Trump indictment looming

Alvin Bragg, the district attorney for New York County, has impaneled a grand jury looking into Trump’s payment to Stormy Daniels. His theory is that paying her hush money was an illegal campaign contribution.
Last week, he offered Trump an opportunity to testify to the Grand Jury. Trump declined. Under New York law, this offer is required and is often the last step before an indictment and arrest. An arrest could take place as soon as this week.
Trump supporters, and perhaps others, would view this arrest as political overreach. Those on the left, and anti-Trump RINOS, would see this as Justice.
Trump attorneys could delay a trial until after the 2024 primaries and Presidential election. This means the entire country would effectively be the jury.
last commentAnd just a little while ago he posted on “truth social” that he expects to be arrested on Tuesday and “to protest to take the country back”. The man does not know how not dig himself into a hole. Somehow or another the country has to move past the trump era.
Most of the people who support Trump, myself included, support him because he is the standard bearer for the America First Movement. If someone else could reliably and effectively represent this movement, we’d be happy to support that person as well.
I think that’s where Trump opponents make their biggest mistake. They think America First is a personality cult. They think if they bring an indictment against Trump, that will put an end to the movement. It won’t.
If Trump falls, Desantis can pick up the standard and run with it.
smartest thing that could happen is for President Biden to grant him a pardon, that would prevent him from running for president, but it would save tons of money and end all of the bullshit that Trump is spewing, Of course it probably wouldn't happen, but it makes sense. There is a precedent Ford pardoned Nixon and allowed the country to move forward at a similarly decisive point in our history.
Economy in a downward spiral, crime is rampant, and THIS is where people choose to focus their efforts and discussions.
If you are a republican you should want Trump to just go away. If trump is able to run again I think he will lose yet again. He’s too polarizing.
Republicans need someone more moderate to lure away moderate democrats and that’s not Trump. By the time Election Day comes I fear Desantis will piss off just about as many people as Trump. I think he’s pushing the anti-woke a little too far. I don’t have the answer but I don’t think it’s either of these guys.
Some people think Trump is being persecuted but I don’t think enough of the country feels the same way. Going after “woke” and abortion is not going to swing many moderate democrats and at the moment I think that’s what many people feel is Desantis platform.
Change my mind if I’m rong.
Depending what party of the country you are in, but I often see a lot more people for work than you’d think. They are the Bernie Sanders/AOC/Socialism anti-white camp even though they are white themselves.
If Trump or Desantis become the GOP nominee you’re going to have 4 more of Biden.
Change my mind if I’m rong
That Stormy pussy must have been sooo good to be worth all this headache. At least I hope it was.
^ Yes, because the cause of all these problems is the policies being pushed by Biden and others on the left. Runaway government spending. Soft on crime. Open borders. Endless war. Crony capitalism. China apologists. Lock downs. Judging people by race, not their character.
The only hope we have is to vote in politicians who will establish policies that get us back on track. The attacks on Trump are an attempt to stop this.
This is simply a case of Alvin “Soft on Crime” Bragg wanting to humiliate and embarrass a former president whom he disagrees with politically.
He doesn’t care about the cogency of the charges - he just wants MSNBC to broadcast the perp walk and The NY Times and Washington Post to publish front page pictures of Trump’s mugshot.
Let’s hope none of TUSCLERs ever run for office, because Bragg might go after every one of us who ever paid a stripper for OTC
^^^Ding ding ding winner
If Republicans are given a choice between voting for a Democrat or voting for Democrat light ( Romney, McCain ), they will just not vote. That’s how Obama was elected. Twice.
The only chance Republicans have is to nominate someone who is proudly, boldly pro-American and pro-Freedom.
I don’t care if that’s Trump, Desantis, or someone else who is America First. Just don’t nominate some squish who doesn’t stand for anything.
I can't wait for the day when Trump is irrelevant, both politically and socially.
Right now all they really have on him is a recordkeeping violation, which is a misdemeanor. In theory it could be parlayed into a felony if it was done to cover up another crime, but what was illegal about paying a porn star to be quiet about consensual sex? Some pundits believe that prosecutors may try to argue that paying Daniels was a campaign finance violation because it related to his election run (he paid her with private money, not campaign funds), but it's a ludicrous argument that will likely never hold up in appeals.
