
HK Going Downhill

avatar for PutaTester
He who dies with the most memories wins.

craigers691 Posted a review of HK by the same title describing some disturbing trends.

The one that really got my attention was that when a girl gave him a lap dance at his table, a staff member in a black shirt approached and demanded (not requested) $30 be paid to him or the girl would be punished and he would be kicked out. (He handed it very well as described in his well written review.)

I know that HK was discouraging putas from giving laps in the booths off-and-on and trying to get mongers to buy laps in the private booths for a fee. When I was there a few weeks ago, that seemed to be gone, as I and others were getting laps in the booths in exchange for fichas. HK being what it is, applying a different set of “rules” to each monger doesn’t surprise me. However, the asshat who approached craigers691 seems to have been the most aggressive shakedown I have heard of.

So, what’s the story? Are the girls being told not to give laps in the booths? Are the black shirts (not the security guys) getting aggressive and shaking down us mongers?

Also reported are embarrassing and aggressive bag searches in the hotels. Have others experienced this?

I stopped staying in Rizo or Cascades because of the bar fines for having a girl in your room for over an hour. I used to get a master with a hot tub and spend a couple of hours with a chica. Sometimes I would have an off-shift chica spend the night. Now they want $$$ for the girls, even off-shift girls, to spend time with me in the room that I paid for. I also don’t spend much time in HK anymore, primarily because I don’t like the new attitude.

Has HK gotten more aggressive/abusive recently?
Have you been put in an uncomfortable situation by HK or BT staff? Shaken down for money?
Do you think the club is going down hill as a experience?


last comment
avatar for devl_dawgg
1 yr ago

I guess I'll continue to stay at Cascadas/Rizo since they are really the only viable options in the Zona. So far, I've not had any issue bringing SGs or off-shift girls from other clubs to my room. We'll see what happens when I'm there in September? I guess it would be different if I had an ATF and in that case I would definitely look at staying downtown.

To be honest, I do tend to spend far more time in CC, Gold Palace and La Malquerida than HK. Certainly, they can't compare to the number or quality of girls in HK but, I just prefer their vibe to the constant hustle of HK. I'm looking forward to checking out D&B as well.

avatar for rugrat
1 yr ago

I don't think the bag searches are any more intrusive than before. It is well documented that girls have been murdered in Cascada's, you can understand why they need to search your bag.

In terms of what goes on in the booths, it is hard to say. There is no doubt HK management wants more than just a $10 ficha for a high contact lap dance in the booth, hence the invention of the $30 wine drink. In terms of enforcement by the dancers or the mesero's it seems to come and go. The last time I went I only had the $30 wine drink pushed really hard once, the time before that, every Mesero was pushing the $30.

avatar for jajake56
1 yr ago

On my trip in May, I was sitting with a girl and buying a couple of drinks for her. She said she wanted a shot of tequila, I was like ok. The mesero told me it was 30$. No thanks. Then he said or I could get one for the normal LD price (like it was a cheaper brand of tequila). I was like WTF? Opted for a regular price shot and all was good.

As far as searching bags, when I checked into Rizo, of course they searched my bag. It was not thorough. I could have smuggled something in if I had wanted to. With out xray machines they need to take each item out of the bag and inspect it. Instead they just rifle though the bag then give up and tell you to go on.

avatar for captainfun
1 yr ago

Agree with you Ptester. So many guys only go to HK. If the club would see a dip in foot traffic I suspect they would stop implementing so many bad new money grabbing approaches.

I visit CC and Tropical but need to check out Malquerida and Dulce Gabana

avatar for EastCoaster
1 yr ago

I've been to TJ and HK quite a few times since my first visit in 2014. My last visit was at the end of 2019, so my own personal experiences are out of date. Because I'm planning to make another trip there in September, I follow the reviews and TJ discussions here very closely.

With the $30 shakedown under discussion (whether for a table dance or a wine ficha), I'm wondering if using one of the private LD rooms in the Miami Room is a workable alternative. We all used to say that paying $22 for five minutes alone with a girl in a room with a frosted door was a waste of money, since for $9 (then) you could buy a girl a drink and actually get an incredible amount of two-way contact right at your booth, sometimes for much longer than five minutes. But if that's now militantly frowned upon, what about these LD cubbies-with-a-door? Are they still $22? I've only done this twice before (and for half price with my VIP card). The last time, my girl stripped naked and gave me a five-minute BBBJ -- which was more than I had ever gotten in a booth -- after which I took her upstairs for 30 minutes of unbridled fun. Your thoughts?

avatar for PutaTester
1 yr ago

EastCoaster, I could understand your logic if HK was the only option. However, CC has stepped up its game big time since last time you and I visited. They don’t yet have MOST of these BS suck your wallet not your dick games. And the CC chicas were pretty and plentiful.

