Comments by mark94 (page 63)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OT: What's the deal with Invicta watches
    I made the transition to an Apple Watch a couple years ago. Accurate time. Calendar. Weather. Text. Bio info. You can choose from dozens of Watch faces. For the price of a Seiko that tells time.
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    2 years ago
    Roe v Wade
    The party of compassion. Nancy Pelosi elbows a small child for getting in her space.
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    2 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    Save 50% of income for strip club madness?
    If something is causing you to spend half your income, it’s an addiction, not a hobby.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    EV: will you purchase one? Pros and Cons…
    I understand why environmentalists don’t like coal but it makes no sense they oppose nuclear, which is zero emissions. Hell, it’s better than wind and hydro, which affect the animal population.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    “He's just too much of a narcissistic egomaniac” Just like every other President in our lifetime. It’s almost part of the job description for POTUS. Some Presidents conceal their narcissism better than Trump, but it’s there.
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    2 years ago
    Roe v Wade
    If you don’t like hearing that god gave us rights, call it natural law. Certain rights are inherent as part of being human. Rights are not something granted by a ruler. Civility requires recognizing that rights cannot be taken away by government. And, when it comes to defining what is a right, it must be done as part of a political process reflecting consensus of the People. That’s the part you are missing with regard to abortion. It’s worth pointing out that, before Roe, there was momentum in the political process to legalize abortion in most states. The pro-abortion crowd was winning the argument. Then, bam, the Roe decision ended all that. Ruth Bader Ginsburg realized that abortion rights would have been better off if Roe had not been decided.
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    2 years ago
    Roe v Wade
    Here is what determines what is a right in America. The Founders believed that rights come from god. They listed what they believed those rights were in the Constitution. Essentially, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. They also put a process in place for the People to amend or clarify those rights.Freedom of Speech. Religion. Bear arms. Have personal property. Due process. Etc. Something doesn’t become a right unless the People care enough about it to amend the Constitution. An interest group can’t simply declare something a right, like a right to food, shelter, or basic income. Nor, can a judge invent a right from whole cloth, as happened to the right of privacy which justified abortion. You want abortion to be legal ? There’s a political process for making this the case in each state. You want abortion to be a protected right for the entire country ? There is a political process for amending the constitution to do this. The correct process for establishing a right does not involves rioting or burning buildings.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    EV: will you purchase one? Pros and Cons…
    In Norway, most cars sold are EVs because of government incentives. In the US, there would be far fewer EVs sold if not for the $7,500 credit. The speed at which EVs replace ICE depends on government putting its thumbs on the scale.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    For the record, I also prefer DeSantis in2024.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The price we are paying for ending Trump’s mean tweets and crude personality is inflation, recession, Afghanistan surrender, cancel culture, invasion on our southern border, and political weaponization of the FBI and DOJ. Was it worth it ?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The Fed kept interest rates near zero for 20 years. That kept the stock market high for the wealthy. It kept home prices up for the middle class. It gave corporations the capital needed to build factories…….in China. It allowed companies to hire workers even when they were losing money. It got politicians re-elected. People felt good about the economy, the same way someone would enjoy life if they used credit cards to live large. It’s all good until you don’t make enough money to pay the credit card minimum payment. It took 20 years, but that time has finally arrived. We can no longer pretend that we can live beyond our means forever.
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    2 years ago
    Inflation is caused by too much money chasing too few goods. As long as the Fed keeps printing new money to pay for the massive government deficit, high inflation will continue. There are things that could help. Destroying the economy so no one can buy anything would help inflation. Letting energy companies increase drilling and refining would help. Ending the Ukraine war would help. But, as long as the government deficit is measured in the trillions, inflation will not go away.
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    2 years ago
    Roe v Wade
    It’s kind of like watching the TV show Cops. The people you see there treat getting arrested as an everyday occurrence. Everyone shown has been arrested before and/or has family members who have been arrested. Being arrested is just a normal part of life for them. There are other segments of society, the majority, where they can live their whole life with none of their close friends or family ever being arrested. If anyone close to them got arrested, it would be a huge deal. I suspect abortion is like that. There are segments of society where abortion is a normal and an expected part of life. It truly is part of their health care regimen. They assume everyone else must be as haphazard about contraception as they and their friends are. The majority of the population are more limited in their sex partners and diligent about contraception.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Roe v Wade
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Roe v Wade
    An argument found on the internet. A practical solution to the abortion dilemma. Thirty five countries have implemented over the counter oral contraceptives. In those countries, the demand for abortions plummeted. There have been attempts to legislate OTC contraceptives in the US but it failed because it would have hurt Big Pharma financially. It was largely Democrat congressmen who voted against OTC.
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    2 years ago
    Roe v Wade
    No less than Nate Silver is warning his fellow Democrats that this is what happens when you focus on short term issues, like pronouns, while Republican played the long game of putting conservatives in the Court. He cautions Democrats that they need to start thinking in terms of a 5 or 10 year strategy of naming judges if they want to reverse the recent conservative rulings from the Court in guns and abortion.
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    2 years ago
    Roe v Wade
    The left thinks that the court was motivated by some misplaced sense of morality and Christianity. They are wrong. This is about devotion to the rule of law and the doctrine of federalism which is essential to our constitution. It is the rule of law that made this country special. Nothing like this framework of law had ever existed before 1776. The federal government has its power limited to those areas clearly defined in the constitution. All other laws are in the purview of State legislatures. That’s Federalism. It prevents the Tyranny of central government. Also, our system of checks and balances makes sure that no branch of government can overstep its constitutional powers. Fifty years ago, the Supreme Court exceeded its authority by inventing the constitutional right to abortion. It took fifty years, but the political process of naming judges corrected this error and reflected the will of the people.
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    2 years ago
    Roe v Wade
    There were apparently some old abortion laws on the books that were superseded by Roe 50 years ago. With the overturning of Roe, these old laws again were relevant. In most cases, I assume there will be a legislative move to replace the old ban with something like a 12 week window. In the meantime, chaos.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Footblall royalty chooses which college to attend
    Alabama has recruited well because of its tradition and coach. It does not have the wealthy alumni like Texas or Texas A&M. That’s why Saban is so pissed. There will be a shake up at the top.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Footblall royalty chooses which college to attend
    I just want to know how much the Texas Alum are going to pay Arch. Eventually, I expect NIL amounts will eventually become standardized. A 3 star LB gets $X. A 4 star WR gets $Y. Amounts will be surveyed and published.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Roe v Wade
    The constitution establishes a process for changing laws that assures they reflect the will of the people, not just the bias of one judge. That principle shifted over the last hundred years to give more power to judges. That power may be shifting back to the people, through their representatives.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Roe v Wade
    Clarence Thomas, concurring: "in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold ( contraception), Lawrence ( Sodomy), and Obergefell ( same sex marriage).” Wow. More shocking rulings to come ?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Cheating circa November 2022
    “Mark. You believe 1 income is better than 2 and that Trump is still president... and a recession is good for people.“ Wrong, wrong, and wrong. All those claims are a result of your impaired reading comprehension.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Roe v Wade
    The next Constitutional issue working it’s way to the court would strip the EPA of the ability to regulate carbon dioxide since legislation never gave them that power. A ruling on that would be more consequential than the Roe decision.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Roe v Wade
    This ruling could make more people aware of the concept of federalism. That’s a good thing. Federalism gives more freedom to each state to pass laws that are popular with its citizens. California wants abortion on demand, big government, everyone masked, and high taxes. You got it. Florida wants limits on abortion, smaller government, no masks, and low taxes. Super !