Ex city councilman kills local Dancer

avatar for drewcareypnw
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...


It's not clear which club she was at, I've seen Pandoras and Kittens both mentioned. Looks like she was sugaring with this guy, he killed her and then tried to kill himself. He was an ex-councilman in Bothell, which is a town north of Seattle.

Her real name is in a few articles, but I haven't found her stage name yet. A sad day for PNW dancers and PLs. Many dancers are posting about this on IG today.


last comment
avatar for Studme53
10 mos ago

Usual cryptic news report. It’s like they’re afraid to say what actually may have happened and expect people to just fill in the blanks.

We all know it was probably and OTC “date”gone bad, but the average person would have no idea what the fuck went on.

avatar for Muddy
10 mos ago

Daily mail one is way better. Great paper btw. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13377839/amp/James-McNeal-Liliya-Guyvoronsky-Seattle-murder-council-arrest.html

She was a pretty girl. That guy needs to be put down.

avatar for blahblahblah23
10 mos ago

I hope he gets killed by a woman.

avatar for WiseToo
10 mos ago

"Dorian Graylee, an employee at Kittens Cabaret in Seattle, hopes this tragedy is a wake-up call to everyone in the industry to promote safety both inside the club and after working hours."

It's easy to promote safety after working hours. Just don't work OTC after working hours.

avatar for PAWG_Patrol
10 mos ago

Fat schlub who should've focused on raising his 3 kids rather than hanging out with a woman one-third his age

avatar for rickthelion
10 mos ago

^ And we have a new TUSCL tagline. ROAR!!!

avatar for rickthelion
10 mos ago

…or maybe the TUSCL tagline should be “Where fat schlubs hang out with women one-third their age instead of raising their three kids.”

Seriously though, this is sad. This rick thinks the fat schlub might have been the stalker and not just a simple OTC. I hope the justice system goes all wildebeest on his sorry ass. ROAR!!!

avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 mos ago

If it was his blood on his clothes, maybe he was chocking her, and lost control of himself. I had a fav who was into chocking. She complained that I didn't choke her near hard enough. It was borderline scary when she chocked me. She didn't seem very in control of herself when she did it. Might have been dangerous if her hands were stronger.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 mos ago

The extra c in choke is due to the brain damage from all the chocking.

avatar for skibum609
10 mos ago

The choking thing with dancers is getting out of control. Had a dancer tell me "choke me hard enough to leave marks". For the next 10 minutes, which seemed like 100 minutes, all I could envision was sitting in a cell with bars. I have seen a balloon deflate slower after touching a match than my cock after she said that.

avatar for Studme53
10 mos ago

Daily Mail article had some good pictures- she was a good looking girl.

Other interesting things from the Daily Mail article: “He doesn’t like older women for some reason” lol He was arrested before, but it was due to the police racial harassment. He is a turd to the core.

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