F-ck Indiana strip clubs

Mr Monger
I’m tired of Indiana in general. Theses whores act like there good for OTC. Especially these Cubans. How dare you deny me but you can’t even find a clean glass of water in your own damn country, but $250 isn’t good enough huh? I can go to your country and screw 100 of you for $30 bucks a pop. Man these chicks are ungrateful. Don’t let me get started on the AA girls. Attitude city, im never going back to Indy again. Honestly any non extra clubs because of the lack of respect and caternouse. More and more I give my self reasons to travel to different countries because I’m sick of the bull shit. Okay rant over
last commentWhere do you even begin to fuck a strip club?
===> "How dare you deny me but you can’t even find a clean glass of water in your own damn country, but $250 isn’t good enough huh? I can go to your country and screw 100 of you for $30 bucks a pop."
I'm going to assume that this was an attempt at humor. Because if it was serious, the amount of deranged self-entitlement in these comments would be mind numbing. 😏
Tom Homan needs to send them right to Guantanamo bay. The Cuban cycle needs to be phased out asap. It’s topped and diminished strip club experiences through out the country
I think it all depends on where you live and club. The Atlanta scene is dominated by the hip hop culture. If you take the Cubans out, all you would have left is black, make it rain clubs. All the white girls have moved on to vanilla jobs or out of state.
You can do well with the Cuban girls if you can speak at least a little Spanish. My gripe is that they have come here to live but make no attempt to learn English.
Shadow just tells the Cubans he’s Ricky Martins dad and they give him good VIP deals.
Anger issues much?
Monger is right though! Cuban girls SWEAR that their shit don't stink, but I give 'em reality checks everytime. I control how much a dance is...how many dances....I won't put up with price gauging, dance gauging, nor any of the other BS they try to pull. But with that being said, after all the rules are established, I've had many great times with the cubans.....
I can't even imagine how truly despicable Mr Monger is that he can't even get laid by throwing money at people he believes are so far below him. He must be truly pitiful if he is so far below the types of people he is describing that they turn his money down and turn him down too. You can practically smell the noxious combination of anger, despair, loneliness and body odor seeping through his words.
OTC is available in Indianapolis with black, white and Hispanic dancers for anyone with a nice personality, good hygiene and a reasonable budget. However, it seems like Mr Monger likely lacks all three of those criteria. $250 was the going rate 5-10 years ago, but that won't get you OTC with much more than a needle addicted junkie in most cities. Some entitled fucker liek Mr. Monger would probably need to pay 10X that price for even the most desperate dancer to be willing to meet him OTC.
I don't mind Cubans. In fact I think most of them are nice!
Like it's their fault that he can't afford current market prices, lol. Some of us may not like the Cubans, myself very much included, but that doesn't mean that they don't have the right to choose who they fuck and the terms which they find acceptable. Ugh the self-entitlement is mind blowing.
Again though, I really hope this was a tongue-in-cheek post.
Damn have the cubans taken over Indianapolis now. Where are they not nowadays
I don’t get the hate directed towards Cuban women, we have many of them here and just like all others there’s some that are great, some that I don’t like, and the majority are just like all the rest of the girls that I don’t know.
The original post was at 4 am. Maybe that was a factor in the tone?
Calm down guys..I had a little too many and had one of those nights. I have the right to express my feelings and emotions like everyone else. You don’t like it that’s fine but I can express the way I feel no matter what you think.
The idea you felt you had to express your feelings immediately put you into the loss column. Go back and win the battle next time and walk away without the emotion, and you’ll find victory in what you can control.
@Mr Monger, yes you have the right express your feelings and emotions, and we have the right to call you a cheap, entitled, racist prick based on the feelings and emotions that you expressed.
The fact that you defended your statements after sobering up just reinforces what kind of person you really are.
So this WAS real? Dude... 😆
Also it seems that your self-entitlement doesn't end with strippers. You also think that you should be able to post whatever you want without consequences. Sorry man but that's not how it works. 😉
Whatever dude got a problem just mute me. I can post what I want don’t like it ignore it simple.
To me, Indiana strip clubs suck because full nudity is illegal and they're strict on touching. The Cubans aren't the problem. I agree with @twentyfive.
