
Hiring female Entertainment ready to get real money

Monday, May 27, 2024 1:08 AM
Calling for variety of females ready to work and make real money no joke. Inbox me with your name, phone number and ready to become part of $BossQueen1 Entertainment hit me up.


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    22 days ago
    This seems totally legit... Also, tell me you don't know who primarily uses this site without say you don't know who primarily uses this site.
  • jackslash
    22 days ago
    Is this SJG's organization?
  • twentyfive
    22 days ago
    ^ I think this is the return of Icee
  • shailynn
    22 days ago
    Will work for Olive Garden gift cards and breadsticks.
  • Hello everyone good morning Blessings first question answered to Ishmael this is a legit site. Second question answered for jackslash no this is not a SJG's Organization. Third question answered for twenty five is that your nickname the return of Icee? And finally last question answered for sailing you can work for anything you want invest in your own business, own your own home etc...
  • I Apologize to shailynn for misspelling your name. Have a Blessed day everyone.
  • Seriously inquiries only interviews coming up Soon.
  • rickthelion
    22 days ago
    What are your policies regarding suit-wearin’, Jack-drinkin’, Tesla-drivin’ badass lions? Also, do you serve barnacles? Barnacle does not drive a Tesla but does wear a suit. Asking for a friend. ROAR!!!
  • Meshuggah
    21 days ago
    I've owned an agency since 1992, I never post here about it. I don't think this site is the place.
  • rickdugan
    21 days ago
    I'm on the fence here: Is this a scammer, a genuine pimp or just some jerkoff looking for spank bank material? Hard to tell, lol.
  • gammanu95
    21 days ago
    I wish ignore worked.
  • Haters going to hate that is your job lol I'm not a pimp 💯 don't have no pimping in my body if you rock with $BossQueen1 Entertainment everyone is going to eat. Loyalty is everything as well rickdungan to anyone else on here I'm not mad I'm smiling ☺ have a Blessed day everyone.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    20 days ago
    Sure, this isn't a troll (new or old in a new skin...). And why wouldn't the 1 to 2 dancers who sporadically post here want to sign up with a "manager" who looks for dancers on an anonymous forum that has 98% male traffic. Or... you're an actual moron if you're even considering that this is legit.
  • I like to take time to think God for everything and Second thank you to my haters you are all very welcome.
  • I want to thank my number 1 hater Ishmael thank you for all the hating, everyone let give Ishmael a around of applause 👏. Astanding ovation. 😆
  • rickthelion
    20 days ago
    This rick is rather upset at the lack of a response to a clear answer to my question. Lemme ask it this way…would you supply good entertainment if an organization — call them the ricks — is having a meeting of their stripper quality subcommittee. Said subcommittee might include a lion, a vulture, a shark, a dugan, and a barnacle. What would the nature of the strippers and what could we ricks expect? Awaiting your answer. ROAR!!!
  • Yall will be ok 👍
  • Rickthelion how are you doing today? I clearly understand what you are talking about my entertainment is like variety of lioness not only that I expect nothing but the best that comes from my entertainment we have flowers, dragons, and etc it's what my great entertainment do. My entertainment do less talking and more action? Have a blessed day
  • rickthelion
    19 days ago
    ^ Well…we ricks are all about frickin’ action. But I’m not fucking a frickin’ flower. That shit is too weird for this lion! Also, I’m not sure where the dragon stuff is coming from because dragons are mythical unless you mean the Komodo kind. Or the bearded kind, but this rick has never met a bearded dragon that wasn’t a frickin’ asshole. Anyhoo…maybe we can do some rickish business. ROAR!!!
  • Maybe rickthelion there is no bearded dragons here lol 😆 I understand you never know theses days.
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