So net-net this is a blatant and frankly concerning abuse of prosecutorial powers for political purposes. This should have been handled as a routine civil settlement, not a ridiculous circus act. Like Trump or not, prosecutors are expected to use their powers judiciously, yet this guy is whipping a nothing burger like he just discovered high stakes fraud and embezzlement.
The hyper-emotional and perpetually outraged types who are cheering this on are missing the much broader implications, as is often the case with these foolish types. Once this type of prosecutorial abuse becomes acceptable, nobody is safe. What is done to me, can be done to thee, when the shoe is on the other foot.
Trump supporters are literally the biggest douche bags on earth. The idea that they would let the democrats win by sitting out elections, rather than vote for a decent human being like Romney, makes them fucking losers, even compared to progressives, who aren't even Americans. Will you fucking die already Donald, you fat pig? Registered Republican for 47 years and have never and will never vote for the New York Democrat, friend of the Clintons, liar and abuser of women Donald (the worst businessman ever) Trump.
Sadly, the downfall of the country can be placed on the anti white population shailynn speaks of. These white traitors have turned their backs on their own kind while supporting the flood of dangerous, diseased illegals and giving them everything under the sun. They also support all that black lives matter bullshit and sanctifying career criminals because they're black. Joe Biden is a white traitor who represents the white traitor voters perfectly. I see Romney as a white traitor. What this country needs is a president with a backbone. Desantis or trump are the best bets in that regard.
I like how people who supported and voted for Trump now seek to cast him aside (except you, of course, skibum) Like he is something different now from what he was when then supported and voted for him.
Trump is running and will not withdraw. Because that is not what winners do. And if he somehow loses the primary, he will run as a third party candidate because ego, need for attention and lust for campaign money (which is sweeter than real estate manipulations) command it. A third party run will not be about winning, it will be about burning it down. (Just remember Eugene Debs, woke as woke could be, charged with ten counts of sedition, found guilty, sentenced to ten years, and ran his 1920 presidential campaign from Atlanta Federal Penitentiary and got 3.4% of the vote. As a Socialist)
/my favorite bumpersticker: Under Republicans, man exploits man. Under Democrats, it's just the opposite.
//not a democrat
I voted for Romney in 2012 only because I believed that he MUST not be as bad as Obama. But seeing his behavior since he lost that run, I could never vote for that piece of shit RINO ever again. Say what you will about Trump, the impeachment attempts against him were horseshit. Any so-called Republican who supported impeachment was willing to make a mockery out of a very serious aspect of our system of checks and balances, not to mention wasting millions of taxpayer dollars for nothing more than a political stunt, should be banned from ever running as a Republican again.
Sorry skibum, but "decent human being"? To me the guy is nothing but fucking dogshit.
"paying her hush money was an illegal campaign contribution."
i'm actually surprised that this hasn't been brought up here: stormy daniels accepting that hush money - isn't this considered blackmail? ny state law says that this is a felony punishable up to 4 years behind bars?
^ Why would a non-disclosure agreement relating to legal activities be blackmail? If that was the case, every corporate employer in NY and many public figures would be guilty of a felony. 😆
This is a bullshit case on a weak legal theory. It just gives Mango Unchained a reason to gripe about witch hunts, and he’s right this time. The GA election interference case is way more serious and they have him on tape. That’s the case his lawyers are worried about.
So much time, taxpayer money, and intellectual capital being wasted on bullshit conspiracy theories all designed by intent to distract the country from the real democrat party failures with the economy, the border, crime, national security, patriotism, world order, technological achievement, energy security, and failing socialized programs (this includes healthcare and education). Unless you are a podcaster, coloumnist, or someone else who is paid fill time or space, do not help Washington distract from these real and pressing issues with bullshit attempts to smear and degrade a former president. There is too much at stake in the future. Let Americans vote for, or vote against, whomever they want.
“The GA election interference case is way more serious“
The moonbat head juror didn’t treat it seriously. Party with the prosecutor ?
The Trump Organization was found guilty on multiple charges of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records last December. The upcoming indictment appears to be another example of fraudulent record keeping by Trump. Maybe not a big deal to some, but anyone who believes in the statement "America is a country of laws" - often repeated by Republicans including Trump himself - would have to acknowledge the merit of this case.
Personally I would rather see Trump go down for something bigger, such as the obstruction to return classified documents and attempts to overturn the 2020 election.
