Trump increased prescription drug prices

Isn't it exciting that Trump already increased prescription drug prices! How does that help the American people? Is there a clearer sign that Trump only cares about himself and could absolutely care less about the American people? Without the usual changing the subject to something else, how can anyone justify this? Really, who would vote for this?
last commentWhy are you posting this in the Front Room? What does this have to do with strip clubs?
From past observations, a lot of strippers use drugs
Say that you don't know the economics of the pharmaceutical industry without saying it.
Hey, you still coming up to Boston to kick my ass? Or betting $10,000 that porn and strip clubs won't be banned?
I think it would be comical to watch you attempt to fight Puddy Tat. Are you athletic or coordinated or physically fit in the slightest?
So explain how not being to negotiate drug prices helps to lower drug prices. Please explain.
^ Fly out to Boston and find out. You want this so bad, you gotta come out here and fit it into my schedule. I'm not going to talk smack or threaten, because we're all 6'6" 275# of solid muscle with a black belt in jiu-jitsu and Olympic level boxing skills and an 11.5-inch dick.
I just had another lib from a different board, who said he'd "make the 6 o'clock news" if he saw an ICE agent and dared me to "say to his face" that Trayvon Martin FAFO by initiating a physical confrontation.
Book the trip or admit you're another internet smack talker.
And you keep dodging that $10,000 bet. At this point, I accept your apology.
"Lowering drug prices" means no investment. Hundreds of small molecules taken out of development, that means cures that will never happen. We're footing drug development for the rest of the world when it doesn't address the real causes of healthcare inflation--hospitals. But I guess the cost of a drug that isn't available is zero, and the patient just dies. Maybe we can be like Canada and push euthanasia over expensive treatments.
Great so now when I'm snorting Xans off a Florida stripper's buttcheek it's gonna cause me more? Jeez.
When did I ever say I'd bet $10,000? I didn't. I am 6'2 235. I played football and basketball. I've lifted weights for years. I've guarded guys in pickup basketball that used to play in the NFL and were bullying everyone on the court except me. I'm very athletic and super competitive. Most tough talkers on here are completely out of shape. In reality of never trained in any MMA or martial art. I just know that I've been able to out compete the majority of guys who are actually good athletes. In all reality if you saw me in person you wouldn't want to fight. Show me this post where I said I was betting you $10,000.
^ Yeah, I knew you didn't really think porn and strip clubs would be outlawed. You insisted on it, I offered you the bet, you suddenly stopped saying it.
I'm a 6'8" 275# ex-Delta Force, Lumphini Muay Thai champion, black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with a 12-inch cock. I've impregnated 100 women in a night. I bench press 500 with my left hand, deadlift 800 with my right, all while receiving blowjobs from two Playboy cover girls while a third tongues my asshole.
If you're that confident, when are you making the trip? Now you're avoiding that too.
^^ Oh and note, I've never threatened you. I don't, because internet threats to kick someone's ass are SO 1999.
You're the one making threats here.
People just talk like tough guys on here when they would never say a fucking word of tough talk to me in person ever. I highly doubt you are even in shape in the slightest. Would you waste your time and money to come to Minneapolis to challenge me? Fuck no. We've got better things to do with our time and money than that. The strip club thing was something that was brought up but I never said a word about betting on it.
People acting like tough guys? You mean like I could destroy you in 10 seconds? Mr. I'm 6'2 235 of muscle and hyper athletic and competitive?
I just challenged you to show some conviction around being a political chicken little.
That's two bombastic statements you've made that you won't follow up on.
“Like a keyboard kowboy! Riding out in the horse singing songs I don’t even know.”
Glen Campbell’s version was a little different, but any old fuck gets what I’m saying.
Do you really want me to come to Boston? I highly doubt it. Yes I probably made some overly bombastic statements but it generally applies to about 99% of the guys that have gotten aggressive with me behind a screen that they would not be aggressive in person.
^ Sure, whatever floats your boat. We've established that you talk shit you have no intention to back up. You're boring and insecure.
I get it now. Puddy Tat always has remain slavishly devoted to Trump, so Trump won't pull the security people who are protecting him from dustyj.
^ Yawn.
Has the OP diligently looked into this ir is this just another post condemning Trump.
As someone who’s on Medicare and has Plan D, I’ve investigated this. Looking thru the list of Trump’s drugs, they are all Tier 1 and Tier 2 drugs of any reputable Plan D already, meaning they are already zero dollars or perhaps $5 at most.
