Chicago - Let's Go Brandon !!

avatar for misterorange
Brandon Johnson has been elected as the next mayor of Chicago, in an upset victory over Paul Vallas, a moderate Democrat (at least by comparison).

Johnson's positions are considered to be even further to the left than those of his failed predecessor, Lori Lightfoot. Haha... this is gonna be so much fun to watch over the next couple years.

"Vallas was backed by the Democratic establishment, including Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., Chicago's largest police union, and major business groups. Johnson was supported by a progressive coalition including the Chicago Teachers Union, democratic-socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and national and local left-wing activists."

At the top of Johnson's agenda:
1) Funding social workers instead of cops
2) Raising taxes
3) Letting illegal immigrants vote in school board elections
4) Protecting Abortion Rights
5) End misgendering in official records

Well, if the people of Chicago want to vote for MORE violent crime, and FEWER essential businesses like pharmacies and food stores in their neighborhoods, I think that's great.…


last comment
avatar for CostaTheCrazyGreek
2 years ago
You mad bro?? Are you ready to cry now?? People like you will destroy the future to preserve the past...A SHAMEFUL PAST...
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Good friend of mine from there said Chicago's going the way of Detroit. You can hear a "great big sucking sound" of all the capital and jobs leaving.
avatar for CostaTheCrazyGreek
2 years ago
The same reason people are leaving NYC and LA, economic reasons...if it was economically viable, I'd GTFO too.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Wonder why those "economic reasons" happen. Especially in progressive-run states.
Sure it's just a coincidence.
As Icee might say, lulz.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
Not the way I would’ve voted but the voters have spoken. Respect the wishes of the people who live there to make their choice. Rooting for one of America’s great cities to fail is some divisive bullshit.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
When right wingers talk about their state seceding, I don't think in many cases that would work because a lot of red states have at least one big city filled with crazy liberals. You can't get away from them. In Illinois the Chicago leftists not only elect Democrats mayor of Chicago but also help to elect Democrats at the state level. Fortunately, conservative residents of Illinois are voting with their feet and coming here to Indiana and making my state more conservative.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
We are enjoying watching the liberals and democrat party destroy itself. We hope there may be some intelligent swing voters who can see the way that democrat leftist lunacy destroys everywhere it is implemented. Unfortunately, the mainstream media is a leftist echo chamber where they continue to ignore the truth and repeat the lies that allow the democrat party to retain the power they ceaselessly abuse. So yes, Fuck Chicago, Fuck New York, Fuck LA, they get what they deserve for giving power over to these assholes. I think we should wall off these cities and let them eat themselves. I don't want those left-wing voters to escape and screw up my red paradise. They dug their own grave, make them lie in it.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Yeah no it’s a complete disaster. Check out this documentary at to see what Brandon Johnson and his CTU crew are all about. They are open militant commies.

I don’t know why people don’t get this through their heads but at the end of the day you need to put violent murderous gangbangers in jail and keep them there, not immediately release them with an ankle bracket, they will continue to kill people as they do. Don’t believe the bullshit either it’s not their “second chance” it’s their 85th chance. Cook County DA Kim Foxx and chief judge Tim Evans need to get a lot more blame then they currently get, but most people just don’t know enough and can’t connect the dots.

Also when you TAX THE SHIT out of businesses, (Johnson’s plan) they will leave. Why deal with dangerous AND expensive. Tyson, Citadel, Boeing, Caterpillar all had enough and got the hell out of there. McDonald’s is next. They aren’t the bad guys, they pay the bills for the city and they employ Chicagoland residents.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
"You mad bro?? Are you ready to cry now?? People like you will destroy the future to preserve the past...A SHAMEFUL PAST..."

@CostaTheCrazy - I'm not mad at all. I don't give a fuck about Chicago. I went there once about 15 years ago and had a nice time, but don't have reason to ever go back. So whether they get their act together or continue swirling right down the toilet makes no difference to me.

I find it funny that you think "people like me" are destroying the future. Obviously I don't vote in Chicago, so I can't affect it. I suggest you go there and be a part of the wonderful future that city is destined to become.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
We’ve reached a point in blue cities where half the population believes they are victims being held down by the other half. The result is predictable. Race hustlers get elected. UHaul rents a lot of vehicles bound for Florida and Texas.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Bob Lee, a tech executive and investor who founded the mobile payment service Cash App, was fatally stabbed on the street in San Francisco on Tuesday. It happened during daytime while he was walking in the “ good part of town”.
avatar for Elitis
2 years ago
As someone born in Chicago (and no longer lives there), this is sad. I have not been keeping up with really anything regarding the city, so when I saw the thread title and that Lightfoot was out I was a bit happy. Then, I saw you mention her replacement being even more far-left.

