
Bachelorette parties at strip clubs.

Atlanta suburb
Yesterday I observed what appeared to be a bachelorette party at my favorite club. A guy dressed in coat and tie came in with 6 or 8 females. They took an L shaped booth big enough for all of them. They ordered what appeared to be champagne as it came in an ice bucket and plastic cups. A few dancers approached the group and got lap dances. One of the girls reported to me and my dancer that all of the girls in the group were looking for dances and even VIP. My dancer told me that she didn't feel comfortable doing dances for women. I didn't like the idea of them being there. Too many prying eyes. My dancer felt the same.

They have the right to be there but I would prefer that they go elsewhere.


  • 623
    2 years ago
    So if a group of 6 or 8 guys came in and sat in the same booth together that wouldn’t be the same number of “prying eyes”?
  • misterorange
    2 years ago

    I've never seen anything like what you're describing. I'm sure it happens sometimes, just not at the kind of places I go to, which tend to be filthy hole-in-the-wall joints, probably the opposite of anywhere a group of girls would go for a bachelorette party.

    That said, if I ran into such a situation, my enjoyment or displeasure would depend on one thing, and that's how sincere they are in their decision to visit a strip club. If they're "pretending" to be wild party girls simply to create some kind of false narrative and maybe some photo memories for the bride-to-be, and all they're really doing is making a spectacle of themselves while hogging the dancers' attention, I'd find it annoying and might possibly leave and go somewhere else. Essentially they're just sucking oxygen out of the room and being a distraction.

    On the other hand, if they get a good buzz going and then start mingling with the male customers, and I mean flopping themselves onto random guys' laps, giving at least an OTP handshake, whipping their tits out, etc... I'd be inclined to feel differently about their presence in the club.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I've seen friends of damcers or dancers come to the club and get bottles. But not random women. I have seen groups of women customers get kicked out for beingoud or drawing attention or just not let in.

    I think its dumb for them to be there. A lot of time it's either aggressive lesbians or civvies thinking they're edgy but just mocking dancers
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    I"m thinking I would LOVE to see this. I"d try to get myself invited into the "party".
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    Civvy girls in clubs don’t usually know the general guidelines about how to behave. That said, they can be customers too. Hasn’t ever affected me any differently than other guys spending money on and time with some girl I was interested in. That’s a risk of every strip club visit. Makes no difference if it’s men or women. Find something else to be annoyed by.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Yes, I've seen this, but only once. My impression via what I overheard was that the women felt that if the bachelor party could hit a strip club, then why not bachelorettes?

    One of them randomly shouted across the bar at me "Hey, do you love strippers?"

    To which I replied, "No, I hate strippers. I'm here participating in a silent, friction-based protest."

    Which the woman didn't really get, but the bartender and the other guys at the bar got a good laugh.
  • Longball300
    2 years ago
    Groups, pairs, couples... I have no issues with ladies in the clubs. Leads to plenty of dancer / customer interaction and civie boobie flashing. Seen plenty of that, especially up in the Canadian Clubs, always a great scene for me anyway.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    It's a sign of the times. I am also seeing an uptick of female attendance at our local clubs, especially on weekends.

    On the one hand I do share some of shadow's sentiments. I grew up in an era where strip clubs were patronized exclusively by men and were our havens of depravity. It definitely changes the vibe when there are civilian women in the mix.

    But OTOH it may also be good for clubs in the long run. IMO the #1 threat to strip clubs is not changing cultural attitudes or even affluent population decline in certain regions, though these things are not helping the industry. Instead it is hostile local governments in both red and blue jurisdictions that have been doing everything possible to zone and/or harass clubs out of existence. IMO the less that female members of a local population feel threatened and/or excluded from clubs, the less support their local governments will have for targeting these clubs.
  • whodey
    2 years ago
    I've seen a few bachelorette parties at clubs and never thought much about it except once where the girls were hotter than the dancers on shift at a particular club. I remember wishing some of the girls from the bachelorette party would start stripping in that case.

    I've seen it most often in Nashville but it really is hard to go anywhere in Nashville without running into a bachelorette party.
  • whodey
    2 years ago
    "I grew up in an era where strip clubs were patronized exclusively by men and were our havens of depravity. It definitely changes the vibe when there are civilian women in the mix."

    I'm in my early 40s so I am not young by most standards, but I guess I am on the younger side by TUSCL standards. I don't understand why having female customers would change how a guy behaves in a strip club. I'm guessing it comes from not wanting to offend women who may be more sensitive, but to me that concept doesn't apply to any women that are going to a strip club.

    I get how acting the way most of us do in a strip club would offend some (probably most) women if it were done in most public settings, but the women that go to a strip club have to expect it to be a sexual environment and that is exactly why they are there. If they are going to a strip club expecting it to be something other than a sexual environment, that is completely on them and I could care less if they get offended by what goes on in a strip club that they chose to go to.

    To me, I'm no more concerned about offending female customers than I am about offending the dancers since I'm not trying to get anything from the female customers. In fact I'm a lot less concerned about what female customers (or male customers) think about my actions than I am about what the dancers think about me. If another customer is offended it won't matter to me, but if dancers are offended by my actions it will matter since they are less likely to give me the types of dances or extras I enjoy.
  • Electronman
    2 years ago
    I have no problem with civilian women in strip clubs as long as they are having a good time. I've seen more than one civic have her boobs (or more) exposed by the strippers in the club.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    Love it when women are in the club. Just additional entertainment.

    Of course, most of the clubs here illegally exclude women who aren't escorted by a man; just kinda waiting for one of them to say, "let me in or I sue you".
  • JamesSD
    2 years ago
    I feel like Friday or Saturday night is just a different vibe at the club, which is when I assume this bachelorette party was?

    I'll be honest if I was 10-15 years younger I probably would have tried to hit on the bachelorette party (ignoring the dancers who were trying to make money).
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    JamesSD it was 2PM on a Wednesday and I didn't see any that interested me.
  • crosscheck
    2 years ago
    ^^ that right there is where I could see it becoming a problem. When they make the transition from competition to the PL’s for the dancers’ attention to competition to the dancers for the customers’ attention I think both the dancers and the club have an issue with that.
  • JamesSD
    2 years ago
    Who the fuck has a bachelorette 2 pm on a Wednesday???
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