
Is there a better alternative to paying cash for dances???

Avatar for ClubFan81077

Okay, so I guess I'm "old school" when it comes to going to clubs and paying for my dances. I always have plenty of cash ahead of time, mostly $100 bills, always obtained directly from my bank, or one of their ATMs. This way, I avoid the dreaded "George Costanza wallet" from having a shitload of $20 bills, and getting them directly from my bank gives me confidence that the bills are authentic. (I'm assuming banks have thorough safeguards in place to detect counterfeit bills, so I've never really concerned myself with that too much.)

Obviously, this system works just fine, although it does mean that I have to 1) keep in the back of my mind whether or not I need to withdraw additional cash ahead of time, and 2) there's always a wee bit of apprehension about carrying much more cash than I normally would at any other time. For me, about the only time I will ever have that much cash on me is when I'm going to a club...

So I guess my question is this--in 2025, is there a truly good alternative payment system that other club patrons AND dancers find convenient, safe, easy to use, while maintaining privacy for both you and the dancer? I've heard of these various payment systems like Venmo, Zelle, and maybe some others, but I've never researched them to try to figure out if they would be of any use in a club setting? Are any of you guys finding any of these payment systems helpful for your club visits, or is good ol' cash still king for all of you???

Thanks for your thoughts! :)


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Avatar for Iknowbetter

Cash is king in the strip club. Any form of electronic payment leaves a digital paper trail.

Avatar for Jascoi

cash. Learned at the School of Hard Knocks.

Avatar for Muddy

Na never did anything but cash ever

Avatar for WiseToo

Cash is king. There is the possibility the club or dancer might not accept electronic payment systems.

Avatar for rickthelion

Have you considered barter?

Maybe you could see if the sexy female would take a bushel of corn in exchange for some sexy fun time. ROAR!!!

Avatar for rickthelion

You could also see if you can have some sexy fun time in exchange for a pack of smokes and a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew Code Red.

But any female that’ll participate in sexy fun time for smokes and Mt. Dew ain’t gonna be that sexy. ROAR!!

Avatar for TC247

In this area I think everyone will appreciate your old school. Definitely cash. Get certain number of cash will not only keep you away from using credit card to overdraw, but also leave no digital trace. Of course, if they have cameras or ID scan probably they will be the proof of your present.

Avatar for WOODDR2

I agree with everyone, cash is best. Leaves do tracks. When you're out of cash, time to leave.

Avatar for dannyboy3

I've had dancers offer to take venmo or cash app, even paypal once, but I am a cash guy.

Avatar for boomer79

Occasionally cash app with someone I know but I try to have cash for what I intend to spend. I’ve used payment directly to a dancer I know to avoid ATM fees. For me no one cares and I don’t care about a digital trail but it’s the exception not the rule.

I almost never use cards though. I’ve found it to be a bad idea. It just takes once to get burned.

Avatar for ClubFan81077

Well, overwhelming consensus on this one! Old school it is. Thanks for the responses everyone... :)

"cash. Learned at the School of Hard Knocks." @jascoi Yep, that's where I got my masters...

"...a bushel of corn..." @rickthelion I do prefer the bushel to the landing stripel... :)

Avatar for Sigmun

Always stick to cash. For me, I stick to a budget each time I go to the club. At best I do $300 in Benjamins (100s), $100 in Jacksons (20s) and $40 in Washingtons (1s).

I avoid using the ATMs in the clubs for your privacy and evading the fees. Im not surprised there is a camera right above those ATMs. Don't get me started on credit cards. I read stories where the bartenders will overcharge customers for drinks.

Avatar for motorhead

My regular OTC gal of 15 years wanted me to use Apple Pay so I obliged. I consider myself somewhat tech savvy, but I had to have her help me set it up. Maybe doctors might consider this as a test for the initial stages of age related dementia

Avatar for skibum609

I don't even do on-line banking. I live in a cash world, as do most gamblers.

Avatar for Techman

Cash, but in separate pockets so I can better negotiate.

Avatar for drjoker69

I met an entertainer in Amsterdam who accepted bitcoin. Lol.

Avatar for 59

I use Venmo and PayPal for my regulars. For years. Typically for the gratuity or OTC.

Avatar for Dolfan

I pay for nearly all of my in club activities with cash. I use 100's to avoid the Costanza syndrome. I see no reason to change.

I'll sent zelle payments to a couple of girls, but those are limited situations. I certainly wouldn't reach for my phone to do a zelle payment in the club.

Avatar for ClubFan81077

@Sigmun I'm with you on avoiding club ATMs!

@motorhead Apple Pay...interesting! I've actually got that setup on my phone, but I really haven't ever used it yet, other than for one test purchase at a fast food restaurant.

@skibum609 are you a casino guy?

@Techman 👍

@drjoker69 😂

@59 I think you might be the only one to reply that you've regularly used something other than cash! 👍

@Dolfan I hate it when I'm too late to go inside a bank branch, and I'm stuck withdrawing $20s from an outside ATM...

@georgemicrodong can you give me the TL;DR version? 😁

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