Joe Biden - State of the Union Address

avatar for WiseToo
New York

Tonight, Joe Biden will deliver his 2024 State of the Union Address.

Does anyone really care what he has to say after having experienced the past three years of his administration? The old saying,"Fool me once shame on you; fool me twice shame on me" is appropriate. I'm not going to waste my time and look forward to November.


last comment
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
1 yr ago

I'm not looking forward to watching Biden drool or Trump stand trial. This country is in a horrible position. Literally all our choices are lousy.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
1 yr ago

I’ll get what I need from the coverage on The Daily Show.

avatar for Givemegothgirls
1 yr ago

The only people who think both options are lousy are the idiots who voted for Biden, half of America thinks Trump is a good candidate, no one with a halfway functioning brain thinks Biden is a good choice. lol

avatar for mogul1985
1 yr ago

Biden's eyes will be like an owl's with whatever drugs they juice him with for things like this. And, I bet he'll be running late, this is a possibility.

I also bet this will be the shortest SOTU in recent memory, and it will all be: "Give me money" "Give me the Senate Immigration Bill so I can deal with this problem" "It's the GOP's fault" "My predecessor caused all this" "Cookie Monster and Shrinkflation" (Cookie Monster is owned by PBS/NBR/CPB - taxpayer subsidized) "Crime is falling under my direction" "Inflation has significantly dropped and under control" "We are pumping more oil than ever in history" and so on.

This will be a good strip club night.

The funny thing is, Shrinkflation has been around for DECADES. Decades ago, Cranberries were in a 16 oz bag, now it's 12 oz (33% inflation). What the WH doesn't realize is Shrinkflation doesn't affect the published Inflation Rate. Shrinkflation hides the real numbers.

He will more than likely announce ExOs regarding the Southern Border (Northern is a problem too and will be ignored) to add Border Patrol Agents and Judges - aka Travel Agents. You don't just pluck them off a tree, it'll take a LONG time 12-18 months IF people will want the gig.

My hope is the GOP response will include the need for four debates starting as soon as each delegate hits the Magic Number: any place, any time, with any moderators, and a guarantee the topics will not be provided before the debate - lock them up in a hermetically sealed mayonnaise jar on Funk and Wagnalls' porch.

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

I can listen to Joe Biden lie 365 days a year so tonight is nothing new. Trump is a good candidate in the same way feces is a fine dining experience. Both were terrible Presidents, and the winner will end up being the single worst President in history. As to all the young people looking forward to this future, while us oldies look back fondly on the things, we enjoyed that you won't; I say L O fucking L.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
1 yr ago

"Does anyone really care what he has to say after having experienced the past three years of his administration?"

Well... apparently you care enough to create a thread about not caring.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
1 yr ago

They're all out to fuck us. If I'm being fucked, I prefer to be kissed and get a reach around.

Difference is Republicans are more inclined to let us live whereas Democrats want to shoehorn us into their vision of an ideal society and play us all against each other.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

A Vote for Trump is a win for Putin

avatar for IWantHerOnMe
1 yr ago

What half the country thinks doesn't mean a thing because most people don't think at all. If they did we wouldn't be stuck between a guy who should be in a home and his unqualified slept-her-way-to-the-top vice nursling aide and a criminally indicted real estate mogul who tried to change election results by talking to state regulators like a mob boss talks to a bookie and who will probably pick a vice president that will do nothing but rubber stamp his every rant like the front on a sham communist government. "Half the country likes him" is not a defense of his commitment to the rule of law or democracy, political acumen, policy depth and content, or personal character. Those things should matter.

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

You are a special kind of stupid if you're still pushing the Trump-Russia collusion lie.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

^ Actually a special kind of stupid makes every political statement a personal attack. You are boring and predictable.

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

Putin invaded the Crimea when Obama was President and the Ukraine when Biden was President and no one when Trump was President. The facts say that Putin is held in check by Trump and that Democrats are weak and useless. Our Democracy is in danger from the rats called democrats.

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago

And the VP isn’t any better (may be worse) if JB keeps over.

