Nashville school shooting

avatar for misterorange
If you want to know what's gone wrong with this country, start by questioning who are the people who voted for this jackass Joe Biden and who are the 30-something percent who still think he's doing a good job.

After alerting the media that he would begin his speech at a prescheduled event by addressing the shooting, here's how he started it off:…


last comment
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
Sorry, try this link.…
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Literally 100% senile.
avatar for ricber
2 years ago
Okay ... what can be done to stop this madness... Prayers and thoughts sure dont work
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
I haven't heard much of anything other than the shooter was a 28 year old female. Was she a disgruntle parent or ex-employee or just a random shooter?

Such bullshit, what on earth possess someone to want to harm children and educators?
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
I'm no fan of Biden and I haven't watched the clip posted yet. However, anyone trying to use a school shooting that killed several elementary students to make a political jab at the other side should be embarrassed of themselves. That applies to politicians, media personalities and people posting on here alike. If your thoughts after a shooting like this involve looking for a way to make politicians on the otherside look bad you really need to look at what's important.

Whether you think the solution is mental health reform, gun control, more police in schools, armed teachers and security guards or any other response that is where the focus should be. Using dead children to score political points is terrible. At least show the families of those murdered children the respect of not using them to help set up a political punchline.
avatar for ricber
2 years ago
as usual Desert Scrub... No help just plain assed blither
avatar for mickey48066
2 years ago
What I find most disgusting is the Democrats taking these situations to engage in further political grandstanding for gun laws that would ultimately cause further harm to law abiding citizens. They don't even wait for the bodies to go cold. Truly reprehensible.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
This sucks. Whatever your political bent, we should at least be able to agree that our country has a gun problem.
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
I do believe the Left wants as many shootings, especially "mass" (3+) shooting to help promote their agenda to 100% ban guns. You've heard this before, evil doers will get a gun or knife or propane tank, car/truck, fire, ect to commit a killing. Brandon doesn't even know why this happened or where she she got the weapons, ect. He'll grandstand. He even brought up his son, not Hunter, to garner sympathy. I'm surprised Brandon didn't go into creepy "whisper mode". When was the last time he talked about the black-on-black killings in Chicago and Baltimore; how many "Red" cities have have this level of violence/killings/shooting.
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
@JimmyMcNulty, no - we have a problem with criminals and monsters. The Left has made guns the "Boogie Man". Only criminals disobey gun laws, and will get them no matter what. It's NOT A GUN ISSUE.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
I too blame Biden, the head of the party that wants to control guns, for shootings that occur in solid red states.

Wait no I don't, that's stupid.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
Also just to let you guys in, our new strategy is armed Trans folks. It worked before with black people. Once enough LGBTQ+ folks are packing heat we know suddenly the mood will change
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
Are you all aware that this shooter, and many of the other school shootings were committed by folks that purchased these weapons legally and followed all applicable regulations.
Let's end this scourge, action is needed, hopes and prayers aren't working.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
When kids carried rifles on the school bus for the school's rifle team, or shotguns on the back of their trucks to hunt after school, we didn't have school shootings.

What has happened since? It's not the presence of the gun. While there are more guns in circulation than ever, we've seen a steady downtrend in the number of households that own one.

We don't have a "gun problem," we have a values problem.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
I’m not running for office and presumably neither are you mogul. Dropping right into NRA talking points doesn’t help. We need to stop shooting our own people.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
"Also just to let you guys in, our new strategy is armed Trans folks. It worked before with black people."

Uh, no. That's a snide liberal applause line. Minority gun ownership has been increasing for some time and they've been welcomed with open arms.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
The second they announced the shooter was a "woman" my first thought was Tranny because actual women almost never do this kind of thing. It's like out of the last 60 mass shootings, only one other was female. So I thought it would be a male pretending to be female, since males are more prone to this kind of violence. But now reading a bunch of different articles, I'm not sure which direction the "trans" was going.

