Ontario Girls
Will suck your dick
You can cum in their face
They'll bang 15 guys off the street in a night
They'll make even Detroit seem a Disneyland family fun experience
Used condoms, all over the floor
They will still need to put the towel down on your lap before anything cause you know, God forbid any germs get on anybody. Yeah can't do it.
You can cum in their face
They'll bang 15 guys off the street in a night
They'll make even Detroit seem a Disneyland family fun experience
Used condoms, all over the floor
They will still need to put the towel down on your lap before anything cause you know, God forbid any germs get on anybody. Yeah can't do it.
What do you think they say about you? “Oh crap here comes Muddy again on one of his road trips. I bet he hasn’t had a shower in 2 weeks and his balls will smell like his buttcrack!!!”
I have no comments on the cleanliness of Muddy's balls or ass, but if you're washing them in Lake Ontario I'd guess you're talking about the Toronto clubs too. And, they probably aren't that clean.
They give them jerseys and call them the Toronto Maple Leafs
All holes bare, full service, but
Afraid of cooties