Does Kamala often seem drunk or is she just goofy?

avatar for IWantHerOnMe
1 yr ago

She’s out of her depth. She got a law degree looks good and used it. She has a great sense of timing and got how to use her identity for this political moment. But she sucks.

avatar for mickey48066
1 yr ago

Joe Biden once said in an interview that white/ European people will make up less than 50% of the population before long and "that's a good thing." He selected a black woman for VP. He's a traitor to his own kind. Any white person who supports him is not only a traitor but stupid. He puts the well being of dangerous, diseased illegals over yours. Can't you see that?

avatar for crosscheck
1 yr ago

I have zero intention of watching. Bruins and Celtics both on TV tonight.

avatar for rattdog
1 yr ago

aww come on man!!!! the guy with the most votes ever for election, and hardly any one of y'all are not going to watch?

the only thing that i can come up with that some may consider a positive as a result of biden's administrative actions is increasing the amount of pretty girls in the streets and clubs. my current fave is a colombian who arrived in nyc a couple of years ago. a young latina milf that sort of looks like kirstie alley. and there are more arriving. should be a real fun summer of 2024.

avatar for BadBob
1 yr ago

Watch 2024 turn into a re-run of 2020. Has anybody really changed their minds?

avatar for Hungryhunnypot
1 yr ago

If you support trump you are a stupid, uneducated, inbred hick. You are a cousin fucker. Donald Trump is a racist, rapist, child molesting bosom buddy of Jeffrey Epstein. A feeble minded piece of shit who shits in a diaper every single day.

avatar for JoeLee63
1 yr ago

I bet Putin gave Trump a facial in St Petersburg

avatar for dustyj
1 yr ago

It's great! Biden is fighting for the middle class as a contrast to Republicans screwing the middle class to make the rich richer. You'd have to have literal shit for brains to vote Republican!

avatar for mickey48066
1 yr ago

^ dustyj, you stupid fool. I feel bad for you, so badly fooled into thinking Joe is on the side of the working man. These dirty, diseased, dangerous illegals live high on the hog while American workers get shit on. Ukraine and Israel get billions and the American worker struggles to afford food.

avatar for dustyj
1 yr ago

The great Donald Trump!

avatar for ATACdawg
1 yr ago

If I have to choose between two superannuated options, I will go for the option who has character, as opposed to the one who has raped, victimized countless small contractors, swindled investors, had SIX bankruptcies (how the fuck can anybody screw up a casino that badly?), knowingly kept classified documents and continued to hide them, lied about the results of the 2020 election (no, Donald, you did not win the election!), and at the minimum, abetted the despicable attack on Congress by gleefully watching all those "patriots".

Oh, and who can forget the Trumpster's snubbing of the Inauguration Day ceremony and his petulant firing of the entire White House domestic staff and locking out the Bidens.

Vote for Trump? Never. BTW, I am a lifelong Republican.

avatar for IWantHerOnMe
1 yr ago

Neither party gives a fuck about the middle class. The left seems them as deplorable and the right sees them as life to work and work to live cattle. That’s the basic issue with the political schedule. Washington hates the little guy.

avatar for wld4tatas
1 yr ago

Biden did well. Lots of good stuff in that speech.

He reminded Americans of the significant legislative achievements of his first 2 years and how they help average Americans. He reminded Americans that Trump's biggest legislative achievement was a huge tax cut to the wealthiest Americans.

He pitched the idea that resentment and revenge are outdated, regressive ideas of the past that won't move the country forward. No doubt we'll hear this theme again.

Biden has arguably failed on immigration to date, but now the bipartisan Senate bill provides a serious path forward. He rightly hammered this home and called on Congress to pass it. Trump gave Biden a gift when he intervened. Biden and Dems will keep hammering on this all the way through to November.

avatar for mogul1985
1 yr ago

I was at my local precinct caucus tonight, and just got to watching. I will say, Biden was jacked-up on some really good drugs. Friday he is going to be a hot mess as he comes down.

One problem Democrats ignore and lie about is that IRS put out a report that the Trump tax cuts benefited the Middle Class more than the 1%.

