Why do h8rs call my dream men betas?

>:( 🧚🏼♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
Yall gotta stop name calling the only category of men that shouldn't be killed on site. Most wanna be dominant "alpha" men ain't shit 😂 not to mention I can terrify men a foot taller than me so I just can't take any of you seriously.
last commentSight***
I doubt there are really many haters.
You probably like betas because they validate you with their simping, and you can easily control them. Like a good pet, they don't talk back, they ask for permission to do anything, and are waiting at your beck and call when you're ready for them. When you don't need them anymore, they thank you for the opportunity.
You see alphas and so many of them are such assholes that it fortifies your bias for betas.
But, being dominant and assertive is not mutually exclusive with being polite and respectful. Few men ever find the balance and I think it requires a long term committed relationship with the right woman who can effectively mentor/train a man how to be balanced. She herself has to be balanced and appreciate a man who knows how to be assertive and take control, how to respect and care for her, when to stfu and just listen, and when to be there for her to lean on. Sexually, sometimes she needs extreme tenderness, and other times she wants to be fucked like a whore. Being able to fulfill the variety of physical and emotional needs requires a dedicated effort.
Learning how to balance all of this is not easy and can be very frustrating, so, many men take the easy way out and either find a woman who can tolerate him as a simp, or one who lets him dominate and disrespect her. Women also are lazy about this and choose either the path of hard-ass maneater bitch or overly submissive pushover.
I will play along and comment on your discussion:
Criteria For A Dream Stripper
by: JohnSmith69 D$ <3 Luva
MON SEP 28 2015
What would your dream stripper be like?
Understanding that nobody can ever be perfect at anything, a dream stripper is as close as a dancer could realistically come to perfection for a particular PL in three categories:
How the concept plays out in practice is different for each PL. What would your dream stripper be like in each of these three categories?
For me, my two dream strippers were as follows:
Looks: a girl who is white, young (preferably 21 or under) with natural red or blond hair, pale skin, natural breasts at least a B cup, gorgeous face, pretty eyes, friendly smile, and a normal, healthy weight that fits her body, either no tats or very few tats. Big meaty pussy lips are a plus but not required. In short, she must be a girl that I honestly feel is at least a 9.5.
Personality. Minimal SS is essential, which in my two cases has meant brand new dancers. I like a girl who is chill, laid back, and willing to go on fun dates or trips together. I want a dancer who is smart or at least not dumb. I also want one who is reliable, meaning she is either on time or some close approximation to that, and she is willing to do what she says she will do. She also needs to be willing to see me on my schedule whenever possible.
And she needs to be able to carry on an interesting and intelligent conversation. She needs to have realistic goals in life beyond making money as a stripper. Finally, she needs to be a reluctant OTC participant -- willing to be talked into it for a very safe guy who pays substantially above market rates, but not willing to fuck lots of customers. In other words, she is a lower mileage dancer except for guys who pay enough for her to do otherwise.
Sex. She must be willing to date me OTC and give me a complete GFE sexually every time.
This means we kiss, we fuck bareback, and we excel at giving one another oral love.
She also must be willing to submit to my fairly elaborate worship of her body as foreplay.
There must be no time limits, we just go for as long as I want to as many times as I want to.
She must be turned on by having her breasts sucked, and by DATY.
She must not fake excitement, and she must have at least one orgasm per date (the only exception being if she's having her period). Often this orgasm should be mutual and simultaneous, although obviously this isn't possible every time.
So a DS to me is not, as has been suggested, every hot dancer. It means much, much more.
What criteria would a dancer need to meet to be your DS?
So @blahblahblah23 please let us know in your own words;
What criteria would a man need to meet to be your Dream Man?
Pics and Vids would be appreciated too.
Thank you.
I like your posting blahblah fir the entertainment, but you would probably be doing everyone. Yourself and men, a favor by wearing a shirt that says “Men: Stay Away” in big bright letters.
@blah, I don't call your boy's names, just be honest, you like boy's not men!
I immediately discard anything anyone who uses terms like alpha and beta in that context say.
criteria for a dancer,,,so your looking for a stepford dancer!
I didn't read and dunno what most of u are talking about. And a man isn't a man if he feels the need to be in charge with somebody physically weaker than him. Food for thought.
I agree I don't like anyone that uses terms like alpha and beta to describe people like anyone is that one dimensional.
My opinion on "dominant" men is they feel they aren't in control in real life so they take it out by abusing women. Any guy that tells me to do anything whatsoever and isn't handing me money that second 🤮🤮🤮
I've also never met a man that talks shit about betas that is really all he says he is. Yall are all yap no delivery
Let us know if you agree with this quote:
“The strength of a woman is not measured by the impact that all her hardships in life have had on her; but the strength of a woman is measured by the extent of her refusal to allow those hardships to dictate her and who she becomes.
~ C. Joybell C
And this definition:
Dominant: (n) damenent/
One who guides and protects another.
Why do you care?
There's caring and there's shitposting, no relationship.
