
STI communicability re BJ's

avatar for 623
Since 1963 ...

Where can you find real honest info/studies regarding how communicable different sexually transmitted infections are during oral sex? With and/or without protections?

The health sites say things like 20% chance of catching something and the monger sites say no way, never going to happen. Is there any real world data available about this? There is a lot of distance between a 1/5 chance and a 1/100,000 chance.


last comment
avatar for Specialj
1 yr ago

If you had a 1/100,000 chance of losing in a game of Russian roulette would you play?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
1 yr ago

Most of the legit health sites don't give percentage chances because they know that the number of variables is too great, and the data collection is difficult to obtain with reliable accuracy. They only note that the chances are much higher if you don't wear a condom.

The only sites I've seen that give percentages are places like the online STD testing services, and they're doing it because they want more customers.

But I'd agree that you also don't want to go by anything you read here (or other sites like this), because the vast majority of guys here view STD risks through glasses that range from rose-colored to opaque.

So, if you have a lower tolerance for risk, then wear a condom. If you less risk adverse, then don't. But really, the moment you start having sex with sex workers, then there is risk no matter what.

avatar for neil_halstead
1 yr ago

Always use a condom with strippers, escorts, etc. The chances you will contract a bacterial or viral infection if you don't wear one is high.

When people online claim you can just take antibiotics afterwards and be fine are only somewhat correct (more on viruses later) - infections can be persistent, needing multiple 10-14 day (and occasionally longer) courses, depending on what you find yourself at the ED or urgent care with (we'll just assume you want to avoid your family physician on this one). You'll need to get STI testing afterwards, regardless, because you don't want an asymptomatic infection to spread over time. And this is assuming you aren't especially unlucky and contract an antibiotic-resistant strain (not common, but still possible, especially if visiting sex workers), in which case you'll likely be referred to a urologist and won't enjoy the heavy hitters he puts you on.

There isn't much you can do about viruses after the fact. Do you really want lesions on your pecker (or worse, on your prostate or in your bladder) the rest of your life, over a BJ? You especially don't want to catch any form of hepatitis, which isn't uncommon among sex workers, especially escorts and porn actresses. And, this doesn't even take into account any number of circulating viruses that aren't generally considered 'STIs,' some of which can give you life-long inflammation in your urological organs.

In short, the 'monger' sites you mentioned are generally full of people that don't know anything about medicine, infectious disease, and frankly may be more prone to risk-taking behaviors than the general population. Of course they'll tell you there's nothing to worry about!

Even with a condom, there's still a (albeit smaller) risk of an STI-causing microbe passing through the barrier, into your urethra. Say, Syphilis, chlamydia, and, most common, unknown (your doctor will just throw a broad spectrum antibiotic at it and hope it works, while internally chuckling or as commonly being annoyed he or she didn't leave you behind during residency training). Testing often doesn't even catch the particular microbe(s) - plural because, yes, carrying multiple infections isn't uncommon either. Your swollen balls and urethra will be plenty confirmation.

In short, despite the braindead logic some with no medical education prefer to cite online that sex workers are safer to engage in sex with because they get tested more often (not necessarily true, especially in the US), take what you knew to be true in middle and high school and extend it out by a decade or more - if someone is sleeping with dozens or hundreds of men in a period of months (and, yes, BJs count), do you really think that person is less likely to pass something on to you than a person in the general population?

The answer is no.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

I figure my dick's going to rot when I'm dead anyway.

avatar for shailynn
1 yr ago

All you have to do is dip your junk in listermint if you ever run into some suspect pussy. Kills all germs instantly including COVID, makes your nuts tingle and smell minty fresh.

I’ve been preaching this for almost a decade on here. How do you think Rick Dugan has gotten all this pussy and his dick hasn’t fallen off yet?

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

Don’t forget many of you geniuses are either married or have a regular relationship, with a woman who trusts you, that means you are putting that second person at risk as well.
That’s truly selfish and irresponsible.

avatar for Mate27
1 yr ago

Good ol’ opportunistic 2-bits back at it, virtue signaling to the board his moral compass like he’s a better version of PL than anyone else. Wonder if his immediate family agrees with his sentiment?

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

^ it’s long past time for you to shut the fuck up, go back to your hovel and pretend to be an expert on everything.
You’re a boring antagonistic dope without enough sense to stop while you are behind.

avatar for Mate27
1 yr ago

I must’ve struck a chord with you, maybe a little too close to the truth for you to handle? You really need to pause and stop projecting your thoughts onto the rest of the board, because we all sit behind our screens and laugh and laugh at your comments. Then we sigh and give thanks we’re not you! Rotflmfao……

avatar for JamesSD
1 yr ago

Recieving a bare BJ even from a huge slut is a pretty low risk activity. Wash your dick after.

avatar for shailynn
1 yr ago

^ with listermint

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

I've always assumed that no matter what I do I will be fine, everything will work out without me making an effort and that I am impervious to all things bad. So far, so good.

avatar for 5footguy
1 yr ago

medhelp.org has questions and answers, and has been very valuable to me in understanding REAL risks.

