
80s professional wrestling

I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
Monday, November 13, 2023 10:53 PM
In the 80s, watching professional wrestling on weekend nights was a tradition, and then an occasional live event would come to town and I could watch my heros in live action. A Battle Royale was an awesome sight to behold. No, Hulk Hogan and Andre The Giant didn’t do much for me, but The Claw (Baron von Raschke) was quite the character.


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 months ago
    It was the most low-brow, juvenile theater you could imagine... and it was fantastic.
  • JamesSD
    8 months ago
    I'm an Attitude Era kid. Like music, regardless of your age it peaked when you were young.
  • gSteph
    8 months ago
    It was a little too "eye rolly" for me. Did enjoy the series "GLOW" on Netflix about early days of women wrestling.
  • rattdog
    8 months ago
    bob backlund era was my introduction to pro wrestling. a very underrated performer who was strong as fuck. youtube his match against hulk hogan and you'll see an amazing feat of strength performed. anybody remember the wrestling magazines at the local news stand where the front cover always had pics of wrestlers bleeding all over? they usually featured the wrestlers from the nwa. i would have to move the tv antennas around on saturdays at 2-3pm just so i could see the nwa guys go at it on some uhf spanish tv station. this was a great substitute in place of the hulk hogan garbage the wwf was promoting.
  • snowtime
    8 months ago
    I didn’t care much for the 80’s Hogan era stuff, but as a kid growing up in the South in the 60’s I enjoyed the antics of Freddie Blassie, the Graham Brothers, the Von Brauners, and similar characters.
  • WiseToo
    8 months ago
    The best wrestling match I saw was Ric Flair vs Terry Funk in an "I Quit" match which was televised "around the world" on PPV. They were phenomenal performers. Front row seats on wood folding chairs all for $12
  • Brahma2k
    7 months ago
    Randy Macho Man Savsge (and Elizabeth), the iron sheik, chief strong bow, Rowdy Piper, The Sarge, the junkyard dog, the Mulkeys. The suplex, the gord buster. Comical, campy, over the top testosterone, any ladies event on the undercard got stripped to panties. Bong hits, munchables and sometimes WWE was perfect teenager TV watching.
  • shailynn
    7 months ago
    JamesSD is exactly right - and as a child of the 80s I love everything from that decade. The movies, the music, the clothing… even though I was a “teenager” in the 90s the 80s was a far superior entertainment decade for me. When I look back at my favorite TV shoes like A-Team, Miami Vice, Magnum PI, Cheers, man they are cheesy now and especially wrestling which was even too cheesy for 7 year old me back in the 80s!
  • rickthelion
    7 months ago
    I have to say that I just don’t get pro wrestling. I mean really, who wants to see two damn dirty apes engaging in gladiatorial combat without weapons? It might be entertaining if you give on ‘em a sword and shield and the other a trident and net with little hooks or something like that. But you know what would be even better? Hairless ape vs lion. I’m bettin’ on the lion 🦁 ROAR!!!
  • shadowcat
    7 months ago
    I watch Taiho back in the 60's while in Japan.
  • rattdog
    7 months ago
    the mulkey brothers. i heard somewhere that before the first match would start there would be a page with a chart posted up with who was going to wrestle who for the whole card. so imagine what the mulkeys' reaction was when they saw that they would have to be matched up with the road warriors that evening. [view link]
  • rickthelion
    7 months ago
    ^ “Road warriors” sounds like good entertainment. Imagine this: a bunch a damn dirty apes get all loaded on drivin’ whiskey and have a demolition derby. You could give them all firearms if you want something even more entertaining. But it should be revolvers. Makes the reloading more exciting. ROAR!!!
  • skibum609
    7 months ago
    I recall the wrestling of the 60s and 70s. Gorilla Monsoon; Freddie Blasie; WWWF champion Bruno Sammartino; professor Toro Tanaka; Haystack Calhoun; The flying Frenchman and on and on. The Vicious Moolah was the name given one of my female cousins so her brother, the Flying Frenchman could legitimately drop kick her....
  • shadowcat
    7 months ago
    Gorgeous George was the father of TV wrestling. I used to watch him. [view link]
  • rickthelion
    7 months ago
    Skifredo finally says something intelligent! Yes, involving gorillas would make the gladiatorial combat more entertaining. And just imagine my drunken demolition derby with many different kinds of apes driving. But no bonobos. Those freak will just want to lick genitalia rather than engage in crazed combat. Anyhoo, I’ll just say that now we’re talkin’ about real entertainment. How else would you damn dirty apes suggest modifying the games? ROAR!!!
  • jaybud999
    7 months ago
    Jimmy......SUPER FLY.......Snuka. Top turnbuckle. That is all. Disregard his questionable personal choices. PS. George the Animal Steele comes in second. He was a high school teacher.
  • Brahma2k
    7 months ago
    @rattdog I saw story handful of years ago on one of the Mulkey brothers. As teens watching, they were the perennial punching bags, the near consummate very well known losers. None of us wanted to be them. Now I’m older and reading the article to see Chris Mulkey’s WWE income well into the 8 figures, yea I’d be that well known loser punching bag now
  • Muddy
    7 months ago
    I was watching ann old clip of the ultimate warrior on Arsenio recently. Hilarious stuff. The just don’t make characters like that anymore.
  • Muddy
    7 months ago
    My personal opinion later in the 90’s Stone Cold Steve Austin was the GOAT. Nobody tops him imo. And you had the Rock too. Attitude era was crazy.
  • Mate27
    7 months ago
    The villains of the 80’s were great! Iran Sheik, George the Animal Steele, Macho Man, the Claw, you can name a bunch! The good vs evil tag team match ups were the tops! That would be like tuscl’s version of Shadowcat vs Dugan.
  • Jascoi
    7 months ago
    The only time I see any wrestling is when I'm clicking through the channels. and yes. I only have antenna TV.
  • Specialj
    7 months ago
    It's tough for me to pick a
  • Specialj
    7 months ago
    Favorite there are Too many. But Mankid takes the MOAT masochist of all time without question that guy is fucking fearless. I think he deserves to be in the next jackass movie 😆
  • Studme53
    7 months ago
    I loved Professor Toru Tenaka. Not sure what his academic field was. Mr. Fuji was a fucking creep. He cheated. He threw sleeping powder on opponents but the refs could never catch him! Very frustrating.
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