Putin Critic Alexei Navalny Dies In Prison

Evil Lair
I wonder how long Donald Trump will survive in prison if Biden is successful in getting him locked up. Will he “commit suicide“ like Jeffrey Epstein?
I wonder how long Donald Trump will survive in prison if Biden is successful in getting him locked up. Will he “commit suicide“ like Jeffrey Epstein?
last commentGee, why not? After all, if you believe DT, Biden has complete immunity from prosecution from any crime he commits while he's president!
Is Trump going to double up with Putin ?
Biden isn't trying to get him locked up.
It's much more the Clintons' style, if Bill isn't nailing interns and Hillary hasn't drank herself to death.
I’m not sure if Biden has the cognitive ability to plan a strategy to lock Trump up. If you watched Biden recently, I’m not sure how he manages to even get to the bathroom to take a piss without forgetting the way.
Has Trump openly congratulated Putin yet or does he save that for their special Private chats?
Interesting this happened right after the Tucker commercial, I mean interview of Putin.
Trump is Putin's biggest fan, and he wants to be a dictator like Putin and take revenge on his critics. But the American people have had enough. Trump is starting to be held accountable for his crimes.
E. Jean Carroll won an award of $83 million from Trump for defaming her. The judge said Trump is a rapist.
The Trump organization has just been ordered to pay $355 million because of fraudulent activities. Trump and his sons are barred from running the business.
Next come the criminal trials. Trump faces counts for election interference in Georgia, for hush money payments to a porn star, for plotting to overthrow the 2020 election through fraud and violence, and for stealing and refusing to return classified documents. He is a vile and disgusting criminal. He deserves to be locked up for the rest of his life.
However, Trump will probably avoid prison. He will flee to Russia, where his master Putin can use him as a propaganda tool.
Just a mobster state cleaning out the rivals.
I think it's hilarious people give DJT $ for his "campaign" which ultimately goes to his defence. The guy is a self proclaimed billionaire and the smart money already left his campaign some time ago. A fool and his money....
I'm not going to cry over when some Nazi dies.
"Biden isn't trying to get him locked up."
Yeah--I guess Nathan Wade, Fulton County Georgia lead prosecutor and Fani Wills fuckboy, went to the White House for two all day meetings to talk about the weather.
Nathan Wade was seeking witnesses for his investigation, and the White House Counsel’s Office had to be involved as testimony of officials from the Trump admin was being sought.
Biden wasn't involved.
^ If you believe that, I've got a giant steel tower in Paris to sell you.
^ So explain this to me, according to MAGA Biden is mentally incompetent, yet he’s orchestrating a major plot against Donald J. Trump With four separate indictments with a grand total of 91 charges.
I don’t get it.
Either he’s an incompetent elderly man, who’s drooling all over himself, or he’s a criminal mastermind engineering a plot against America and Donald Trump.
The logic behind this narrative is hilarious and it’s sad that there are actually people that believe this.
"White House Counsel’s Office had to be involved as testimony of officials from the Trump admin was being sought."
Sure, that make sense. Current Democrat WH officials had to be involved because fuckboy was seeking testimony from Republican officials who hadn't been in the WH in two years.
I have to give people like Navalny credit for their balls. I guess he was hoping he could inspire a grass root uprising against Putin. Like how the Chinese rose up at the grass roots and forced Xi to back down on the COVID lockdowns.
Since Epstein never had a security clearance, the government couldn't justify holding him incommunicado. But they could justify it with Trump. On the other hand, Maxwell is somehow still alive. Maybe they've got some kind of leverage with her, like threats of retaliation against her family. Maybe that's what they'll do to Trump as well, to keep him from spilling the beans.
If it comes down to it, maybe DeSantis will assign a detail of Florida State Police to Trump, that won't allow Federal LE to take him into custody.
The fact Trump admires Putin, makes Trump a traitor. Just because Biden is a traitor and progressives scum, doesn't make Trump right.
My personal opinion is Donald Trump is an amoral lunatic, he’s senile too, just much more aggressive, I don’t care for Joe Biden either, and I believe he’s actually dealing with some early dementia himself. Here’s the thing though Trumps mania is more severe than Biden’s disabilities and as far as I’m concerned I’d prefer almost anyone other than the two of them, unfortunately the true disgrace is both the Republicans and the Democrats, disgusting the best candidate of either party is these two losers.
Trump is loved by his base in a way the US hasn't seen in a long, long time. MLK and JFK were the last political leaders who could match that. He's threatening to conventional politicians. They can only win by sucking lots of corporate dick, to get the money for massive advertising campaigns. Biden doesn't have to mastermind some big organized plan to go after Trump. It just happens by itself.
Because of his feebleness, Biden delegates a lot. From Democrats like Joe Machin to those like Bernie Sanders, and everyone in between, lets them all wet their beaks. That's how he keeps Democrat officeholders behind him, even with how unpopular he is.
