Why are “extras” more expensive than hookers ?

avatar for Mr Monger
Mr Monger
Aside from my reports I’m seeing a lot of guys paying $300-$600+ sometimes even higher for FS in clubs vs going on listcrawler or skip the games and paying 1/3 of that. Is there a reason why you guys choose the clubs over hookers?


last comment
avatar for uniquename
a month ago
The most typical reason given is ease of access. No screening and potential RWI required, immediate results.

avatar for skibum609
a month ago
You decide when is best for you. You decide who is best for you. You can take a lap dance test run. It happens at their place. It's easy to leave. They serve alcohol there. The one you order is the one you end up with. Her friends won't rob and kill you in your hotel.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
a month ago
Your thread asks a different question than your title.
avatar for Mr Monger
Mr Monger
a month ago
@skibum609 safety factor does play a major role. I don’t want to deal with pimps ect. One thing I like about clubs is that the girls come dolled up looking their absolute best compared to coming to the hotel room not knowing who is on the other side of that door. I have many chicks look one way on the ad and completely different in person…happens more times than not
avatar for Mr Monger
Mr Monger
a month ago
@uniquename good one. A lot of girls who post ads do waste time and require too much unnecessary screening.
avatar for motorhead
a month ago
We all have our standards as witnessed by the various responses to the “smash or pass” threads and I don’t know how the girls look in your area on Skip the Games, but for the most part where I’m at, they are mostly overweight barnyard animals and a few skinny, inked up crackheads.

I’ll gladly pay several times the advertised price on STG for something better.
avatar for Jascoi
a month ago
I'm willing to pay more for a pretty girl than just a warm hole.
avatar for Icey
a month ago
In a club a trick is a captive audience. He wants instant gratification. And that makes the price go up. Or hes free to leave and look for cheaper elsewhere
avatar for Dolfan
a month ago
I don't participate in the local escort scene, though I will occasionally get a strippers number who turns out to also do online advertising. When I do, I usually delete the number but I'll often browse around the sites where I see her ad at that time. What I find does not make me want to participate. As motor said, most of the ads look to me like obvious fake photos of porn stars or horribly unattractive women I wouldn't fuck if they paid me, sometimes they're both.

Our local strippers on the other hand are substantially hotter. Even with me bitching about the decline in quality lately at some clubs, there is no comparison to the skanks found online. And again as others have mentioned, I've seen them in person and interacted with them to know they're not uptight, smelly, overly mechanical, or have any other undesirable traits.

As far as costs, I don't see prices on some of those sites but a lot of the prices I see are the same or higher than what I'm paying strippers. Many of the hourly rates for the decent looking girls are 3-5x what I'm paying a stripper for an entire afternoon or evening of OTC. So I guess the basic premise doesn't ring true to me. Strippers are the same or lower cost option; the fact they're a better one is just icing on the cake.
avatar for Rod84
a month ago
Agree w/Dolfan. Escorts of my club girl quality want $800+/hour. Add screening, travel time, risk of robbery, plus bait & switch, I'll take $260 all-in VIPs any day.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
Basically what Skibum said. You can actually see the girlm choose from a selection, get a dance first. Much lower chance of a police sting or a robbery setup. No bait and switch. No exposing your address. No screening which sets you up for blackmail. There's the chance you'll get upcharged but that's everywhere.

I haven't gotten any kind of extras in several months; maybe I'm bored of that too.
avatar for TheSingularity
a month ago
Depending on where you go, they aren't.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
^^ ME too. Its why Rhode Island Dolls is back on top.
avatar for K
a month ago
others have mentioned the lack of screening, no bait and switch, safer.

i will add


" Many of the hourly rates for the decent looking girls are 3-5x what I'm paying a stripper for an entire afternoon or evening of OTC. So I guess the basic premise doesn't ring true to me. Strippers are the same or lower cost option; the fact they're a better one is just icing on the cake."

i second that

would you rather your wife find out you were at a hotel with an escort or stopped at a strip club on the way home?

avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
a month ago
@ Mr Monger

I have thought about this MULTIPLE TIMES. The truth is that it doesn't on multiple factors.