The media is in such a tizzy over not offending anyone, afraid to "misgender" someone, using "correct" pronouns, etc. Different sources say he vs. she, "transgender woman" vs. simply "woman", which I imagine "could" mean biological male that identifies female, but they feel it's not proper to acknowledge the former gender??? Read six articles and you'll change your mind six times about the true gender of this person.

It's so crazy that no normal person could follow it, so is it any surprise that the person actually living through all the confusion is this fucked up? And 90% of them would just grow out of whatever stage they were going through, except that there's all this early intervention to convince them that they are screwed up and need trans therapy or whatever. They don't find out how bad things truly are until they've physically fucked themselves up beyond repair, and then the real crazy comes out. Usually it manifests itself in suicide, but even more tragically in this case he/she/whatever took it out on others.
avatar for ricber
2 years ago
I can see the NRA talking points are readily appearing. Can we skip the political bullshit and have a real discussion
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
@ricber, do you have some facts, or are you just going to emote and make snarky comments?

A real discussion requires facts.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
Yeah, the REAL DISCUSSION is that America's youth has gone completely insane from all the liberal policies, and shaming, and cancelling.
avatar for mickey48066
2 years ago
Mental illness has been at the root of plenty of shootings. The transgendered are mentally ill, sick deviants actually. We are going to see many more with this form of mental illness commit these acts. The problem isn't the guns, it's the liberals championing this form of mental illness that will further embolden more of them to commit acts of violence against innocent, mentally sane people.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
^ scrub you're probably right, but I wish you weren't.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Uh huh.

Via Google, I can find one other shooting spree in 2019 carried out by a trans person. The scores upon scores of mass shooting events taking place all around it were carried out by hetero men by a vast majority.

I don't think I'll spend a lot of time worrying about a trans spree shooters.
avatar for jaybud999
2 years ago
"The Ultimate Strip Club List." Hmmmphhh. Didn't realize we shit where we play around here. And some of you like to flop around in it. Weird.
avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
2 years ago
The solution is simple. Escalation. Nutjobs bring guns to schools, we put our kids in kevlar vests and helmets. Extreme example but my point is... any gunman can just as easily commit murder today as they could have 20 years ago. I don't want to just point fingers, I want to put in actual safeguards that will save lives. It doesn't matter if its armed teachers, trained guards, Robocop, whatever. Just give these kids SOMETHING already!
avatar for yahtzee74
2 years ago
Part of "Trans Day Of Vengeance" being promoted by trans rights activists and socialists. Separately the Mayor of Chicago made a call to arms.…


In addition this past weekend a trans mob attacked a feminist in New Zealand and a feminist group in the UK. Previously they've assaulted a 70 year old woman for speaking out against trans men in women's locker rooms. The police in these liberal areas do not to arrest the violent activists.
avatar for yahtzee74
2 years ago
On a related note Jane Fonda on The View suggested murdering pro-lifers.
avatar for ATACdawg
2 years ago
And yet, her weapon of choice was a pair of AR15 assault rifles. Frankly, I don't give a damn about the sexual orientation of monsters.

Who the fuck needs a 20 or 30 round clip to go deer hunting? I think we need to at least find a way to limit rifles to six shots, and just limiting clips is obviously not going to get the job done.
avatar for doctorevil
2 years ago
“Who the fuck needs a 20 or 30 round clip to go deer hunting? “

So where did this stupid idea that the second amendment protects hunting come from? The second amendment has nothing to do with hunting.
avatar for ATACdawg
2 years ago
Sorry, drevil. You are correct. Our right to shoot children and their teachers in their schools must be protected at all costs!
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
ATACdawg I'll agree to 6-round magazines when you agree to a speed regulator on your car so you can't drive over 15 mph. Think of all the lives that would save.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
There is no reason that a private school should not have an SRO or SSO. Churches have been targeted before. Yes, having a dedicated SRO or SSO would increase the price of private education, but this clearly shows why it should be necessary.

