
Unusual request Part 2

South Carolina
The former dancer who I had OTC with & called me to take her to a hospital about a month ago, called last Monday. She's out of treatment facility & while we were talking, lost the cell connection. Since she called from private #, couldn't call back. Turned on my cell phone Friday AM & there were 3 voicemails from her that were left between 11:10 & 11:25 PM Thurs. She wanted to do OTC Friday after 12 & was to call me at 11:40 to see if I was interested which I was but I was out of town. She did not call at 11:40 so couldn't make any arrangements to hookup when I got back home. She finally called today & we tentatively agreed to get together tomorrow PM. Can't go to parents house like we did once before or at her sister's house where she's staying now or at the apartment she once had so I guess that means a local motel. She told me I could deuct the cost of the room from her usual fee which is cool. She's sure sounds a lot better than the last time I talked to her on 6-11. She's looking for a job & was to go for an interview this PM. Defintely doesn't want to start dancing again she said. She said that was OK when she was younger but it's not what she wants to do now. I just learned from her today that she used to dance at a totally nude club here in town that has long been closed. Can't say that I remember seeing her there but she did say she didn't start dancing there until just before it closed so I might have stopped going there about that same time. We'll see how it goes.


  • Shekitout
    18 years ago
    In my last email to her I offered just to have lunch & talk, no sex. I would be willing to lend her some money. Doubt if would be repaid unless she finds a job but that would be okay if it helps her out.
  • Shekitout
    18 years ago
    No contact from former dancer since 7-13. Called her sister's house(did not identify myself) and asked for (her sister). Response was that she was not there. When I asked what time she was expected, answer was she did not know & was there a message. I responded that I would call back later.
    Who knows what has happened with her now. She may have gotten back with ex spouse/significant other or gone back to the treatment facility. Maybe in a month I'll hear from her again. Stay tuned!
  • Shekitout
    18 years ago
    Thanks for your advice, Shadowcat, but I doubt if she'll go for that.
    She left a voicemail message the next day at 7:55 AM saying her sister had woken her up raising hell about my calling her house even tho she (the former dancer) had requested I call her back at the #. So she told me not to call her sister's # anymore. Heard nothing further from her that day(Tues). I emailed her but got no reply to that. I had someone call the # from a different # than mine on Wed but only got answering machine.
    Got back from lunch today(Thurs) & there was a voicemail message saying she wanted to get together & she would call me later. She had called at 11:45 AM but as of 5:10 has still not called. Had the person who called Wed call again today but only got answering machine.
    I have offered to take her to lunch & talk in email but she has not replied. She's very put out with the sister and called her a bitch in the latest message. She does need therapy I'm sure.
    Very insistant that will never dance again no matter what even tho she said the money would be great.
    Told her I'd give her $500 for sex if she agreed to do it my way-on credit!
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and this is mine. I know nothing about this girl. Sounds like she has gone through a nervous breakdown or drug detox to me. I'm no doctor although I'm played one before lol
    Odds are great that she will dance again I'd give it 90%. I don't remember all your history with her but I do remember that she was one of your favorites. I would offer to take her out for a really nice dinner and see how that goes. If that goes well and everything is normal. Then set up something for the next night if you want to. The best way to spend that money is to set up a therapy session for her cause it sounds like she still has issues.
    If she really doesn't want to strip anymore she should really not want to escort anymore either. No fingers pointed only my opinion and take it or leave it.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Wear a hat for Christ's sake!
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    I am npt sure I would go anywhere near this girls private parts. Can't you juss make sure she's OK and somewhat stable? I mean it juss sounds like you're opening yourself up to several nightmare situations. Can I put dollar to dollar she starts dancing again, no matter how honest her intentions may be?
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