Has the sugar scene caused an existential crisis on tuscl

avatar for Muddy
Warrior15, Paul Drake, Subraman, Rick Dugan. Used to be pillars of this community now all gave up it up, no more strip clubs. No more poles, no more VIP's, no more lap dances, no more loud music, instead taking their sugar babies to build a bear workshop and dippen dots. Gone. Never to return again.

I used to fuck with it more during COVID times but truth is I actually like strip clubs better. Is this sugar scene going to bury this website? What about the strippers too? Why deal with some shirtbird like me on a nightly basis, bartering down hand job prices when you can go get with some guy on a yacht? All in all in it seems like a suicidal path we are going down, and strip clubs and strippers themselves are going to the way of jazz.


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avatar for TheeOSU
a year ago
Muddy the last time I looked jazz was still around.
I have lots of thoughts on this, so many that it's hard to compose them into a coherent sentence or two or three but IMO there are lots of factors in the decline of strip clubs in my area and sugaring is a small percentage of it.
avatar for TheeOSU
a year ago
BTW, who's side are you on? You're putting thoughts in strippers' heads regarding ways to escape the clubs, Lol
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
Well full disclosure i just reupped my seeking account for another month. I also have to admit I haven't left the house in years and I got a new sb coming over right after I get my 25th booster shot. All the reviews recently have been complete lies, total bullshit, used chatgpt for all of it.
avatar for jusflor
a year ago
It has already happened. I started clubbing back in the late 90s early 2000s. The quality and quantity of girls was way better then now. It’s all been trending down for over 20 years. Frankly it’s just demographics.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
Also if you notice, all the dancers completely gone. My explanation? I’d bet there found an SD and are having an absolute field day at Bloomingdale’s right now.
avatar for motorhead
a year ago
The afore mentioned “Sugaring Squad” should open a fee based consulting service.

I tried 3 different apps with no success. I guess I’m a worse PL than I thought I was.

I tried using a photo of a $100 bill as my photo in an attempt to get hits and got band.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
Paul Drake's departure had nothing to do with SBs. Years ago, TUSCL had a guy claiming to be HIV+ who posted about fucking strippers raw, as well as 'stealthing' strippers, and eventually started posting rape fantasy (we hope...). Many TUSCL users weren't thrilled, but Drake posted an open letter to founder arguing why that guy should be removed. He also stated that if that guy wasn't removed, he'd greatly reduce or stop posting to TUSCL completely.

Founder did not remove that guy. And Drake, unlike a lot of guys who threaten to leave TUSCL, actually left TUSCL. He revived r/stripclubs on reddit and he's an admin there.

Subraman is doing a lot of SB stuff, but he's the other admin at r/stripclubs. So, he's posting a lot about strip clubs, but a lot less here.

Ditto with Warrior. He's more focused on SBs, but posts semi-frequently on r/stripclubs.

Dugan was posting quite a bit to r/stripclubs, but has tapered off. I suspect he really is fully focused on SBs.

It's definitely possible that SBs have impacted TUSCL usage, but the degree of that effect isn't measured on the discussion boards, but rather by the number of new club reviews. Show me a reduction of reviews and that's the start of an argument.

As far as the TUSCL discussion boards are concerned, I think a lot of guys appreciate being able to talk about things without wading through oceans of keyboard courage and watching some legitimate new guy get pilloried for asking a basic question.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
a year ago
“I think a lot of guys appreciate being able to talk about things without wading through oceans of keyboard courage and watching some legitimate new guy get pilloried for asking a basic question.”

Especially because we don’t have an obvious search function, the new user “what pants do I wear” or “how do I ask for extras” threads deserve a little more leniency.
avatar for rickthelion
a year ago
What you have to understand Muddy ape is that that dugan is frustrated with all of y’all ignoring his rickvice.

When he told me idea of helping you normies lead better lives I said “rick my brother, you can’t teach rickness, you have to be born into it”. But he felt he could help the less fortunate.

You want the dugan back postin’ more, get yourself some stylin’ suits, go grease a bouncer, and stroke a manager. He’ll know that you’re livin’ a life that is like 1% as cool as a rick life but 100x better than the average normie life. Then he might come back and give some more valuable rickvice.

If you want rickthevulture to return do the suit-grease-stroke think but also leave some carrion in the sun for a few days. The vulture kinda thinks with his tummy. ROAR!!!
avatar for CJKent_band
a year ago

I will play along and answer your question.


avatar for rickdugan
a year ago
Damned. I didn't die or disappear, lol. I just post a bit less frequently. I'm definitely still going to clubs, just not as often as I used to. In fact I had a heck of a time in a club just about a week ago.

But to CMI's point, I'm definitely spending the bulk of my entertainment time and money on SBs. To some degree I'm like a kid in a candy store. Imagine all of the incremental benefits of OTC arrangements with strippers instead of escorts, but even less transactional and more natural as most of these SBs are regular girls with day activities who have not been conditioned to equate increments of time with specific dollar values.

Idk if the increasing popularity of sugar arrangements is an existential threat to clubs all by itself, but it definitely doesn't help when combined with all of the other headwinds clubs are experiencing in a number of areas.
avatar for shailynn
a year ago
Subraman has been busy visiting all the bathhouses up in San Fran. that SJG turned him on to.
avatar for groundball
a year ago
@rickdugan do you use a website/app to connect with SB's? Or just your connects from the clubs?
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