I qualify that because the rules seem to be changing hourly, and when I visit next week, everything might have changed. Example, a chica that I have known for about five years and I would often hang out in CC for a few hours during our evenings together. We did so during my visit just a month before. This was no issue for five years. On our last visit two weeks ago (the day after I went to CC solo and had an excellent experience), because my girl had worked there for a few days over a year ago, suddenly they wanted a $300 bar fine for her to go in. We walked away of course and went to D&G, where she made friends with a 20-something spinner while I molested them both, spending a fair amount of cash.

The diseases of greed and control are spreading fast.

avatar for booji boy
booji boy
1 yr ago

One thing to keep in mind here is that the US dollar has lost close to 20% of its value against the Mexican peso in the space of a year, and both HK and the putas work with pesos at the end of the day. Add inflation to the mix and all of a sudden the price rises don't look as bad as all that. Don't assume that they don't know what the exchange rate is.

avatar for EastCoaster
1 yr ago

^^ PutaTester, thanks for your response to my query. I've definitely had some good experiences at Chicago Club in the past; I will be happy to bring my business their way again when I return to TJ this fall.

avatar for RonJax2
1 yr ago

My biggest gripe with Hong Kong from my limited experience of one multi night visit is the inconsistency. Sometimes you can avoid the privado hawkers, sometimes not. Sometimes you have to buy a bucket if a chica is in your room too long, sometimes not.

And based on reports, this problem seems to be getting worse. This makes it impossible to budget and plan.

I’m staying at Cascadas in a trip coming up next week so I will definitely be able to report first hand on this. I also plan to try out CC and maybe some other clubs to see if the value is better elsewhere.

Question: can you stay overnight at Jalos, the CC hotel? I can’t see an offering for that on CC’s website.

avatar for rugrat
1 yr ago

@RonJax2 - I think you can only stay overnight by calling a making a reservation. They don't have an online option. Last time I was there is was only $15 for a 30 minute session.

avatar for PutaTester
1 yr ago

I would be interested to know for sure if Jalos has overnight rooms available. Even if I didn't sleep in the room, it might be worth it to have your own room. Like Cascadas and Rizo USED to be, no knock and no pressure to buy buckets in your room.

avatar for Redbaron12
1 yr ago

I'm not the vet you are, Puta. But I agree. I've only been going for three years but just in the last three years, HK has changed so much. So many new rules that didn't exist three years ago. At least not that I was aware of back then. Prices have gone up, fun has come down. Far more strict, far more tame than it used to be.

avatar for CJKent_band
1 yr ago


I will play along and comment on your discussion.

Q: Has HK gotten more aggressive/abusive recently?

A: Who hasn’t? The whole world is “Going Downhill” thanks to America’s increased prices, that are controlled in the US, by price gouging, profit-price inflation.

American Companies are using the excuse of increased costs of labour, energy, and materials as an excuse to hike up prices.

This economic crisis has caused more poverty in the whole world, the rich get richer and the poor gets poorer.

Influenced by this American crisis everyone has to hike prices just to make end meet and of course maintain their business “profitable”; because for the rich business, an increase in inflation is an increasing in profits.

These Capitalist Fat Cats and Robber Barons have more money than they can ever hope to spend, and use it not to enrich and advance the country which allowed them to reach such superfluous megawealth (USA), but give more business and power to a similar competing/clouding murderous genocidal communist dictatorship (China), Both (USA & China) hellbent on global domination.

They then demonstrate the same outrageous bullying and demands that the USA, China and Russia do for their own pleasure in Hawaii, the Netherlands, and elsewhere in the world.

It is morally reprehensible.”

“That's the reason why the world hates America!”

“It is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few...”

~ Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg
~ Born: 3rd January 2003 , Sweden
~ Occupation: Student, environmental activist

avatar for TheeOSU
1 yr ago


Dick pic collecting HOMO!
You emigrated here, you obviously don't like it, GTFO and go somewhere more to your liking, China, Iran, NorthKorea etc should suit you just fine until you shoot your mouth off like you do here then end up jailed or tortured you disingenuous piece of shit!

avatar for PutaTester
1 yr ago

We are getting a little off topic. Please settle it like men and take it outside.

avatar for TheeOSU
1 yr ago

Despite you possibly being the only poster in TUSCL history to give cj a thumbs up after checking your profile and seeing that unlike him you actually contribute to this board I will respectfully abide by your request and refrain from posting here again.
Hasta luego

avatar for PutaTester
1 yr ago

OSU, note that I rarely agree with CJ and I don't have the highest personal opinion of his posts. However, as long as any poster who is not abusive and their content and attempts to contribute value to the discussion, I will respect their privilege to speak. Just my dos pesos.

Have you ever been to Hong Cong Tijuana? Recently? If so, what was your experience? Do you think there has been a giant shift in the force?

avatar for CJKent_band
1 yr ago


To answer your question;

Q: I would be interested to know for sure if Jalos has overnight rooms available.

A: As far as I know they rent rooms overnight; they actually accept cash and credit cards, requiring a deposit for the TV remote control.
Some working girls “live” in the hotel.
They even have jacuzzi on some rooms.

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

because of all of these new rules that are randomly enforced sometimes... the fun factor has gone down somewhat at Hong Kong. but it still has a fabulous selection of the kind of girls I like. but I have backed off on my frequency of visits. I was going weekly for a while bi-weekly for a long time and now I go maybe every 4 weeks or so. I wish the stupid decisions that management (and maybe the owners) are making would be reversed.

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

as to my experience in the last 9+ years I've taken the number of girls up from both adelitas and to a lesser amount. Chicago. the short time rooms in cahuela hotel above adelitas is okay, although I haven't figured out how to get the air conditioning on in some cases.
jalos above Chicago doesn't even begin to compare with cowella/ adelitas and certainly not cascada /rizo above Hong Kong and tropical bar. and then the other places. shit. Korea hotel has no air conditioning that I know of and the one above macadaria is okay... but again no air conditioning that I have found. I'm spoiled on rizo and cascada and the better average of selection at Hong Kong.

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

ibeza above macadaria.

I'm a little slow.

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

The new money grabbing approaches should be obvious to drive a decline in business. I have to wonder if it is at all connected to the recent cartel violence. Could club staff be directed to increase revenue however necessary to pay protection money? Could the cartels be paying club staff on the side to do shady things and drive business down? Could ownership visibility and presence at the club be so diminished from fear of further attacks that dishonest behaviors which previously discouraged are being allowed to surface? Inquiring minds want to know.

avatar for PutaTester
1 yr ago

Fear of the cartels must be high. Last week the block surrounding HK was awash with armed military on foot every 20 meters or so.

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

I'll be down there about 4pm. feet on the ground observations and experiences.

avatar for kcjayhawk
1 yr ago

manager executed on Thursday bajanews.mx

avatar for mark94
1 yr ago

Turn out the lights, the party’s over.

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

aside from the murder of the Hong Kong manager, my three nights four days visit was typically fine and fun!

avatar for RonJax2
1 yr ago

I'm recently back from a trip out there. I posted 3 part review of HK for my time there, the third (with links back to the first two parts) is here: /review/400605

I agree with @Jascoi that it felt like things were fine. In fact, I might even take it a step further, I think the chicas were hotter, and the PL/Chica ratio was better all 3 days of this trip than it was last time I was there. Costs are increasing, and I really hate the new bar fine policy for longer arribas and it's rigorous enforcement. $30 fichas suck (although, I didn't pay for any of those.) Arribas are more expensive than last year. But, the value is there, I had amazing GFE sessions with really hot chicas and I don't think there's anywhere in the Zona where the quality of chicas matches HK. Maybe I just got really lucky with the chicas, but I still felt like I was getting amazing deals during my time at HK, even if it was more expensive than last year. Even with the price increases, there's nowhere in the US that comes close to HK in terms of the value you can get on lap dances and arribas, with incredibly hot chicas.

So, I don't think "HK is going downhill" or "the party's over", it's just getting more expensive. In defense of HK, they're contending with the rising value of the peso relative to the dollar (and this is impacting other clubs too - like the arriba rate at CC is the same now as HK at $120 HH, and CC also recent raised the short term room rental rate to $20 HH.) HK also continues to make serious capital investments in the club. I mentioned in my review but it looks right now like they're building the club up into Cascadas hotel, and like there will be new floors added to the club.

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