Club and OTC New Year’s Resolutions

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.

Wallanon and I were discussing some self realization about our clubbing in 2024 and it gave me this thread idea. Will I keep to it? Hopefully, but like all NY resolutions, they aren’t perfect.

My number one resolution is to be more efficient with my money. I spread myself way too thin in the last year, went to too many different clubs and did rooms with too many different girls trying to amass regulars.I’ve come to realize that my “success” of hitting lots of clubs and having fun with lots of different girls, while a shit ton of fun, comes with the downside of taking attention away from some really top performers. I’ve resolved to whittle down my strip club dependents to three girls who dance at different clubs. Yeah, there’ll be the one off with new girls here and there (and likely here and there and here and there) but I need to channel my focus and learn to say “no” to a hot girl in her underwear running her hand up my leg. Pray for me.


last comment
avatar for shailynn
2 mos ago

“Spread myself too thin.” I think a lot of people have done that in general in life lately and it’s hard not to do with the cost of everything these days.

As for NYE - no club for me - I get free sex tonight with my wife. Well not really free but it is in my own mind.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 mos ago

It might not be free, but it’s already paid for which is kinda the same thing. Happy new years bang o clock buddy.

avatar for ArtCollege
2 mos ago

Robert Heinlein said that free tail is invariably the most expensive kind.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 mos ago

Fewer visits, more fulfilling visits. 1 session of wilding out beats 10 of meh.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 mos ago

I would like to have more bjs from delightful whores in the vip. I can’t decide whether I prefer chubby and tit fucking, or slender and vise-like grind on dc jr.

Further research will have to be done.

avatar for Estafador
2 mos ago

Become exceedingly better and more profitable with my finance gig

avatar for JamesSD
2 mos ago

I'm actually the opposite, I resolve to diversify and find myself a #2 girl to back up my ATF both for variety and in case she takes a break. I've been slightly too picky with girls this year knowing she provides so well for me.

avatar for shailynn
2 mos ago

^ ah James and here I thought you would say “I plan to play more video games and eat more Doritos in 2025.”

Happy New Year!!!!

avatar for Muddy
2 mos ago

I’ve been all cooped up in 2024 it’s time to get out of the house and hit way more strip clubs 2025, I’ve been slacking big time.

avatar for wallanon
2 mos ago

Fortunately I broke my top New Year's hobby resolution when it was still 2024 so it doesn't count lol. Technically it's not broken yet, but there's no conceivable way it'll survive January. There's always next year...

Happy New Year!

avatar for Manuellabore
2 mos ago

Concentrate on reliable OTC connections locally and in those locations where I have established them. Chasing after “variety” and the “thrill of the hunt” is a big crapshoot and economically inefficient, so I’m going to try to save it for localities where I don’t have a choice

avatar for sfrsox
2 mos ago

Need to make more $ so I can spend more on mamacitas.

Also eat better and exercise more.

avatar for Jigman
2 mos ago

I will only be seeing my ATF from now on. I don’t want to spend money on any other dancers or any bartenders. That is my news years resolution.

avatar for ATACdawg
2 mos ago

Resolution? My only one was not to make any. A life without disappointment! Well, at least not about that.....

avatar for steve3000
2 mos ago

My resolution is similar to Hank's - except on a reduced scale.

My local club visits have only been at one place the past few years, partly due to convenience and partly due to the decline of the Bmore strip club scene.

Looking back, I have spread myself too thin at that club. Too many dances with too many girls in an attempt to discover new favorites. Often at the expense of proven favorites. Time to focus on the tried and true in 2025.

avatar for Jascoi
2 mos ago

I backed off this last year... Need to kick it back up!!!

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 mos ago

Today is January 3d and I’m being tested. I’m trying to cut the roster to 3. One is out of town, one isn’t working and the third is more of a long term project. Why the issue? Just say no, Hank. The issue is I’ve cleared things at home that I have Friday and Saturday afternoons AND Friday or Saturday night for me time. 3 clubbing windows with my 1 and 2 preferred favorites NA. I feel so weak.

avatar for wallanon
2 mos ago

If you're only doing tryouts would they technically be on the roster? I mean, the proper thing would be to do a workout so you can make an informed decision lol

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 mos ago

Says the devil on my right shoulder… Thanks but I’m fully capable of rationalizing myself into a club on my own lol. My bank account shows it.

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