What we got tonight was an angry old man's political stump. He said he'd hand out more money if re-elected - hand-out money is just more deficit spending. He is still pushing EVs even though the auto industry can't sell them and people don't want them. This was Angry Biden, not bringing the country together - "Democracy will end if I'm not elected". He demands a new Bill to give him the tools he needs to secure the Southern Border, problems are:

  1. he issued 90+ ExOs to cancel what Trump had started to secure the Border that was working, and he auctioned off Pennies on the Dollar Wall materials that had been paid for but not used;

  2. The Senate Bill doesn't help border control - it allows around 5M more Illegals coming in. He has the authority to secure the Border, doesn't need a new Bill, and it will only add more "Travel Agents" to process them faster to scattered them around the country - they still can't legally work. AND, the unspoken trust: Anchor Babies will be born here, instant citizenship and when old enough can do Chain Migration.

  3. His ban on high-cap mags and "assault weapons" is useless. His last gun ban when he was a senator made no difference and when it ended according to FBI records, no difference. Plus, criminals who want them will get them. This is just virtue signaling. Now, had he promoted heavy sentencing when any gun is used in a crime, that would have been acceptable to so many - although it goes against Woke/DEI.

  4. He never said he'd do a massive crack-down on MS-13 and similar ultra-violent gangs and prosecute the shit out them with hard prison convictions. MS-13 was imported to the USA, and 1,000s more enter over the Southern Border. This has got to be crushed.

  5. Violent Crime is getting worse - if DAs don't prosecute Felonies and reduce a lot of Felonies to Misdemeanors, they go unrecorded. There is a good book that has been around for decades called "How To Lie With Statistics".

  6. Building a port on Gaza sounds good to appease pissed off Leftists/Pro-Hamas, only Hamas will take control of whatever is delivered, and the people won't get any.

  7. The Roe decision: 1) Obama said he'd codify and never did as he felt it would never be over-turned; 2) Roe is violated with states that go way beyond the first trimester to 26 states allow 24 week to viability to no limits; 3) Nothing was stopping the Democrats for 2 years to Codify an abortion Bill and they didn't. Pro-Choice/Pro-Life - for years now the Dems had a chance to deal with it and didn't.

If Harris/Biden is on the Ballot, it means the Democrats are surrendering no matter who they run will lose so they can keep dry powder for 2028 and toss Harris/Biden down the crapper.

avatar for mogul1985
1 yr ago
avatar for mogul1985
1 yr ago

Since Biden did so well tonight, he really did speak quite cognitively. Now, he needs to debate with Trump. Showed he can handle a 90 minute debate. Granted, no teleprompter or earwig at a debate, he showed he can. So, why not do it?

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

That was probably the worst State of the Union speech in history. The State of the Union is supposed to be an overview of the country to a joint, bipartisan gathering of Congress and every [interested] American. The State of the Union speech is supposed to be historical, not political. Instead, this demented, angry, old liar gave one of the most partisan hate speeches since the democrat party resisted desegregation in the 50s and 60s. The only truth spoken in his speech was that Laken Riley was killed by an illegal, but his addled self could not even get her name right.

He is worse than a disgrace, he is a blight on our nation.

avatar for 5footguy
1 yr ago

Dusty, when you've admitted to watching Seth Meyers, you've revealed volumes about where on the bell curve you landed.

A real comedian says it all, at 0:58...

avatar for 5footguy
1 yr ago

"I will go for the option who has character"

This sums up the modern day left in a phrase. In other words, you don't mind what amounts to a border invasion, unsafe urban streets, and across the board 20% inflation in the last 4 years, as long as the guy at the helm has "character."

The irony is that you actually think a lifetime politician has character. Well, Obama was given the Nobel peace prize and dropped nearly 100K bombs during his war-filled reign. But he was such a a good speaker and had such "character," didn't he?

Wake up, shit for brains: politicians don't have character!

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

Worst speech in history. This is the perfect example of the results of Joe Biden, not including war in the Middle East, War in the Ukraine, a national debt that is beyond insane, inflation, crime, violence in the streets, but let's get to his greatest accomplishment: Ayanna Pressly (filthy, amoral scum from Massachusetts) brought a guest to Biden's speech. She was an example of Joe Biden's success, because Joe Biden forgave the $117,000.00 she owed the taxpayers for her education. Of course she was not native born, having been born in Columbia and yes she was a unionized teacher. She needed the help because her house is only worth 1.1 million dollars and she only makes $135,000.00 per year. If you are a Democrat accept the fact, you're not an American. Yeah, you do have citizenship, but so did jeffrey Dahmer. Good for you.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

What a surprise, the comments here are all over the place, very few comments on the speech itself or the president's delivery of the speech, which is par for this course. For what it's worth I thought the speech was well done, and the president's delivery was very good, additional impressions of this independent voter were the audience interruptions were obviously planned theatre, and made the American Congress look like a third world country.