The moonbat GRAND juror. Her 15 minutes are over. What she said or did is meaningless. Grand jury has no power to decide whether to charge him and no power in an eventual criminal case.
Mark - you speak for yourself and perhaps for a sizable portion of Trump supporters. However, there is also a sizable number of Trump supporters that support Trump and only Trump and will support no one else, especially if Trump himself tells them not to.
If Trump loses the Republican primary, he will claim it was stolen from him like the 2020 election. Even if he did not run a third party campaign, at a minimum he would never concede, never endorse the nominee, and would not encourage his supporters to vote for the nominee. A significant percentage of his supporters would stay home on Election Day and he would ensure the Dems win. Again.
This is from someone who voted for Trump twice, though really someone who voted against the Democrats. Trump is a malignant narcissist, a cancer who is now actively and intentionally damaging the party that elected him.
The one thing I want from Trump now is the one thing he will never do, quietly fade into the background.
If Trump really gets arrested on Tuesday (and I have my doubts) he’d best be careful and keep his mouth shut, I don’t think the NYC District Attorney’s office would want to take risks unless they actually have the proof.
Saying this I have a feeling that this is just more bullshit cooked up by that fat con merchant.
===> "I don’t think the NYC District Attorney’s office would want to take risks unless they actually have the proof."
That's a lot of faith in a DAs office the routinely fucks things up so badly in a town where routine crimes are out of control.
But with that said, do they have proof of a misdemeanor recordkeeping violation? Probably. Do they have him dead to rights on a felony charge? Probably not, which is the problem here. This should have been handled as a routine civil settlement, not a ridiculous circus act. Like Trump or not, prosecutors are expected to use their powers judiciously, yet this guy is whipping a nothing burger like he just discovered high stakes fraud and embezzlement.
Once this type of prosecutorial abuse becomes acceptable, nobody is safe. What is done to me, can be done to thee, when the shoe is on the other foot.
From catturd
“There’s hundreds of videos and pictures of Hunter Biden on his laptop smoking crack, weighing huge amounts of crack, waving around an illegal firearm, and having sex with hundreds of girls who look “extremely” young.
There’s also a mile of evidence on his and Joe Biden’s pay for influence schemes with China, Russia, and Ukraine - and I guarantee he hasn’t paid a dime of taxes on his extorted millions.
Yet, our rotten FBI and DOJ lead by AG Garland and Christopher Wray haven’t done jack shit because they’re corrupt traitors whose sole purpose seems to be the personal jackboots for the Democrat party.”
All the 2024 talk ignores one thing-- the economy. If inflation, unemployment, and wage growth are shite enough, Trump (whom I loathe, even if I'm a Republican) could get re-elected from the deepest cell in Ft. Leavenworth. And if it times are that good and he hasn't gotten caught with his dick in a boy or a dog, Biden could get reelected in a cakewalk.
Personally I find the democratic fixation on Trump the man to be comical. Trumpian populism is here to stay, no matter whom the standard bearer. Like someone said above, the left thinks Trump is the movement, and they're mistaken.
Trying to moderate itself to win "moderate" voters is a relic of the past. The democratic media savaged McCain and Romney for the crime of running against their Chosen One. A slightly pro choice, woke-neutral, bipartisanship-embracing Republican would pick up only a few crossover votes. Dems would still flock to Biden. Conservatives would stay home or vote 3rd party.
An indictment will motivate Trump’s core, validate their mistrust in the judicial system and the media. If anything it'll satiate Democrats who hyperfixate on him and have already turned out en masse against them. I've also heard "we've got him now!" about Trump so many times that until he's in cuffs, I just DGAF.
The movement made Trump. Remember the Tea Party ? Trump did not create the movement. America First existed before Trump came down the gold escalator, and it will be around long after him.
^ Yes, @mark, must have been you that said that. Sorry, hard to look things up on my phone.
Dems: "Oh we got him for sure this time!"
Really nothing to see here, just another Soros DA fucking up America, ain't nothing new.
As a reminder, Stormy Daniels sued Trump for defamation. She lost, and was ordered to pay his $300,000 in attorney fees. She is Bragg’s star a misdemeanor criminal case. One that happened 7 years ago. With a 5 year statute of limitation. In a city that doesn’t prosecute many felonies.
^ Another copy and paste from Truth Social? You forgot to mention the exception to the statute of limitations Bragg is using under New York law.