I don't think Chicago will get to the point of Detroit, given its position as the third-largest city in the country but maybe that's a bit too optimistic. I guess we will see what the future has in store.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
“Respect the wishes of the people who live there to make their choice. Rooting for one of America’s great cities to fail is some divisive bullshit.”

Oh the irony. I’m no fan of Trump, but that’s exactly what the left did during 4 years Trump
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
I had this whole response thought out to add to this thread but I can sum it up in two statements:

1. Illinois has the most corrupt government in the nation. Name one worse. You could argue Detroit, but that’s just one city, not an entire state. Hell I’d even throw in Flint MI, but that’s just two cities.

2. The teacher unions of Chicago are on some next shit, when COVID doors finally started opening and kids and staff went back to schools around the nation, the Chicago unions were fighting HARD to not go back to work, so much so they went on strike. We’re not talking august 2020, we’re talking March 2021 a year later.

You do not want someone that shares their mindset running anything except maybe a daycare center.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
The Democrats never accepted Trump or W for that matter, so why should this vote be respected - Way way too funny
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
And in 1917 the Bolsheviks thought they had all the answers for utopia w/Lenin Fearless Leader (re: Rocky & Bullwinkle). It didn't end well.

When Stalin took over and wanted to "ghost" someone, his henchmen would find something to charge them with in a Kangaroo Court and off to Gulag for 10-20 years in Siberia. The Dems are doing this to Trump.

Chicago continues to get shitter every year, so much for the Dems anti-gun battle cry "If it save just 1 life". While writing this, how many were shot in Obama's South Chicago District.

It's really sad to see a state controlled by one metro area, same in NY, OR, WA, PA, CO, ect.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Google Melissa Ortega if your in the dark on crime in Chicago.

And there was an interview with Brandon Johnson about looting and refused to condemn it, to him it's justified. This guy is now in charge of one of America's most iconic cities. We really need to get him a job at burger king, that's a better a fit.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
One component of this traces back to when government employees were allowed to join labor unions. The unions full time job is electing politicians who will protect them. Government salaries, pensions, and jobs grow exponentially, increasing the “volunteers” who support the dirty politician’s campaigns. And, in Chicago, the teacher’s Union heavily staffs the ballot counting.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
When Barack Obama was elected to the US Senate, Michelle suddenly got a $400,000 “job” in City government. It’s the Chicago way.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Also another thing to think about all these cities having a rough time, Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, Memphis, Seattle, Portland, Oakland, Austin, LA, San Francisco, NYC, Philly, Baltimore, Minneapolis, St. Louis, etc. The cities that actually can kind of just keep it together one could really be bullish on them going forward. DFW seems to be really taking off. Tampa I don't hear a lot of bullshit about.

The only issue the way I see it, and I'll disagree with Gamma in the fact there is really no running from this stuff, I mean once these places get fucked up and there is no more wealth to distribute they will like locusts follow wherever it is good, Florida, Tennessee wherever and fuck that up too. California was the Florida of it's day in the 20th century. Now look at it.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
If a business fails because of bad management, a creditor committee fires top management and shrinks or sells the business.

If a state or large city fails because of bad management, the federal government showers it with cash.
avatar for jaybud999
2 years ago
@Muddy: Funny, I hold the same the exact OPPOSITE of your statement. The way you think of CA is the way I think of FL. "Who the fuck would want to live there? It's filled with a bunch of assholes!"

@Gammu: Diversify your real estate portfolio, underwater real estate will be hard for your kids/kids/kids/kids to sell. Oh wait, that's just a bunch of commie bullshit isn't it? Back to your rally at Lago then!

Just trolling gentlemen, just trolling.....someone bite!
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Fox News keeps pumping out a steady stream of "big blue city in decline" stories to steadily brainwash their viewers, who really think they know what's going on in these cities and what's going to happen next.... hilarious.