Typically, strippers are more attractive than your average escort on sites like Skipthegames. This varies wildly as some strippers work on escorting gigs.

Also, at strip clubs you just have an atmosphere advantage. Strong sexual environment, private rooms, etc. In contrast, escorts require you to visit hotels. This comes with a certain degree of risk as you don't know if she has a pimp in there or not.

I'm my experience, 95% of online escorts have no pimp and act independently. But I will admit that most of them, while attractive enough to get the job done, aren't winning against the 7+ tier strippers.

I have seen more escorts than I have strippers. The only other big risks you are taking is ROBs. Generally speaking, strippers are worse ROBs because they legally can lie to you and get away with unkept promises. Escorts have a double edged sword with it: a 304 who lies all the time inevitably loses customers more than they gain. The only alternative is moving to a new city.
They are breaking the law already, so they have no way out of a bad situation when the law gets involved.

Hence the "are you a cop?" question.
avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
a month ago
Agree w/Dolfan. Escorts of my club girl quality want $800+/hour. Add screening, travel time, risk of robbery, plus bait & switch, I'll take $260 all-in VIPs any day.

@ Rod

But there lies the price difference. The only chicks taking 300 or less are typically some Latinas and a few Black chicks (in my neck of the woods). Typically most strippers are want 400 to 500 on the low end and 800+ at the high end.

Escorts are always 200 and under. It used to be around 120 before 2020 inflation. The only expensive escorts I found are the ones on those higher end websites. I think we need a distinguishment on call girls and local hotel rats.
avatar for chiefwiggum
a month ago
Some places as already pointed out above are actually cheaper than the local escort scene. Toronto and Montreal are way cheaper (well good luck in Montreal now) than local escorts, though I do admit that there are some agencies that are cheaper than strip clubs. Add what Skibum said about choice and it becomes very attractive option.
avatar for SalaoLikeSantiago
a month ago
Toronto escort agencies are a great deal - often young, gorgeous, and for $400 Canadian all-in (currently $280 USD) with no drama. Do your homework and the massage parlors can be even better value.
Tijuana (Hong Kong, etc) is a blend of both worlds and a great deal.
Some of the European FKKs, and certainly the Bangkok clubs, provide choice and good value.

In the U.S., most STG girls are gross (agree with Motorhead). Tryst and Eros are bigger bucks and you may still be disappointed (probably will be disappointed).

ITC or OTC at a U.S. strip club gives: a) the thrill of the chase, b) the ability to choose a beauty that makes you happy, c) no drama other than negotiation, d) maybe the ability to convert into an ATF and the benefits that relationship can bring. (OK, at the Playhouse you will not get the thrill of the chase nor a beauty...but you know just what you're getting)
avatar for Nixur68
a month ago
Because these girls are hot as fuck and worth it.
avatar for motorhead
a month ago

Founder needs to bring back that “like” button
avatar for DrStab
a month ago
Don’t want to deal with junkies, ROBs, cops, thugs and pimps (although some dancers are high at work).
avatar for apieceofsausage
a month ago
(Answering the question in the title, not the one in the description)

In my case, I've charged more for extras in the club than I would outside of it because it's a different environment, and if I can get a dude in the club to spend $300 on a VIP room where I don't fuck him at all, I'm not gonna also accept $300 for a different dude to stick his pecker in me in the VIP room. Outside of the club it's different. Whatever the highest possible price for VIP is at the club I'm at (usually not a crazy amount since I usually work at divey clubs), I charge at least 150% of that for extras. (Especially since the club takes a portion of the VIP room cost)

If a guy finds me on one of the sites, he gets the normal price since it's not like I'd be selling VIPs in that case anyway.
avatar for Studme53
a month ago
Because you never know what’s gonna show up at your door
avatar for stripperlover777
a month ago
⭐ 🤠 Both Can Be $Negotiated.

It Depends On Who Will Be Your Goddess, Angel & Girlfriend 👽

Don't Be Advantaged On Da' Myth Way!

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