People do not seem to understand that different STIs have different communicability characteristics. It's not a case of "if she has it, you will get it" with everything. A well known study for HSV2, for example, studied partners living together who had unprotected sex where one partner had HSV2. As long as the infected partner did not have outbreaks, the transmission rate from women to men in a given YEAR was 4%. So, you have unprotected sex with a female who has HSV2, and if she does not have an outbreak, you could have sex with her presumably at least weekly and only have a 4% chance of acquiring it in a year. I take that with a grain of salt and assume it's higher, but it gives some idea. You can still get HSV2 with a condom, but using one reduces chances by about 60%. This is the kind of information I like to be armed with. Know other STIs and their risk characteristics. Wearing a condom is all but guaranteed to protected against HIV, for example. You will not get HIV from kissing, for example. One case in history has been reported. So, know your STIs.

You run the risk of STIs having protected sex with ANYone, so, the question is always, what is your risk tolerance?

As for: "If you had a 1/100,000 chance of losing in a game of Russian roulette would you play?"

Depends on the payoff. You have about a 1 in 100000 chance of dying while scuba diving. Would you let that stop you? You have a non-zero chance of dying in a car crash, and flying, or any other number of activities. So, if the payoff was $5 million for a 1 in 100K chance, hell yes I'm playing. People think they are safe and protected, but freak accidents happen to people who are risk averse, and life is uncertain and not fully in your control. Most people work 20+ years to earn $5M. You'll work yourself to death much faster in 20 years earning that money. So yeah, I'm betting 1 in 100K to save myself a decade of labor.

avatar for drewcareypnw
1 yr ago

Once again I am amazed that anyone comes to a titty board for medical advice. What are you going to do if you get that bbbj and contract wartherpes the first time? Ask for a refund?

avatar for Brahma2k
1 yr ago

1 in 100,000 the chamber is loaded but I get 500k if I don’t end up blowing my brains out? I’ll taken that deal every day for 7 days then retire. And If I end up getting the loaded chamber, I’ll only know it for a fraction of a second.

@drewcareypnw has it right. STI info seeking from a strip club board is a bit funny. Hey, I got a case of the drips from a stripper who looked like Pamela Anderson in her playboy centerfield days. Worth it down to the last drop! J/k

avatar for Dolfan
1 yr ago

"the moment you start having sex with sex workers, then there is risk no matter what"
^ You can take "sex workers" out of that statement and it's still correct. Your chances of contracting some sort of STI drastically increase the second you start engaging in sexual activity with anyone. It's much higher when engaging in those activities with someone who does it with a large number of partners. It can be reduced materially by using safer sex practices, which include the use of things like condoms and dental dams.

Exactly how much you increase or decrease your odds depends on a large number of factors that are hard to identify and harder to control for, so reliable specific data on the subject is questionable at best.

You need to be an adult, accept that reliable data on exact odds aren't out there and make a choice for yourself based on the available information. As 25 noted, I would encourage you to consider health and well being of not just yourself but your SO or anyone else your fucking and let them make decisions on their sexual own health.

Anecdotally, I've received quite a few uncovered BJ's from random civi's and sex workers alike and never had an issue. Do I recommend it? Probably not. Will I do it again, almost certainly. Am I realistic about the risks with myself, you betcha.

avatar for Mate27
1 yr ago

^^Correct in your assessment, however what makes your statement resonate to those reading is an absence of superiority and judgement. Sort of like saying “to each his own”, and no one hobbies better than anyone else when you’re paying for it. Each man is responsible for his own actions. I thought everyone knew that at this phase in life, yet some people compensate for their inadequacies. Anyway, my profile provides my thoughts on this since the day I joined. Play safely everyone, and we all can have a good time!

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

^ least adequate and least manly maricon on earth. Wah, I'm afraid is her motto.

avatar for gobstopper007
1 yr ago

Wait, some of you guys are getting more than just a lap dance??????

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

The OP never asked any of us for our opinions or half-assed direct experience anecdotes. He asked if any of us knew of an external third-party site where he could find verified studies and perform his own research.

Here are some suggestions:
My endorsement: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

Every government website is honest and 100% accurate. I mean how could anyone think otherwise after Covid.

avatar for Mate27
1 yr ago

^^ well if this isn’t proof of the biggest 2-bit cock sucking sycophant on this site!

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

^ what an insecure little girly boy, can’t you ever just stay on topic.
I’d call you a fucking idiot, but that would be an insult to fucking idiots everywhere.

avatar for Mate27
1 yr ago

Is this what you call living well and enjoying your retirement, you emotionally triggered old man? It’s true, old PLs never die, they just fade away.

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

Matedwith27tweenboys, seems to be on the rag again. Your parents should be executed for what they did to you.

avatar for rickthelion
1 yr ago

Can you folks lay off the double shot espressos or something? I mean seriously, I get to say shit like “Imma go all wildebeest on your ass” ‘cause I’m a frickin’ lion.

Plus, y’all know that I’m in such an alcoholic fog all the time that I’ll forget about any grievances before I find you. I mean really, how am I gonna drive if I don’t keep my blood alcohol level high enough?

