Favorites Getting too Comfortable / Keep Them in their Place

We all enjoy our regular girls, but I sometimes find that girls get a bit lazy after a certain time.
1 - Thinking they don't need to grind as hard.
2 - Thinking we are happy with just talking.
3 - Thinking they can demand more money.
We need to keep these girls in check.
1 - If their dances become less intense, find a way to nudge them back to their old ways. Even outright tell them what you want. If she used to give good grinds, and now she is air-dancing, be sure she knows you expect the prior grind style.
2 - If she plops down beside you, thinking she will get away with talking instead of grinding, tell her you came for a dance.
3 - Remind her that long-term loyalty is a better approach than a few more dollars for today.
Of course, if it's your mood on a certain day to have less intense dances / more talking, then go for what you want. The point is that it's important to not allow girls to settle into the easier sessions, merely because you requested a less intense session the last time.
As the sources of their income, we control the narrative. THEY don't choose if/how they grind....WE do. Certainly, we won't force a girl to do anything beyond her wishes. However, we have the ability to choose girls that align with our interests. Cut her loose and spend your funds on other girls....ones who allow you to decide on the agenda for the day.
last commentWhen a dancer starts to become a regular of mine, I always explain early on that I don't come to the strip club for monogamy, and that I'll occasionally spend money on another dancer. Setting expectations early on is important. This also communicates to the dancer that how much money she makes from me is tied to how much fun we have. Some dancers don't love to hear this, but they're also not surprised by it.
I prefer to not scold dancers if they get complacent. Depending on the situation, I've said things like "Hey, you know what I'm in the mood for? I'd like [X]." Or, "You seem [quiet/low energy/not yourself] today. Is everything okay?" Something like that will either tip them off without being confrontational. If that doesn't work, then it might be time to move on to a new dancer. Almost all of these relationships are temporary.
Asking for more money is a whole other thing. If that happens, then you chat politely about what you expect for the money. If you can't reach an agreement, then you go find another dancer. Dancers get to set their rates, and we get to decide if we want to pay them.
If a dancer does not meet my expectations I drop her and move on.
I’m a guy who has favorites, and expects to be treated well by them, if they stop meeting my expectations, I will easily move on.
“Remind her that long-term loyalty is a better approach than a few more dollars for today.”
So far this is not my own limited experience, the mindset is they see every moment as one to make every dollar right now. But why wouldn’t they? That’s going to be how they earn with the vast majority of customers they experience.
While maybe that is not others’ experiences, that is mine so far. But your statement is correct for the regular, as uncommon as that may be for her. She has left very solid money on the table trying to hustle this moment too hard.
I had an ATF who danced in So. Florida. Saw her every time I went to the club, she was never a hustler, unlike the other girls at the club. She relocated to the Philly area, still dancing and when I saw her recently, it's like she never missed a beat. Even introduced me to her GF who lured her up to PA. May ask her if she wants to have fun in the VIP with her and her friend. Could be interesting. Anyone ever have 2 strippers in a VIP area?
@funonthaside: "3 - Remind her that long-term loyalty is a better approach than a few more dollars for today."
I think that's gonna be a tough sell for most of these girls. Aside from the fact that many of them would outright say, based on their own experience, "no it doesn't" or "not worth it."
For many of them, "long term" means a guy who wants to hold her down and get more for less over that long term. Not worth it unless what he wants is within her limits. For many, it's not.
They get lazy because you are too nice to them, see them too much and spend too much money on them. If I space out my visits a little more, they notice I'm not coming to see them quite as often and the effort to keep me happy goes up a little bit.
sushiman: "Anyone ever have 2 strippers in a VIP area?"
Yes, it's not worth it unless maybe they're both open for extras. For normal lap dances, don't do it. One of them is almost guaranteed to nearly just be standing/sitting there most of the time or air dancing at best.
I agree with microdong. Most dancers don’t think long term and live in the moment. Many are highly impulsive and often act on emotion. If they are having a bad night, they could care less about you being their long term ATF and would rather set you up for the quick score at that moment. From their perspective, they’ll find another PL to finesse over time. Wash, rinse, repeat. It’s all a numbers game. Someone is always more than willing to walk through the curtains and compensate for any money left on the table. If you can’t reach a mutual accord with said “favorite” on pricing, and she’s inflexible, on to the next one.
"As the sources of their income, we control the narrative."
As a paying customer can you influence what they do? Sure. Control the whole deal? The girls who will go along with that are usually the ones you don't want to keep seeing.
After them not being as fugly as I am, the next best reason why sex workers are better than dating is no need to tolerate mind games. If it it stops working for me, I move on. Might try again with her once in a while, to see if she's back on her game.
"If it it stops working for me, I move on. Might try again with her once in a while, to see if she's back on her game."
The advantage to seeing the same girls is some issues can get worked out over time. I figured out one girl I thought was just being a pita not doing what I was asking was actually game but terrible at just about everything. I hate the idea of training a girl on my own dime, but she looks so good even with mediocre technique I've decided to give it more time.
The other day I let her try something she'd been practicing and it was way better. Before you guys get the wrong idea, she's in her mid 20's. And not lazy. I can tell she's trying, but some hot chicks can get by just laying there getting drilled I suppose and literally don't know how to fuck.
This is why I don't have a favorite stripper.
"We all enjoy our regular girls, but I sometimes find that girls get a bit lazy after a certain time."
I never experienced that with my favorites. I experienced just the opposite. They would go out of their way to make sure I enjoyed my time with her. Once a favorite refused to take a tip after a dance. She said that she was happy I liked her dance. And she also allowed me to take some liberties during the dance.
“Keep them in their place?” That sounds more than a little creepy. I don’t understand walking into a club with the mentality that we’re there to go to war with girls in their underwear.