How often is OTC/ITC just to relieve stress for you?

avatar for Muddy
There's times when you know what you wanna have fun, going on an adventure, been saving up. That's different. I'm talking you had a rough week, working your fucking ass off, you hate everybody, fuck the world, right now I just need to have sex with some girl, hopefully good looking.

Sometimes every now and then I just *need* a good OTC. For me not ITC, that's not it, no timer, no bouncer, no crowds, I need OTC where I can take my time and just relax and honestly not to get TMI on you grunt loud as fuck without being judged (maybe except for the lady hitting the ceiling with the broom in the room below). Every once in a while I just need it, it's cathartic as fuck and I'm willing to pay a little more for quality too. Isn't it just so awesome and worth it?


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avatar for 3131
2 years ago
Damn muddy, you ARE a freak.

Just kidding. But seriously, sometimes I prefer the quick hit of an ITC over the time commitment of meeting OTC.
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
"it's cathartic as fuck" - that sums it up pretty well. There is nothing more cathartic than a good fuck. I prefer OTC with someone I know because you can really relax and enjoy it for longer. However, sometimes I like a good ITC visit with a new girl where you can just get down to business and have some quick fun.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
I find ITC to be a good stress reliever when the girls are friendly. This is something that strip clubs should strive for but not all of them do. Some of them have rules to curb overly aggressive strippers such as not allowing the dancers to approach customers until after they have sat down and ordered a drink. I certainly don't want some stripper charging at me as I walk in the door. Some strip clubs also don't allow strippers to be overly aggressive in demanding tips.

I think in the long run strip clubs would have better business if they did more of this type of thing. I would like to see all the girls asking if I want company rather than plopping down at my table uninvited. It's even worse when they demand an explanation for why I won't do lap dances with them, followed by an argument because they don't like my explanation. It's really up to club management to keep their girls from being overly aggressive and making the club visit enjoyable for the customers.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
I don't know that I ever approach an OTC meetup in that mindset. I might go into a club feeling a little something like that (though maybe not that extreme), but a few drinks and some titties will quickly get my in the right frame of mind. By the time I have a girl in a hotel room, it's party time.
avatar for Brahma2k
2 years ago
@docsavage sums it up fairly well. Of course it’s about what is being sought. Is it the ITC experience or is it looking to bust one off. For some of us, ITC is for the closeup visuals, the stage visuals, a drink, the approaches (maybe friendly?) and the element of gamesmanship, did this one hit the LD/VIP threshold, the general atmosphere. That in itself can be the needed complete break from the routine.
As far as the reference to approaches as well as high pressure LD/VIP tactics? I can’t see that ever being overly non aggressive. But I’m learning it differs quite a bit from place to place and stripper to stripper. Ultimately where money is on the line, aggression to get it is going to happen. If it’s too overly aggressive, vote with your feet to somewhere else (I agree that a level of passive aggressive is a much better ITC experience than overt aggressive).
As far as approaches, I get that but I doubt there’s enough time/money in approaching everyone except slow times/optimal ratios. So it falls on the customer to show up looking like the time/money value is a plus to the strippers.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Do I go to the club to blow off some steam?... yes.

Do I go to the club when I'm off-the-charts stressed?... no.

When I'm incredibly stressed out, then I tend to take my mood with me into the club, and I have less fun as a result. Also, my stress levels max out again the moment I leave the club.

I go to the strip club or do OTC when I'm in the mood to have fun. If my stress levels are really bad, then I do other things where my mood won't affect the outcome.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
For me otc is more stressful. Itc is more of a know quantity and there’s no planning requeired.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> "Do I go to the club to blow off some steam?... yes. Do I go to the club when I'm off-the-charts stressed?... no."

To add to what I said, what CMI said here 100%. Now I don't wind up very easily so i don't end up in that "hate the world, fuck everybody" mindset very often. But in those rare moments where my head is that screwed up, I don't want to deal with a stripper any more than I want to deal with anyone else, whether ITC or OTC.

I guess, for me, playing around with strippers is entertainment, not therapy, lol. If I'm not in the right frame of mind or can't get there quickly with a few drinks and a handful of titties, I wait until I can enjoy it more.
avatar for JimGassagain
2 years ago
Once or twice a month. The other days when I need a fix I feed my face with delicious delicacies.

avatar for PoundKing
2 years ago
I dislike the additional logistics of OTC so I stopped doing them. ITC works fine for me. If I had a rough week I fuck them harder. If I'm about to kill the world then I don't go to the club
avatar for funonthaside
2 years ago
With ITC, there is a bit less attachment to girls, and therefore, it's easier to treat them less like civvies and more like our playthings.

Repeat OTC leads to seeing them more like civvies, and therefore, less inclined to get too freaky, as we lean toward treating them more normally, as women with feelings.

Time and place for each scenario and arrangement/relationship.

Of course, ITC could lead to OTC, with continued encounters both ITC with those same girls, which could change the dynamic in various ways (Good - higher comfort level; Bad. - Sense of entitlement to your cash).
avatar for rattdog
2 years ago
probably not a good idea to see a girl during that moment of max rage/hating the world mentality. there's a good chance that subconsciously some guy can take it out on that girl without even meaning to do so on purpose. just go home and smoke or drink up or go to the gym and pounce the living shit outta that everlast bag.
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