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

^ If he had mumbled 14 disjointed words, fallen off the stage and was carried out on stretcher you'd make the same post. As far as third world country isn't that sort of a rude way to refer to Democrats?

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

^ I get it he was mean to your preferred candidate, wah wah wah

avatar for PAWG_Patrol
1 yr ago

Always blows my mind that on a strip club review site most of you have bigger hard ons for your preferred presidential candidates than you ever could for a dancer 😂

Whichever of these octogenarians win it's the same shit, different day. Currently 9AM and the strip club opens in 2 hours. That's all that matters to me 😤

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

^Apparently whining about others is even more important to you than strip clubs. Always blows my mind that people whine about shit on a strip club website. You are better than 25 who despite knowing I hate Trump and will never vote for him; is so bereft of intellect he must lie to make a feeble point. Typical Biden voter, always sobbing about something.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

^ If you hate Trump so much why do you constantly troll my posts with crack pot comments, it’s apparent to everyone here that you’re a major Trump supporter

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

^^ You’re the same as the other asshole constantly making personal attacks whenever and wherever I post, look at how every time I offer an observation about Trump you jump on with some personal and inflammatory stupid comment.

avatar for misterorange
1 yr ago

Two things I was hoping to see last night:

  1. Biden trip and fall down while entering the house chamber and
  2. The teleprompter crap out after 5 minutes, leaving him unable to speak about anything but ice cream.

So from my perspective, the speech was a big disappointment.

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

^Says the guy who claims to be enjoying a retirement which consists of nothing more than trolling a strip club board looking for people to downvote and attack. How many posters have asked you to debate them on the merits of your argument instead of ad hominem attacks? Yet, you never debate a point, you only post personal attacks. You claim to be a conservative, but every political slant you have is the typical woke, leftie, seminar talking point. You know ski hates Trump, but you are so desperate to attack someone who disagrees with you that you lie and make up blatantly obvious lies.

C'mon, man. Shut the hell up.

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

Clearly, I was not responding to misterorange, and yes, misterorange's script would have been more worthwhile than the odious campaign speech that was broadcast last night.

avatar for mogul1985
1 yr ago

@twentyfive: "What a surprise, the comments here are all over the place, very few comments on the speech itself or the president's delivery of the speech, which is par for this course." Well, to be blunt, delivery was from and angry old man jacked-up on serious meds to do that 90 min political stump that didn't support the failure of all his policies. If he was so good, take on the debates with Trump.

Let's make my stance clear: I do not support anything the Democrats (I bundle Soros, Globalists and all their radicals into the Party of Plantations, Slavery, Segregation, Woke and DEI as proxies like Iran has their terrorist proxies) and RINOs are promoting. Republicans have been way too stupid to see what has happened the past 40 years, I hold them accountable too. We have a hot mess we haven't seen since post-Civil War and The Great Depression (took a World War to get us back).

I laid out where the SOTU was just wrong and making stuff up. Biden claimed the wealthy from the Trump Tax cuts benefited more however The IRS said benefited the Middle/Lower class more.

Crime is NOT down: Soros DAs just don't prosecute, felonies are made misdemeanors that don't show up on FBI stats as violent crime, and catch/release illegals are bring violence here.

Biden crushed Trumps Border policies & over 10M crossed and were given cellphones, money, clothes, transportation, and we have NO IDEA who they are, plus the Got-Aways that crossed. 20,000 military age Chinese men crossed compared to 250 during Trump.

Biden has the authority in the Constitution of deal with the Border, he chooses not to, demands the Senate Bill that allows 5M to cross with no improved Border deterrents dumping them into cities that now have to cover kids' education, food and medical over American Citizens.

15M "NEW" jobs that barely get us back to 2019 levels are just replacing what we lost in 2020 plus the lost small businesses and peope working 2 jobs now.

