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New ish indications for Pre Exposure Prophylaxis against HIV seem to be trending to recommend more groups be offered anti retroviral meds to prevent HIV.

It used to be exclusively for gay men. Now hetero men having high risk exposure are included.

Anyone getting signed up for PrEP? Condoms do break sometimes, but is it really time to go this far?


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Sure. I also ordered a full body hazmat suit, a specially designed condom to fit over the outside of the hazmat suit around my johnson and a special dental dam that can be attached to the suit's faceplate in case my head accidentally comes in contact with her vagina. After all, one can never be too safe, even if it's heterosexual sex with virtually no real chance of F2M HIV transmission. 😉

Where are you seeing these "New ish indications"?
Also, remember to get your dental dam ordered before providing oral! You’re gonna need it for every situation you describe.
A few escorts that I know take them
I'm sure pharma's desire to sell more drugs has nothing to do with wanting to expand PrEP to 90% of the male population.
OP: I’m paranoid as fuck. This is even more paranoid than me. Not on my radar, but then again I don’t bareback SWs.
I'm glad you brought this up because there's something that's been annoying me. I guess this "Prep" thing is a preventative measure? But my gripe is with the advertising for drugs that are for AFTER you've gotten the bad news.

Okay, don't get me wrong, I'm really glad they've made so much progress in treating a truly awful disease. But do they have to keep saying that their drug makes you "undetectable"? I get it (they quickly flub over it in the commercials) that "undetectable" means the viral load is low enough that it won't be transmitted. But for fuck's sake, you're still carrying a potentially fatal disease, or at the very least one that will transform someone's life in NOT a good way. Sorry, but shooting your minimally infected jizz load into someone is like saying Hey I'm just gonna put a little cyanide in this person's drink, but it's such a small amount it won't hurt them.

"Undetectable" sounds so fucking suspicious, like maybe since you're "undetectable" you don't need to disclose your condition to potential sex partners, since I assume that might be an obstacle to getting laid. It just seems creepy as fuck that your goal is to become undetectable. "Ooh... I won't get caught."
I'm all for caution and that's why I never have sex without a condom except with someone that I have been in a long term relationship with. That's why I haven't had sex without a condom since my last serious relationship ended 3 years ago.

But this is taking it too far. Hell, I won't even stop getting bbbj over the concerns of hiv since the odds are low enough that I am willing to take that risk. I can see why some fs sex workers would go for this since they likely have sex with more strangers than I do since I only go for extras 2 or 3 times per month.

I could also see a guy that does bbfs with sex workers or random strangers wanting to go this route since their chance of exposure is higher. Personally I'll just stick with bbbjs and covered fs like I always have.
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2 years ago
Cover up. It's not like HIV is the only incurable virus you can catch.
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2 years ago
PrEP should be offered to heterosexual men who have partners from high risk groups ( ie. Sex workers)
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