Ultimately, it may become necessary for freedoms to be sacrificed to save lives. So let's outlaw personal vehicles. Everyone must take government provided public transportation operated b fully trained inclusive government employees. Let's outlaw sugar, salt, refined carbs, red meat, processed foods, and saturated fats. Your shopping list is about become a lot shorter. Let's outlaw tobacco, alcohol, and medical marijuana. We need to outlaw dogs, candles, generators, and ladders, too. Box cutters were used in 9/11 so no box cutters, exacto knives, razor blades, axes, hatchets, machetes, chainsaws, or steak knives (red meat was already outlawed, so you don't need them).

What else is killing Americans? Not abortion! We must allow unborn children to be slaughtered at will, that is a fundamental god-given right. It's a human right. It's a constitutional right and cannot be tampered with.

avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
I wonder what the fuck is wrong with y'all, who the fuck cares about the politics, how about caring about the dead folks, and trying to find a way to end all this sick shit.
Thoughts and Prayers my bloody ass, stupid fuck ups arguing about what to do.
How about this let's put up a fence with a single entrance, attended by a few trained guards, around all schools and have a magnetometer scan everyone entering the school grounds for any reason. We can stop this disgusting carnage, we need to get to work on it immediately.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
The angry old man sounds confused and frightened. This is normal for a dementia patient. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ Fuck you you bigoted scumbag, you sound like a total and complete jackass
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
I'm all for hardening the soft targets. Stronger doors, perimeter fences as 25 suggested, metal detectors, security/police, etc. That will help, a little. But a psycho determined to terrorize and kill will find another way.

When school lets out, the moms' cars are lined up around the block and the sidewalks are packed with kids like Times Square on New Year's. Or they could just go to a Little League baseball game at a park. Are we gonna wall that off too, and have metal detectors?

The real solution is to eliminate what's motivating these sick fucks. But that's a problem because what's causing it is the mind-boggling culture shift throughout our entire society. We've normalized and incentivized abnormal behavior, and what used to be simply abnormal is now becoming complete insanity. We've only seen the tip of the iceberg.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ Well we can’t agree on how to get guns out of the hands of these deranged people, and we’re not going to start locking up people on suspicion so best we can do is wall the schools off, maybe we can stagger entry and exit times to make it easier to deal with the moms dropping and picking up the kids, but unless we can figure out how to get the guns away from those people with bad intentions then we need to do something.
Thoughts and Prayers are just an excuse to do nothing.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
Scrub, you seem to be arguing for stricter gun control. Deeper background checks so you just can’t lie and sign the form.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Instead of turning school into palaces, turn them into fortresses? That is easily in the top 5 dumbest ideas you have ever had, and you have had some whoppers! Hey, why don't we get the Swiss Guard to patrol gay bars? Let's hire the Wagner Group to protect black grocery stores. We can deputize Black Panthers to protect Christian churches.

You are just another RINO who knows the democrats are wrong and stupid in everything they attempt, but you want the Republican party to abandon their principles of individual freedom and self-determination, adopt big government, restrict constitutional rights, embrace radical ideology, and shout down and be intolerant of any dissenting ideas.

The country, our society and culture, needs to reject insane principles normalizing mental disorders like body dysmorphia and gender identity disorders. We need to accept there are only two biological genders. Some people are born with a deformity that lays outside the normal, and that can be addressed on a case-by-case basis. We need to stop rewriting history and creating a false narrative that demonizes someone because of their heritage and their race. I know it happened in the past and it is shameful, but two wrongs are not going to make a right. The damage it does to our society is plain as day, Uvalde and Nashville are just the most recent examples. Communism is an evil political ideology that dehumanizes people and subjugates them to the elites (even further), radicalized religion (ANY religion) must be countered with and by moderacy that advocates peace, harmony, and acceptance, fanning racial identity over patriotism and national identity splinters a nation that used to strive towards making everyone equal. If it feels like we are sliding backwards on all of these ideals it is because we are.