I've just never in my life met a single man that claims to be dominant or alpha that is worth a single penny and I've met a lot of men LoL
Every sex worker alive knows that men claim to be dominant to get one over on retarded pushover birches lol
That's my other point why are so many women still pushovers? There is literally no reason to be anymore unless in a really bad situation and no choice. Women these days can go make the same money a man makes. There is no reason to listen to a single thing these losers tell women anymore. Back in the day it was a money thing. Now I just don't get it? Maybe most women are brainwashed af
So now you’re not only insulting all men, and all woman, and Birch Trees too
Hell yeah fuck birches get money
Margaret Thatcher once said being in power is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, then you aren't.
Ditto for being an "alpha male."
That's what I'm trying to say here. Every guy talking shit about betas ain't really alpha or whatever is in their bible.
The real question here is...how tall are you? Is that with the heels or without? lol Just so I know if I need to be terrified.... :)
"Every guy talking shit about betas ain't really alpha"
Who's actually talking shit about betas? I described them above, but I'd never claim to be (or want to be labeled as) "alpha". Like @PuddyTat69 said above, if you have to say you're alpha, you ain't it.
"why are so many women still pushovers?"
^^ isn't this basically you talking shit about "beta" females? In the same way, when I see simps simping, it just makes me sad. From one guy to another, I have occasionally called it out, but it's more of a "wtf is wrong with you" rather than shit talking.
5'7 no heels
simps simping? A man's place is to spoil women, and women should only reward those that spoil them. I have zero obligation to entertain a guy that wanna fuck for free and not mow my lawn or fix my car. Not to mention men are very bad at sex and can't fuck properly so the one thing that average man has to offer is very subpar.
I'm excellent at lawn mowing and would gladly trade for sex. Quarter acre maximum.
I bought one of those lawn roombas, fucking best investment ever. That thing's been mowing my lawn twice a week for a year for under a grand and it looks like it could last for years.
Maybe I should start asking the chicks at the club if they'd be up to trade. Even if it was weekly mows for monthly sex, the ROI would be pretty quick. I'd just have to worry about some of the lawn maintenance guys hearing about my plan and undercutting me.
Heck, I'd cut the lawn AND fix the car... but only if you leave the heels on. :)
wait there are lawn mower roombas??? OMG
CJKent_band: "I will play along and comment on your discussion:"
You left off walks on the beach and sunsets
I don't know if lawn roomba is the technical term for them, but they're little robots that cut the lawn somewhat autonomously. It works the same way, it's got a camera to see and avoid shit in the yard like my roomba does for the living room and an app where you draw zones for it. You give it a schedule and it just does its thing. You gotta change the blades every now and again, and every now and again it gets stuck and needs help. But mostly it just works.
Like the roomba, it ain't perfect. But rain or shine, that little guy does his job.
I have to be honest, I had to start skimming about halfway through this thread.
I think I keep going into blah's threads in the hope that someday she'll say something meaningful, like that she just posted T&A shots in her profile. 😄
^ I hear what you’re sayin’ brother rick. But blah has a point. Males that spend time calling other men betas or calling themselves alphas aren’t alphas.
Look at us my friend. Do we call ourselves alphas? No! We’re just like that Adam West ape. West didn’t need to say “I’m Batman”. He walked into a room and the other hairless apes were all “that’s frickin’ Batman!!”
Anyhoo… my point is that when any of us rick walk into a room wearin’ our stylin’ suit and bein’ all rickish the other folks are all “that rick is so frickin’ cool that I can’t wrap my brain around how frickin’ cool he is!” ROAR!!!
We now have clear proof that rickthelizard is masquerading as rickthelion. Being a mammal is all about the mammary glands. If you like Taylor Swift more than Katy Perry, you're clearly among the egg layers.
oops wrong thread
lol! I never liked Taylor Swift's appearance mostly cuz her face, but I can respect the upkeep of her long thin athletic figure. I've always wanted to be like 5'10 and it never fucking happened :( I think 5'10 or 5'11 is the perfect height for any woman.
If you accept me;
I would provide and protect you and spoil you the way you deserve to be treated…
I would “mow your lawn” into a heart shape and also cut the grass in your front and back yards, or get you a lawn mower roomba if you prefer.
I would fix your car or take it to my mechanic if necessary.
And definitely I would make love to you until you are happily satisfied.
@rickthelion: You make a good point brother lion. Maybe I've just been a rick for so long that that I can't make the connection it anymore. You of course see this with the great clarity and deep insights that can only come from a rick. I've been riding so high for so long that loud insecure types and the sissies they look down on all look the same to me - small and insignificant. 🦅 ✈ 👑
Thanks for clearing that up brother lion, as only a rick can. 😉
Final thought: Still no T&A on blah's profile. I'm yet holding out hope that someday when she posts another unhinged thread kickoff, it will be accompanied by her doing something useful. 😄
So rickdugan thinks he's more useful to TUSCL than blah? Sounds like we need a vote, to decide which gets kicked off the Island.
^ Oh God no, I didn't mean useful to tuscl. For comedic value alone she's been far more useful to tuscl than I. I've barely been active at all these last several months.
I meant useful to the broader world. Unhinged man-hating women don't really have much to offer to pretty much anyone. Their emotional problems consume them and they become black holes of negative energy to those around them. Exhibit 1 is her last several discussions on here. I was just suggesting that she might have a way to give back to the world just a little in a positive way. 😉
luv u 2 bb
Blah did have a couple of fabulous performances photos of herself up at some point, and I guess with the site update they may return?
Not everyone can be so super-positive and sweet as you are rickdugan.