Strippers Trashing Other PLs To You ITC

avatar for IWantHerOnMe
I’m not talking about them being mad someone trespassed a clearly stated boundary or is just a jerk even though I don’t whine to dancers about the jerks at my job. At least those 2 things are legit gripes. I’m talking about dancers who whine about who they don’t/won’t dance for, who isn’t spending on them and what there other regulars do that they don’t disallow but still annoys them.

This tells me a few things: they like rejecting men who WOULD like to spend money on them, they like trashing men who they perceive to have no money, and/or there is nothing any man could ever do that they’d respect. Which is fine and not a shock. I just don’t want to hear it. It doesn’t make me feel special that you see me as better than than some other guys at the club. Which you probably don’t. Why the hell would a dancer say this to me?


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avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
How often does this happen to you?

For me, it has come up a handful of times at most over many years. I think that part of it is that most dancers know that the customer they're with in the moment wants to be the center of their attention, and not other customers.

The other part is that the moment a dancer starts talking about that sort of thing, I tell them I'm not interested in club drama or workplace chatter.
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
a year ago
It’s almost small talk for the dancers I’ve dealt with. Speculating on who has money, who’s a incel (a word that’s becoming code for “guy who won’t give me what I want”) and who they’re annoyed by and tired of. This might be a product of me frequenting highish mileage urban clubs more than say gentleman’s clubs, they might see me as a cut above the normal monger which LOLOL. I have no idea what I do to invite this rhetoric. And I shut it down everytime it’s brought up.
avatar for SquareCastle
a year ago
Who gives a flying fuck what any dancer thinks or perceives. Just get in, have a great time and leave. Some can show you a great time and still hate you, and you’d never know it. It’s part of the game. As long as they deliver, that’s all I really care about. And most of the time they do.
avatar for docsavage
a year ago
Females in general are interested in relationships with other people whereas guys tend to be more interested in things. This means most male strip club customers are less interested in gossip about others than the strippers. Strippers are not interested in guy talk but that is OK with me because they have other qualities I like.
avatar for stripperlover777
a year ago
Wow ⚡
avatar for stainglass
a year ago
TLDR: Do what you feel is right for you, and enjoy: No other person is the same as you, and you alone can make the decision that suits YOU - not anyone else.

Long winded:
Not everyone (PL) is the same.

Some like it, some don't.
Some can abruptly stop it, some can gradually ween the topic to what they want, and some are smart enough to change to the topic towards what they are interested in.

There is a a broad range of PLs & dancers - a submissive to a player who has game.

Expect these and all other things, discussions, emotional manipulations, submissiveness, jovial slapping, touching genitals, letting each other explore, handsiness, back talk, "not enough money", "i'd love to see u again", kissing, extras, ... whatever.

Every person is a PERSON. Just move on, rather than think about what a girl said or did, or (including me), what so many of the PLs here say they think.... Everything is subjective & hearsay.
avatar for Dolfan
a year ago
A lot of girls try it with me, but most are pretty quick to sense the disinterest and move on. I've always just assumed its something a good percentage of customers like participating in, so the girls try to do it as a way to engage.

The whole spiel about "I'm so glad you came in today, all these customers are so boring" is a pretty classic stripper move. What you're describing just seems to be an expanded version.
avatar for funonthaside
a year ago
It's a tactic to make you believe they view you as superior to other guys, with the hope that it will lead to more tips.
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
I've heard it from dancers I know well, by mistake. You have a few cocktails, smoke some weed on the Desire porch and dancer/customer sometime forget where they are. One time I said to one of the hotter Desires dancers: "sometimes my clients are a bit much and even though they pay me, I still don't like them". She sighed and without thinking responded: "I get that. I hate all of my customers". Dead silence and then she says: "present company excepted". My response: "I assumed excluding me because young, pretty women who can have anyone they want always pick the old-broken down fuck". We still sit and chat and I am always happy to buy her a drink, but the last room we did was prior to that day. I assume every dancer wouldn't give me the time of day for free and if one or more would, then there is something tragically wrong with them. Having said that, once it was said and the pretense gone, so was the hard on.
avatar for SquareCastle
a year ago
Some of us have wives that hate us, what would make a dancer who you pay for a pleasurable catharsis any different ? 😂 .
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
Bigger question, why would I care?

I don't ask my mechanic or barber to like me, why would I ask a dancer to?

If she can feign it for as long as she's dancing for me, that's all I need. I don't REALLY believe her when she tells me I'm the most handsome guy or have the biggest dick she's ever encountered.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
I don’t have time for gossip, if she hasn’t anything better to talk about, then I don’t waste my time or money on her.
avatar for elmer
a year ago

"I assume every dancer wouldn't give me the time of day for free and if one or more would, then there is something tragically wrong with them. Having said that, once it was said and the pretense gone, so was the hard on"
avatar for JamesSD
a year ago
I have one of those faces where people open up to me quickly. Generally girls love any customer who is respectful, spends money, and doesn't smell bad.

I have had dancers indirectly make fun of a type of guy to me. The type of guy that can't stop talking about himself and how great he is. Basically guys with huge egos. They will still be nice to them, dance for them and take their money of course.
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
Last night a dancer, to whom I dedicated another thread, bad-mouthed me to her buddy, who then lost interest in doing dances for me. During the next 75 minutes they sat next to me, in a pretty empty club, chatted, talked to no one else, did no dances and earned zero. I vaped some weed, drank some beer, watched the basketball game, and did some dances with other dancers. Guess they fucking showed me.
avatar for rattdog
a year ago
this shit is nothing new. ALL girls/women trash others. what do you think they're doing all the time in those gigantic restrooms - sharing the latest way to bake chickens?
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