ilbbaicnl - At the time of Trump's forced takeover of Greenland, has Musk already formed his alliance with the Martians and put them in charge of Space-X? It makes a big difference.
APNews is a just a Soros/Global cohort. Trump would only use the military as a last worst to deal with violence like ISIS or Syria when it was dropping barrel bombs indiscriminately on the population. His track record shows he won't "attack" Greenland. However, might make a sweet deal with Greenlanders while a Danish Territory, Greenlanders have zero "love' for the Danes kind if like what "love" we have the for Brits in the 1700s before we booted them out.
Trump and the military on the ME: I'm surprised Trump didn't support action this past weekend when he told Hamas they had a deadline to release hostages by Noon on Saturday. Way more typical than not, once a deadline has passed, Trump takes action. He has already authorized bunker buster bombs to Israel to deal with Iran.
Even if Iran slows or stops their nuke program, they'll just wait it out until the next Dem POTUS/Congress is back. We'll see how sanctions are enforced on Iran. And, if tankers leave Iran what our Navy will do to intercept them. Taking out 1 Iranian oil export port would send a strong message.
Countries that support pirates may be in for some trouble to keep the waterways safer. Nothing sends a clearer message like an AC-130 Spectre Gunship.
Bottomline: Trump would use military as a last resort for hostile actions, and economics to bankrupt a county like Iran or seduce Greenland to become a US Territory.
Stay tuned as our resident MAGA whackjobs call this a deep fake. Or, they'll say it's just a legit negotiating tactic. Under MAGA "morality", murder might be a crime, but robbery isn't. It's A-OK to get what you want by threatening violence.
Greenland is just a tactic to keep Americans distracted from his critical issues, primarily reorganizing government to be a for profit enterprise for the elites. While we drink from his firehose, the strategy is to get what he really wants done, privatization of most government functions, past the public. And with a congress and Supreme Court filled with those more interested in protecting their phony baloney jobs that allow them to rake in millions personally, he is getting it done.
It's interest that participants in the cult of Trump never have any actual arguments to defend dear leader. It's always ad hominem attacks. Cult members suffer from severe cognitive dissonance. Their egos prevent them from admitting they're wrong about anything. The facts prevent them delivering arguments of substance. So what we're left with is just ad hominem bullshit.
Like, we can't trust AP News - one of the most reliable and important media outlets on the plant - but we can trust the words Trump, who has proven to be nothing but a fountain of mendaciousness?
"He's isn't Putin or Hitler." Yeah, OK, then what's with him tweeting "He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.” He's a fucking psychopathic neofascist.
He won't take Greenland by force? Why won't he rule it out then?
@PutaTester may or may not be right that Greenland is just a stratagem to other nefarious ends. I don't know, either way, I'm terrified of this imperial presidency and disgusted at the people who voted for it.
"I'm terrified of this imperial presidency and disgusted at the people who voted for it"
There's always Mexico for ya, sugar tits ;) I'd say Germany but they're not big on freedom of speech these days. Keep rage jerking your tiny liberal peckers to him. Whatever makes you feel like you have even a _little_ bit of power over the situation.
Lol it's so funny because anyone here who remotely criticizes trump can guarantee that their post will be met with a "retaliation" post by "Puddy Tat," who comes to trump's defense at all times no matter what, as he has used Gorilla Glue to permanently seal his mouth onto trump's asshole. Puddy (and others) come to trump's defense immediately as if they are trained to do so. I really hope trump is paying him well for all the ass licking and fecal swallowing he does for him. But we all know trump has said himself that he doesn't care about Puddy, he only wants his votes. And we all know trump doesn't pay people, so essenrially Puddy & Co are eating trump's ass for free. Truly astounding to witness.
The idea that Democrats think that Trump doesn't care and that it matters just shows how fucking stupid they all are. I hate Donald Trump. I wish for his time on earth to end. Yet, I prefer himto every democrat, libera, and progressive on earth. Don;t care what he does, because no matter how fucked up, it won;t be as fucked up as anything progressives do. I love the fact they are suffering.
The fact that Trump has not been impeached for threatening to violently steal territory from a friendly country tells us something big about ourselves as a group. We've got no right to "throw the book" at most people in prison. We've proven we as a group think using violence to rob is just a question of whether you can get away with it. Most people in prison are no worse than that. We just need programs to convince them they won't get ahead in life by doing that. Clearly none of MAGA would see anything morally wrong about holding up a local convenience store. But most of them don't actually do it.
last comment…
Trump and the military on the ME: I'm surprised Trump didn't support action this past weekend when he told Hamas they had a deadline to release hostages by Noon on Saturday. Way more typical than not, once a deadline has passed, Trump takes action. He has already authorized bunker buster bombs to Israel to deal with Iran.
Even if Iran slows or stops their nuke program, they'll just wait it out until the next Dem POTUS/Congress is back. We'll see how sanctions are enforced on Iran. And, if tankers leave Iran what our Navy will do to intercept them. Taking out 1 Iranian oil export port would send a strong message.
Countries that support pirates may be in for some trouble to keep the waterways safer. Nothing sends a clearer message like an AC-130 Spectre Gunship.
Bottomline: Trump would use military as a last resort for hostile actions, and economics to bankrupt a county like Iran or seduce Greenland to become a US Territory.
How is Trump going to "seduce" leaders to buy Greenland when all he has done so far is offend and disgust other world leaders?
Stay tuned as our resident MAGA whackjobs call this a deep fake. Or, they'll say it's just a legit negotiating tactic. Under MAGA "morality", murder might be a crime, but robbery isn't. It's A-OK to get what you want by threatening violence.
Like, we can't trust AP News - one of the most reliable and important media outlets on the plant - but we can trust the words Trump, who has proven to be nothing but a fountain of mendaciousness?
"He's isn't Putin or Hitler." Yeah, OK, then what's with him tweeting "He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.” He's a fucking psychopathic neofascist.
He won't take Greenland by force? Why won't he rule it out then?
@PutaTester may or may not be right that Greenland is just a stratagem to other nefarious ends. I don't know, either way, I'm terrified of this imperial presidency and disgusted at the people who voted for it.
There's always Mexico for ya, sugar tits ;)
I'd say Germany but they're not big on freedom of speech these days.
Keep rage jerking your tiny liberal peckers to him. Whatever makes you feel like you have even a _little_ bit of power over the situation.
Join the LCS.