I have to think Trump's arrogance is a factor in all of this too. He insulted Daniels with names like "horseface", called Bragg a racist, and badmouthed Cohen after he became the fall guy for Trump. Trump is an arrogant and vindictive person, among many other things, and it's coming back to bite him.
Trump is egging this on, his brand is chaos and conflict. He knows he can only win if he distracts from serious issues, anger and discontent is all he has and all he’s ever had.
Well everything else aside, she really is a horseface.
“Trump is an arrogant and vindictive person”
I agree. He’s also 100 times better as President than Joe Biden. I can put up with arrogance if it keeps us out of war, lowers inflation, and secures the border.
If you look up Pics of Stormy Daniels in high school, wow not really hot at all. I mean I'd still hit it but she didn't look great in those photos. But in the 2000's I mean she one of the hottest pornstars of all time.
That’s why I’ll never run for President. The stories some of the ladies I have know could tell…
Soon, not a red-blooded man with testosterone in the country will be able to run for office without some bimbo complaining or telling tales out of school
Honest question here:
Would it be illegal for me to use my own money to pay a dancer money to keep her mouth shut about what we once did in a club?
^ It depends. Did you vote for Trump ?
Have to keep in mind the "beyond a reasonable doubt part". Trump had many reasons to pay off Daniels to protect his rep (in business and with his wife). It's a stretch to prove "find me votes" means "falsify votes for me". The people who are sure this stuff (and Russia-gate) can stick are the same ones who are ready to crucify a very principled investigative journalist like Matt Taibbi for reporting on Twitter's being the Democrat's bitch.
“Sources say they expect the top count to be falsifying business records in the first degree, a low-level felony that would allege that Trump and any other co-defendant falsified documents in order to conceal another crime, such as omitting the $130,000 from campaign financial statements.”
In other words, they found a way to turn a misdemeanor into a felony.
I'm like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. Especially since I bet it won't actually be Tuesday (there's another witness Monday).
We've all known he did this forever. We really need to streamline our justice system.
These are Fake News, released by the Former Raging Narcissist-Conman-Pedophile-Rapist-in-Chief.
It is a publicity stunt to get attention for his Presidential campaign and divide and conquer.
“More like 0.1% of regular ass humans tricking the rest of us into fighting among ourselves while they rob us blind.”
~ SanchoRG, Texas
~ Joined Aug, 2017
Beyond the indictment, there is a good chance this never goes to trial. Trump’s attorneys can delay the start of the trial well beyond November 2024. At that point, either he is President or he is no longer a threat to Democrats. There would be no need for them to pursue it.
Hers some interesting poll data, from CNN no less. Trump has a sizable lead over Desantis as a result of support among people of color. That seems to turn the “ Trump is racist” meme on its head.
^ the only meme that applies here is P.T.Barnum's assertation that you can fool some of the people all of the time, Trump has made a pretty good living proving that old adage.
"I don't know what goes into paying hush money to a porn star to secure silence over an alleged affair. I can't speak to that," he said, sparking laughter in the room.“
Ron DeSantis commenting when asked if he believed that Trump would be indicted this week on charges of campaign violations that are the subject of this discussion.
^^ twentyfive, not to split hairs, but the quote "you can fool some of the people all of the time..." is actually from Abraham Lincoln. The quote most associated with P.T. Barnum is "There's a sucker born every minute." I would argue that either quote has a place in this discussion.
^ Yeah you’re right I always get the two quotes mixed, Point is still the same.
If they really do arrest him, I hope they put him in a prison jump suit, with handcuffs and leg irons, and perp walk him all over the TV news. That way when it's exposed as the bullshit political scam it is, the Dems and DOJ will look even more stupid than they do already.
It’s not a federal case.
I listened to Tucker Carlson for a bit tonight.
What struck me was as he rambled on and on, he seemed to completely ignore the fact that laws had been broken (per the DA). He also tried to make the argument that Bragg was bringing these charges because Trump is running in 2024, and referenced prior statements from Bragg about his intentions. But that goes back to before Trump announced he was running, so Bragg's motivation was about the law, not about an election.
I will give Tucker Carlson credit, it takes a special kind of talent to conceal his hatred for Trump and appear indignant in order to avoid alienating the Fox News viewership, and keep his multi-million dollar salary.
Is there a place where they report fundraising totals, I wonder how much the Trump who cried wolf raised with this scheme.