Turning schools into fortresses (with money we don't have), taking away the basic access to personal defense of hearth and home, shredding the Constitution are all disastrous missteps that will not fix the basic problems that are laying the foundation for these horrible incidents. Sending our thoughts and prayers is much better and more powerful than any of those foolish ideas. At the very least, they won't make things worse, as liberal solutions undoubtedly will.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ Engaging with a dull child, doesn't make me feel good about myself, but at the risk of getting another bitter and angry hate filled vitriolic message, what good have your thoughts and prayers done.
Exactly how have I shredded the constitution.
In the meantime grow up stop acting like an idiot.

avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
2 years ago
You guys are getting too hostile. Too much rage. I would say to go visit a strip club and get laid but that would be preaching to the choir.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Hostility is all he knows. Strip clubs are pointless because he can't get it up. He thinks his angry, hate-filled, vitriolic messages are from other people because he's senile more than Joe Biden. Unable to offer even the remotest response aside from personal attacks because he is, and always has been, the dumbest loser in the room. Please remember to keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
avatar for ricber
2 years ago
It seems that the rage and venom displayed by TUSCL's resident dickhead, comes from the fact he is most like those he condemns
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
"These queers, trannies and fags need to be stopped at all costs - how many people do they have to kill before we figure out this group of strange fucking people are at risk to the rest of us normal people?"

@desertscrub - I agree with much of what you've said, but regarding the above quote, I don't think that goes deep enough.

The queer trannie fags, in and of themselves, are not the real problem. There have always been queer trannie fags. Hell, J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser. Not sure how old you are, but The Rocky Horror Picture Show came out in 1975. I was 8 years old. It was a bomb but later became a cult classic. My parents and their friends went to see it and the story of that night was repeated at every social gathering for decades. When I was in high school my friends and I went, and we went back a few times. It was funny and a great event when you're stoned as hell.

Queer tranny fags existed, but they were mostly in the closet or in Greenwich Village. They were a group of counterculture weirdos that were almost entirely harmless. Okay, completely harmless. That's what made it so much fun for normal people to peer into their strange little world and have a laugh. I've enjoyed the NYC Village Halloween Parade several times as well. Those fruitcakes put on quite a show.

Freaks like that used to be an entertainment attraction, like going to see the fucking weirdo Amish people. Then RuPaul got a TV show. Still funny, still all the things I mentioned above, but more mainstream. Now if you wanted to laugh at the bizarre world of queer tranny fags you didn't need to go to the movies at midnight, or drive to lower Manhattan. You just turned on your TV. And if you didn't want to watch it, well, just change the channel.

The REAL problem began when these queer tranny fags decided they had the right to impose their lifestyle on others and force them to accept it as normal behavior. When black people fought for civil rights, or women fought for the right to vote, that was a whole different thing. Blacks and Women were born that way. Not like the Lady Gaga song that claims queer tranny fags were "born that way". Guess what... they weren't.

You're born black. You're born male or female. You're born retarded. Hell, I had a cousin who was born with organs outside his body because his mother was a heroin junkie, and he died at two weeks old. You're NOT born a queer tranny fag. Only a fucking moron would believe that.

But yada-yada-yada here we are. The entertainment industry, corporate America, academia, have all adopted this horseshit. We live in a world where your only choice is to bow down and kiss these faggots' asses, or else lose your career, your whole life, your children's future. Not that they have any real future anyway. Kids these days are on a collision course. Their young minds are receiving so many mixed messages they can't decide whether to follow their own common sense and believe elementary biology, or give in to the woke mob who will celebrate you if you come along, or cancel your entire future if you don't.

The faggots aren't the only ones fucked up by this. It's the weak minded liberals who suffer from "white guilt" and believe in "microaggressions" because they're convinced they were born with some kind of original sin. Their children are the ones who become the most fucked up. This tranny school shooting was just a biproduct of the whole insane society we're living in.

This world is totally fucked.

Okay, that's enough. Good night.
avatar for booty_lover92
2 years ago
I think we should thank the Arab that shot up the Orlando Night Club, probably would have had more instances like what we saw in Nashville had he not.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
One thing is perfectly clear from posts on Facebook and in this thread. There is very clear difference of opinion between liberals and conservatives.