He complained about Trump's spending (that was a problem) however he has record smashing deficit spending, demands more (to buy votes), ignores Student Debt "Forgiveness" after the SC said NO, and keeps yakking he CUT TRILLIONS in SPENDING?

It was a political stump as Biden had nothing to cover his policy disasters. He appeased the radical Dems when he said "1250 were killed on Oct 7th", he didn't say "1250 ISRAELIS were SLAUGHTERED by Hamas Terrorists backed by Iran."

"Par for the course" Sure, right. I'm more than ready to see 4 Trump/Biden debates, and debates w/Harris and whomever is Trump's VP. This of course assumes Biden is not replaced. Las Vegas odd place Trump @5/6 as the GOP choice & Biden @15/8 as the Democrat choice. That speaks volumes.

avatar for mogul1985
1 yr ago

@Twentyfive - being a "major" Trump supporter is a problem compared to any Democrat? The Democrats have tried everything to block Trump from a Democracy voting process held every 4 years. If Biden has the guts to debate Trump, it would be most excellent if Trump walked on stage WITH a kitchen sink!

And before you claim Trump is an Insurrectionist, who has been tried for Insurrection? Toe Tap Toe Tap Toe Tap... That would be nobody, including Trump.

avatar for mogul1985
1 yr ago

I don't see Democrat supporters pointing to actual accomplished the past 3 years that have benefited American Citizens. If you look at polls, lots of them, people are royally pissed off at Biden/WH/his handlers, If Biden was doing good, his polling wouldn't be in the mid-20s-to-low-40s. And I'm starting to trust these polls a tad more now that they have reflected how Trump would do in Primaries.

In some Democrat Primaries Biden had close 10% to 20% Uncommitted. That's just not good and reflects his polling numbers.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

@Mogul, I don’t agree obviously but you don’t always take my disagreements as a personal attack, I don’t initiate personal attacks, I don’t have time to write 20 page articles about my personal opinions, if you’re going to respond to my comments we’re good, if like gamanu you’re going to respond to my opinions with personal attacks I’ll respond in kind. That’s the point of discussion I do not find you offensive but I do disagree with much of the stuff you keep posting. My feelings is you get most of your information from the same sources, and aren’t really critical of the source material. Many of the people here don’t know or understand, that they are being manipulated by the media they consume, and it’s not just the lefties. The sources definitely are agenda driven.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

^^ P. S. That comment about Biden getting 10% uncommitted is the kind of thing I would expect, Nikki Hailey, received more than 25-35% in every primary she competed against Trump and to me that’s the same as uncommitted voters, and shows me Trump is going to lose.

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago

Just a few observations….

I watched perhaps 15 minutes then dozed off. Not making a political comment, I was just tired. lol.

I didn’t watch the whole thing - but I thought Biden was relatively energetic. I’m by no means a supporter but he was far more coherent than many of the YouTube clips show him to be.

Why did he give the State of the Union in March? Historically it’s been a January event. But he’s given it in February in past years and this year pushed it out to March. Just curious.

I’m not a big watcher of state of the union addresses. But I thought what I saw was very political. Something like you would see at the convention. Is this the modern norm? To be political? Rather than give the “state of the union”

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
1 yr ago

"And I'm starting to trust these polls a tad more now that they have reflected how Trump would do in Primaries."

If confirmation bias is why you're deciding that polls have suddenly become more trustworthy, that's not great.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
1 yr ago

@CMI - Both sides do this. But the average of polls both overall and in swing states has Trump ahead. This takes away the bias of any individual poll.

Lots can happen between now and then but I give Trump 65% odds to win.

avatar for mogul1985
1 yr ago

^ When you have 2 candidates, she got 25%, the margin for Trump was huge. Biden was losing support from Uncommitted - Ghosts candidates, not real people; that is a vote of No Confidence. Even Haley lost to "Other' in NV. The Dems do all they need to manipulate how their primaries are held as well as our lives. The Dems have "Super Delegates" (what they wear Red Capes with a big D) that can overturn state primaries during the Convention. That is not Democracy, that is a Politburo just as we have WH insiders running the Executive branch most likely with hardcore Obama minions we never voted for. Biden is just a Tool as are way too Democrats. The Republicans are not united like the Dems and I see that as better, not great.