Glad to see the support for abortion rights.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
@wld4tatas yeah bro nobodies buying that bullshit here, most of us grown ass men, we're not freshman at Columbia University where we're gonna just eat that shit up. The left just loves to gaslight the shit out of people into thinking very obvious things are not happening but at the end of the day it's not YOUR daughter getting raped, it's not YOUR son getting killed, it's not YOU getting assaulted, it's not YOUR store getting looted daily. It's always somebody else and as long as it's always somebody else it's ok in liberal land.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
@wld4tatas, there's a saying that describes what goes on in blue cities--insanity is doing the same thing twice and expecting different results.
avatar for bang69
2 years ago
Since they voted for more crime and other things of that nature. Then why didn't they just leave Lori Lightfoot as mayor?
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
^^ Apparently Lori Lightfoot DID NOT deliver ENOUGH crime to satisfy those Chicago voters.
avatar for mickey48066
2 years ago
Wild 4 a man's cock, just watch the local news in any big blue city. Fox news reports don't brainwash anyone, they just tell us what we already know. Speaking of abortion rights, I wish your mother had exercised hers.
avatar for chiefwiggum
2 years ago
My friends out of state watch Fox for me and send me clips of how bad Chicago is. I send them back local clips of actual local news, which is much worse than what Fox shows. This city is fucked. I'm talking to a realtor now to see if it's too late in the season to put my condo on the market. (I might make it a B&B or become a landlord) But I'm worried if the economy slumps people won't be able to afford the rent -- which sucks because I have a really great mortgage. People don't understand what a clusterfuck it was to live here during the BLM riots. Crime is going up -- I now know personally people who have been mugged, and my co-worker's wife's cousin was carjacked two weeks ago. Taxes are going up. I have personally seen a drive-by shooting in the West Loop. Most of my friends live in the suburbs now anyway.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
It pains me to read how shitty Sweet Home Chicago has become. I moved because I was offered an opportunity in New Orleans that was necessary to advance my career, not because I wanted to leave Chicago. Everything was better in Chicago - better food, better music, better weather, better sports, better parks (local & state). I lived in DuPage county, so my sales and property taxes were reasonable and I was reasonably safe. We went to downtown Chicago several times a month for anything and everything. The news reports now are unrecognizable to me. Richard Daley might have been mobbed up, but he ran the city well and kept crime in check. He was as conservative a democrat as you were ever going to find. Now you can see what happens when George Soros buys the DA, the city council, and the governor's mansion. I wonder if a state like IL had an equivalent to the Electoral College, to mitigate the population centers like East St. Louis, Chicago, et al, if the statewide elections wouldn't have very different outcomes.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
This was a great story. The minute you step outside Cook county law and order is restored and the bullshit stops.…
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ hey scrubby time for you to come out of the closet you fag. Always posting homo shit on a strip club board, we know your predilection, it’s obvious to all.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Good video Muddy, I like that the carjacker was bragging he'd be out of jail in just a few days, but instead got a 22 year sentence.

BTW the Will County prosecutor who gave the 22 year sentence is a Democrat, so that goes against the narrative that Dems are soft on crime.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
@mark94 “Bob Lee, a tech executive and investor who founded the mobile payment service Cash App, was fatally stabbed on the street in San Francisco on Tuesday. It happened during daytime while he was walking in the “ good part of town”.”

Mark, were you going to update your post? Killing occurred at 230a not daytime. Also, police arrested a suspect, who is another tech entrepreneur. The two were in a car and an argument broke out and the one tech guy stabbed and killed the other.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Mark was just being a team player trying to amplify the right wing narrative of "out of control crime" in blue cities. In actuality, San Francisco has a violent crime rate on par or lower than other large US cities.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
4 more Walmarts close in Chicago.…

You can’t be down with the looting as a city and think you’re not going to create food deserts. How does that help anybody?
avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
But they got the DNC.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Walmart is closing stores in Texas and Florida too. Must be connected to the looting there also, right ?
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Just because they are in red states does not excuse them from the bullshit. You really have to look closer. In Florida Orlando, Jacksonville, Fort Lauderdale and parts of South Florida are fucking dangerous. I lived in Texas I know how ghetto it can get in the cities. Harris County, Dallas County, Travis County and Bexar county all under the demesne of a Soros DA. Who are all down with this transfer of wealth bullshit. Theft is often not prosecuted whatsoever and why should a business have to put up with that nonsense? Hey even Al Sharpton has had enough of the progressive bullshit.…
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
Off topic, and out of date, but did see Kamala Harris addressing the Howard University basketball team after their NCAA basketball game loss

OMG, what an incoherent, cringe worthy speech. She’s even worse than Brandon
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
This thread already has a fuck ton of tangents so here’s one more. All the talk of red states and blue states is complete horseshit. I haven’t checked but I’m guessing there are more republicans in California and NY than in any other state except Texas and maybe Florida. Whenever Marjorie Greene talks about secession or any of her other bullshit she’s ignoring tens of millions of republicans. How a state votes is less important than the people. People matter. It’s just divisive bullshit designed to fracture the country and get votes. All the complaints about government making politically biased decisions? Referring to red states and blue states is ignoring the people and exhibit number 1 of political bullshit.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
It's not done in Chicago.…

