Just a slutty fun stripper

avatar for grrlgonebad
So, here I am.. all new to your community. I wanted to pop in and be the slutty fun stripper who flirted with all the guys... connected with some customers... and just had a good time!

Now I think I have come across and just an angry bitch....

...so... let's reset... It's me... the slutty fun stripper!


last comment
This feels like the insta video Alyssa Milano made calling for a truce with the MAGA voters after Biden was inaugurated . . . (properly used ellipsis)
Nah... just a desire to not be thought of as an angry cunt... you can decide if I am though...
avatar for wallanon
4 months ago
It's the TUSCL effect lol. No worries. Plus you're hot so (like Alyssa Milano) if there's any beef it'll blow over.
If you’re worried about what some anonymous source has to say about you you might be a redneck
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 months ago
Just be you. We all let our freak flag fly here.
Well, that would make 25 the biggest redneck on TUSCL.
as a stripper... I literally make my money off of what some anonymous guy thinks about me... mostly physically... but sometimes intellectually... or... emotioanlly.. or.. whatever... maybe it is just a factor of the job to always wonder what anonymous men think... and try to make it all right...
^ You are a weird jerk always looking to pick a fight, fuck off bigot I got no interest in you or anything you have to say, especially since nothing you say has any value.
^ sorry that wasn’t to you grrl
@grrlgonebad Just make use of the mute button. Trust me it makes things way easier.
I try be the peacemaker... if I can... let's all Make Pussy Important Again... MPIA...

which is a better slogan than.. Make naked pussy the only thing that guys think about again... MNPTOTTGTAA... not so good...
@grrlgonebad LOLOL. I can't tell you what to do but the trolls on here don't want peace and will never be a customer, if anything they want a cute dancers attention for free. They are the guys that pay the cover and nurse a coke for 4 hours at the bar because they can't afford to have any fun. I have long chose to ignore those creeps and that made the board worth being on for me.
but as my mother always told me.. you get more bees with honey than with vinegar...

....on a related note... have you ever seen two girls pouring honey all over each other... it was pretty fun... until it gets in your hair.. and... oooops... destroying the image you had in your mind again!
^ I do not find you to be an angry bitch. Your politics are fine by me, even though I oppose pretty much 100% of what you believe. Friday night poker we do the same thing as we do here - during dinner break only. Bring it up during the game and 6 people land on. Politics doesn't impact poker so why would it impact strippers? Is it possible that you wouldn't dance for a self-proclaimed MAGA, so you assume they wouldn;t dance with you? I didn't like what I read about Isabel Peron, but I'd have done a CR with her.
In Texas.. if you don't dance for guys who wear MAGA hats.. you don't make much money.... I absolutely do...
You remind me of a stripper I use to see not so long ago in Colorado Springs.
also, i worked through the "grab her by the pussy" era... trust me.. I have anger issues about T for that alone...
@mogul - only Denver and that was a few years ago... but I am sure that girl was AWESOME! hahahaha... wait.. hmmmm....
Some of those guys with MAGA hats actually show up and buy dances. There are guys on here who show up to try to make the people they can't be like feel terrible.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago
Aaahhh I am drenched in the ellipsis bukkake.
I literally make my living creating a world where even the biggest, cheapest most distainful asshats on earth will come up with a dollar for a stage flash... at least..

I am pretty good at it... so we will see if I can melt the hearts... of the asshats here too... who knows... maybe they don't have them... but we will see!
did.... someone... say... bukakke...

that is so.. in your face... with the... eplipsissssssss...... spewing.. everywhere!

no.. not in my eye... no.. no... nooooo..... those dots burn!
It’s good to have an active dancer on the board. Doesn’t hurt that you’re hot and post nude pics either. Hopefully you can stomach the hostile natives. It’s not you, it’s them, and they do it to anyone who disagrees with them.
^Thank you! I may have a bit of an exhibitionist part to me... wait, it that obvious?

i don't know if I will do a "full spread" if founder opens up the dancer profiles again... just because it might get a bit weird... but then again... maybe not!
I second @IWantHerOnMe's suggestion that you use the block button gratuitously.

My rule of thumb is: anyone who thinks I should be killed because of my political beliefs gets an immediate block. And then I also block anyone who repeatedly insists I or others should be deprived of my inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

I imagine as a lady, you'd be on the receiving end of such comments more than I, because there's no shortage of misogynists here, so use that block button gratuitously.

