It's like the 1620 Mayflower Compact where all would share what they grew on their plots. Some produced more, others produced way less, leading to a critical food shortage in tough winter (not uncommon for MA). This too is an example where Socialism fails.
Strippers: Why should they pool their tips? You reap what you sow, or how well you LD in this case.
Ooo… ooo… I know the answer the this question… it is NO.
I mean really, pooling tips is a bad idea. Some of those sexy sexy females really earn their tips. I mean really, it is one thing when a female gets all down and dirty with a rick because I’m sure that’s pleasant for all involved.
But some of those girls have to make money offa real weirdos. Can you imagine being a sexy stripper and then being told you have to share the dosh you made doin’ whatever turns Skifredo on? Any girl would want frickin’ hazard pay for that and shouldn’t be made to share it.
Pooling tips?? No way. I mean, who's going to want to have to go swimming to get their cash out and then dry it out? Are we running some kind of money laundry??
It’s ironic how many young people lean socialist….until it affects them. They pick and chose what programs will benefit them.
Prior to the Great Recession of the late 2000’s I could count at least a dozen dancers I personally know that bought homes when mortgages were being handed out to anyone with a pulse.
And when the economy tanked, who were the first in line to sign up for the benefits of the Mortgage Forgiveness Act.
I'm sure that, like in the outside world, it's the dumpy 50 year old with the cottage cheese ass and who smells like my compression underwear after a week of jiu-jitsu who wants socialism. So they gravitate towards other strip clubs who pool tips, and wonder why they're making so much less.
Strip clubs, some right, are exquisitely capitalist bordering on libertarian. You eat what you kill. Willing to give more dances, more mileage, spend more time cultivating customers and less on your phone, you make more money. Otherwise you accept that others are more skilled or just want it more than you.
I guess if a club was going to get shut down by LE because of extras, this could be a last resort to remove the incentive. Strip searching strippers should be relatively quick.
Pooling tips is vaguely socialist. A stricter definition of socialism wouldn't include it, as it has nothing to do with the government owning the means of production. But either way it's a poor practice, and if a club I frequented engaged in such a practice, I would tip less and probably go less. I definitely tip less at the casino knowing I'm tipping into a pool of every croupier or dealer who worked the last 24 hours.
And personally, as a fan of capitalism, I've always enjoyed the purely capitalist nature of the strip club and admire strippers who do well in this environment. Most strippers are really their own business owners, some quite successful, and I'm impressed by that.
So in short, I agree with @PuddyTat69, @skibum and others here that it's a crappy idea. I hope these strippers win their lawsuit.
If The Dancers Feel Ok With $$$ Pooling, Cool. But Dancers Should B Careful Not To B Advantaged From The Other Dancers Who Lack Performance/Effort/Tips * 🐦 "Club Awareness Is Important"
There’s a casino (closest to me) that used to be decent. Nothing fancy but it was run well and had lots of good promos for gamblers. They also had a poker room that ran a ton of cheap tournaments (at least 2 a day) that drew in a lot of players. I went all the time, and had lots of fun. Casinos don’t make money off of tournament players but if you’re there all day, many players would go play slots, hit the sportsbook bet, drink and eat or play cash games in between the tournaments
COVID killed all of that for a time period then the casino got bought by another casino. The new owners demanded every casino worker pool their tips including the poker room. The workers revolted, no more poker tournaments, a lot of the better dealers left to work for other nearby casinos and the poker room went from having a minimum of 100 people in there daily to 10. Not sure about the casino floor but I’ve heard it was hit hard too.
According to some of the former workers all this happened over pooling tips.
^ I wouldn't blame the workers or the customers for revolting over poker room pooled tips.
As a patron, pooled tips make tipping feel like tax, not a gratuity. I don't mind gratuities where they are expected, and I like showing my appreciation for someone delivering good service. But if I'm tipping everyone on the damn shift, this isn't a gratuity, it's tax.
And pooled tips obviously suck too for the workers that hustle the hardest.
last commentIt's like the 1620 Mayflower Compact where all would share what they grew on their plots. Some produced more, others produced way less, leading to a critical food shortage in tough winter (not uncommon for MA). This too is an example where Socialism fails.
Strippers: Why should they pool their tips? You reap what you sow, or how well you LD in this case.
I mean really, pooling tips is a bad idea. Some of those sexy sexy females really earn their tips. I mean really, it is one thing when a female gets all down and dirty with a rick because I’m sure that’s pleasant for all involved.
But some of those girls have to make money offa real weirdos. Can you imagine being a sexy stripper and then being told you have to share the dosh you made doin’ whatever turns Skifredo on? Any girl would want frickin’ hazard pay for that and shouldn’t be made to share it.
Thus sayeth the lion. ROAR!!!
Prior to the Great Recession of the late 2000’s I could count at least a dozen dancers I personally know that bought homes when mortgages were being handed out to anyone with a pulse.
And when the economy tanked, who were the first in line to sign up for the benefits of the Mortgage Forgiveness Act.
Strip clubs, some right, are exquisitely capitalist bordering on libertarian. You eat what you kill. Willing to give more dances, more mileage, spend more time cultivating customers and less on your phone, you make more money. Otherwise you accept that others are more skilled or just want it more than you.
And personally, as a fan of capitalism, I've always enjoyed the purely capitalist nature of the strip club and admire strippers who do well in this environment. Most strippers are really their own business owners, some quite successful, and I'm impressed by that.
So in short, I agree with @PuddyTat69, @skibum and others here that it's a crappy idea. I hope these strippers win their lawsuit.
"Club Awareness Is Important"
COVID killed all of that for a time period then the casino got bought by another casino. The new owners demanded every casino worker pool their tips including the poker room. The workers revolted, no more poker tournaments, a lot of the better dealers left to work for other nearby casinos and the poker room went from having a minimum of 100 people in there daily to 10. Not sure about the casino floor but I’ve heard it was hit hard too.
According to some of the former workers all this happened over pooling tips.
As a patron, pooled tips make tipping feel like tax, not a gratuity. I don't mind gratuities where they are expected, and I like showing my appreciation for someone delivering good service. But if I'm tipping everyone on the damn shift, this isn't a gratuity, it's tax.
And pooled tips obviously suck too for the workers that hustle the hardest.