But remember, it's because they've been "starved of opportunities."…
avatar for Studme53
2 years ago
Crime creates poverty.
When someone is shot in your neighborhood, or your otherwise a repeated victim of crime, you move out if you have the money to do so. Especially if you have kids. Only people who are too poor to move out stay.
avatar for Studme53
2 years ago
My family moved out of Camden NJ in the late 60s after my brother, who was 11 at the time, had his jaw broke and given a severe concussion by some pieces of shit. He was selling cupcakes my mom made out of a wagon in our neighborhood and they wanted them for free (it’s a mindset created by the welfare state).
We moved to the suburbs. Thank god.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Rioting and looting are "a mass protest."
Progressive logic.…
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Chicago today is a mirror image of New York in the late 90s. With Rudy Giuliani as DA and mayor, a cesspool of a large American City experienced a rebirth to an American icon (and it's falling again). Chicago, an American icon during the Daley years (conservative democrat) is being governed into the ground by the new crop of radical leftists. It's an important lesson, I hope the nation is watching.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
"... Just because they are in red states does not excuse them from the bullshit. You really have to look closer. In Florida Orlando, Jacksonville, Fort Lauderdale and parts of South Florida are fucking dangerous ..."

IME often times those dangerous areas in red-states are governed by Democrats at the local-level.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Hey @studme a good O&A clip on Camden then vs now…
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
@Papi true. Hug a thug ain't working.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
At the end of the day you need someone running the show like Frank Rizzo or Rudy Giuliani who does not take any shit and you look at the results.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Democrats have gone from leniency and empathy towards violent criminals to straight up inverting morality. Clear self defense cases like Alba and Rittenhouse are murder. Arson and vandalism are the marginalized expressing a lack of opportunities. Looting is reparations. Riots are not just to be rationalized but celebrated. Racial victimhood is noble and encouraged. If I wanted to wreck a city I can't think of much I'd do differently.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
I can't see how a major city can elect a guy like Johnson - I can see Lightfoot being elected and then finding-out she's incompetent - but this guy Johnson told you who he was b/f being elected and he still got elected - there *have* to be enough sane people in a city as large as Chicago to where this guy would be a fringe candidate at best - I can't see the majority of people in Chicago wanting what this guy is offering - I don't really believe "the will of the people" got him elected - I believe most Chicagoans are probably more pissed-off than anyone what their city is turning into.

This is concerning for the country; not just Chicago - today it's Chicago; tomorrow it could very-well-be one of our cities - the Left has joined with Corporate-America and Corporate-Media to support what's going on in Chicago; and their power can turn more cities into the same bullshit.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Papi, I left Chicago in the early 2000s, but I was transferred for work. I was not one of those who left for economic [tax] reasons or to get away from the weather. That was W's first term. Wokeness was not a term. Chicago has always been a democrat party machine stronghold, and the democrat machine had already taken over the state.

Many of my friends and family were in union jobs - United Airlines, Teamsters, SEIU, the Teachers' Unions- and always surprised me with how blindly they believed and parroted everything their union leaders told them. Chicago also has a long history of radical left activism with Saul Alinsky, William Ayers, Barack Obama and others and riots… throughout its history. I have never understood the blind allegiance to far left paradigms that so many White Chicagoans wholly accept as gospel to their own detriment. I have seen enough of it, though, I am not surprised to see a lunatic leftist like Brandon be elected. Again, it is a teachable moment to the rest of the country as to what can happen when power is handed over to leftists. People have not learned from San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle- but the PNW crowd are amongst the dumbest in the world. Let's see if they can learn by watching an original American gem self-destruct.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
Even as far back as 25 years ago I had friends in the Chicago suburbs that refused to go the city. They were amazed at people from Indiana or Wisconsin or Michigan who would want to come to Chicago for a Bears or Cubs game or shopping or dining when they hadn’t been to the city in years despite living only 20 miles away

I can’t imagine their thoughts now
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
"... Many of my friends and family were in union jobs - United Airlines, Teamsters, SEIU, the Teachers' Unions- and always surprised me with how blindly they believed and parroted everything their union leaders told them ..."

I assume it's a "you don't bite the hand that feeds you" kinda-thing - probably not much different than the Welfare-state that often overwhelmingly votes Democrat - one hand washes the other - we (politicians) give you stuff and you put us (politicians) in power so we (politicians) also get our$.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Lying Fox News as usual has more stories today about California and Portland, each with a lead photo showing poverty on the streets. I guess MSNBC and CNN could send a few reporters to camp out in red cities and capture unflattering photos every day there too, but they have higher standards than Fox News.

avatar for mike710
2 years ago
I grew up in the SF Bay area and always loved a trip to SF. I've been going to the city for many years on my own and do a solo trip or meet friends. I've always known that it could be rough but I travel all the time so rough doesn't bother me.