So, with perhaps a few odd outliers, I don’t see a change for most Ruth plan D
Ooooohh I see the toughest pussy on the board making threats again. Go fuck yourself DustyJ, you scare no one loosah. Gym muscles mean a the gay community only. Think about it.
^ Wait a sec…is Skifredo praising DustyApe’s “gym muscles”? Skifredo has a hard-on for Dusty, methinks.
Also, DustyApe, y’all need to post shit like this in the politics room. ROAR!!!
Skibum the old fossil who thinks Bidenomics made things expensive. Wait until Trump's tariffs and mass deportations cause prices to skyrocket. Will you admit that Republicans are fucking terrible for the economy?
We'll soon find out that Biden was FANTASTIC for the economy and prices compared to Trump.
This is all moot. Trump has determined that the cause of all human disease is excessive dog eating. He's going to put a stop to that. He's going to repurpose all medical personnel to serve in the Greenland invasion force.
Ahh the old fossil knows that Biden was the worst President in history and I didn't need a fake gym body to know that.
When are ski and Puddy going to address the real problem of rick-on-rick conflict?
^ Ski can handle that, I'm not a lawyer and I don't know where my fellow felid is located.
dustyj vs. Puddy Tat in the octagon. MAKE IT HAPPEN Dana!!! :P
Real ricks don’t have conflicts with other real ricks. Well, shit may happen while I’m in an alcoholic fog, but that’s Jack’s fault. Not rick’s!
Anyhoo…this lion just returned to this thread to urge the usual suspects to move the political shit to the politics room. As a public service this rick has a few topics to debate:
Should the yacht rock demo that Rob Lowe recorded with Toto while out of his head on cocaine be released? Why or why not?
Is Skifredo the angriest pothead in the world? More to the point…why is Skifredo the angriest pothead in the world?
What happens when females that have Brazilian butt lifts have diarrhea? Is it disgusting?
Do wildebeest have feelings too? Am I being a bad rick when I eat me a delicious wildebeest burrito?
^ LOL at #3 from my fellow felid. Gross, but hilarious.
I have long suspected there is a major fake-rick problem in Florida.
My Cuban fav has been giving me a running (cringe pun) account of her Norovirus bout. But her butt is a pristine example of God's Glory.
The Toto featuring Rob Lowe album should be released, so rtl can play it for wildebeest as they are tacofied. So they will yearn for death, rather than fear it.
Jaybud seems to have latent homosexual tendencies and an attraction to fat guys. The younger a man is chronologically, the weaker and more effeminate he is.
Discussions like this and threads like above should really be beneath any reasonable adult.
Yet gammy is here.
That ilb the mentally ill IL lib is unable to understand what I meant is no surprise to anyone. However, for those who may understand, how did you get yourselves sucked into a school yard level quarrel of "I'm stronger than you are!" " Nuh-uh" "Yeah-huh". I'll go a step further. Anyone who is so insecure as to make such a statement from behind a keyboard, is clearly so weak and cowardly that they would never be able to handle themselves in a real street fight.
Am I nuts for expecting a board of strip club perverts to have higher standards?
^ would not the wise man try best to match their surroundings?
@gammy you're nominal problem is already solved by founder's mute feature. So, clearly, you just need a pretense for being a whiny bitch. Which is fine. I have none to blame but myself for having to endure your whiny bitchhood. I just can't resist the urge to use founder's new unmute-by-message option.
^^In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
^ilb the mentally ill IL lib is clearly triggered that we know he's too stupid to debate political rhetoric effectively, so he has resorted to personal attacks. That's all we can expect from the useful idiots if the democrat party.
^ I wasn't talking tough. Just making fun of someone who doesn't realize internet threats to beat someone's ass haven't been cool in decades.
^When were they cool? You mean someone on-line who is wicked fucking tough might be lying? I love it when internet tough guys tell us how big they are because in real life, when you get in a fight, one of the easiest things to do is to negate size. Why else would God have created the Bud Longneck? Or Sticks and stones, which hurt, unlike name-calling.
^ Late 90s when we didn't know any better. Or maybe I was just young and stupid at the time. But this weekend I had another hardcore lib on a different board telling me what he'd do to me if he saw me face to face.
I said OK, Boston Common, 9pm.
Shocker, he didn't show, and instead I had a damn good birthday dinner with my best (platonic) female friend.