The Family Business

avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
OK, so a CF told me last night that her mother used to dance in a nearby club. Sometimes the Mom comes in on the weekends to see her and long time local club hounds make all sorts of comments to my CF, like how they'd like to fuck her like they did her mom or if she and her mother would give a double dance.

WTF is wrong with these dudes? Even if you did fuck the mother before, act like you've been there before FFS and keep your mouths shut. Seriously.

Having been a customer of the club in question when her mother was still dancing and having made many OTC "friends" in that club, there is a better than decent chance that I'm on the list of guys who fucked the Mom. All I told my CF is that I never hope to meet her Mom ITC and I meant it. The Mom is still several years younger than me and it would make me feel very skeeved for some reason.

Anyone else run across anything like this before?


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avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
No, but there's no shortage of guys who blur porn scenarios and real life, and it makes sense that a fair number of guys find their way into strip clubs.

Also, there's a fair number of guys who believe that they can say anything to a dancer and get away with it. And, because of the nature of the industry, they're often right (about getting away with it).

But that doesn't make it the right or decent thing to do.
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
Never been with a mother and daughter that I know of either at the same time or separate. Definitely wouldn't want to be with both at the same time. Not sure if I would want to knowingly be with a girl if I knew I had fucked her mom years ago or not because that could be awkward, and I certainly wouldn't tell her I had fucked her mom.

I have been with a pair of sisters separately that I didn't realize were sisters until I went to drop one of them off after an otc date and the other one was sitting on the porch. I asked the girl I was dropping off how long she had been roommates with Georgia and she replied, "we're not roommates, that's my sister. How do you know her?" Before I could even give an answer you could see it click in her mind and she just yelled "You fucked my sister?" loud enough that the sister heard her and came over to the car to see what was going on. They both started yelling and calling each other whore and all I could do was sit there since the one was still in the car.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
Agree that people think they can say anything in clubs. Add to the unfiltered alcohol to brain to mouth, and there you have it.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
@Whodey: The sister thing is too funny. I actually ran into that too about a year ago, two girls working in two different club, each of whom I was fucking OTC. It went on for months until they pieced it together. But the difference is that they didn't get overly mad at each other. Instead they just put their heads together and decided that the older sister could have me, lmao.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
I've had 2 older women I had sex with introduce me to their daughters. All civvies

I've seen 3 cases of moms and dancers dancing at the clubs. In all cases the moms looked better.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
I have met two EE sisters dancing in the same club- they often pushed for double dances. I’m not sure there was jealousy but one didn’t seem up for dances once I started getting them with the other. They looked different enough i wondered if they were actually half sisters
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
^im not sure theres a link of moms always looking bettet
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
There's a dancer last year who I thought was promising, but I kept seeing her hanging out at the bar with this old lady. Turns out it was her mom. Got a couple of dances with her in the regular dance area but that was it. Too weird.
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
Several years ago I had 2 good looking sisters approach me in Cleveland Christies. They took turns basically tag teaming me in their attempts to get me into VIP and when that didn't work trying to convince me to meet them both OTC but they wanted more than I was willing to spend.
I ended up buying a lapdance or two from each, one at a time and left it at that.

Around the same time period I heard of a mother and daughter dancers at a now closed Cleveland dive who were both supposed to be attractive but they ended up leaving the club before I could get around to checking them out. Never heard anything else about them.
avatar for magicrat
2 years ago
Many years ago I saw an escort a few times. I guess I mentioned something about liking strip clubs and she casually told me her mother worked in one and what her stage name was, which was an unusual name. I went back to that club a few times but never saw her there. I did later see an escort ad where the woman used the same name. I couldn't resist so I contacted her and lo and behold, it was the mother. It was a 180 experience...the daughter was very sexy and sensual while the mother was an absolute slut who came to my room in a long winter coat with nothing on underneath it.
avatar for steve3000
2 years ago
I have a similar story. It happened about 10 years ago. I was out of town on a work trip and visited an unfamiliar club in the early evening. I had been sitting with an older dancer, probably in her early 40's. Although Sondra was my type, I was a bit wary of her advanced (for a stripper) age. She looked pretty good though, probably due to the regular exercise provided by 20 years of dancing. She must have been something back in her baby stripper days.

We went back for some dances. They were pretty good so I was glad that I took a chance. As we headed back to the table, she asked if I ever had a mother-daughter dance. I said that I had not and she replied that stripping was a family business for her. My mind started racing, thing about how hot her daughter likely was. She then added that Jessica would arrive at the club soon and we could all go back and get the combo crossed off my bucket list. Now my imagination kicked into overdrive.

We had a couple more dances and drinks and waited for the next shift of dancers to arrive. It was a great build up and I could barely wait. We headed back out to the table right before shift change and I kept eyeing the dancers' dressing room door in anticipation. Finally, the door opened and Sondra called out "Hey, Mom! C'mon over!"
avatar for mjx01
2 years ago
Also a long time ago... had two sisters working the same club and the younger one was my CF at the time. both were pretty good looking by the younger one (my CF) was irresistible to me
avatar for Pussylicker2
2 years ago
I've done severel mother/daughter threesomes. Lots of fun!
avatar for RTP
2 years ago
There used to be a mother and daughter (actually 2 daughters) who worked at the best club that ever existed in Atlanta. Once I was in the communal VIP room (housed 3 couples) with a dancer and it was a full house. The mom was on her knees with one PL while the daughter was riding another PL right next to her. (not sure if either of the PL's realized it that a mother and daughter were making money side by side.) My enertainer was not related. I just found it a very bizarre situation.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
I might be in the minority here, but I find the idea of a mom/daughter threesome to be a bit too weird for me.

Even if no laws are being broken and there's consent all around, it's just not something I'd really seek out.

But, again, that might be a 'me' thing.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
I'm in the same minority as C.M.I in that I wouldn't want a mom/daughter threesome.

There used to be a club in Louisville where the daughter was the manager and mom was a dancer. I had it on good authority that mom was an extras dancer. I can't help but wonder if daughter knew, and if so, how she felt about pimping out her mom.

There was a set of identical twin escorts for a while. They would see you together, but in a tag team way, one at a time. Sadly, one of the overdosed a year or so ago, and from the looks of her facebook, the other one hasn't been taking it well at all.

I met a dancer several years ago at one club. Gorgeous woman. Tall, busty, one of the prettiest faces I've seen, and could suck a watermelon though a a drink straw. She retired, and one day I'm in another club, and who do I see but a younger version of her. It was in fact, her daughter, and another of her daughters was working at the same club. Both just as beautiful as mom, though with a definite family resemblance, the younger one didn't look as much like mom. Sadly, neither of them was willing to demonstrate their skills to me, and seemed to be under the impression that mom had never done anything like that, either. I forbore to correct their impression.
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