Club-free PLing

avatar for ilbbaicnl
When I'm regularly seeing one or two OTC favs, I often will go for months without going to a strip club. Anybody else?


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avatar for HungryGiraffe
2 years ago
Yup, same here. Gotta manage the hobby budget.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
If the girls are cool with not being the only one getting otc cash, then I'll keep going once in a while to see who's new. If there's a girl I want to keep seeing outside and she's causing locker room problems, then I'll only go if I think she won't be there. It's not a big deal when multiple clubs are going well, but during the pandemic and recovery it was a problem because girls had moved around and my home club took a couple years to get its feet back under it. Then another of my top club choices closed and its replacement club has been slow to get going.
avatar for Iknowbetter
2 years ago
How long do you typically maintain a regular, recurring OTC relationship? If more than a couple of months does it morph into a PPM SB relationship?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
I usually spend at least as much as if I went to a club.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago

I will play along and comment on your discussion.

You wrote; and I quote;

“When I'm regularly seeing one or two OTC favs”

Pics and Vids of the “two OTC favs” or it didn’t happen.


Once OTC is achieved, it is best to keep seen girls OTC only.
avatar for PhredJohnson
2 years ago
I treat it sorta like a shopping trip. Visit clubs to find take-out. Then eat at home until I desire a menu change. Then it’s back to the club.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> "When I'm regularly seeing one or two OTC favs, I often will go for months without going to a strip club. Anybody else?"

Not me. First because I also enjoy the club environment. Second because I always want to have an eye out for the next great thing and also need to keep the ball moving on prospects.

I could see this working if you're the type of guy who doesn't really enjoy the club that much and can see the same person for a long time. That's not me. I'm not looking for a wife, whether it's ITC or OTC. For me every one of these things has a shelf life. I don't mind riding it for a while when I find something special, but a few months is my outer range in most situations.
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
'For me every one of these things has a shelf life. I don't mind riding it for a while when I find something special, but a few months is my outer range in most situations.'

Same here. I like cultivating a dependable regular but It always ends because I just loose interest because of various reasons.
avatar for LecherousMonk
2 years ago
OtC is a myth. Source: personal experience.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Vaginas are a myth in Columbus, Ohio. Women there have crotches that look like Barbie's.
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
It's been several years since I had a regular enough otc girl that I went months without clubbing. Back when I was seeing my atf I went about a year and a half without clubbing because I was spending all of the time and money I would usually spend clubbing with her instead. Since then I haven't found anyone that I wanted a long term otc arrangement with. Sure I've had otc with women who were at least as hot as my atf but none of them had a personality that I clicked with and enjoyed as much as her.

If it's just going to be sex for money I may as well enjoy some variety instead of sticking with just one or two girls unless I find someone I click with like I did my atf.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
While I go to the clubs *less*, and do VIP less frequently, I don't eschew them completely. As rick says, clubs are fun for me, and whoever my current OTC partner might be, eventually they will kick me to the curb, or I will do so to them, and I'd like to at least keep some options open.
avatar for Vicfl
2 years ago
Regular OTC with same dancer is like half married. You can go to same club she works but taking lap dances/vip with other girls will screw up the relation. They are very protective. So, go to other clubs in the area.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
Vicfl gets it. I think the pov in this comes down to the guys who've touched the hot stove and the guys who haven't. Like when Chris Rock put Will Smith's wife's name in his f'n mouth. Don't do that. Don't touch the stove.

The guys with the puffed out chests are like "ain't no little girl in stripper heels gonna tell me how to club. I'm a man! I'm 50!" Lol. The new girl you wanna bang is definitely gonna listen when that little girl in a thong and her clique threatens to choke her out in the back.
avatar for Huntsman
2 years ago
Clubbing is one of many activities I enjoy. Whether it’s OTC, fishing, hunting, boredom or whatever, I take breaks and don’t club if I don’t feel motivated to do so. Seeing a gal regularly OTC would certainly make me less likely to club….for a while. But since p4p relationships don’t usually last long, a hiatus from the club is also usually pretty short lived if that’s the only reason why I’ve taken a break.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
@wallanon: Your post presumes that fucking a particular dancer is *worth* avoiding all the others. That might have been true with my ATF, but even she didn't get "jealous" enough to ask me to stop. In fact, she was more likely to want to join.

