How rare is "Natural Beauty"?

avatar for Specialj
I don't know the name of the comedian but I remember he joked that if not for the guy that invented makeup, women would be treating us to dinner......


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I’m sitting here trying to think and I can only think of one woman who wore absolutely no makeup that was hot. She was/is naturally beautiful.

Every single other woman I know who is hot, at least put some sort of makeup on even something as simple as eye liner. I’ve seen some of those women without makeup - and they look fine, and others are down right hideous.

I shouldn’t judge, I’m sure I’m not sight to see after I haven’t shaven for a week and just getting out of bed.
avatar for 5footguy
a year ago
Beauty is so much more than the actual details of the face (think, a still photograph). I think we all have all met a woman who was at first only moderately good looking, but in a short time after developing a connection with her, her look grows on you, and you find yourself comfortable with the fact that she is attractive but not beautiful. I have a couple of faves right now that fit that description. Great body but only a 7/10 face if you saw her at a glance. Attractive but not a "wow, she's a model" kind of girl. Well, we have a great connection. The eye contact and subtle expressions add a lot of beauty and out right hotness. Her facial expressions when I'm DATY or the look in her eyes when she looks up at me with her mouth full is so much more beautiful than a naturally 10/10 girl who looks bored. So, makeup or not, beauty is more than just "what she looks like".
How rare 'natural beauty' is, I think, more dependent on the observer than the observed.

I've spent significant time over the years at a forested, natural hot springs. Seen many unclothed people who I thought were beautiful people. Even though they clearly were "flawed" in some matter of appearance.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
What counts as "unnatural". There are women who, even if they don't shave them, the hair on their legs is barely visible, and feels silky, if you can feel it at all. Is leg hair you don't need to shave required to be "natural"? And then there are those cultures that think hairiness in women is hot...

Even the remaining hunter-gatherer peoples cut/shave their hair. Probably that's why we lost the genes to make our hair stop growing by itself. Because we've been cutting it since time immemorial. Unnatural is natural for humans.
I’ve said this before but what many guys consider is “natural” really means well done makeup. And that’s just fine by me.
Some women do a good job of using a tiny amount of makeup in a very effective way, so it's hard to even tell they're using it. I think the best way to answer this question is to think back over all your past relationships that were close enough that you either lived together or at least spent enough consecutive days together that you saw her without makeup on a regular basis. That said, my ex-wife looked very good without, but definitely benefited from a little sprucing up. Sometimes she'd put it on kinda heavy just to look like a fucking whore on purpose. Damn, I liked that.

I had a Cuban girlfriend all through college who almost never wore makeup and she was gorgeous. Naturally smooth and healthy skin with an olive tone that really didn't need anything. The only time she'd use it was if we were getting dressed up for some reason, and I think the only things she used was a little of that rosy cheek stuff (I don't know what you call it) and lip gloss. I don't think she even owned any eye makeup. She was one girl I never ever had to wait for while she got ready.
1 in 20 women under 25. Then declines significantly with age.
A lot of it is shape -- figure, jawline, nose, lips, overall symmetry -- and a lot is contrast. Some woman are naturally constrasty, to use a photographic term, and some need makeup to achieve enough contrast to bring out their more subtle features. And yes, how she carries herself. If she is self-assured, knows she's attractive, and is not afraid of the male gaze, then, OMG.
“How rare 'natural beauty' is, I think, more dependent on the observer than the observed.”
@gSteph FTW

“Natural” beauty is going to be in the eye of the beholder though some of that will have to do with her projection of femininity. She’s sitting on the couch, cute shorts and top, pony tail. That’s natural and that can be beautiful if she has a general feminine touch to her such as soft facial features and her talk/demeanor. OTOH you can have a woman sitting on the couch more dolled up but talking about how rank bad her BO got today when she didn’t shower, sniffs under her arm, calling some other woman a Fn Bitch as her mouth is full of food, grabs a steak knife and uses it as a toothpick. She’ll never have natural beauty to me even if objectively she visually looked good dolled up. But to another observer, he may see intangible beauty in that.
avatar for blahblahblahs
a year ago
Very common in my part of the world, but perhaps less so in the South? I don't see it often in clubs though, instead I see it in dive bars, walking in the parks, in coffee shops, etc. Tastes vary, but obvious makeup is a real turnoff for me. What Moody says most likely applies though.
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