Pro Trump = Anti Cubana ?
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Trump said Build The Wall, to keep out the Mexicans. His claims that it's an anti-crime measure seem clearly slanderous. Mexico does send us many of its best people. People who will walk across a desert for the chance to do a hard job for low pay. But the point that they depress wages and take away opportunities for US workers seems much more plausible. But, by that argument, shouldn’t we also be keeping out all the Cubana strippers, to protect US strippers? They don’t seem to be undercutting rates in any blatant way. They’re generally not providing TUSCLer with their God-given right to $20 blow jobs. But I would guess they are hurting the income of less attractive US dancers. Your thoughts?
What the MAGA-Tards learned the hard way is that 99% of America wants and NEEDS brown people in America. They are doing all the low-paying jobs that old, fat, lazy white guys who vote for China Don don't wanna do. Bring MORE of them into our country, and do it NOW.
The election cycles of 2018, 2020, 2022, and soon-to-be 2024 prove that Trumpism is just another failed form of fascism. Been tried in 1930's Germany and it failed there, too. Every now and then, a ball of noxious gas will rise to the surface and blow itself up and then homeostasis is restored. That is the best to describe the kooky white nationalist bullshit that started in 2015 and has abruptly DIED in 2022 with a spectacular implosion of orange-tinged fuckery.
And that's why we had a President who proposed a simplistic medieval solution to a modern complex problem.
2000 years of history have proved that walls DO NOT work.
Whether it's the Great Wall of China trying to stop Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes, or the Berlin Wall trying to keep people from being free, they just tumble down into a pile of rubble sooner or later and become a stain on history. I think about 30 miles of Commie Trump's wall actually got built and Mighty Joe ordered it torn down the very first day he was in office. That's how American democracy is supposed to function.
Little DeSatan will probably try to amp up the wall bullshit in 2024 but it won't work. 99% of Americans want hard-working brown people to come here and fill all these job vacancies that old, fat Trumpers are too lazy to do. That's the clear message that was sent in the 2018, 2020, and 2022 election cycles.
Every time a chicken processing plant or lettuce farm gets busted for using illegal labor -- it's always a Republican owner being dragged out in handcuffs
Right wing hypocrisy is everywhere and plain as day
Republicans and lawyers are the true scumbags and lawyers in this country. They can't do anything except parasitize off working people.
FACT: Brown skinned illegals are more important to the American economy than any white Trumper could ever hope to be
Most of industries that benefit from this workforce specifically benefit from their illegal status. Their grey-market employment allows the employers to spend less for more labor. Industries like hospitality, construction, and agriculture don't want a fully legal workforce.
And those industries donate generously to a range of politicians to keep the murky status quo in place.
And that legal process requires (A) often years of time and (B) that the applicant not be in the country illegally. The possibility that several million people are going to leave, apply for citizenship, and then return isn't considered realistic to anyone.
Which is why we need significant immigration reform to deal with the reality we have rather than the reality we want to have.
This was called the Migrant Protection Protocols aka remain in Mexico policy.
Admitting the equivalent of the city of Chicago in illegal immigrants in two years, then pushing for amnesty, is wholesale subversion of the electorate.
I know clubs where fingering became normalized coz of them.
Anyone who can leaves those clubs for something better
I've gone out with a Cuban dancer a few times. She doesn't like doing shit but says it's money. That doing more keeps guys paying instead of complaining trying to rip her off. That the language barrier is too stressful. Which is why some of these girls prefer working the blade to working clubs. And inher mind it's not sex. It's work.
They do it for a few hundred then feel like shit feel worthless and get high and wasted to cope. But make zero effort to elevate themselves mentally so they don't have to
Icee you’re doing the equivalent of asking everyone to boycott all escorts abd clubs to try to force them to offer more and lower prices
Why any client would get frustrated over hoes being available is very odd. I guess this is typical for people who date dancers and dont want their girl doing otc so they get very frustrated when other competition exists or other girls offer otc? Basically frustration over a dancer gf not being able to rob people