To tip or not to tip

avatar for booty_lover92

A dancer that you normally get dances with sits down without asking because of her familiarity with you. She starts dancing at the table without asking if you would like her to or not. Do you feel obligated to tip her or not? Although she may be my go-to on most nights I like variety just like other girls. Do you tip her a few bucks or just casually smile and not tip anything?


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only tip for exemplary service.
If she's a fav and I enjoyed the dance, then I'd tip a few bucks. I don't sweat these small outlays of cash, particularly with a dancer I already like.
avatar for caseyx
2 years ago
I absolutely hate being asked for tips in general, let alone for something that I didn't ask for. That said, I've decided that in a strip club it's sometimes worth tossing a few bucks to make the issue go away. The singles I have in my pocket are just throw away money anyway. If I give a few to a dancer in this situation it just means I won't toss them on stage later.

That said, I'm not sure what you mean by "dancing at the table"? Are you talking about a club that has table side dances where you're normally on the hook for $5 or $10 or $20 per song? If that's the case I'd say you should speak up when she starts and tell her something like "not tonight" or "not now".
If it's a girl I like and want to come back, but don't want anything from her that day, I'll stop her as she's starting & give her a few bucks and say something like "It was nice seeing you again, see you next time"

If it's a random chick I'm not interested in, I'll say no thanks the second she starts dancing. Under no circumstance will I sit there and just let her dance for me when I don't want it & then feel obligated to pay for something I didn't purchase.
Maybe a few bucks, but I wouldn’t let her get the idea she can start dancing without your approval.
avatar for funonthaside
2 years ago
It's your responsibility to stop her from dancing for you. If you allow her to dance for you, it's appropriate to tip. However, if she approaches you and you immediately tell her you have other plans for the night, then you no longer have an obligation to tip, even if she stays by your side.

The is why I maintain it is sometimes sticky to develop relationships with these girls. They often see you as a sure thing, and PLs often feel a sense of obligation to take care of these regular girls each time they visit their clubs.

Each PL/regular dancer dynamic is a bit different, and needs to be managed accordingly. You need to balance the benefits of having a go-to girl, with the loss of variety sometimes experienced by having a girl see you as her regular.

In summary, be proactively communicative in an assertive but respectful manner. If she balks at you being with other girls, then reassess the situation and determine how much you are willing to tolerate to reap the benefits of having her see you as a regular.
funontheside said "The is why I maintain it is sometimes sticky to develop relationships with these girls."

Freudian typo of the day.
Dont tip. They dont care about u, unless u wanna be a regular with them. Most one and done situations its not worth it.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
Most regulars put in extra effort to be friendly to the guys who always spend money on them. You can tell the girl you don't always want to do dances because you like variety, but you have to expect the friendliness level to drop after that. Some customers want to have their cake and eat it too. They want the special attention that comes with being a regular while spending time with other dancers whenever they feel like it. You have to pick one or the other.

I'll usually have one or two strip clubs with regulars and go to the other local clubs when I want variety. I live in a big city, Indianapolis, so I never faced the problem of only having one available strip club.
If she starts a table dance that I didn't ask for no money will be given. I have never had a girl ask for a tip for just sitting at the table with me. Also I agree with Shadow Cat 100%
avatar for 59
2 years ago
I'd shut her down in short order but would tip. Mention I'm in the mood for another flavor tonight.

These girls talk with each other, I wouldn't piss her off.
Bunch of supposedly grown men, intimidated by girls in their underwear
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
I’m polite but direct with all dancers. If I know I’m not interested in dances, I make that clear immediately.

I don’t pay for conversation but I also don’t put myself in a position where a dancer would expect that.
I Would Just Keep That Dancer, Since She Already There & I Know Her. But If Not Ready To Tip, Since I Know Her, I Would Just Let Her Know She Looks Good But Not Ready To Tip. The Dancers Want To Keep Their Clientele So Even With A Variety Factor, Just Keep Her. I Wouldn't Risk The Loss Of A Safe Performing Dancer Because Of A Variety, If She A Hottie Anyway! Go On Nights When She Isn't There For The Variety ✔️
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