From Just the news
“During his first year in office in 2022, Alvin Bragg downgraded 52% of felony cases to misdemeanors, which was up from 39% in 2019 under the prior district attorney, the New York Post reported.
His office won felony convictions at a rate of 51%, down from 68% in 2019. His misdemeanor conviction rate was 29%, compared to 53% in 2019.
Bragg declined to prosecute 1,119 felony cases during his first 11 months in office compared to 828 declined in 2019 by his predecessor, a 35% increase.”
And, yet, he is upgrading Trump’s charges from a misdemeanor to a felony.
Trumpers! Send Trump all your money. Every penny you have. Take out loans.
I don’t think Fatso Fruit Loops is going to prison, but it is fun to think about. Would he get Secret Service protection at Rikers? They are obligated to protect him everywhere he goes. Would he be like the guys in Goodfellas slicing garlic with a razor blade, except he’d be trying to make KFC rather than marinara? Would Melania come for conjugal visits? Though no way she fucks him now while he’s out of prison. The comedy value here is limitless.
The modern left takes its marching orders from Saul Alinskys Rules for Radicals:
From Wiki:
“Alinsky would find an external antagonist to turn into a "common enemy" for the community within which he was operating. Often, this would be a local politician or agency that had some involvement with activity concerning the community. Once the enemy was established, the community would come together in opposition of it. This management of conflict heightened awareness within the community as to the similarities its members shared as well as what differentiated them from those outside of their organization. The use of conflict also allowed for the goal of the group to be clearly defined. With an established external antagonist, the community's goal would be to defeat that enemy”
Trump is evil ! Stand with the people ! He belongs in jail !
The Grand Jury was unexpectedly canceled today and is not expected to meet again next week. It appears their star witness may have lied to the jury. His lawyer revealed that in testimony to the GJ. Also, exculpatory evidence has been withheld from the GJ. This case is in deep trouble.
I called it yesterday, this is simply a new grift, from America’s most well known con man.
Let us know when he becomes the second American President to get arrested, he’s such a loser that U. S. Grant was actually the first American president to get arrested.
Breaking news
A Letter from Michael Cohen’s lawyer to the Federal Election Committee from 2018 states that Cohen used his own personal funds to facilitate a payment of $130,000 to Stormy Daniels and neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction, neither reimbursed him for the payment directly or indirectly.
Flashback: Harvard graduate Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg tells tales of growing up in 'dangerous' Harlem to justify police reforms - despite being raised in $2m brownstone and attending elite private school
Mexico's President AMLO says the United States cannot talk about human rights with Julian Assange detained, cartel violence with President Joe Biden bombing the Nord Stream pipeline, or democracy while arresting the leading presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Tuscl isn’t the target demo for late night tv, but you guys might find part of Kimmel’s monologue last night funny. Joe Tacopino, the lawyer for Schmuck L’Orange, was approached to represent Stormy Daniels against Misled Zeppelin. They juxtaposed a bunch of clips of Tacopino making the news show rounds in 2018 next to clips of him from 2023. It’s not evidence. It’s not meant to be proof. It’s just funny. Skip to the 3:15 mark if you don’t want to see Kimmel making fun of the Tandalorian’s options for a perp walk, though those are pretty funny too. If you want to be serious, Tacopino may be conflicted out if he actually consulted with Stormy.
Jimmy Kimmel hasn’t been funny since the Man Show. There is a reason his ratings are so low.
Have a sense of humor, grumpy pants. If it makes you feel better, it’s the clips of Tacopino, not Kimmel, that I’m talking about.
"Mexico's President AMLO says the United States cannot talk about human rights"
Cartels' bottom bitch says what? For years, Mexico has relied on exporting its poor to the US to prevent social unrest.
I watched it Jimmy, that 2018 vs 2023 clip was pretty good. Is that the best lawyer Trump can find these days ? Wow
Some are speculating that Bragg is backing off because he didn’t convene the GJ the last couple days. For the sake of the country I hope so. I do believe President 90 Seconds committed a crime here, but unlike Cohen’s federal crime, this is a state proceeding and a likely misdemeanor. It’s not worth it. The House investigation of a state prosecution is likewise a joke (separation of powers anyone?) but it’s an escalation of the partisan politics we just don’t need as a country. Get out of the way Bragg so that the GA prosecutors can do their thing.