Pornstar Feature Dancers

avatar for RamPaige
New York
Just out of curiosity, when a stripclub brings a pornstar in as a special feature attraction dancer, does that makes you want to go to that club on that particular night?


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avatar for Dolfan
a year ago
Me personally, quite the opposite.

Some places it does draw in a crowd though, so obviously it does attract more than it repels. But for me the crowd is part of what keeps me away. But even if that isn't the case, its usually a lot of stupid pomp and circumstance. I just absolutely hate that shit in in strip clubs. The girls are often but not always past their prime, or were never my type to begin with. The event sometimes has a higher than usual cover charge. I could go on, but usually any sort of special event at a strip club is reason for me to avoid it. The exception being those silly "parties" they'll have periodically for Halloween or Christmas in July or whatever, which are more just like "theme nights." I don't care about those either way.
avatar for PAWG_Patrol
a year ago
If she's a big enough name, yeah. Saw Alexis Texas in a smaller club years ago. Not packed and not expensive so it was a hella fun night. Brought so much money expecting her to do dances but she didn't.

Sophie Dee dropped by a few months later and did offer LDs but of course... I was at work.
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
a year ago
I accidentally showed up to a club on a feature dance night and actually got to my favs easier because everyone was ogogling Toni Sweets I think. Kinda worked out,
avatar for mogul1985
a year ago
Back in the mid/late '90s a porn'er was at Deja Vu in Colorado Springs (this was when this was a real good strip club) , her name escapes me now. During her stage time, she was joking at the rail (I think she was serious) that she'd suck off any guy out back who got on stage with her totally naked.

Personally, I won't make a special effort to see a "Celeb" at a strip club.
avatar for caseyx
a year ago
Back in the day I used to really enjoy going when there was a feature. Sitting front row for a porn star that I liked was a treat. Some of them gave pretty good shows and periodically you'd get a little action - a mini-lap or tits in your face. That was when I only went to clubs to ogle the girls and get a few lap dances. These days I'm looking for a different experience.
avatar for 5footguy
a year ago
I didn't know that it was a common to do this nowadays.
When a pornstar comes to a club, does she offer her services, and if so, is it ITC or OTC?

You can go on escort sites and find some advertising there. I create a thread about this a couple months back, but I've never partaken.
avatar for shadowcat
a year ago
I avoid feature acts. In my experience all other activities at the club come to a halt while she is on stage.
avatar for SalaoLikeSantiago
a year ago
The Down Side: Usually higher cover charge. Usually more crowded.
The Up Side: Local dancers seem to feel a bit more insecure while the feature is on stage, and may be more available.
avatar for From978
a year ago
The question hasn't come up lately, but I definitely avoid any kind of "special" event. They are aimed at people who don't usually go to the club. For me, it's a distraction from the people I went there to see, and I may have to pay extra for the privilege. I can invariably have more fun with someone whom I know, or at least someone I might want to know.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
a year ago
Never gone on purpose. Same reasons as everyone else. Just prefer a non rookie crowd. I saw Lisa Lipps on Jerry springer of all places. Lots of silicone but thought she was hot. Happened to be in Flashdancers in manhattan one night and there she was. While on stage, she took a dollar out of my mouth (ick) with her tits, which was funny.
avatar for mjx01
a year ago
No. higher cover charge. more crowded. more "tourist" / less "regular" type customers.
avatar for Context21
a year ago
I’ve made movies with dancers in VIP rooms does that count?
avatar for ClubFan81077
a year ago
I've found myself in a club maybe 3 to 4 different times when a feature dancer just happened to be on the schedule for that night, but it's not something I typically care about. Having said that, the last time this happened to me the featured performer (can't remember her name) was actually pretty darn cute. However, when the manager on duty mentioned that lap dances with her would be over twice the normal dance price for that club, any thought I had about getting some dances quickly disappeared...
avatar for RTP
a year ago
I once was at a club with a feature dancer while on a business trip. I went to the stage to tip her and she took my glasses off and put them in her g-string. After her set, she returned them, dirty and bent. She sat and talked to me for a bit. Turns out she was staying at a hotel next to mine. Told me that she would contact me after the show. Of course, that did NOT happen.
Overall, I do not go to clubs much at night to begin with. I think a feature would make it even less likely that I would go.
avatar for docsavage
a year ago
I do not like the extra charge at all when they have featured dancers. I look to have at least semi-regulars to do lap dances with at my nearby strip clubs and do not want to pay more to see someone dancing up on stage.
avatar for funonthaside
a year ago
No, as it results in larger crowd.
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
Only makes me stay ho me 100% of the time. Zero interest in "porn stars".
avatar for fatdan99
a year ago
I went to my local club once to see Lovette. I had read online that her shows were pretty good. So I went to the club and paid $20 cover fee (double normal). While waiting for the Lovette show I started talking to a local dancer, and eventually went to do a VIP with her. She gave me the best dances that I ever got in that club, or that city. The funny thing is that Lovette was finishing her show as I finished in the VIP, so I never actually saw Lovette dance at the club. When I went back to the club and repeated with the local dancer, she was good, but not as great as she was on porn star night. So some local dancers will work harder when the touring star is there, and I would gladly pay the extra cover if it means I get the kind of dances I did on that porn star night. Of course things are different now in the post covid, onlyfans, make it rain times, so my conclusion may not be true as it was 20 years ago.
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