Do some women lose interest in sex as they get married/older?

avatar for Beat100
Hey guys,

So after talking with many SD's it seems one of the reasons for them getting into Sugar dating in the first place was because their wives and/long term partners stopped being interested in having sex. Meanwhile, they themselves kept their interest high.

Hence this discrepancy. On one hand the men kept wanting to have sex while their wives weren't interested anymore. I wonder how common or uncommon is this situation.


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avatar for shadowcat
5 months ago
avatar for skibum609
5 months ago
I've gone 5 days without having sex with my wife, but after 34+ years we still have regular sex.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 months ago
avatar for Dolfan
5 months ago
I don't have first hand experience, as I'm single and not quite to the old enough to the lose interest in sex age.

But, I think often married couples lose interest in having sex with each other specifically regardless of age. Not the man or women specifically losing sex drive, but rather boredom or other factors reducing the desire for each other specifically. I think men often interpret that is the woman losing sex drive as they seek out sex with others, which kinda exaggerates the perception. I'm not suggesting I don't think there's some truth to it, just that there's other factors.
avatar for Rightfield
5 months ago
Some do, some don't. I think it has a lot to do with the original dynamics of the relationship. In other words, was the couple really into each other, or did they settle for something less?

And then there are some people who don't care about sex that much, while for others, it is their central driving force in life.

One thing I have read that I believe is valid: It is very important to be physically attracted to your spouse's looks. Living with someone long term, you are constantly subconsciously assessing little details about them. If you are temporarily pissed at them over something anyway, it is very easy to find their gross toenails, for example, repulsive. In my experience, that does not lead to great sex.
avatar for Iknowbetter
5 months ago
Based on my small sample size of exactly one, I will say that there are real physical and psychological changes that a woman goes through when she reaches menopause. I’m sure this is different for every woman, but my wife completely lost interest in any type of intimacy sometime around age 50.
avatar for drewcareypnw
5 months ago
Absolutely yes, especially when you throw menopause into the equation.

I am relatively certain that there would be many less sw’s in the world if this were not the case. Of course there are always exceptions.
avatar for skibum609
5 months ago
A lot of women lose interest in sex because their husband put on 200 lbs and gives her shit for being 10 pounds overweight, while he weighs 350.
avatar for gSteph
5 months ago
Obviously some do.
Fortunately mine hasn't.
Frequency is down from decades ago.
Quality is high.
Love being among the lucky ones ❤ 💕
avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
5 months ago
Blaming ones infidelity on their partner is a cop out.
avatar for rawhide2
5 months ago
Hey, would you want the same big oaf on top of you day after day? Of course they want sex but they want hot sex! Women want creative sex! Women also want 'strange' however they are wired differently then men, so they can't go 'hunt' for it like men can.

I agree with this poster SKIBUM 100%

Take her on the couch, the car, bang her on the kitchen countertops, then order a pizza - make it fun and she will want sex.

Otherwise I blame SEX TOYS for being too good these days. 95% of all sex toys target women - all I get as a man is a set of anal beads for my ass!! (and I don't even like my ass licked)
avatar for twentyfive
5 months ago
Good call skibum I’ve seen some women who look great, with lardass slobs for a husband.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
5 months ago
There's "lose interest in sex" and "lose interest in sex with you."
avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago
Right field, you cant be attracted to your partners looks at 60, 65, 70, 75, 80. I dont know where you read that but its flat out wrong. The general advice for marriage specifically is that looks will fade, so you look for someone with good character. Maybe surgeries can allow you to continue to look good at 60 and 65. But I doubt they will be attracted to each other at 70+.
avatar for gammanu95
5 months ago
^^Looking at his wedding pics from his recently failed marriages
avatar for BabyDoc
5 months ago
Do some women lose interest in sex as they get married/older?

Yes, and so do some men. But surprise, surprise some women and some men don’t lose interest.

As far as my own anecdotal experience, recent divorcees are hot to trot. Quite possibly because they weren’t having sex at all with their ex while hating his ass during the divorce process. Their devil may care sexual behavior seems to wane after a while based on my experience.

Now IME married women cheating on their husband are a different story. I’ve been lied to by numerous women who told me they weren’t or were no longer married. They were all horny as all get up and did not seem interested in ever stopping getting fucked by someone not their husband.

I was seduced by an RN in California who was 52 at the time we started our four year adventure. I had business that required my presence about every six weeks. For a week to ten days each month she would come to my hotel after her shift and we would fuck and suck many more times than I would have ever thought possible. She would go home and be back at 4 in the morning with coffee. We would fuck once or twice before she had to go to work. She was literally insatiable.
She had told me she was separated and her husband had moved out. I came to strongly doubt that. In four years time she only spent the entire night one time and while she didn’t mind being seen with me away from her city she was adamant that we not be seen together locally. I often suspected her husband was listening in on our phone calls. I don’t know if he was a cuck or what the real story was. I called it quits after seriously becoming tired of being her sex toy. She was not happy.

So no, not all women lose interest but as others have alluded to, they may lose interest in their mate.
avatar for shailynn
5 months ago
Throw kids into the mix and that will ruin a woman’s libido really quick too.

Guys need to put some effort in to keep it going. I find the older women get they often want a man to initiate more than when they were young (just my opinion).
avatar for CJKent_band
5 months ago

Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.


Good Times, Good Times.
avatar for AM69
5 months ago
Agreed, after kids came and turning 40, my wife is cool with once a week, that's it... it sucks but I get it. It's part of getting older but still...
avatar for ilbbaicnl
5 months ago
When you ask a "some" question about people, generally the answer will be yes. But, if somebody gets less interested is sex with their spouse, and doesn't ask for a divorce, it probably means they've got more important priorities than sex. Rather than a loss of general interest in sex. I suspect that a lot of women's anger about cheating isn't really because they are jealous of the "other" woman. They are jealous that and older man can generally more easily get satisfaction from cheating than an older woman can.
avatar for JamesSD
5 months ago
From what I've read about it, menopause can be brutal on a woman's sex drive. It makes sense, biologically her factory is shut down while his is still operating.
avatar for Icey
5 months ago
Old women 40+ have been some of the horniest most depraved aluts ive known lulz.
avatar for DandyDan
5 months ago
Obviously some do lose interest in sex when they get older, but it's a great thing when they don't. My current fuck buddy, who is in her 50's, claims she gets it more now than in her 20's.
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