Any dancer I've asked to go OTC has already likely passed the "no stupid shit" test, and won't cause a problem. If she was faking it, I probably won't see her again. I once had *four* dancers in one club that I was seeing OTC. They all knew, in fact at one point, they apparently all got together and discussed it. At another club, I was talking to two friends. At some point, they had a falling out, and one of them came to me and told me that I couldn't see the other one anymore. I told *her* that wasn't gonna happen, but if *she* wanted to stop talking to me because of it, I understood. She didn't stop.

I do my best to manage expectations. Just like I'm not the only dick she's sucking, she's not likely one sucking *my* dick.

Yes, I'm sure your "choke her out in the back" scenario happens; *did* happen to one of my favs. The "choker" got *her* ass kicked, and never got another dime from me, in or out of the club.

So while you choose to characterize being self-confident and assertive as mere bravado, it's not, and my experience backs that up.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
"So while you choose to characterize being self-confident and assertive as mere bravado, it's not, and my experience backs that up."

That's good for you, gmd. I might have a bit of my experience myself lol. Do you want stories for or against having multiple girls from the same club in the otc lineup?

"Your post presumes that fucking a particular dancer is *worth* avoiding all the others."

Actually it didn't. I was just making conversation because I'm procrastinating.

"That might have been true with my ATF, but even she didn't get "jealous" enough to ask me to stop. In fact, she was more likely to want to join."

It's been true with my ATF. That's one set of stories. And with her the problems have mostly been in the other direction (other dancers getting pissed be cause she's been the clear favorite). They got fired. But with her being a queen bee she'll smile to my face about doing what I want and make sure the others know what the deal is when I'm not around. Or tell lies. Whatever. She's pretty shady, but the cock wants what it wants. And she basically runs that club.

"Yes, I'm sure your "choke her out in the back" scenario happens; *did* happen to one of my favs."

Then what's the problem? I'm just having a bit of fun, because this is literally a titty bar site and it's supposed to be. But since you got all serious on me, you absolutely know there's a shit ton of puffery that goes on around here. It's highly comical and truly trollworthy.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
I like strip clubbing and would never, ever, ever consider OTC. Not even close to the same thing.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
"I like strip clubbing and would never, ever, ever consider OTC. Not even close to the same thing."

Hey skibum. You said your wife is a swinger, right? No strippers for a night in as a change of pace?
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
"...would never, ever, ever consider OTC."

I saw things this way for years. But OTC can be pretty convenient. When it's not causing chaos, that is lol.
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
I go to clubs less often when I've got regular OTC lined up. Sometimes much less often. But I don't really stop altogether. As others have mentioned, I enjoy the club experience. Watching the stage, getting dances, having a few drinks, its fun. Again as mentioned, these relationships have shelf lives and it pays to keep your options open. I also find that by still going to the club and seeing other girls, I avoid much of the drama that's been discussed. If its established that there is no ownership either way, it goes a long way to reducing problems.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
The escort and sugaring sites provide much more variety than a single club or two. Some clubs don’t have new dancers coming in often. I wonder if dancers get together and do something to keep out new dancers from coming in, to reduce competition? One clubs talent has been declining in quality since 2018... the hottest dancers seem to only be there a very short time
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
"If its established that there is no ownership either way, it goes a long way to reducing problems."

Makes sense. I don't disagree. All I'm saying is it isn't fool proof. If only we could "finesse" all these stripper chicks like we toss words around on TUSCL. I kid. That would be boring. But even if the girl goes along with something doesn't mean she likes it, and that stuff adds up. Resentment is a bitch.

The other week I passed up a threesome with a friend of a friend I actually wanted to rail (but not in a must have way) because I could tell the bird in the hand wasn't 100% on board. What's one drunken fuck that didn't happen in the grand scheme of things?
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
It’s ironic how this thread has became more of a topic of “ownership of a regular” and “jealousy”. It’s something I feel obligated to share on…..

So I just popped into one of my regular clubs this afternoon. I’ll be do a review soon about my experience. Part of this visit kind of relates to what is being discussed.

I’ve been reluctant to continue patronizing one of the dancers here for sometime now. I feel she has this “I’m too good” attitude that has really turned me off. Without going into too much detail, I vowed my most recent encounter with her would be my last.

And thus far, I kept my word. Had one trip at another club I thoroughly enjoyed, as well as a few trips here since my last time with her. I’ve met two new dancers I’ve enjoyed the company of.

Today was a little different. She tried to approach me to solicit dances, and I told her no thanks. I ended up meeting and getting a couple dances from a gorgeous new dancer today.

