But I didn't respect myself much for doing it - I felt a little dirty tbh.

But his behavior since the last election has made me truly hate him. His calls for blowout spending right before Biden took office, his rabble rousing at the capital and his meddling with the GA Senate runoff elections all did tremendous damage. Adversity shows one's true character and when Trump was faced with it after losing the election, he chose to be a self-absorbed cunt instead of a leader. If I could take a baseball bat to the side of his goofy head I would.

avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

^^ I hear you rickdugan. But suppose 2024 comes down to Trump vs. Kamala... what would you do? A self-absorbed cunt vs. a self-absorbed cunt, except one cunt still has good policies and the other cunt wants to burn this fucking country down.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"Republicans are tge ones scrambling to dump Trump and DeSantis"

Incorrect. I'd dump Trump but I'm in the minority. DeSantis is second in the polling and would be great.

Biden is 19 points underwater. If the election were held tomorrow, Republicans could run a dog turd against Biden and win.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ here’s a bit of advice for anyone that doesn’t want to see a Kamala or someone like that, don’t vote for that fat corrupt lying bastard, because if it’s Trump against Jimmy the Chimp, the monkey is going to win bigly

"But suppose 2024 comes down to Trump vs. Kamala... what would you do? A self-absorbed cunt vs. a self-absorbed cunt, except one cunt still has good policies and the other cunt wants to burn this fucking country down."

Mrorange exactly. Glad to see youd vote Democrat.

Tetradon yeah and polls predicted a Clinton sweep of the elections.

When it comes to politics tuscl feels like


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ Trump leads Biden by 5 in hypothetical 2024 matchup


The key being hypothetical

What if scenarios produce creative writing

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"Tetradon yeah and polls predicted a Clinton sweep of the elections."

Actually they weren't far off if you looked at national popular vote totals. Where they erred was by being biased systematically in favor of Democrats.

19 points is well beyond anyone's margin of error.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"What if scenarios produce creative writing"

It's called "data" and it should concern Democrats.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

===> "But suppose 2024 comes down to Trump vs. Kamala... what would you do?"

I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Until then I'll just hope that the Republican party regains its senses and nominates DeSantis instead of Trump.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

This is CNN talking about how frustrated the Democrats are with Biden.


avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

===> "^ Trump leads Biden by 5 in hypothetical 2024 matchup"

There are other polls out there that aren't as rosy about Trump's chances. Also very interesting, in every poll I've seen where both Trump and DeSantis were matched up against Biden, DeSantis polled better than Trump did.

Now I don't put a lot of stock in these polls right now, especially this far out. But there is no question in my mind that DeSantis is far more electable than Trump in the general election. Trump is the Republican Party version of Bernie Sanders - he has cult of personality base of support within the party, but is much less palatable to the general electorate. Even worse, once Trump gets on the campaign trail and starts his antics all over again, he'll probably finish turning off even more people.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

My guess is Biden’s approval ratings get a major boost if Trump becomes the nominee, you guys seem to be forgetting how toxic Trumps personality is.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

@rick, I don't disagree that polls this far out have a high margin for error, though I don't recall seeing any Biden/DeSantis hypothetical matchups.

DeSantis is still too meme-politics-driven for me. I'd prefer someone even more disciplined like Glenn Youngkin in Virginia, but would still vote for DeSantis without reservation.

Trump lost because people were sick of his bombastic style, and because a respiratory bug leaked out of a lab in central China. Republicans lost the Senate because Trump threw a bitch fit and told Republicans to stay home in the Georgia Senate race. Now the Republicans might still not take the Senate because they're running Trump-endorsed freak shows like Oz (a quack celebrity who's been a conservative for 15 minutes) and Walker (another celebrity with a checkered personal past).

A Republican victory sans Trump would be awesome. The GOP Senate map this year sucks (they're defending a Republican year in 16) but 24 and 26 should be more favorable, as would the White House in 24. They have a real chance to enact a great agenda with more discipline--economic and salary growth for the lowest quintiles, becoming a net energy exporter again, projecting strength abroad, a secure border that admits migrants on merit and America's needs not bogus asylum claims, cutting off the DEI spigot, cleaning house at the DoJ and State Department, putting guardrails around big tech and finance, a smart green/infrastructure plan based on R&D and not compulsion, etc...

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ And if the Dems take the House (the worm always turns), hopefully there's a speaker with which a Republican president can have a Bill Clinton/Newt Gingrich dynamic that can balance the budget.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

From the Hunter laptop, we know that Papa Joe got $8 Million from the Chinese. The media has buried that story.

What happens in 8 months when congressional hearings document that detail ? Wire transfers. Bank accounts. Tax records.

The current President has been paid $8 Million by the Chinese communists. Exactly what did they buy with that money ?

