The Great Cuban Exodus

Off again on again PL
Ok figured you guys might be interested to hear about the local Cuban dancer drama.
My metro are was one of the first to reopen clubs during covid and doesn't require and dancers license. So a ton of Cuban and South American dancers starting traveling here to work. But it wasn't just them that came their pimps came as well and made a home here. The pimps then brought even more girls and seem to traffic them in and out every 6 months or so.
The infestation in the last year has gotten out of control with some shifts having 80-90% Cubans. This has driven away most of the American dancers. Pretty much most of the cute new (American) baby strippers in the last year have quit and all that is left are the career dancers. Dancers, customers, and managers all hate it.
Recently some of the clubs have tried to combat this by charging the Cubans way higher house fees. But word of this got out to some of the white girls who got mad this was racist. So instead a few days ago they fired everyone that couldn't speak basic english. This was probably 100+ dancers fired from multiple clubs all at once.
My metro are was one of the first to reopen clubs during covid and doesn't require and dancers license. So a ton of Cuban and South American dancers starting traveling here to work. But it wasn't just them that came their pimps came as well and made a home here. The pimps then brought even more girls and seem to traffic them in and out every 6 months or so.
The infestation in the last year has gotten out of control with some shifts having 80-90% Cubans. This has driven away most of the American dancers. Pretty much most of the cute new (American) baby strippers in the last year have quit and all that is left are the career dancers. Dancers, customers, and managers all hate it.
Recently some of the clubs have tried to combat this by charging the Cubans way higher house fees. But word of this got out to some of the white girls who got mad this was racist. So instead a few days ago they fired everyone that couldn't speak basic english. This was probably 100+ dancers fired from multiple clubs all at once.
I've seen Cubans working in Chicago, Vegas and Atlanta, but didn't notice they were dominating the whole metro area.
You know in the Texas cities most people might think it’s a bunch a blonde cowgirl Debbie does Dallas types dancing in Texas but it’s probably majority Cuban now then Mexican American girls. I think the wokesters might take issue with the premise of the thread but that’s just how it is. Inside and outside of the strip club. We can all get along great on the individual level but as the groups get bigger it just naturally divides and Balkanizes. It is what it is. I think a lot of customers out there would like the gotta speak English rule.
Sounds like a lot of unnecessary work to me. As a US citizen there are categories listed by the Dept. of State that allow you to travel to Cuba and you certainly look like an academic to me.
One restriction is that you aren’t supposed to spend any money in a Cuban government store or enterprise, lol. Oh, and you should know that Cuba won’t accept US dollars (also lol).
Why not make a vacation, I mean an academic sojourn of it and go to Mexico, pick up some pesos and fly to the island. Just leave my ex-GF alone. She’s still saving herself just for me in the hope that world peace will break out all over and I’ll be lured to the playa with the aroma of Cuban coffee and lilting sounds of music reminding me of the sun-kissed skin laying out in all of nature’s …..oh sorry. Got carried away there for a minute.…
Has anybody done dinners/OTC with Cuban strippers? I kinda have this fear they'd be too clingy.
I can understand the rule requiring them to speak at least basic English so that they can communicate with customers. After all while it may be easy to sell a couple of dances based off of a girls look, it is harder to sell the bigger fantasy to guys if you can't have a conversation. However, depending on the area there may be enough customers that speak Spanish to make it worthwhile to keep girls around who don't speak English to cater to those customers. I club mostly in Kentucky and Ohio and occasionally in Indiana or West Virginia. Around here Latinas of any nationality are still a small minority of the dancers and the vast majority of customers don't speak Spanish so that rule would work out well here. The only club that I frequent that has seen an increase in non-English speaking dancers and customers is Pussycat Lounge in Louisville and even there the girls know at least the basics in English.
“Recently some of the clubs have tried to combat this by charging the Cubans way higher house fees. But word of this got out to some of the white girls who got mad this was racist. So instead a few days ago they fired everyone that couldn't speak basic english. This was probably 100+ dancers fired from multiple clubs all at once.”
There's a can of worms in the corner you probably don't want to open.
Maybe more clubs that “hate the Cuban invasion” could try a similar approach. Might even reduce the economic driver for the trafficking.
But with that said, I can understand the whole exodus thing. A similar thing happened in Jacksonville some years back, when a wave of Cubans washed through the clubs. You can understand the allure for club managers. Like the Russian girls in some northeast clubs, they travel in groups. When a club manager hires them it instantly solves any dancer rotation shortages.
But like where you are (which I'm guessing is Fort Worth), most of them didn't stick. Wackos still has a healthy contingent of them and a few other clubs have 2-3 on shift at any time, but the rest moved on. Limited English and "wanna dance" approaches just don't play well with some of the customer base here, even when the girls are almost universally fucking and sucking. I'm guessing that the same holds true where you are.
This is all night shift commentary - I can't speak to dayshift.
I can't speak for the Officer's Club, but Emperors has a small handful of them, a couple of which have been there a long time now. But there was a brief window of time, during the Great Cuban Wave in Jacksonville, where Emps experimented with making them a much larger % of the rotation. This was during a period when Emps was struggling to fill its roster, before Gold Club closed and so many of those girls went to Emps. It didn't stick. It also didn't stick at Centerfold's either, which also hired some of them during that time. The Dollhouse still has a few as well at night, but a majority of the dancers are home grown.
I agree about Wackos, which I think I mentioned above. Too many Cubans for my tastes. I really believe that it is pushing some of the hotter American girls elsewhere.
Lots of girls who just got here aren't that shy about sharing how they got here and why they're working. They don't have to be kidnapped in the middle of the night for it to be trafficking. Take that for what it's worth to you.
Ultimately, the market will sort it out.
Agreed. Here in J'ville they service a particular desire for certain types of guys. Specifically they're a guaranteed good time for any guy who doesn't mind a mechanical and completely covered experience in a non-private backroom with a girl who speaks little or no English. Basically akin to Pleasant Moments in B'port CT, except with a fraction of the privacy at double or triple (depending upon the girl and how much of a sucker the dude is) the cost.
Not my cup of tea, but to each his own. Apparently not the cup of tea of a lot of other patrons in a number of the J'ville clubs either or else more of them would have stuck back during the Great Cuban Wave. It sounds like it played out similarly in Paul's local area and I suspect in other areas as well, where a wave passes through, the area tried them out and absorbed some but ultimately had to readjust to the right market equilibrium, and then the rest moved on.