The reason I’m mentioning all this is I’m a little concerned if the previous dancer is going to start giving the one today a hard time. I’m not sure if she would go that far, as she does already appear to have a well established flock of regulars.

I work hard for my money, as I’m sure a lot people do. I don’t feel any of these dancers should feel entitled to anything other than let’s say common courtesy from customers. I’m hoping I can move on after by being disappointed by her and not have any residual drama develop from it.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
The hottest dancers are likely customer stealers and attention hoggers. Are the hottest dancers getting bullied out of clubs?
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
Well anyways I like variety. Like a lot have stated after a couple experiences with a dancer I’m usually ready for something new. If I wanted the same day after day I would be in a relationship, but that’s not appealing to me. It’s nice to see a few new pretty women at the club. This is pretty much hiring season for most businesses in south Florida. 🤪
avatar for HungryGiraffe
2 years ago
Yeah the thread morphed. LOL! So I’ll add to the shift.

Started OTC with a dancer who worked in a DC non-lapdance club. After 2nd date, saw her in the club. Spent about 30 mins with her, then said I wanted to talk to other dancers. Later, she texted me and whined about me hanging with other dancers in the club, since she was doing OTC with me, and hinted my approach ITC might limit our OTC activities.

Knowing it’s all about her wanting to control as much of my wallet as possible, I just gave a neutral response, saying I’d give her feelings some thought. Given the lack of action ITC, and some of the best OTC fun with her I’ve ever had, I actually thought she made a good point. But I never committed to her request. Wanted to maintain my options.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
It's called being a trick/john
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Hungry giraffe did you meet that dancer at the club or knew her from elsewhere? Are you an older gentleman?
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
@GMD, kuddos to you for being able to have multiple girls in your OTC rotation from the same shift in the same club. I sincerely mean that.

Tbh though my experiences are similar to those of Wall, HG and some others. Once I breach the OTC barrier with a girl, I find that the ITC possessiveness ramps up. A lot of it happens behind the scenes and often I don't hear about it until much later. With increased money comes increased drama. I have also had girls stop seeing me OTC when they learned that I took someone else out.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
To be clear, I have had shifts in some clubs where there were 4+ girls that I took OTC at some point in time, but never that many who were still part of the active rotation at the same point in time.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Wall Strip clubs are bars and I like bars. OTC is sex and I am all set with that IRL. Wife and I both swing, albeit much less lately, but OTC has never held an attraction for me.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Yes, I've gone for long(ish) stretches of not visiting the clubs because I've had one or two OTC regulars to scratch the itch.

While I enjoy variety, I also enjoy my adult recreation in the comfort of an actual bed rather than a location that ranges from a walk-in closet to broom cubby.

But I always find my way back to the club... because variety.
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
There's a desire of exclusivity that tends to go with sex, this seems to be inherent; we see it across the animal planet. Even in scenarios like strip clubs where it's obviously misplaced, it doesn't completely go away. It's not there for everyone, but there's a lot of or maybe even the majority of both dancers and customers who have some level of lingering desire for it that brings up jealousy or resentment or similar feelings. There's also the aspect of customer loyalty or a similar term. I can't say I'm completely immune to some of those feelings from time to time, so I certainly recognize they're out there. Given, I don't generally push the issue too much, but there's a world of gray between recognizing things and making some concessions and "allowing a girl in her underwear to dictate what I do" as has been used in hyperbole a few times when discussing the subject.

I also think the dynamic is drastically different in clubs where ITC/OTC is common and pretty much out in the open vs those where its more clandestine. In the more common/open clubs, there's both less of the sexual exclusivity related motivations and even less of the financial complications, so its less of an issue. There's also the aspect of setting expectations up front. A dancer who has seen me walking out with other strippers, or dropping them off, or going to the private room areas, she's really got no reason to expect any sort of exclusivity. The opposite is true as well, if a dancer has never seen me talking to other strippers over the course of several ITC interactions, she may reasonably expect some sort of exclusivity, particularly if she agreed to meet me OTC based on some perception of exclusivity or loyalty, misplaced or not.

All that is a long way of saying, in these matters I think conditions vary significantly, so do outcomes.

avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
Well I think most of us here would be lying to everybody including ourselves if we said we’ve never gotten closer to a dancer than we originally intended. I respect all dancers. They are humans like everyone else and should be treated as such. When I go to the club I just act casual and try to enjoy myself. That’s one of the things I love the most about the atmosphere. No expectations from either side. I might not always have the best experience, but I always learn from it.
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