Certainly, ALL media has a agenda. And yes, you need to pull information from multiple sources like 1440 News Digest, and I do. That's why I posted IRS data on Trump's tax cuts, not some media outlet that would put a spin on it. How many illegals have crossed in, no one really knows. The "number" has been like 20M since the early 2000s and that is wrong as 20 years later more have crossed. Estimates are 10M with an unknown of got-aways and way too many bangers/criminals. Venezuela won't take them back? Fine. Fly over VZ with a C130 and parachute them out.

Trump said he had the most secure border ever. I do disagree about the "ever" (he embellishes WAY TOO MUCH) however what he was doing securing the Border against strong headwinds from Democrats, RINOs, Lobbyists, and "The Deep State" - The Bureaucracies that are dug in a like an Alabama Tick (to quote "Predator") and activist courts build over 30+ years - was going in the right direction.

What Biden talked about last night did not reflect what polls are consistently showing how the country see things. Illegal Immigration, Crime, Inflation, Direction The Country is Headed, No wonder he was yelling and angry - brow beating people into submission.

Biden is going to be like the Duke Brothers in "Trading Places" when they get the Margin Call at the end, and lose all their assets. And Ackroyd/Murphy will settle the bet for $1. Priceless.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

^ We’ll see what happens on Tuesday November 5, 2024.

avatar for mogul1985
1 yr ago

Take a step back to the Revolutionary War. That war was fought for freedom from a repressive, taxing King where America had no representation. We beat the world's mightiest military with a rag-tag bunch of Patriots who cared about what they had created. A lot of wanted to stay under UK rule, It worked. America is no longer an "experiment" after +250 years. Socialism and all its variations fails after like 50-70 years - "Socialism works while you have other peoples' money to spend."

There was so much contention with creating The US Constitution, it barely passed.

What we are seeing morphing today from the UN, Globalists, Soros, public schools/colleges, Democrats and RINOs is the same America we had with Great Britain -central control and rule. States have given up WAY to much power to the Federal Gov't, WAY TOO MUCH. Power and Control is like Crack to a junkie.

Polls are painting a radically different picture of what Americans are mad about compared to what we heard from POTUS last night. He disgraced himself with his retort on Laken ("Lincoln") Riley, and didn't talk about Illegal Immigration until 50% of the way into it.

What will we look like in 30 years, no idea. I just know the direction we are headed is not good based on what America was founded on. I have nothing to lose supporting Trump and new Republicans as I'm living the direction we are headed.

At the end of "John Carpenter's The Thing", MacReady and Childs are sitting in the snow with the station burning behind them. MacReady says, "Why don't we just wait here a little while? And see what happens." That's where we are today.

How big is the monger vote? I guess there's no real reason to campaign to us because the minds seem made up already. And, I'm not sure that our degenerate crowd knows what's best for the country. I would like the liberals to make OTC wholly legal AND subsidize it, and I would like to see the conservatives loosen up on the related birth control and on the immigration of perky-tittied Cubans between the ages of 18 and 23.

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

"Nikki Hailey, received more than 25-35% in every primary she competed against Trump"- NOT true. And her last name is Haley, NOT Hailey. Iowa: Trump 51%, Haley 19% Missouri: Trump 100% Idaho: Trump: 85% ND, AL, AR, CA, NC, OK, TN

Trump: 1,062 delegates Haley (NOT Hailey): 91 delegates Trump's margin: 92%

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

..dammit.. ...TN, TX, AK, and IA (it was taking too long to type out specific results) all had Trump winning the primary/caucus with over 80% of the vote or Nikki losing with less than 25%. Do research before posting, don't just fabricate false data to bolster a false premise.

It would be fun to take some time this weekend to see how these numbers compare to his performance in 2016, and do the same for Joe's numbers compared to Hillary and Obama's. The point is that the excitement on the Republican side for Trump is far stronger than on the left for Joe. The actual track record of accomplishments and successes for Trump is also far stronger than Joe (who has no successes and accomplishments apart from destroying everything). The best and smartest thing Joe has done is to choose Kamala as his VP, and giving everyone who would invoke a competency clause or an impeachment pause for causing a worse situation than we already have.

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

25 finally convinced me: Gam was and is right about him. Good job bro..

