Girl you instantly take to VIP

avatar for Muddy
You ever meet a stripper in a club who is just so damn sexy you take right to VIP? No vetting, no trial dances, no feeling it out. Just fuck it, we'll find out, gotta jump it now while the gettins good.


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avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
I've done this very rarely, I find rare to find a girl that is totally my type, maybe like 1 out of every few hundred dancers. But hey if I see it I just pull the trigger and let the consequences be the consequences, I'm in the LDK game anyway, as long as there is grinding I really can't lose too bad. All that being said, if the VIP price is within reason $300 and under.
avatar for uniquename
2 years ago
Yep. My ATF used to work at (believe it or not) Playhouse. Never met another dancer like her - great smile and personality, killer body. I was a goner as soon as I saw her and we went right to the back. I was not disappointed, nor was I ever disappointed in subsequently visits. Shame she retired, but good for her.
avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
Rarely do I take a stripper to VIP the first time I meet her. I'm not 18 anymore and it takes more time to get my motor started.
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
Yes I have. At certain clubs you are all but "guaranteed" to have a good time in VIP so the risk is low.

avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Like your not even chatting. Point, VIP let's go. Even at those brothel type places I still like to chat first but sometimes I just know.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Rarely, but it's happened. Usually after getting riled up at another club.
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
Not often but it does happen. I tend to do it more often at non extras clubs oddly enough. There will be times that I see a girl at one of those clubs and just know that I'm going to want more than just a few songs with her and in that case the cost of a VIP room just makes more sense, especially if the single song rate is over $20/song. Very rarely have I regretted the decision due to a dancer just being hot but giving a terrible dance.

At extra friendly clubs I tend to want to vet the dancer a little to make sure we are on the same page with regards to expectations of services and price. Usually I want to take her for at least a couple of trial dances first in these situations.
avatar for Brahma2k
2 years ago
VIP costs not insubstantial money. So it’s a costly roll of the dice to take her to VIP instantly.
Maybe it isn’t important to you, she’s so insanely hot you’ll take any show that she’ll give right in front of you.
It is very much a do what you have to do. But IME the show is quite different from stripper to stripper. Chat/vetting is how you seriously increase odds of the A+ show.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
Who hasn’t?

I have meet a few favorites that way.

If I like how she looks and my 🕷️ spider sense tells me she is OK, why not?
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
I don't recall ever doing that without at least chatting or a while first. I've met far too many physically gorgeous, unbearably sexy dancers with totally incompatible personalities.
avatar for bang69
2 years ago
I agree wit shade cat100%
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
It's happened to me a couple times when she was physically my exact type and I was ok with club average mileage (good grind and some ass and titty grabbing).
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
When you lock eyes and she comes over to you, you'll know after a few mins or less that she is irresistible. If the 3/$100 didn't meet expectations, meh. I look for the non-pushy like when you first walk in, and I really want someone to have some English skills. I had one that I asked, "What can we do?" and she said "Anything except the lower bikini area as long as I can molest you." She locked her eyes into mine, ~late-twentysomething and off we went. I never forgot that, and never will. They way this blonde, nice build chick looked at me just melted into my deep white matter.
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
At a club where it's usually a good time, yup, I do it pretty regularly.
avatar for rattdog
2 years ago
last time i did this was about 5 years ago. one of the best girls i've ever seen in my life walks into the club. she sits at the bar for a bit before heading to the dressing room. get some background info from her. from miami, dances at tootsies, been on a couple of biker magazines. then she heads to the dressing room, changes and comes back 1/2 hr later. "ready?" just responded by taking her hand and guided her up the steps to the VIP. worth every buck for 15 mins.
avatar for BGSD3100
2 years ago
Occasionally, but even when I do feel that way, I force myself to be patient. At the end of the night, I might circle back to her but I honestly have never felt like I wasted my time just checking all the girls out.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Yep. And it turned out great.
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
Depends on the club. In certain clubs in Florida, the "good time" is a given. Find the gorgeous girl, you just go for it.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
2 years ago
One of my long term favorites was a girl I met just before the end of her shift and fortune favors the bold!
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
You ever meet a stripper in a club who is just so damn sexy you take right to VIP?

Yes, but only once in a while and it's when I'm on the road. It's rare for me to see a dancer that hits like that for me now.
avatar for ATACdawg
2 years ago
9 of 10, good result.
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
I did the very thing in the original posting a week ago. This time it didn’t work out too great but other times it’s been fantastic!
avatar for EastCoaster
2 years ago
You ever meet a stripper in a club who is just so damn sexy you take right to VIP?

Yes, about a year ago at Bare Assets in Holiday, FL. It was the only time I visited the club, so it was a bit of a crap shoot, but it worked out very well. I was in and out of the club in 40 minutes, spending maybe one minute in the restroom, four minutes getting settled at the bar, five minutes in conversation with a stunningly beautiful Cuban, and the remaining 30 minutes in the VIP with her before heading out. She was amazing in every respect.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
I never do VIP rooms at all. I think I go to strip clubs more as a way to just get out of the house and go somewhere for a change of scenery. While I'm there, just doing a couple lap dances and chatting with the girl a little is enough. I often hear the lengthy conversations going on between strippers and customers at other tables and usually they don't sound interesting enough that I would want to spend large sums of money in order to do the same. In my local strip clubs, it's a real gamble to buy VIP rooms to get sex.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
LDA all the time, VIP never. Too much risk vs reward.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
If you're at a consistently high mileage club then, even if she provides less than most, she's still likely to provide enough to be fun. And sometimes that's fine by me.
avatar for Studme53
2 years ago
Uniquename- who was the Playhouse girl?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen one there who really blew me away.
avatar for Jdo11
2 years ago
If I'm at my home club then it's newbies who are clearly enhanced. VIP at the home club offers chance to see if she'll provide good contact dances when secluded and offer a private area to negotiate ITC extras.

If I'm at any other club, then I'll do it only for enhanced strippers with bbls for a ldk for my first nut or two. Otherwise I'm not going to take a unvetted provider to vip for ten songs to eventually ldk
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