
Mid-week fun in Vegas?

Avatar for Gilfly90
Gilfly90Fly on the wall

I’ll be in Vegas the evenings of April 3 and April 10 (both are Wednesdays).

I’m interested in meeting some nice-looking ladies. In order of preference it would be (1) civvies, (2) casino girls (ideally someone I can research first), and (3) strip clubs.


  • Any advice, esp. on #1 and #2? I’ve read the basics on here re: casino girls but that info was mostly about just finding someone in the bar/lobby. Someone mentioned “terb” in another thread about Vegas, can anyone share more info on that?

  • Any TUSCLers in the area interested in meeting up to hit a club? It’s not something I’ve done before but seems like it’d be a lot more fun than going solo.

  • Suggestions on where to stay? I’d usually go for the cheapest lodging but that seems unwise given my goals.

  • Fremont vs the strip? I’ve only ever really done the Strip before.

Thanks for you advice!!


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Avatar for jaybud999

I have no input on #1 and #2.

If you decide to club:
Cheapest/Value: Chicas Bonitas. Take a ride up to Jerry's Nugget, it's across the street. Total dive, but $100/5 songs in a communal room....YMMV. $5 cover 95% Latina....Cubans and Columbians with little English.

Best for full nude AND booze: Palomino. Last year it was $150 for 15 minutes in VIP. The cover can be stupid though ($60 at 6pm....we walked right back over to CB)

Best Variety: arguably Spearmint Rhino. We like their dayshift.....$100 bottles, nice and quiet.

Sapphire: Haven't been here for awhile as they have more eastern European plastic style girls.....and I've had two poor experiences there.

Crazy Horse III: myeh.....pricey.

Hotels: I like the palazzo rooms for their size. If you're looking for value, you'll want to go to downtown....there's some classier rooms at a lower rate up there.....BUT, you probably won't get the level of #1 and #2 you may be seeking.....different "class" of customers.

Avatar for londonguy

I doubt you’ll be able to research a casino girl unless she happens to advertise as an escort. TER reviews may be a good source, as well as USASEXGUIDE.

SR is probably still the best strip club in town, followed by Treasures. I will be back in June after a long time away so there are a couple of clubs that will be new to me.

I’d never stay in or near Fremont St.

Good casino girls can be found at all of the hotels on the Strip.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

The one casino new to Fremont St since you were there Londonguy is Circa. It’s pretty nice, especially the stadium pool for sports events, which isn’t great for a Wednesday when the OP will be there.

Avatar for shailynn

Unless I was staying at the Circa, I’d never stay down on Fremont St these days.

As for cheaper rooms on the strip - remember you get what you pay for. I follow this account in Instagram that goes into all the Vegas hotels and black lights everything and reviews mostly the cheap rooms. The two cleanest they’ve raviewed recently that were “cheap” and actually very clean were the Linq and NYNY which shocked me. Both have been recently remodeled. Linq is an excellent location and NYNY isn’t too bad of a location either.

Depending on your age (which I don’t know) going solo trying to pick up civvie ass can be complicated. If you’re not too keen on Vegas you may get suckered into a hooker and not know it.

Avatar for Gilfly90

All very helpful, thanks everyone. Shailynn, I’m a little under 40–how would that impact things?

Avatar for groundball

I was down by Fremont St. just the other day, y'all are weaklings and wouldn't last a week in Baltimore if you think that place is bad. Some of the restaurants there are top shelf too, like "Le Thai"

Avatar for chiefwiggum

I've had the most success (yeah, batting ~ .100) with civvies in Vegas than any other city. Look for a bunch of girls drinking and make eye contact and then offer to buy a drink, see where it goes from there. I find girls more approachable in downtown than the strip. Around Freemont, especially on a weekend, people are drinking everywhere. On relatively more quiet nights, my success at the strip has been at hotel bars, especially if the hotel has a night club.

Casino girls don't advertise. My last trip to Vegas, I got a hard look from some girl (so hard my friends noticed) and I swore they were casino girls (unless it's a brothel, I generally eschew pros in the wild), and it turns out they waiting for the bachelorette party to start. As stated above, usasexguide is a great resource for casino girls.

Terb = toronto escrot review board, another good resource for massage parlors and escorts in Toronto

Cheapest place to stay is going to be the strip. If you gamble a lot or willing to deposit money with a casino or if there are sign-up promotions, you can get comped pretty well right away. Either way, how well do you do with crowds? Mid-week isn't going to see a lot of crowds, but because Freemont is more compact, it feels more crowded than the strip (which is generally compacted in the middle).

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