Cash Burn Rate

What would you estimate to be your highest “cash burn rate” (dollars spent per hour) at a SC. To make this apples to apples, count cover, drinks, food for the dancers ( but not yours), house fees for dancers, and tips for dancers and staff. Also, round up to the nearest hour. So, if you blew into a club, did a $250 VIP, and blew out again in 20 minutes (done that a few times) your hourly burn rate is $250, not $750.
What was your lowest burn rate? To qualify, you have to have spent at least an hour in the club. If you walked in, ordered an $8 drink, decided that you didn’t like what you saw so you got out of Dodge in 5 minutes (done that quite a few times as well). If you spent a full hour in the club nursing that $8 drink and never spent another dime, seems like there might be a story to tell, even if it’s just patiently waiting on a dancer who never shows up ( I heard that happened to a guy one time).
My worst cash burns probably involve a couple occasions where I did more than one VIP in an hour. This is always a bad sign for me, because it means I’m trying too hard to make something happen rather than just going with the flow.
last commentWhen I wasn't feeling it and was too lazy to go elsewhere, I spent $5 in 3 hours and read a book on my phone for half the time.
I've had multi VIP hours, busting twice, for maybe $600. Or hours of near continuous dances, but usually at cheaper places that ran a lot less.
Worst: ~ $1100 over a ten hour run: so, $110/1hour average. It should be noted, I max out at $150/15min with dances.
Best: $20/hour
when I was stupid a dozen years ago, I probably spent 5,000 burn rate in Vegas...
My time's more limited nowadays so I can usually only spare about an hour, I find the right girl and it's an easy $300 burn - hell, if I don't find the right girl and I do some road testing instead, I'd probably still spend about $300. Back when I had more time to spend and bar tabs were longer, I could spend over $1000 per visit, but you know what, still about $300 an hour. A few days in a row of that is a bad thing but strip club money seems to come from a different place.
Highest: $600/hour when getting a champagne room.
Lowest: $10/hour when drinking two beers at the bar, waiting for the dancers to get out of the dressing room.
Almost always somewhere in between.
Lol @Jascoi. I think in my days of noob strip clubing I also once spent around 5k in a Vegas club. Though, that probably took about 5 hours, so the "burn rate" was like 1k. A 5k per hour burn rate would be insane.
My lowest was probably at Scarlett's Cabernet in East St. Louis somewhat recently, where I paid a $20 plus around $8 for a beer I nursed for two hours while no decent dancers showed up. So a $14 / hour burn rate.
My lowest where I actually got "dances" was in TJ at HK. On my last day of my first trip there, I found myself low and cash and time. I spent about a two hours at the club including a HH arriba with a super hot raver chica. It cost me total of $142 for beer, fichas, propinas and the arriba, for a burn rate of $71 / hour.
it was insane a dozen years ago. I burned through my savings like an inferno.
When I was a noob, I burned through $400 in a half hour.
I can't tell you for sure what my slowest burn rate was, but I suspect it probably happened at King of Diamonds south of St. Paul, MN waiting for some preferred dancer to come dance for me.
Dances in Charlotte are mostly $35. I often give $40. That is about 3 minutes. Technically, I could get almost 20 per hour (assuming 3 minutes per song). That is an $800 per hour rate. Even if the songs are 4 minutes long, which they are not, the burn rate is $600 per hour. I really don't like to think of it in this way at all.
I've spent as little as $15/hr (two beers and a couple stage dollars) at a low end club. I'm not sure I know my max, Probably somewhere around $500/hr or so in a room.
The only places I really think of a "burn rate" are places with heavy tip walks and expensive drinks. There's places in Miami where you'll easily burn through $75/hr on that stuff.
My opinion is if you’re worried about how much you’re spending you aren’t having a good time.
I have no idea. I just go when the mood hits me and when I get home I go back to real life.