Ladies, Why do you ask customers out to dinner?

avatar for yahtzee74
Judging by this thread, it seems most of us have been asked to dinner by a dancer at least once.…


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To be clear, I suspect most don't "ask customers out to dinner." I expect most of them are asking customers to buy them dinner.

Different things.
avatar for funonthaside
2 years ago
They are trying to instill the concept of you being a regular custie. Make no's not because they think your a hottie. They want what's in your pocket. And yes....they want you to BUY them dinner...and it will be a place with an above-average per-person cost, and mixed drinks / cocktails will be expected.

It's part of their long term hustle and serves a few purposes for them. First off it gets them a free meal and drinks from a decent restaurant. Secondly, it helps them sell the illusion that they see you as more than a wallet to be emptied and they hope this illusion will help empty your wallet quicker. Third, it instills a sense of loyalty that they believe will help bring you back into the club repeatedly to spend more money on them once your wallet has been replenished.

There is also the outside shot that it is their way to open the door to a p4p otc arrangement but I wouldn't assume it based solely on the offer to go to dinner. But, even if that isn't their intention it does give you an opening to try to move the conversation in that direction if that is what you are looking for.
They want a free meal. As long as it's a transactional relationship it's just another thing. Plus it's good customer relations
I don’t run into dinner-requests by dancers too-often – IME it seems it’s often the PL doing the asking – on avg IMO/IME dancers seem to want to keep their non-club, and club, lives, separate; not to mention many have obligations outside the club (S.O; kids; school; other job; etc) so they may not have the time and/or wish to invest their free-time w/ more “work”.

I also don’t think that most dancers that do propose dinner do so to “get a free-meal” (although I assume some do) – IME/IMO most rather just be making money – IMO most dancers that agree to dinner often do it to keep a regular-happy or win-a-regular – and some hustlers will say yes to dinner then after dinner tell an unsuspecting/inexperienced PL they have to pay them for their time where the inexperienced PL thought she was gonna fuck him but the hustler never had that intention (although this is not that common but does happen).
I think it was NiceSpice who said “Is that an Olive Garden breadstick in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”

It’s difficult to get enough Olive Garden once a stripper gets a taste…

This is as GMD said - they are asking to be taken to dinner by horny customer. It’s generally a guy they feel comfortable with when they are ITC.

This can be a trial run to see how comfortable they feel with a guy away from the club. For some strippers, it can help them to see if they might OTC with a customer. For others, it’s just being taken to a nice dinner.
Lol. I’ve never been asked that by a stripper in 15 years. Maybe I’m doing something wrong? Incidentally, it’s nothing I would ask for or likely enjoy in all honesty. Perhaps my choice of dress attire is enough to tip off these girls that fancy dinners wouldn’t be sustainable on my budget. I’m content these days getting a couple sensual lap dances from a beautiful women who would otherwise not give me a second glance.
I’ve had plenty try to get me to buy them a drink ITC. Ive made that mistake and paid the price. Boy I though diet cokes at the club were overpriced 🤦
avatar for elmer
2 years ago
I've taken a number of dancers to dinner but I can't ever remember one asking me to do so
avatar for WiseToo
New York
2 years ago
I've been asked to buy them food in the club. Big mistake - they take two bites and feign an excuse to take the food back to the dressing room.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
I took a dancer out to dinner and then two other dancers in the same club made an offer to go out to dinner with me too. Females can have a competitive nature and be jealous and customers should not be oblivious to this. Some clubs have a "Queen Bee" who can become annoyed if some other girl she considers her inferior is getting more money and attention. I've been surprised several times by the top girl in the club who previously ignored me suddenly being friendly to me when she sees me focusing on another dancer.
Well, this thread has about as many ladies responding as could be expected.
Like some others have said, I don't think it's very common for a dancer to pop that proposal on a customer out of the blue. I've taken a number of girls out to dinner over the years, but it was always part of a broader OTC adventure.

I can only think of two times where I had someone propose it out of the blue and in one of them the girl wanted to go to dinner before her shift at the club. Translation: She was looking for a free meal AND a free ride to work.
I think my comments in the other thread cover most of it. It's not something I do weekly or even monthly, but it's not shocking when it happens. I buy strippers a meal ITC much more often. While on that topic, WiseToo indicated this was a mistake. I couldn't disagree more. If you're aim is to simply hang out and talk to a stripper, there are few better value propositions than buying her a meal. The vast majority of the time I do this, that $20 meal results in her sitting in my lap for 30-45 minutes between waiting for the waitress, ordering, and waiting for food. And another 15 or more eating and talking.

That said, as far as why they ask, I think most often they're sizing me up for OTC. It's a lower risk proposition than either meeting me at a hotel or my house, or giving me their address and letting me pick them up. We meet in public, without the bouncers and managers but not completely without a safety net of being in public view. And maybe more importantly, as Frank Costello said: "you learn a lot, watching things eat." There's a few situations where I think I've been asked because they wanted a ride and a meal, but for me it's always been after their shift so they wanted a ride home not to work.
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