
What pants do you wear if you get a lot of LDs?

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 4:02 AM
Last week I got VIP. The dancer was energetic and rough with her grinding which I like, but.... I had on jeans. My dick was SORE for like a week guys. So much abrasion from the jeans that I actually got a small blister. What do you wear other than jeans to the club?


  • blahblahblahs
    a month ago
    This is the solution you are looking for: [view link]
  • Jt562
    a month ago
    Swears or basketball shorts depending on the fabric don’t wear underwear and a color that won’t show wet spots so easily lol
  • Context22
    a month ago
    Golf shorts no underwear.
  • PAWG_Patrol
    a month ago
    Nike joggers commando
  • Studme53
    a month ago
    ^ Same - Black Nike Joggers - they’re long pants not shorts. Commando of course. Dancers (and probably everyone else but who cares?) know exactly what you’re there for when they approach you barside. I wear normal pants and underwear on the very rare occasions I’m in a strip club with friends and not flying solo.
  • Jascoi
    a month ago
  • shailynn
    a month ago
    [view link] This is all you need to say. Its works all the time 60% of the time.
  • ilbbaicnl
    a month ago
    If you wear squarepants, nicespice gives you a 20% discount.
  • ilbbaicnl
    a month ago
    If your jiz soaks through, not all dancers are going to tolerate that. They'll pass the word it happened.
  • ancientlurker
    a month ago
    Slacks are preferred over jeans by dancers. As to the inside ... just get tougher :-)
  • Party Utopia
    a month ago
    Under Armour has some trainers which are incredibly thin with mesh lining
  • Oneway2579
    a month ago
    Soccer shorts, commando, thin as possible.
  • Studme53
    a month ago
    You should give the dancer a warning if you’re going to LDK. Like an oil rigger yells “Blowout!” and “She’s a gusher!”
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a month ago
    This has been talked about before. See the following. [view link]
  • Manuellabore
    a month ago
    Cheapo polyester dress pants from Costco or Sam's Club. They look sharp, are good for the grind, and the ladies will get a good idea of what they're dealing with if they give you a barside grope. Had a fave who was super-paranoid about doing FS in VIP, so she insisted on doing me with my dick sticking out from my open fly. After getting up in the morning a couple times and noticing that the zipper had sawed a red line on my little friend, we made adjustments. Thankfully, that flesh heals about as quickly as a bite on the tongue.
  • Book Guy
    a month ago
    The search will reveal Haggar Cool 18s.
  • WiseToo
    a month ago
    Normal casual pants with the "trick" fly that I can easily open without using the zipper. The ladies can get the full Monty and I have plausible deniability by claiming a zipper malfunction, if necessary.
  • Just regular pants or shorts. They usually try to rub on it anyway.
  • WiseToo...."a trick fly" man, you really go prepared and go above and beyond an put a lot of planning into it. I can respect that.
  • EastCoaster
    a month ago
    ^^^ "Normal casual pants with the "trick" fly that I can easily open without using the zipper." Wait, what? WiseToo, can you explain that?
  • rickthelion
    a month ago
    Ah…the obligatory “I don’t jizz in my pants” answers are starting on the “what are the best pants to jizz in?” post. The circle of life is almost complete. I’ll see WiseApe’s “trick fly” and do him one better. Just take your pants off and if the bouncer gives you shit just say “Imma gettin’ my BSLC sucked right now….so leave us alone or Imma go all wildebeest on your ass.” Works every time for this badass lion. ROAR!!!
  • 5footguy
    a month ago
    If you are capable of jizzing in your pants from a LD, there's zero chance your dick has felt the walls of a vagina in the past 3 years. Btw, there's a demo who can wear shorts to a club and look good, and it isn't the middle aged to old white guy demo. Have some self respect and wear long pants. And not "dress pants" like you're going to a meeting or coming from a funeral.
  • Studme53
    a month ago
    ^Ha ha - true. But look, if there was a lot of shame in our game would us middle age or old white guys even be in a strip club?
  • blahblahblahs
    a month ago
    ^^ Disagree. If you wouldn't wear long pants to a normal bar or to an MLB game then don't wear long pants to the club.
  • 5footguy
    a month ago
    I always wear pants to an adult bar, unless it's on a hot Saturday afternoon to watch a game or something. And most MLB games are outdoors, so, shorts in July makes sense. But most places at night, especially indoors? Or, anywhere where adults are the primary demographic, if it's indoors? Nah. Maybe it bears stating the obvious: flip flops are just no good, period, anywhere that's not your house.
