Interesting customer/dancer splits in different places
Salt lake city- Mexican guys watching white dancers
Toronto- Indian guys watching white dancers
Houston- Black guys watching cuban dancers
Jersey-White guys watching brazillian dancers
COI-Asian guys watching mexican dancers
Florida- White guys watching cuban dancers
last commentComes down to what a guy fantasizes about. I’m a black guy and when I go to the club I almost always get dances with white women. And since my chances of dating white women in real life I slim to none the SC allows me to act out this fantasy.
There's a few in some obviously rural locations which have nearly all white customers, but a disproportionate number of black dancers. I always find that a surprise, but I suppose the dancers know where all the clubs are.
Bangkok-White guys watching Thai dancers
I don't know what the other guys are watching. I'm watching the hottest girls in the place not the guys.
Pretty face, slim body, a- c cups and after that I see nothing. Black, white, foreign, domestic couldn't possibly care less after the big 3.
FKKs - Germans, Americans, Middle Easterners, and Japanese watching--bullshit, no one's watching anything dance. We're all banging Romanians.
Muddy, just saw your Salt Lake City and Boise reviews. Those are two tough cities to hit back to back if it is fun that you seek. Did you consider Tijuana since that far our West.
@captainfun not really a strip club journey on that one more touristy, I’ve actually never been to those places before. But I needed something to do at night so had to hit some scs. As far as boise and SLC the wonderful thing is anywhere else is an upgrade, you can only go up from rock bottom! I’m thinking Alberta or DC next for better times.
Where ever Muddy is - he’s trying to lure a stripper into his car for cheap sex.
Hahaha based on my two trips to COI, that sounds accurate.
My memories of El Paso are of the U.S. Army checking out the Mexican talent.
One particular odd one I remember is the club I went to in Sioux City, Iowa where Latinos were checking out the black girls.
With the major influx of Cuban dancers at many strip clubs begs the question. Where do the Cuban men hang out? Other that Papi.