The last couple of times I flew in and went to a Giants game with a buddy, it was the first time I felt uneasy just walking from Union Square or the Moscone Center area during the day. Those pictures you see of drug use, people shitting on the street and aggressive panhandlers is very real. If I walk with the game crowd or with a group, I will walk but by myself, I won't anymore. I used to meet friends and stay in the city and after they went back to the suburbs, I would go out. It's just risky now.

I'm very saddened that a city I've always loved has become as bad as what you see on that lying Fox News but it has. When criminals know there is no consequences for their crimes, it's a matter of time until things are unsafe for all. It makes me sad.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
At least Chicago is not Oakland.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
"I guess MSNBC and CNN could send a few reporters to camp out in red cities"
Or you could just look at New York under Giuliani/Bloomberg versus Dinkins/DeBlasio.

Cope harder.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Here's a good clip exposing Lying Fox News efforts to brainwash their viewers by keeping the news and discussion focused on only certain (blue) cities and states.

Chris Hayes: The Myth Of Crime As A Big-City, Blue-State Problem…
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
^ LOL Chris Hayes, voice of truth. I'll sooner trust a starving dog to bring me a steak.

All you need to do is look at a city under either party. Controls for ethnic mixture, geography, location, affluence. New York is a great one to show the ruination that progressive government brings to cities.

avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
^ It's all based on facts, I recommend you watch it to learn something new.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
^^ Do we have to start the name-calling thing again, wld4ballsacks?
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
^ He can't even counter my very direct example of New York.

This is the same shit happening in LA. The left glorifies the criminal.…
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
According to a recent analysis of Census data, since 2020 2.6 million people have moved out of counties Biden won and moved into counties Trump won. The largest migration at the county level was out of Los Angeles County and Cook County, home to Chicago. Los Angeles county lost three hundred fifty thousand people and Cook County lost two hundred thousand. Sixty percent of the counties Biden won lost people and two thirds of the counties Trump won gained population. People are voting with their feet that they don't want to live under Democrats. Only ghetto blacks reliant on welfare, government workers with inflated salaries and rich woke liberals are staying.…
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Very telling the refusal by some to look at crime in red cities / states. Instead, their responses are:

1. We're gonna call you names again
2. But look at this example of blue city crime
3. The left glorifies the criminal

Hard to say whether it's just simple ignorance is bliss, or all that right wing programming makes it difficult for the brain to deviate from the narrative.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
^ wld4gonads
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
“Right wing programming”

That’s a good Sunday morning laugh. There’s one mainstream network that leans right. Compared to every other MSM outlet that leans left. I think you’re the one that’s been programmed.

This is the current FBI crime statistics. You can’t debate mathematics. I will leave it to you to determine the political, social and demographic commonality

15 most unsafe cities in the US

St. Louis, Missouri
Mobile, Alabama
Birmingham, Alabama
Baltimore, Maryland
Memphis, Tennessee
Detroit, Michigan
Cleveland, Ohio
New Orleans, Louisiana
Shreveport, Louisiana
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Little Rock, Arkansas
Oakland, California
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Kansas City, Missouri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
In order to fly straight a bird needs both wings, all righties and lefties fly in a circle, that’s why this country ain’t moving forward.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago

That may be the best post of the decade. Kudos
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Here is the poster child of right wing brainwashing on crime - Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt (R).

It's a mid-term debate at 3:25 in the clip I posted, but here is the segment by itself:…

Hofmeister (D): “The fact is the rate of violent crime is higher in Oklahoma under your watch than in New York and California, that’s a fact”

Stitt (R): Laughs and then interrupts: "Oklahomans do you believe that we have higher crime rates than New York and California? That’s what she said.”

Stitt sounds absolutely incredulous. Some people in the audience cheered him on too. Of course, the next day the media in Oklahoma confirmed that crime was indeed higher than in New York or California.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
"Very telling the refusal by some to look at crime in red cities / states."

Because the original topic of this thread is _Chicago_ and we're not having your whataboutisms.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
And the left glorifying the criminal is a large part of what got Chicago (again, the original topic of this thread) to this point.

Start your own thread on red states and cities. Until then, cope harder.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
>Because the original topic of this thread is _Chicago_ and we're not having your whataboutisms.

Yeah, that's why you posted multiple times about New York.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
^ As a great example of a city that has gone red to blue with ruinous results. Chicago has gone from machine Dems to a progressive Dem to an even more progressive Dem, who has and is glorifying rioters.

What do you think will happen? Without your usual whataboutism.
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