
Lines for when age-appropriate women try to pick you up

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
My honest one would be "sorry, I'd rather pay someone else for whatever you'd do for free". What are some more diplomatic alternatives?

So far, I've only had this problem when I've been out walking. A couple pulled over and asked if I needed a ride, so I just said thanks, no. Another pulled over and told me she needed a walking partner. I told her I didn't do it on a regular schedule. All the other times, it was just flirting, I played dumb.


  • funonthaside
    25 days ago
    "Sorry....I only date women 20 years younger than me"
  • rickthelion
    25 days ago
    Lemme help you out here Libby Ape or whatever the fuck your name is.

    You just say the following: my buddy is a frickin’ lion and he sent me down to the liquor store to buy like a case of Jack. He hosting something that he calls a “rickbang” that involves a sexy female hairless ape and his friends a shark and a dugan. He says I can watch. Wanna join us?

    If that shit scares ‘em off you’re rid of some real sticks in the mud. If they dig the idea of watching a rickbang you’ll probably have fun with them.

    Problem solved. ROAR!!
  • rockie
    25 days ago
    It may be 25 years since a sober civvy woman has hit on me!
  • ilbbaicnl
    25 days ago
    I don't have breathalizer results for any of them.
  • Icey
    25 days ago
    Women my age tend to push things too hard and want to play house.

    I dont mind old women. They can be really freaky. Ive had a few good experiences.

    But i prefer younger women .
  • whodey
    25 days ago
    Just tell them that you follow Leonardo DiCaprio's example and only date women who are 18-25 years old.
  • rickmacrodong
    25 days ago
    How old is ilb? Are these 80 year old elderly women pulling over to flirt? I thought ilb is around 80
  • datinman
    25 days ago
    If a 60 year old woman propositions me, I just say "It's $30 per 3 minute intervals with no penetration and I expect a generous tip if you cum." When their jaw drops, I let them know I have GPS.... Golden Penis Syndrome.
  • rickdugan
    25 days ago
    For me it has come in the form of flirting. I, smile, play dumb and move on.

    It's not just about them being my own age. I'm in my early 50s, so there are some age appropriate women who still look pretty decent. But after 2 divorces, I'm beyond done. I am not the solution to anyone's problems - I've got plenty of my own, lol.

    I've also run into a couple of uncomfortable situations since I started sugar dating. I ranged up into the late 30s a few times and it was a mistake. It's amazing how, when you treat a woman right and make her nut a few times, her thinking starts to shift. I had 2 of them tell me that they wanted more, which is precisely what I'm trying to avoid. I thought that 14-15 years was enough of an age gap to avoid this, but apparently not. Now I don't date older than early 30s.
  • ATACdawg
    25 days ago
    I could echo George Burns on his 91 birthday:

    "When I was 19, I liked 19 year old women. Why shouldn't I like them now?"
  • funonthaside
    25 days ago
    Dugan's take on the older 30s women is interesting. That's actually my sweet spot for providers, but I suppose the maturity of women at that age also leads them to be more likely to be seeking normality in their lives.
  • rickdugan
    25 days ago
    @fun: It's my sweet spot too, which is why it sucks.

    Right now I'm doing the single Dad thing, with primary custody of my kids (long story). Since I started late and many of these girls started early, we often have kids in similar age ranges. When I talk about my kids' accomplishments and the things I do to help them, it's like catnip to some of these girls.

    FUCK to the NO. Like I said, I am not the solution to anyone's problems. By the time I get my youngest kid through college, I'll be old enough that this will no longer be an issue. But until then, I'll just keep the age profile young enough to avoid this problem.
  • Dolfan
    25 days ago
    For age appropriate flirting that I'm not interested in I usually smile, play dumb, and go on about my business. Occasionally I actually am dumb and before I even realize what's happening I'm waist deep in it. My technique to cut bait is usually to just claim I'm in a long term committed relationship, then apologize for any leading on and blame it on being out of practice.

    I'm a little younger than Rick, and I have similar experiences with girls in a slightly lower age bracket, in their late 20's to mid thirties. For the Cuban girls, it seems age has no bearing whatsoever. I can't simply undercut the age bracket to avoid the problem, so I just deal with it.
  • Icey
    25 days ago
    Im in my very early 30s. I dont mind fucking women in their late 20s early 30s but i hate the baggage they come with.