Also, on full spread I vote "aye".
^ Kind of funny given the democrats assault through their bought and paid for news media to encourage some psycho to murder trump becaue "he is a danger to our deomcracy". Josef Goebbels would be so proud of his fellow socialists.
Full spread... hahahaha... that has so many meanings...

I am sure you mean a lovely table at Thanksgiving.... with all of the foods you love... a holiday tradition from another time... but you know nekkid tho... :-)
no! This is slutty fun stripper thread... get your own thread for that!!!
@RonJax2 I agree with the if they think I should be killed blocl rule wholeheartedly LOLOLOLOLOL
I like fun HOT slutty strippers!
What, wait - she's hot and posts nude pics 😍?
Uh, 🤔?

Hope to see you soon 😊
Glad you're here, sweet fun stripped
avatar for NickysHardLife
4 months ago
If that's your real (absolutely stunning) face, you won't have any trouble finding any of us horny souls to interact with. IMHO
Full disclosure... my profile image is my actual photo run through one of those avatar generator things... so... yeah... she's more like the perfect version of me... so... believe accordingly!
avatar for Muddy
4 months ago
@grrlgonebad you seem like you don’t take yourself too seriously and just have fun with stuff. Love the energy, never change.
avatar for groundball
4 months ago
nice, let us know when you're up in the DC/Baltimore area!
avatar for Lurker-X
4 months ago
Glad to see you here grrl, I’ve always enjoyed your contributions on the stripclubs subreddit. Hope the right wingers don’t scare you away.

I find my time on tuscl more enjoyable if I stay away from the threads posted in the Political Discourse forum.
I like you grll, I hope the misogynistic assholes don’t chase you off you’re a feisty and intelligent woman we need more like you and nice spice, and Nina Bambina, you need to post a bunch more.
Girlgonebad, I’m not sure what you posted that you’re apologizing for, but this rick’s advice is: don’t apologize. If somebody got their knickers in a twist because of something you posted that’s on them, not on you.

Imma be a serious lion for a moment. Like LurkerX I try to stay away from the “political discourse” forum. It’s pointless. The problem on TUSCL that is making it less fun is folks like Skifredo and Gamma. They make *everything* about frickin’ politics. So politics is always oozing into the front room.

The sad thing is that when both of those guys can calm the fuck down the post about something normal they seem like they might be semi-reasonable people. If it is one of them you pissed off, this lion says “fuck ‘em!” ROAR!!!
This lion also says “post more nekkid photos on the internet!”

But that is only because this lion is a frickin’ demented pervert. ROAR!!! 🦁
@rickthelion FACTS. I don't care who your voting for. If you can't keep that on the political forum, I'm muting you. Icey also politicizes alot of stuff. I'd way rather hear from dancers than these dudes who can turn a strip club board into TYT or Louder With Crowder.
Slutty fun strippers are the best
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago
Anyway, blahblahblah (not to be confused with blahblahblahs) has established the standard that, to be an angry bitch on here, you have to stab a BUNCH of people. No dis intended, but you're not even close.
> to be an angry bitch on here, you have to stab a BUNCH of people

Yes, true 😔🔪
25IQ the incel, trying to get attention. Weak, sad, and weird.
I’m a 70 year old incel, you’re stupid and weird.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago
I just hope everyone who's mad at people for mentioning politics outside the political forum are also mad a Trump for mentioning eating pussy in a political debate!
20fag the lonely alcoholic and cacaplop the autistic indian aka rickmicrodong are thread killers
Blahblahblah is normal. The stabbing jokes as old and played out as some tuscl members 😂 😭
avatar for Lurker-X
4 months ago
RE: “my profile image is my actual photo run through one of those avatar generator things... so... yeah... she's more like the perfect version of me”

Hmm so your profile pic is like what would emerge if you took The Substance.*

* (movie reference if anyone is wondering WTF I’m talking about)
> this lion is a frickin’ demented pervert. ROAR!!!
My favorite kind of customer!

Thank you all for all of this! AWESOME!

I was doing what I thought was a REALLY good VIP session with a customer one night when out of nowhere he asks me... "so who are you voting for?"

I had to stop for a second and check myself... what was I doing that was so boring that this guy was thinking about politics at a time like this! Literally my naked pussy is 3 inches from his face and he wants to discuss my political opinions?

What did I do wrong? I ran through everything i had done with him up to that point to see if I said or did anything to make him lose interest...nope! none I could think of...