The left blames the gun
The right blames the person

When are Americans going to start to understand who the real enemy is?

It isn't the car when people are killed by a vehicle driven by some deranged person running into a bunch of people.

It isn't the fertilizer when some right wing militia nut decides to make a bomb and blow up a bunch of innocent people.

So why is it that anytime someone uses a gun to hurt or kill other people the first thing out of the mouths of liberals is gun control.

The bad guys will always find ways to hurt and kill innocent people
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
On a side note, all accounts indicate the police response was decisive and courageous.

Thank God the BLM defund the police movement hasn’t demoralized the entire police force of the nation
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
@bootylover: I thought the guy that shot up the Orlando gay nightclub was a closet homosexual

@motorhead: the left only blames the person when it is a heterosexual white male; all others are blameless and victims of the aforementioned heterosexual white male
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
I saw an article that said the LGBTQ+ community does not want the shooter’s manifesto released

Wonder why? I thought the entire mindset of the community was to be open about one’s feelings
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
I maintain that thoughts and prayers are synonymous with doing nothing.
I don’t know for sure if this is possible but according to reports Tennessee does not have a red flag law. Reports also say that the shooter was under a doctor’s care for emotional distress. If Congress would create a national red flag law, that would make it possible for folks with mental health issues that are under a doctor’s care, no less, they would have their firearms confiscated until they are deemed to be mentally competent again, just saying.
There are many things our lazy lawmakers could do that won’t interfere with constitutional gun laws, but offer a partial fix, certainly better than thoughts and prayers.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago

“The left blames the PREVALENCE AND EASE IF ACCESS TO guns”

FYP. What I wrote is still an oversimplification. When you mischaracterize the other side’s position and then argue against the straw man you created, it precludes actual debate. The country struggles with the gun issue. It’s tough. This board struggles even more so. If you want to actually discuss it, there has to at least be an acknowledgment that the US has more shootings than anywhere else. The response can’t just be “killas gonna kill” and shrugging our shoulders or saying we need more good guys with guns.

The Las Vegas shooter shot 550 people in less than half an hour. His guns were legally purchased if I recall correctly. That doesn’t happen with a knife or a car. There were less shootings during the 1994 assault weapons ban. Was it directly responsible? I have no idea. Refusing to even discuss tighter controls in conjunction with some of the ideas from the other side about mental health, etc. is not getting us anywhere. It’s sickening to think three 9 year olds were killed and we can’t come together to try something different.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
^ease OF access
avatar for rattdog
2 years ago
i guess you can give lgb+ a little credit in supporting one their own.

but otoh fuck those motherfuckers!!!! a lot of them just resort to shouting and violence for any viewpoint that opposes whatever they believe in. the highest rates of domestic violence these days are committed by gay couples. great example of showing openness, love and happiness yeah?
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
@25 - On the surface that sounds like a good plan, but there's a problem. First of all doctors, like all people, have their own individual ideas on what is just, moral or reasonable. Giving some random shrink the power to suspend or revoke my constitutional rights? That doesn't fly with me, bro. In fact, if I ever found myself suffering from some kind of emotional distress, that would be a reason I would NEVER seek treatment. No fucking way am I sharing my problems with some doctor who might be a goddamn communist and want to take my guns.

The better way to weed out the nut jobs would be to make it easier for classmates, teachers, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. to report odd behavior to the authorities. It's the people who observe and interact with these maniacs in everyday situations who should wave the red flag on strange (and potentially dangerous) people. But we all know why that doesn't happen. Someone decided that WEIRDO CULTURE should be embraced and the weirdos need to be protected from ever becoming normal. If you say anything you put yourself at risk of being shamed, cancelled, or fired from your job.