Purging your emotions is a sign of a
Child like loss of executive function. I can assume the stripper saw this and Devi died to cut bait.
@op Not sure how you can reread your original post and think the reactions are unwarranted. It was pretty over the top. We’ve all had bad nights. I typically search for what I could’ve done differently to change the outcome, even if I have to add a ROB to my list, fire a girl I previously thought was good, etc. But doubling down on what you said like the rest of the board is wrong? Sometimes we need to take feedback even if it’s feedback we don’t like. And “your right to express yourself?” Yes, you absolutely have the right to say what you want. You don’t then get to tell people they can’t post what they want. That’s just silly.
Yes, of course, people are free to express themselves any way they want.
It's also true that those who read others' posts are free to form opinions about what's been expressed. Some people like to give feedback describing their reactions. (It is, after all, a discussion board.) They, too, are free to express themselves any way they want.
In any form of communication that exists only through texts or typed postings, people reveal a lot about themselves just by what they choose to write about and how they express their thoughts. This is especially true over time and multiple posts by the same person. In doing so, one should expect a range of reactions and responses. If you're not prepared for that, my advice is not to post a rant in the first place.
I think the "how dare they deny me" part was where your post crossed the line for some of the guys here who disagree with you. Yeah this is a strip club forum and plenty of guys here get extras of some kind, but if a girl says "no," I think the general consensus here is that you should simply move along, and/or look elsewhere. Instead, you seemed to express that you feel entitled to these women, regardless of the services THEY are comfortable with providing you and the amount of money THEY are willing to accept for their services. This is not healthy thinking, and I don't think the fact that you had a few too many drinks is an excuse. If anything, maybe don't drink while partaking in this hobby if alcohol is going to cause you to go on these red flag "rants." Indiana does suck, but so does your sense of entitlement towards sex workers, and these guys here were right to call you out on it.
I find it kind of funny that others think "people reveal themselves" in posting. Ever consider that instead of revealing themselves that how others respond to posts actually reveals more about them than the OP? I do agree that self-employed people can set their own rates and choose their own customers. As Pls we do it, so dancers can do it. If you want more for less, make an offer. If they say yes, wonderful. If they say no then just move along.....quietly.
I don't expect to pay less than $1,400.00 to play Pebble Beach and figure an hour with a 10 costs the same. I would choose Pebble Beach.
===> "Whatever dude got a problem just mute me. I can post what I want don’t like it ignore it simple."
You can absolutely post what you want. But I can call you a self-entitled deranged twat in response. See how that works? Free speech works in two directions man. 😉
I mean sure, I could ignore you, but what fun would that be? 😆
The “ how dare they deny me” isn’t what crossed the line because there was no line to cross. I am the buyer there for I have to power. Without me there is no them period. Especially when they come into my country and act like they didn’t come from taking showers with buckets and making $80 a month is an issue. But it’s not like I can’t book a flight and have my way there for pennies on a dollar. So who really wins ?
But what I don’t get is why do you guys stick up for girls who don’t care if you live or die as long as your her personal atm. It’s so odd, they feel like there entitled to your money and that’s okay. But when men flip the script it’s now a problem or your piece of shit. I mean come now. Bottom line is I get what I want regardless so this is all rhetoric
"So who really wins ?"
Well you're still complaining about them days later and pretending like you're the only man on earth with a wallet, and they probably don't even remember you. So I don't think you're the winner in this scenario.
"I am the buyer there for I have to power." Doesn't sound like you have any power at all since they turned you down. How pathetic do you feel that even with all your power and your money that these ladies that you claim are so far beneath you still won't do what you want?
"they feel like there entitled to your money" They don't feel entitled to your money, they just know that you aren't entitled to anything from them. It is a strictly business transaction, they expect to be paid for services rendered exactly the same way you expect to be paid at your job.
"it’s not like I can’t book a flight and have my way there" please do that, and make sure that you only book a one-way flight because everyone is "sick of the bull shit" ramblings that come out of deranged drunks like you.
There's not much that TUSCLers can agree on, but we all agree that cheap, racist, angry, self-entitled assholes like you are worthless scum that every woman should stay away from.