Then it hit me.. this is the fucked up world we live in now... where politics is more intersting than pussy.

On Mazlow's hierarchy of needs.. the things we humans really want on a primal level.. politics isn't on there.... but sex is... and somehow we have put politics above that..

What.. the.. absolute...fuck.. is...wrong.. with...us????

Make Pussy Important Again! MPIA!
avatar for ClubFan81077
4 months ago
^ If we're going to brainstorm for t-shirt and hat options, I'd like to proudly wear a "Hooray for hoo-ha" pink shirt to show my support for the MPIA movement!
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 months ago
"Then it hit me.. this is the fucked up world we live in now... where politics is more intersting than pussy."

It isn't. Last think I'm thinking about with a gorgeous ass on my lap is "i hope she's not a liberal." Politics is just more neurosis-triggering than pussy.
@ouddy... you would be AMAZED at how many guys talk politics in the club... HINT: None of them are Harris supporters...
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 months ago
^ I know, I'm giving my experience. That's the scary part. I don't even yell out on the VIP "Yeah bitch, wrap those liberal lips around this fat conservative dick!"

"I was doing what I thought was a REALLY good VIP session with a customer one night when out of nowhere he asks me... "so who are you voting for?"

Was the guy wearing a MAGA hat? If he was, I'm not surprised.... 😂
You would be... horrified if you knew what some guys say at that moment...

... and yes... trust me.. politics is in there... a whole bunch of misogyny mixed in with it... but... yeah...

Things I have actually heard... or some variant...."show me how a feminist sucks this maga cock...." I am like.. jesus fucking christ.. shut the fuck up about this!
I am not on this site for political advice. I am here for info on fun slutty strippers. Girrlgonebad, just be you and be happy. I know I would be happy to find myself in VIP with you. I really appreciate your attitude and spunk. Pussy forever!!!
Yeah! Pussy!
(note... I don't have much in the tits or ass department.. so i have to go with what I got!)
Girl you got what counts.
avatar for rickmacrodong
4 months ago
Hank moody said “Doesn’t hurt that you’re hot and post nude pics either. ”

Where are the pictures being posted? I thought pics are no longer on the site
👽 Glad We Have A Stripper On Board!
Let's Be Chairman Of Da' Board!
Strip Club + Tuscl Cheers
🎃 🎃 🎃 Happy Holloween!!!
Glad to have you on the board grrlgonebad, keep on posting in the discussions !
She's cool, first met her on Reddit. Welcome.
Bippitty boppitty bacon!
We need pics to determine whether or not you're actually an angry cunt.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago
I could see where it would be a good thing for everyone if a dancer had up to three logins on here. One to help earn more money. One to give a frank dancer perspective. A third one if she wants to get into political stuff, so her politics don't impact the effectiveness of the other two logins. Sock puppeteering can be a force for good.
@georg - I am cycling through banner header in my profile to give you some idea of the angriness of my... well...

@libb - I am but one woman... flawed though she may be... and honest to all.... well, as honest as I need to be...
I check your profile often. Keep those banners going. It is nice to see your various perspectives 😜
you are quite welcome! I was wondering if anyone noticed! hahaha!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago
To give an example, it wouldn't totally shock me if I found out PSD and blahblahblah were the same person. I'd rather get the PSD side during a dance. But, if she sat with me and had a drink during some down time, the blahblahblah side would be fun then. I mean, as long as she had to go through a metal detector to get in the club.
avatar for Manuellabore
4 months ago
Where are your pics? I only see one at waist level. Would like to see more
avatar for Lurker-X
4 months ago
@Manuellabore - GGB is frequently changing the banner on her profile page. And less frequently her profile picture. So if you want to see more pictures you need to visit her profile page often.

PS to GGB - thank you for making the effort to do this. Some of us PLs appreciate it.
avatar for ClubFan81077
4 months ago
The one posted now is kind of cool! It almost looks like grrlgonebad is the first stripper to walk on the moon!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago
As a money saving measure, strippers are the astronauts for NASA' s Return To The Moon program. Specifically ones who give lots of BJs, they don't need spacesuits, cause they've learned to hold their breath fora long time.
avatar for blahblahblahs
4 months ago
I assume you meant blahblahblah23. Who is PSD?
👽 $ Strip Club Cheers

GrrlGoneBad Luveee @ Strip Club

Reminds Me Of
Song "Crazy Bitch" @ BuckCherry

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