  • funonthaside
    a month ago
    We go to get our rocks off, not to show off fashion sense. Besides, at many of the places where I club, a PL would look more out of place wearing respectable clothing, than going "sweatpants/shorts with no drawers".
  • Darkboyansa0
    a month ago
    Very thin sweatpants. Commando.
  • blahblahblahs
    a month ago
    I agree on avoiding flip flops, one should wear proper sandals when not at the beach, pool. or gym locker room. How are you distinguishing an "adult bar" from all other bars?
  • SalaoLikeSantiago
    a month ago
    Sweatpants and joggers, and especially thin basketball shorts, signal you as a perv. Now, that may be beneficial at some places for some PLs. There are lots of stylish stretch-fabric "5-pocket" pants or chinos that are thin enough and soft enough to make both you and your dancer happy.
  • AdamW4422
    a month ago
    Any sort of hybrid office pants will get you through the door of places that uphold some sort of dress code , think Lululemon , golf pants something thin and stretchy but presentable. You look better and still experience everything you would with sweats
  • twentyfive
    a month ago
    Sticky pants
  • Book Guy
    a month ago
    OK seriously, it heavily depends on the club. Amateurs, yeesh! Some choices are not club-determined. For example, typical blue jeans are a bad choice generally, regardless of the club. They're much too thick and bulky for the patron's enjoyment and they're much too rough and abrasive for the dancer. Men in jeans at strip clubs are men who don't regularly go to strip clubs. Other choices are more club-dependent. People insisting on one type of shorts or pants may be offering advice that is only good in some clubs but totally rejected by other clubs or other dancers. Thin "basketball shorts" can be excellent or can be idiotic, depending on the club. Places with a dress code or where dancers hold themselves out to be "classy" will frown on that type of dress because it looks like you are there for a handjob. Even if you ARE there for a handjob, well, some dancers and clubs will still prefer that you not LOOK like you're there for a handjob. Similarly, sweatpants and workout-gear can also go awry, depending on the club. I have a pair of "parachute pants" that do very well in some venues but are out of place in other venues. So, this whole oeuvre of basketball shorts type clothing is OK in some places and not OK in other places. For casual but dressy, if you're rejecting the basketball-shorts oeuvre, I recommend (see post above) Haggar brand Cool 18 slacks. They look dressy, have a permanent crease and cuff, are machine-washable and easy to dry on permanent-press cycle, have button-closed back pockets for adequate security, have a smooth plastic non-abrasive non-intrusive front zipper and plastic button-top, and -- most important -- are rather thin and extremely soft to the touch. Dancers do not complain, and my willy does not complain. Finally ... @5footguy "If you are capable of jizzing in your pants from a LD, there's zero chance your dick has felt the walls of a vagina in the past 3 years." You're obviously an amateur.
  • doctorevil
    a month ago
    “Men in jeans at strip clubs are men who don't regularly go to strip clubs.” Mmmm-no. I go pretty regularly, to say the least, and jeans are all I wear. Never had a dancer complain and they don’t interfere with my fun. Wear whatever you want that’s consistent with the dress code, if the club has one.
  • Muddy
    a month ago
    Yeah I go blue jeans too. Still feels good to me. Yeah perfect world I could do basket ball shorts but I don’t want to hear about it from a strip club I haven’t been to yet about dress code bs
  • Book Guy
    a month ago
    OK fair enough, I shouldn't have announced the blanket generalization, the manner I said it is way too absolute, therefore false. I agree, plenty of strip-club-experienced men do wear jeans. Two TUSCL members, above, prove exactly that. :( But I do recommend that you not wear jeans. Those of you who are strip-club-experienced and still in blue jeans, I suggest you give the Cool 18s (or similar) a try! :)
  • 5footguy
    a month ago
    "You're obviously an amateur." At jizzing in my pants, yes. In fact, I will never be pro at that or even play a game in the LDK league. I only deposit loads inside or onto a female, *not* onto myself.
  • Book Guy
    a month ago
    @5footguy ROFL well played ... I think? :)
  • azdd
    a month ago
    I always wear black poly-blend shorts from Costco commando. One day I didn’t have them on and wore a pair of tan cargo shorts. One of my regulars asked me why I was out of uniform! I don’t know why anyone would wear jeans for LDs if they had the choice to wear thin shorts, or even dress pants. Jeans are the worst IMHO.
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