    They want me to tell them what to do, make decisions for them, even simple ones. They move too fast. Ones with kids act too desperate. Some look great but these girls were so slutted out in their early 20s tgey become desperate and have no self esteem.

    The biggest positive is theyll do anything sexually. But think itll keep you around.

  • rickmacrodong
    24 days ago
    Rick is unusually good looking/in good shape for his age, but most of the time this occurs it Isnt because of genuine reasons but rather financial and other reasons. Someone willing to marry you, doesn’t necessarily like you more than a stripper or escort willing to bang you for money. Even when it comes to younger guys in their 30s and 20s, if a girl is pushing towards marriage it can be due to several reasons
  • Jascoi
    24 days ago
    Quote funside..."Sorry....I only date women 20 years younger than me"

    Me..."Sorry....I only date women 50 years younger than me"
  • Manuellabore
    24 days ago
    As long as it’s clear it’s just going to be a roll in the hay, I don’t care how old a woman is as long as she’s attractive. I try to draw a bright line with co-workers and those with whom I have a professional relationship, which is the bulk of my exposure to civvie women. Even that is fraught. Couple months ago, came this close to ducking out of an event with a ci-worker to go to another hotel up the street for a "drink", at her suggestion.(Hotel happens ti be a regular choice fof my OTCs) Plenty of booze where we were, and she’s been flirting heavily for a while, insinuating unhappiness in her relatiionship, etc. I snapped out of it and came up with an excuse to GTFO. Too many ways that could go sideways, especially since she is nominally a subordinate
  • ilbbaicnl
    24 days ago
    @Manuel so far Salma Hayek has not hit on me.
  • magicrat
    24 days ago
    RE: Rick Dugan's comment about the women wanting more...I've had that happen in an age range of 10-22 years younger. An outlier also said that to me that was 40+ years younger. It seems not being an asshole goes a long way with some of these women.
  • RockAllNight
    24 days ago
    Depends upon how you define age appropriate
    Here’s one method
    PL age Her age
    Under 30 90% of PL age
    30-35 80%
    35-45 70%
    45-50 60%
    > 50. 50%
    Do the math
  • Jascoi
    24 days ago
    74/2 = 37
    37 still too old!
  • RockAllNight
    24 days ago
    ^ maybe over 70 should be 40%
  • JamesSD
    23 days ago
    I'll be sad when I no longer am interested in banging age appropriate civvys for free.

    I see plenty of slamming milf bodies at the beach and pool.
  • Manuellabore
    23 days ago
    ^ilbb^ Salma is of course the gold standard I aspire towards (I'd step over most twentysomething dancers for a shot at her), but not that I hold myself to. At any given time, any supermarket in a gentrified urban area or an affluent suburb there are going to be at least 3-4 women in their 50s I would take for a no-consequences toss.

    RockAllNight's age appropriateness scale is interesting. I'm assuming it is intended to apply to civvie women. There really shouldn't be any age standards in the SC, other than our personal standards. I personally steer clear of under-21 dancers in clubs where they are allowed, and there are no doubt young dancers who (foolishly from an economic standpoint) steer clear of my old ass.

    Anyway, I doubt most civvie women in their thirties think they are fair game for men in their 60s. And, if I was 49, and relegated to women over 29, I would be looking forward to my 50th birthday when I could go back to hitting on 25 year olds. The sliding scale is valid in concept, though. I had a probably ill-advised conversation with one of my daughter's college classmates about the topic and she had a formula like half the man's age plus seven. It put Jennifer Lawrence just out of reach for me at the time.
  • RockAllNight
    18 days ago
    I first heard the half the man’s age plus seven when I was 30. That was well over 30 years ago. My formula was to allow younger women at my advanced age and you’re right, it’s for civvies. Any legal stripper in a club is fair game by definition. My money is no older than anyone else’s.
  • ilbbaicnl
    18 days ago
    Women seem to generally be OK with up to a 10 year age difference. Most women seem averse to guys who are younger. I guess there are stats that show that over a 10 year age difference in a marriage increases the odds of divorce.
  • JamesSD
    18 days ago
    ^yeah, I think half your age plus seven works remarkably well. Like, I've seen women in their 40s be ok dating dudes in their 70s if he is still active and a silver fox and has some money. Especially if he never had kids and his house is up for grabs...
  • funonthaside
    18 days ago
    That formula is consistent with the girls with whom I've been having good experiences.
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