Republicans are voting to see who is crazier than Trump. That won't win it for them

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"Republicans are voting to see who is crazier than Trump. That won't win it for them"

No, they're divided between the people who want to run it back with Trump, and the ones who want Trump's enthusiasm without the guy himself, with a handful who want to dispose of him no matter the cost.

Policywise there isn't a ton of daylight between them (yet).

By as enthusiastic as Trump you mean make as many appeals to right wing populism as Trump.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

@icee, not necessarily. I meant sometime who Trump could campaign for without his bombastic style.

@scrub, translate that to English and change out your tampon.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

===> "Newsome vs. De Santis"

DeSantis would likely be thrilled if Newsom was the person running against him in a general election. California is a mess right now. $6+ per gallon gas; confiscatory personal taxes; crime and homeless epidemics due to bad criminal laws; rolling blackouts due to misguided renewables mandates; schools closed for over a year while he flouted his own mandates and dined at the French Laundry...I could go on.

Newsom is the poster boy for much of what a large part of the electorate, at least outside of CA, is currently angry about. Frankly I can't understand how he has even survived as Governor in CA, but of course this won't be the last time I scratch my head at the will of CA voters I'm sure. Please pretty please let him run for President.

California also has a budget surplus and is using it to help people. Newsom is very popular. The mad max scenario that neonazi republikkkans keep pushing about California is bs.

Tetradon trumps campaign style is an appeal to far right populism

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

Democrat popular in a deep blue state, doesn't speak to his ability to win nationally.

Trump is a narcissist first and foremost. Was a Democrat most of his life. Switched when convenient. Most predictable politician ever. But still has the ear of a lot of people.

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

Biden won't be dumped. He may choose not to run but not dumped. I'm no Republican AT ALL but if I was a betting man I'd put my early money on DeSantis. But it's way way too early to know who the GOP candidate will be.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

“California also has a budget surplus “

Only because Biden sent it billions and billions.

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

Dan Aykroyd should revive his Jimmy Carter inflation skit, line-for-line, as Biden instead of the peanut farmer. Itbwould still be 100% spot-on ans funny (if it weren't so true).

Trump and his clones only appeal to bigots

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ Trump created wage and wealth growth for low and middle income minorities. What he didn't do was "kiss the ring" of the race grifters who claim to speak for them.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

"... Dan Aykroyd should revive his Jimmy Carter inflation skit, line-for-line, as Biden instead of the peanut farmer. Itbwould still be 100% spot-on ans funny (if it weren't so true) ..."

The media is in bed w/ the Dem party - likely they will-not/will-not-be-allowed-to embarrass or make-fun-of any high-up Dem politician; especially as bad as the Dems are doing now where they can't afford any criticism

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

@Papi, great article here on how most journalism is group therapy and affirmation for the left. From humor to ostensible "objective" journalism.


avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

^ probably why they threw a fit when it looked like their little sandbox Twitter was gonna be taken away

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

"Progressive Organization Drops Support For President Biden, Announces #DontRunJoe Campaign Opposing His 2024 Presidential Renomination"

A progressive organization that backed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election announced Monday the “# Don’tRunJoe” national campaign, which opposes his renomination in 2024.

RootsAction, a national progressive advocacy group founded in 2011, has begun organizing a campaign to prevent Biden from running as the Democratic Party’s 2024 nominee citing voters should neither deny nor excuse his administration’s shortcomings.

“Unfortunately, President Biden has been neither bold nor inspiring,” RootsAction said in a statement. “And his prospects for winning re-election appear to be bleak.”

“With so much at stake, making him the Democratic Party’s standard-bearer in 2024 would be a tragic mistake,” the organization added.

It comes as no surprise Biden continues to lose support from his voters — some of which stood behind him only to remove President Trump from office. A recent FiveThirtyEight survey shows Biden’s approval rating dropped below 39 percent, the lowest of every president in their first term since Truman.


avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

"CatholicVote Launches $3 Million Ad Campaign To Remove Catholic Democrats From Office"

A new political ad from CatholicVote has lashed out against a Catholic Democrat for not speaking out against vandalism targeting churches and pro-life pregnancy centers.

The ad blasts Rep. Cindy Axne (D-IA), accusing her of passively standing by while churches have been attacked for their pro-life views.

“Radical liberals are behaving like terrorists, calling for a summer of rage,” the ad begins.

The spot also references an act of vandalism at a Des Moines pregnancy care center. “Cindy Axne could stand up for law and order but instead she does nothing,” it claims.

The ad is part of a $2.5 to $3 million midterm campaign ad spend by the group that expects to target up to 15 House races and “several” Senate races, according to CatholicVote President Brian Burch.

The campaign marks a strong contrast with past elections, featuring a solid emphasis on speaking out against self-proclaimed Democratic lawmakers whose views are not consistent with Catholic teachings.

In addition to concerns over Axne’s failure to speak out after recent acts of vandalism over the Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade, the Iowa Democrat has supported the Women’s Health Protection Act, a proposal that sought to make abortion available until the time of birth.


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