Anyhoo, Skifredo is just being an asshole. But that’s typical. But Mate and 25…y’all are mostly good ape. Just relax.

Back to the topic at hand. I don’t worry ‘bout most of your damn dirt ape diseases because of my superior lion immune system. ROAR!!!

avatar for rickthelion
1 yr ago

Also, to the OP and any other posters interested in the actual topic, realize that you have to put search terms into the pubmed website. That will take you to primary medical literature, which most of y’all won’t understand anyway. How you damn dirty apes took over the planet I will never know. Makes me wonder what I could do if I laid off the alcohol and fuckin’ sexy females…

Oh well, Imma drink some drivin’ whiskey and find a sexy female hairless ape. TTFN!

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

^ mate puts me in mind of horshack that dweeb from the old Welcome Back Kotter TV show from the 70s or 80s

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

Funny enough, I had the exact same thought that skibum voiced when referring 623 out for research articles. It is also why I considered and discarded any WHO links (all bought and paid for by PRC China). However, if you use the footnotes and bibliography cited by CDC and NIH in their articles, you can begin verifying the data presented.

That is also why I only endorsed PubMed, it is a connection to independent (and sponsored) research parties which the reader can examine for themselves.

avatar for 3131
1 yr ago

Data is not readily available.

Case reports are most concerning for syphilis... which is increasingly common in the US for the past few years.

HSV2 is transmitted

Otherwise it's low for other std

Recommend- get a prescription for doxycycline if you can take it. It's been approved for MSM post exposure prophylactic. Common sense says it should work regardless of where the exposure came from.

My personal theory is that Valtrex could be taken prophylactic as well..... just no official recommendation yet from experts

avatar for rickmacrodong
1 yr ago

For an STI to be received via oral sex, does it have to come from an open sore or pustule in the mouth of the person providing the oral? So in that case is it worth using your phone’s flashlight to examine their mouth and gums before receiving oral. Is that something you guys do

avatar for JimGassagain
1 yr ago

Bippity, boppity, bacon!!

avatar for 3131
1 yr ago

Rick... no lesions need to be visible. Especially HSV.

avatar for 623
1 yr ago

Thank you to the two contributors that actually read the request and suggested sources to review.

As for specialj and his Russian roulette comment, life without some risk is not worth living. Dumbass.

Then there is comments about keeping other partners safe, note that I didn’t specify BJ only, my partner usually joins me so she is well aware of any activities. Btw, when you talk about other partners that need to be warned, do you warn your Saturday sex worker about the one you had Friday?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
1 yr ago

"Btw, when you talk about other partners that need to be warned, do you warn your Saturday sex worker about the one you had Friday?"


Are you married to and raising a family with your Saturday sex worker? And is your Saturday sex worker under the impression that you're in a faithful monogamous relationship with her?

Because those are the factors that turns any comparison between a wife/life partner and sex worker into an apple vs. orange comparison.

avatar for WiseToo
1 yr ago

"Where can you find real honest info/studies regarding how communicable different sexually transmitted infections are during oral sex? With and/or without protections?"

I think a good start would be to try and get statistics for the porn industry. There must be rules, regulations, frequency of testing and reporting requirements in California for porn workers.

I recall a porn worker (possibly Lexington Steele) had contracted an STD and didn't have it treated or reported and passed it on. He was immediately out of work in the porn industry. He was blacklisted (no pun intended).

And porn workers no doubt have sex outside of "work" so there is the real possibility of contracting an STD there and passing it on while at "work."

The porn industry is concerned about an "outbreak" which may cause the authorities to take action, so they probably keep careful records.

avatar for Jdo11
1 yr ago

Bbbj preformed itc by a stripper will never be as good as a bbbj from a hideously ugly attention starved citizen. Just put on a condom and remove any risk of contracting a lifelong illness for a few minutes of "bliss".

avatar for Specialj
1 yr ago

623....I apologize for my comment.
Personally, I don't enjoy cbj and even though there is minimal risk for STD's via oral sex, I would suggest using discretion when choosing someone to engage with

avatar for SeekingUnicorns
1 yr ago

I learned about 20 yrs ago directly from the man who got 3 counties of people diagnosed with HIV on their meds a loophole. All female STD's produce a bacteria in their pussy that produces a Stank. Do the finger test 1st and you can proceed bb. I've been uncovered with Strippers, escorts, street walkers and CL girls for 20 years and remain clean

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
1 yr ago

Risk of

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
1 yr ago

Risk of an STD from a BBBJ is relatively low but I'm paranoid. Only time I got one from a working girl, I was drunk, and still freaked out about it until I tested HSV-2 negative.

That said, on the whole, I trust working girls more than bar sluts. The former know what they are. The latter aren't calculating, aren't professionals. They make more dumb decisions.

avatar for rickdugan
1 yr ago

===> "How do you think Rick Dugan has gotten all this pussy and his dick hasn’t fallen off yet?"

How did my dick get in the middle of this? 😆

I'll have you know that Ricky Jr. is just fine tyvm. 😉

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