Y’all have trees you would just love to have in your front yard? (Weather no issue, let’s say it grows wherever your at)
I was recently in Monterrey, California and one tree that’s common there is the Cypruss https://calscape.com/ExtData/allimages/Photos/Cupressus_macrocarpa_image56.jpg
I fucking love those things. I would put them all over my block if I could get away with it.
Also I do really like looking at those Mexican Fan Palm trees (think Hollywood the real tall ones) I think when they line the streets that’s looks so sharp. All those out there are about a century old. They aren’t even native to LA but in the 20’s folks wanted Los Angeles to have biblical feel so they planted them. I think that was good foresight came out to be iconic of that state https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/ee006d29391f4f3db9774ef4e3e7007d/info/thumbnail/ago_downloaded.jpg?w=800
Honorable mention to those Oak Trees with Spanish moss you find in Savanah, Georgia. https://innonwestliberty.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/wormsloe-plantation-1024x684.jpg
How about y’all out there?
last commentMy parents lived in Florida and I fell in love with the purple jacarandas when in bloom
*Specifically the Monterey Cypruss (there are other types of Cypruss but I mean that one)
And yeah Motörhead I could see the appeal. Not gonna miss that house.
And you know when I was growing up, one hippie couple down the block had a “bamboo” house. Just fucking thickets of bamboo in the front and back…
Muddy, Trees don't really do it for me, but everyone has their own kinks, so here you go.
https://stock.adobe.com/images/hole-in-the-old-tree-trunk-in-vagina-shape-that-used-to-be-bird-nest-with-rustic-bark/273155147 https://www.flickr.com/photos/cupcakebyclare/1818532525 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlsDooMKaIY
Oh, that's not what you meant? Well, in South Florida I…
Japanese maple.
^exceptional choice, so I will choose Sugar maple and wait for fall.
https://live.staticflickr.com/783/40631041135_fda1584504_b.jpg If you have a large piece of property thi tree is a banyan the amount of shade is amazing
I was in Rome this past winter and really liked these "stone pine" trees. https://anamericaninrome.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/vivi-bistrot-bakery-2-1024x683.jpg
Oak and sugar maple. Throw in a big white pine.
got a big ass oak shading most all my family cabin. probably 98 years old.
At the Highlands County Courthouse in central Florida there’s a huge Banyan tree. Kids can walk thru it.
One of the Hurricanes that passed thru Central…
^ there are some very large estate properties near my home a few have very large banyan trees that are spectacular there’s one in particular about 2 miles…
You "leaves" get off my lawn.
A well groomed bush. Slight floral scent. And cherry trees.
We've got a magnificent oak in our backyard, planted in 1961 by previous owners daughter as grade school project.
Read a book about how oaks support the widest…
There used to be a beautiful big Monterey cypress behind my place. Eventually it got too big and was taken down. I was sad to see…
I grew up in NY. The Adirondack Mountains & Catskills are spectacular in Fall: oak, sugar maple, elm, birch, etc just burst with color.
Where we lived 15 years…
As an avid hunter, Quercus Alba, White Oak. At maturity, they are magnificent.
Not to revive a thread but check out these trees in Madgascar called the baobab. https://www.fauna-flora.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Beautiful-Baobab-Trees-At-Suns-236507698-Credit-fotosebek-bigstockphoto-scaled-1.jpg
Amazing. That might be one to try to plant one day but I…
When it comes to palm trees, gotta be a date. I like trees that produce fruit and nuts, like pecan and walnut. Although they can be messy, it…
I like willows, palm trees, pomegranate trees, banana trees, olive trees
I have two banyan trees on my property which I had planted. The hardest part was rerouting all of the irrigation lines so they would not get…
Magnolias can just barely maybe survive in my region and I love the glossy leaves and the white blossoms. Bamboo spreads everywhere. You’ll need a backhoe to try…