"So explain this to me, according to MAGA Biden is mentally incompetent, yet he’s orchestrating a major plot against Donald J. Trump With four separate indictments with a grand total of 91 charges."
If Biden were the only individual in the Biden administration, yes, that would be inconsistent. It's a whole apparatus conspiring against Trump.
^ yet the MAGAverse portrays Biden as the evil mastermind, manipulating these events, you guys need to come up with a more plausible explanation for this display of weird logic.
As eluded to by PuddyTat, it's Biden's henchmen/women leading the charge. If it weren't for the progressive nitwits puppeteering Biden, and his cognitive decline, he may actually be a decent President. Sadly, though, Biden is merely a figurehead with seemingly no ability to make his own decisions.
Barring the January 6 mess, much of what is causing Trump's legal woes occurred many years ago. The Biden regime is really not much different than the Putin regime. If Trump ends up in prison, he may very well encounter the same demise as Navalny.
If Trump isn't a threat to Democrats, why are they and the MSM trying so hard to take him down? Too bad Trump can't keep his mouth shut. We would all be better off.
"Norman Eisen, a former special counsel in the Obama administration, said it was common for the White House Counsel’s Office to become involved when the testimony of officials from former administrations is sought, because there may be issues of executive privilege."
25, look up "straw man."
Fun, Biden was never the sharpest knife in the drawer. The far left has been driving this administration from the get go. Their priorities, like Biden calling "trans rights" the great civil rights issue of the day.
“My personal opinion is Donald Trump is an amoral lunatic, he’s senile too, just much more aggressive,”
I couldn’t have said it better. I’m as a right wing conservative as there is, but I very much dislike Trump. When I see the primary polls, I’m in utter shock the support he gets.
But the Republican party is to blame for not finding a viable candidate.
The conservatives need a leader who will fight anti-Semitism on Ivy League campuses and left leaning MSM. (One only needs to follow the KC parade shooting coverage to know what I mean). But Trump ain’t that guy
^^ I don’t know what you’re talking about with that “Straw Man” comment, it makes no sense whatsoever no matter what context you’re using.
Trump’s been his own worst enemy and the loudest of loudmouths, as long as I can remember. He’s talked his way into four criminal indictments with a grand total of 91 charges by being not just a criminal, but attesting to his own actions.
You guys can blame the opposition from now until the cows come home, it doesn’t change the fact that he’ll create chaos as long as he has an audience for his boorish, bullying behavior, his last administration was a mess and he needs to shut the fuck up or he will end up in prison.
^ "The MAGA universe". Most of them say Obama or some group of progressive billionaires or the WEF are behind Biden.
I don't dispute what you've said about Trump's intense self destructive capacity, but when several DAs have outright campaigned on getting him for anything, it's hard to dispute that there's something larger afoot.
I didn't vote for him either of the last two generals but I will with a clear conscience this year, after seeing the forces arrayed against him and what they'll do.
Haley is only around thinking Trump will get DQed and that'll give her a shot.
Trump said he'd lock up Clinton, but didn't deliver. Even if Biden was responsible for jailing Trump, wouldn't that just be beating him at his own game?
I doubt Trump's business practices got worse when he decided to run for President. The big, obvious open question is, why did it take till know for him to be found civilly liable for fraud?
^ You don't do Manhattan real estate without getting in it deep with the mob. He was also known for telling creditors to fuck themselves or drain them in court.
But when you start trying to nail him with anything and everything, and literally campaign on "I'll get my political opponent" there's no credibility left.
Cheeto Mussolini isn’t denying any of it. The investigations are politically motivated and he’s guilty. Both can be true.
Some of you guys surprise me with your naïveté, Hanks correct that the investigations are both politically motivated and he’s still guilty.
Everyone who’s ever been involved with politics is aware that if they’ve ever been involved in corrupt business practices someone will find it and expose them.
That’s just how the game is played. That’s one of the more basic reasons why we have such lousy candidates.
Some may not like Trump and I get that but you don’t make a mockery of the justice system to in order to “get Trump” (as AG Leticia James ran her re-election campaign on) Today it’s Trump, tomorrow it’s you.
If you’re going to call what’s happening a mockery of the justice system, than how about the other side?
The Hunter Biden investigation? Any doubt they are going after him because it’s Biden’s son? They’ve had the laptop for 6 years and nothing, except Marjorie Greene showing his doc pics on the floor of the House on big poster boards. That’s justice? Or the fact that they are pushing DOJ to prosecute him after he paid all his taxes, plus the penalties and interest. That doesn’t happen if his name isn’t Biden. And all the 2a nuts on that side of the aisle but they go after a guy who never fired a gun or used it in the commission of a crime.
Hunter is a shitbag but they have nothing. Their key whistleblower was just arrested and charged on Thursday because his whole story was al lie. Comet and Gym Jordan have nothing.
Its all a bad joke.
Dick pics
OK. You asked for it, Hank!😜