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

"Let a person speak enough, and they will tell you who they really are" (even a stopped clock is right twice a day)

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

^ we already know exactly who and what you are, an unmitigated disaster, a shit for brain’s failure and a serial prevaricator. Stupid

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

see? No rational argument to be debated, only rabid personal attacks. A sore loser. And, of course, the obligatory impotent downvote that so neatly sums up your "retirement." Enjoying yourself? It does not seem so.

Two points of order:

  1. Why did you make "brain's" possessive?
  2. "Prevaricator" does not mean what you think it means. Stupid is as stupid does, friend.
avatar for Mate27
1 yr ago

For anyone to get all worked up and take it personally when discussing politics really shows you the emotional immaturity behind their reactions. Most people will vote for the one who isn’t as bad as the other, whomever you think that’s person is, good for you, but I find it ironic anyone calling out someone else for their political views. SMH, that’s just dumb….

avatar for mogul1985
1 yr ago

@SalaoLikeSantiago - This is the BEST line I've read this decade!!!! As Ted would say, MOST TRUMPFIC! "I would like the liberals to make OTC wholly legal AND subsidize it, and I would like to see the conservatives loosen up on the related birth control and on the immigration of perky-tittied Cubans between the ages of 18 and 23."

avatar for JoeLee63
1 yr ago

Biden knocked it out of the park when compared to what the crazy GOP has been saying about him. Who the hell was that silly bitch they put on after for the rebuttal. She will be mocked tonight on SNL

avatar for mogul1985
1 yr ago

^ The GOP rebuttal was really bad, and I'm a staunch Trump supporter. Her thing was designed to tug at heart strings, something that is way effective with Democrats, not Republicans especially Conservatives; probably worked on Suburban GOP moms, we'll see. I did NOT like it all.

Biden was like an angry old man chasing people off his lawn. Sure, that was red meat to the majority of his voters. However, the next day at a Philly fundraiser, he became the Dementia Joe we have been seeing for 2 years. Whatever drugs he was on for SOTU wore off.

Four things Biden (or whomever wrote his political stump) blew:

  1. Skrinkflation, no one cares about this at a SOTU that they are getting less "snickers" in their Snickers or fewer chips in the bag, and Shrinkflation does Biden a favor as it doesn't appear in the Inflation rate if the item is part of the Rate;

  2. Funding for Ukraine - 85% of the war materials are sent from our military's supply and we buy fresh for our stockpile - Manufacturing Made In America would have scored a LOT of points with voters A LOT, like AeroVironment (Zombie Drone manufacturer in VT - can't make this up!) and Raytheon really happy, ie DONATIONS;

  3. He said we have 2 enemies, Foreign (in reference to Russia attacking Ukraine), and Domestic (in reference to Republicans/Trump/83M voters) - that was stupid. People see the persecution of Trump, and the lack accountability with Biden over classified docs that were stashed in his garage with zero security, and how to explain all those flow-through LLC, money to The Big Guy, grandkids and family with no services to show for. If the SC denies "Complete Immunity for POTUS" (and they should), Biden could be held accountable after he leaves offices - stay tuned to you Bat Channel how this will play out.

  4. Tax the wealthy! Pay their share! Well, Hunter committed tax fraud by not paying on Millions he took in and the Statute of Limitation just happen to expire plus the current tax thing in CA he is being prosecuted for. The LLC Biden had for his speeches and appearances he was paid for after he left office avoided a LOT of taxes by taking a bare minimum salary to avoid SS, Medicare and Medicaid taxes, and allowing the excess income to flow over to his personal return where he'd pay just personal State and Federal taxes. That's not a very good look.

Glad you liked it for an angry old white guy trying to chase the kids off his lawn.

avatar for ATACdawg
1 yr ago

∆ I like that a lot better than the other guy trying to take my (and everybody else's) lawn. 🫤

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
12 mos ago

@gammanu - I thought "he must be hella geeked up."

avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 mos ago

I pay limited attention to national politics at this point, as it's very clear which is the least bad choice. The Trumpers try to take power with lies, violence, and threats of violence. You'd have to be dumber than a rock to think they are not clearly the biggest threat to rule of law based on individual rights.

avatar for gammanu95
12 mos ago

^the saddest part is that liberals like ilb cannot recognize the factual falsehood of that statement.

Ronald Reagan said it best, "It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so."

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