Obviously something needs to be done. I don't claim to have all the answers, but declaring transgenderism to be a severe mental health abnormality might be a good start. THESE PEOPLE NEED SHRINKS, NOT SUGEONS. And society needs to stop embracing and encouraging this bullshit. We're FORCING the 99% of children who are FUCKING NORMAL to ignore common sense, suppress their feelings, question their own sexual identity, and celebrate WACKED-OUT FREAKS as some kind of modern day heroes. It's a miracle that any kids at all make it though childhood without being completely fucked up in the head. And we still wonder why there's a mass-shooting problem in America.
avatar for rattdog
2 years ago
gun control solves nothing. if there's a will a nutwit will find a way to get one via black markets on the web are the good 'ole streets. is there a max cap on production placed that gun manufacturers legally have to abide by?
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
Jimmy Mac,

Generally I stay away from gun control arguments. I’ve never owned a gun - I doubt I will ever own a gun. So it doesn’t affect me personally. So I would not really be opposed tighter requirements.

However, it does seem to be the opinion of those on the far left (in my own family no
Less) that the knee jerk reaction is too automatically say “let’s gif if the runs”

But history shows that’s just not going to work.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ I don’t claim to have all, or even any of the answers, my point is there’s a multitude of things that can be tried before we even start banning firearms. The ideologues on both sides of this debate aren’t trying very hard. I’m tired of thoughts and prayers and the laziness of our legislators. One side only cares about restrictions on firearms, the other side doesn’t do anything except shrug off this as if they don’t give a shit. How’s about trying something different, there are places where some of these other ideas might have some success, but unless they try to do something nothing is going to change.
That’s the sad fact and my point.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
^ Well I agree on the thoughts and prayers being useless. But if it makes some people feel better, let them go on thinking and praying.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
Ha. Funny that we’re on opposite sides of the argument, Motörhead. I own guns and have always owned guns. “The left” isn’t all on position just as the right isn’t. That said, I don’t think you can automatically say getting rid of the guns has been shown by history not to work. I haven’t cared to fact check it, but the stats I’ve seen on MSM commie news sites say there were less shootings during the assault weapons ban of 1994.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
^the left isn’t all ONE position. Fuck. I need coffee.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
I think there needs to be a legitimate deep dive into the root causes of mental illness, and that will mean a radical break from the trends that have been developing over the last few decades.

Other than humans, no animal on earth coddles it's weak and defective members to the detriment of the overall species' survival. I'm not saying that the weirdos need to be disposed of like a sick bird thrown from its mother's nest. But they definitely need to be identified, informed that they have a problem not consistent with normal and decent society, and offered treatment. In severe cases, they may need to be institutionalized as was done in the past.

An entire population bending over backwards to embrace a few mentally defective members is, in itself, fucking insane. It doesn't help the kooks, and it makes everyone else go bananas as well.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
I see a narrative across the left that the shooter is as much a victim as the evangelical Christians who were actually killed. Just like the "non-binary" nature of the Denver shooter was erased.

Also getting scrubbed is the coincidental (lol) timing of the Trans Day of Rage this weekend.

Of course it's always safe to blame a piece of metal and plastic that until 25 years ago didn't shoot up schools.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
For anyone who can't get past putting down thoughts and prayers:…
avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
2 years ago
If it had been a straight white dude who shot up the school in Nashville, the media would have labeled him a domestic terrorist, a hateful bigot, a very disturbed white supremacist, alt-right, MAGA Trump supporting transphobe. His entire life would be public knowledge by now. Any family members and friends would be hunted down and harassed about why they didn't report him sooner. But a trans man? Oh poor guy, he was just a helpless victim in all this. Society failed him. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the gunman's family as they struggle through this difficult time. Biden will attend his funeral and beg forgiveness from the trans community for not doing enough.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
^^ It's like Russia during the Soviet era, except it's America.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
This terrible Democrat governor is asking for PRAYERS for those affected by the Army helicopter crash! Why doesn't he DO something?! He should put rszor wire fences around the Army bases in his state! They need limited access with gates guarded by armed security, no unnecessary public access, surveillance and security... oh, wait..
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Fort Campbell helicopter crash: Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear confirms multiple fatalities expected…
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